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Extracting alone on survival missions


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14 minutes ago, Cthala said:

why do we all have to extract together ? why can't we extract separately ?

it is frustrating on fissure missions when you just want a quick run


Goes into an endless mission expecting anything less than six rotations for the guaranteed free Relic. 

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Quick run may sound a bit selfish (not as selfish as Ember forcing everyone to extract because she stopped killing the mobs with her ulti while the others keep killing stuff), but OP has a point --  the lack of individual extraction from Excavation and Survival mission is just absurd and can force you to play/leech against your will, because you don't want to kill the game due to various reason, for example:

  • be it a real-life one: someone's calling, phone's calling, your pet pooped on the carpet/table/you, you forgot to trim the lawn, migraine has occurred
  • friends need you for something else in-game
  • you're the host, so «then just abort/Alt+F4, why ruining the others' fun?» backfires just right since there's a chance you may cause a Host Migration loop or just make everyone/someone lose connection.
  • your weapon gear isn't that great and there's basically nothing you can contribute to the team
  • your warframe isn't strong/modded for Lv.OhS#&$ enemies, so they kill you by just looking at you
  • you don't want to be a burden to your team
  • your ping just jumped from 50 to 500 and doesn't go down
  • you spent an hour by playing the mission but then someone in your team started acting aggressive/calling names
  • you don't want to <beep> that you need to go while others want to keep playing


Seriously, it's been brought up so many times, probably since the modes introduction along with various ideas how to minimize Host Migration's hit on players or even saving the rewards for others when someone leaves. A quick search on the topic, since 2014 up to nowadays:






I don't even remember if DE paid any attention to this problem, but I do remember someone said in the chat years ago (not to point the finger on anyone, but that happened) something like "manage your time" or "just extract and start it again" (yeah, good luck with the latter one in a pub run).

The thing is, even when playing with a pre-made team, or friends or anything, things can still happen, major or minor. Sure, when there's something really serious you just kill the process or even shut down a PC not caring of consequences, but sometimes it's something not that serious and you still don't want to lose your progress (you already lost your time you spent on playing the mission and it will be for nothing?). Well, of course, you can just notify your teammates you gotta go for a few mins, but then... a glorious anti-AFK system that punishes good players more than abusers kicks in, yeah!


As someone who loves to stay for an hour or more sometimes, seeing the players triggering the extraction message or countdown at 11-31min makes me sad and nervous (especially when they make the message constantly re-appear; no rage in chat tho), but I understand that if I was the one who wanted to quit, the others would feel the same or even worse.

Edited by Thundervision
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1 hour ago, Cthala said:

it is frustrating on fissure missions when you just want a quick run

The design of a Survival mission in this game and pretty much any other game is to hold out against onslaught for as long as you can. Besides, if you want a quick run to crack a Relic, most other mission types are faster than the obligatory 5 minutes of Survival.

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1 hour ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

That's the way it's always been and you know what you're getting yourself into when you choose to play with pubs.


1 hour ago, aligatorno said:

Why go public if you want a quick run? If you want to leech off others, then you have to play by their rules. 

These are terrible responses. They aren't addressing the topic the OP is bringing up. The OP is saying "The way extraction works in survival missions is unfair to players who want to go different lengths of time." OP suggests change, you say "Things currently are the way they currently are", which is an asinine way of discussing the problem. 

I have to agree with OP. The forced group extraction is annoying for both the players that want to extract early and the players who want to carry on. It is an arcane system that annoys every player in the group. Let those who wish to leave go early, while the others carry on. >>THERE IS NO DOWNSIDE TO THIS BEING IMPLEMENTED.<< A system like this introduces no problems, and alleviates an issue people have been having since survival was introduced. 

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15 minutes ago, torint_man said:


These are terrible responses. They aren't addressing the topic the OP is bringing up. The OP is saying "The way extraction works in survival missions is unfair to players who want to go different lengths of time." OP suggests change, you say "Things currently are the way they currently are", which is an asinine way of discussing the problem. 

I have to agree with OP. The forced group extraction is annoying for both the players that want to extract early and the players who want to carry on. It is an arcane system that annoys every player in the group. Let those who wish to leave go early, while the others carry on. >>THERE IS NO DOWNSIDE TO THIS BEING IMPLEMENTED.<< A system like this introduces no problems, and alleviates an issue people have been having since survival was introduced. 

That may be, but it doesn't really change the fact that that's how it works now and it's best to go with the system until it is changed. Solo extraction in these types of missions has been a long discussed topic for years, and yet DE didn't not do it yet, if they'll ever do it. 

If you want quick runs, either do it solo, or with pugs. If you only want to break one relic and there are only suvival or excavation missions up, then either wait for something else, or tell people right from the beginning. 

If you want long runs, go and recruit, don't go in pugs hoping for people to spend hours with you there, each one of us has their own playstyle and preferences. 


Edited by aligatorno
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10 minutes ago, (PS4)HSomDevil said:

Wait, someone actually responded like this? Someone from DE? Wow...

Like I said, not to point the finger of blame... More like someone from devs with his own opinion rather than official statement (and it was at least 2 years ago), because it wasn't even a full conversation (I think I just said smth like «it sucks we can't extract ourselves whenever we want, it sucks DE didn't do anything and yadda yadda yadda» to get that response; in fact, I didn't even expect anyone to reply) and it took like 2-3 messages to start another topic.

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Yes. This needs to be a thing, maybe like how we can interact with our liset in the relay hangars.

In general people in pubs go for 20-30 minutes which's understandable, and when someone says they need to go then we go. but there'll always be that annoying person from time to time that's like literaly "no, we're staying 1hr. Leave if you can't stay", like, if you want a long &amp;#&#33; run than make a prebuilt team. I guess wanting to leave 5 minutes in would kinda be annoying, yes, but hours? Yeah no

And to add to that, there're times where the only available fissure is a survival/excavation.

Edited by (PS4)watt4hem
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Would be nice. Probably won't happen.

I would imagine it would upset the difficulty scaling. When a party of 4 turns into a party of 2 during a Defence; the game knows what level of enemies to send in for the 2 that stay. It has time to process which spawn nodes to use and adjust armour rates; all that jazz.

If the same happens in a constant running/spawning Survival level, there will be a point where a mass of enemies designed to challenge 4 people attacks 2 people. To give the game client a moment to adjust would probably stop or slow down game play (host migration can cause problems of its own). Imagine if a player dropped out, the client had to stop spawning enemies and re-evaluate. In a survival, that means no more life support drops and standing about.


Simple answer, as suggested above; if you're going on a survival level, prepare to stay (The idea of the game mode is to survival as long as possible eh?).  Want to grind a bit while waiting for a skype call? Play solo.. pressing Escape will -Pause- the game :smile:

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I just do not get it, why bother with endless fissure if you want a quick run? You get additional rewards if you stay longer. And if you have no time, how about a capture?

Then again, with the amount of people leaving at 10th wave, I would like to have some filter option (lazy, I know).

P.S. To that one lucky player who have not been forced to stay for 25 waves thanks to separate extraction:



Yes, we indeed were going to open some vaulted relics.


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  • 3 months later...

Right now, I'm in a mission doing nothing on one of the Meso survivals. I had to go after 10-15 minutes. I assume I'm still in there though (On mobile rn.) And the team said 'no we stay until 25'. How about you go suck a fat one? Be respectful, there was over an hour on the fissure left, If someone needs to go, someone needs to go.

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On 8/12/2017 at 5:00 PM, arch111 said:

I think it should be allowed.

It works in defence,  why not in survival?

This might be a serious technical issue for them.  The "mid-mission extraction" might be hard-coded to the Defense maps (which Interception uses, but Survival and Excavation do not).


8 minutes ago, SirShade said:

How about you go suck a fat one? Be respectful, there was over an hour on the fissure left, If someone needs to go, someone needs to go.

How 'bout you?  If "someone" needs to go, then he can abort, right?  I mean, he has to go.  "It's only a game", right?  What is *wrong* with all of you self-important people who think your time is so much more valuable than the other 3 people in the cell?  You want respect?  How about you show some to the three people you're trying to inconvenience instead of whining about how they are inconveniencing you?

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Am 12.8.2017 um 23:10 schrieb aligatorno:


If you want long runs, go and recruit, don't go in pugs hoping for people to spend hours with you there, each one of us has their own playstyle and preferences. 


Like I said above it´s called endless for a reason and everyone should have enough brain to get this, so if you only want a short 5min survivla you should go recruit.

vor 19 Minuten schrieb SirShade:

Right now, I'm in a mission doing nothing on one of the Meso survivals. I had to go after 10-15 minutes. I assume I'm still in there though (On mobile rn.) And the team said 'no we stay until 25'. How about you go suck a fat one? Be respectful, there was over an hour on the fissure left, If someone needs to go, someone needs to go.

If someone needs to go and can actually use the chat and tell me why, I have no problem with leaving early, but almost noone is able to do so, even after I ask them.

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I never play with randoms doing survivals. Learned my lesson when a team refused to extract after 20 mins, stayed nearly an hour.


However, I do play excavation and if a team just doesnt want to stop, even after completing 10 rounds, I just run around feeding excavators, preventing the team from opening relics in time.

No need to be cruel to other players and force them into sticking around with you. This is a faulty design. It should of been reworked long ago so players get to extract individually if they want to.

Hope to see this added in the future.

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