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Mastery Test Cooldown on Fail is Still Unnecessary


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So please tell me why this is still in the game. I understand that you may want people to go up only a single rank a day, but there's no need to enforce the cooldown on failure. I practiced Mastery 8 until I was able to do it, but I still ended up failing it. This doesn't actually accomplish anything in the game aside from breaking the flow and making me not want to play since my progression is needlessly blocked by a 24 hour wall. This happened to me a while ago with Master Tests and it got me to stop playing the game due to the pointless frustration. So please get rid of it.

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The best way to go about it is go to Cephalon Simaris in the relay. There will be a hall of mastery tests, you can practice for the next there without the possibility of failure.

Once you've learned the tricks to the test through practice, you can try to rank up officially and will likely progress.


My own personal rule is two practice rounds complete in a row, ready to advance.

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4 hours ago, Magicfingers said:

so...are you really mad at DE for their cool down times? or are you mad at yourself because you failed at something you say you did in practice and just taking it out on DE?

I'm certain that if I didn't have that 24 hour penalty looming over my head I wouldn't have failed.

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In this enjoyable game, there are barely any penalties for doing anything wrong. The major 2 are lockdown (which someone had a post about) and test failure. 24 hours for failing is a way for the failee to gather themselves, play the game more, and come back with a fresh leadup. 

It gives you time to get prepared and not hissy fit style and attempt the test again to fail because you were a litttle miffed that you failed last time. Rince repeat. The 24 makes sure that by the time you come back, you are not tossing your controller mad still about the failure. 

Or not....and it is just to mess with your head. 

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Yeah, that's not really a good excuse for such a needlessly long cooldown. Not that I've heard a good excuse for it yet.

I'd rather just jump back in and get it out of the way, like I've been doing in games for decades.

Making me wait 24 hours is just causing me more irritation than necessary.

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started mastery, game crash => you screwed, wait 24h
got a phone call => you screwed, wait 24h
someone ring at your door =>you screwed, wait 24h
got an internet disconnection => you screwed, wait 24h
didn't understood what to do because mastery sometime not so clear about objective => you screwed, wait 24h

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was reading through the forum and have taken into account what's been said. Let me sum it up and give some perspective.

1. The 24 hour penalty is so we don't spam the level up till you win. This argument has no merit because technically you could spam practice till you win so if that were correct its six of one and half dozen of the other.

2. It's an aspect of the game you can't go around and it's intended to slow you down. (examples given) This has nearly no merit at all. The whole game slows you down. There is no way to speed up your mastery xp gain to get to the next level. It can easily take a full week just to climb from one mastery to the next. Lets do some fast math here. By the time you go from level 9 to 10 it has easily taken me a week with life, work etc and I actually get to play probably more than some. So that right there is a 168 hour wait. How does giving you a penalty and making you wait longer serve any purpose at all?

3. Once you've learned the tricks to the test through practice, you can try to rank up officially. Sounds like a great argument accept for the fact about this thing called real life. You don't plan around people falling, kids breaking things, a wife needing help and so on. I'd like to quote lainiwaku here

started mastery, game crash => your screwed, wait 24h (by the way this is actually quite frequent)
got a phone call => your screwed, wait 24h (yep)
someone ringing at your door =>your screwed, wait 24h (yep)
got an internet disconnection => you screwed, wait 24h (In other words your penalized for not having a top rate ISP, how dare you)                                                                     Let me add - your wife calls you, your kids call you, your work calls you and I would like to see you tell any of them to get lost till your done with a game. Simply put, the game is saying, either we come first or we will punish you for it. And my favorite is this. You take the mastery test several times and ace it and then in the qualifying round some glitch happens and wont correct itself. That's what I just ran into. Try jumping from one platform to the next and finding out there is an invisible wall. Tried thee different times at three different angles and that invisible wall is still there.

The 24 hour penalty makes me think a few things as result.

The game intends to only give you the best result as long as you have no responsibilities to society.

The game makers just wanted to be jerks for the same reason some DM's just like being as nasty as possible - because they can.

And here is the big one and what I think is the most likely.

The game wants to delay you with every chance it can because if you level any faster you will find that the game really doesn't have that much to offer in content. Now that their big open world is coming out that should be even more reason to toss the 24 hour penalty if that's the case.

Would you please stop penalizing players for real life situations, ISP providers, game glitches and the list goes on. This last week alone the glitches, level breaks and game hangs were so bad that I nearly stopped playing. And I'm fortunate to have a fantastic ISP with fantastic speeds.

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.....you guys do know you can PAUSE the game, right?  Whatever interrupts you in real life, you just press ESC.   MR tests are solo after all.

Crashes -> hardware issue on your side.
Glitches ->they happen. I'd be alarmed if they happen frequently.  So far I only failed one MR test once because of a glitch. 24 hour is nothing considering crafting everything takes 12-72 hours. If you can handle that you can handle mere day.

You guys need to chill. Complaining about every single small unpleasant situation you encounter in life does not put you in a good light. And the MR tests are as small as they come.

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Mastery Rank Test is fine as it is, but would agree that 24 hour cool down is a bit long. Maybe 22-23 hour, since some people play during the same time it'll just help them to get a fresh start.  The Mastery Test is design the way it is, is to make you feel pressure while attempting.  And if you fail, well too bad, there's always tomorrow.

Besides Life is a game.  There is no second chance.  The people who believe that is fooling them self.  Playing the blame game for stuff that happens, is what kids would do.  Its like that saying, "When Life Throws You Lemons, You Make Lemonade."  In school, once you fail, you failed, there's not buts, you would have to retake the class.  When you try to make an attempt, you should always make sure nothing is going to hinder you.

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1 hour ago, MystMan said:

.....you guys do know you can PAUSE the game, right?  Whatever interrupts you in real life, you just press ESC.   MR tests are solo after all.

Crashes -> hardware issue on your side.
Glitches ->they happen. I'd be alarmed if they happen frequently.  So far I only failed one MR test once because of a glitch. 24 hour is nothing considering crafting everything takes 12-72 hours. If you can handle that you can handle mere day.

You guys need to chill. Complaining about every single small unpleasant situation you encounter in life does not put you in a good light. And the MR tests are as small as they come.

Crashes and glitches the source is not important its the penalty what gets applied is the problem. Its like someones internet goes down while ingame because of a storm and when they finally be able to reconnet they have already been banned for inactivity.

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I'm using this thread for my thoughts on the mastery aspect, it's not quite on topic, pls forgive me.

I stopped playing at MR 10, as I am not good at tests and not a fan of jump & run in general. I came for the shoot & loot and had a blast with that; I played for hours 37 days non-stop exclusively. The mastery test feels to me very arbitrary and unnecessary. And it's the reason I lost all interest in the game. This is of course my opinion and reaction, others had no qualms at all with the MR tests. My reason to post is simply to inform the devs. I loved to play Warframe, "The War Within" was a fantastic quest which constantly had me asking "how is this free to play?", but the MR test and my inability to master it despite numerous practice runs and attempts just had me lose all interest since you insist on this imho unneeded hurdle to advance.

I'm sure you have your reasons which I can't quite see or understand, but I'm surely not the only one stopping because of this mandatory nonsense. 

Too bad, but I wanted to let you know why I stopped and maybe numerous others, too.

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I don't particularly care about passing or failing - or waiting for that matter. But I will add my 2 cents anyway lol

  • The most common reason for me failing any mastery test to date was the game glitching 
    • Start Test->flying animation for a second -> back in ship and failed. Never loaded test
    • Start Test->Begin test -> Network not responding -> failed
    • Start Test->Pass test -> Success! ->Tenno kneels -> Failure screen comes up -> WTF?!?!

Wait 24 hours admittedly a little annoyed.

I think a 4hr cooldown on failure and 24 hr cooldown on passing is fine if the goal is to slow people down.  Besides, as mentioned before, once you are past level 8 or 10, the MR requirements to get to the next level are high enough to likely slow someone down anyway.

And lastly - whats the point of slowing down levelling up?

  • MR points are gained regardless - so its just the displayed number slowing down a determined player 1 week.
  • a player who has chosen their method to level up (either slowly & methodically by actually using the weapon - or cheesing through wave after wave of hydron) will play the same way regardless of cooldown and need to play the same number of hours consecutively or on subsequent days 
  •  they still need to collect the same resources or spend the plat to get the weapons.  

So the only effect the cooldown would have is a disincentive to play?  seems odd to me.


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DE, if I can't use platinum to bypass the time limit, why does it exist? I already hate these things, just let me get this pain over with. Dark Souls doesn't make you wait for 24 hours each time Child of Kos wrecks you.

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The cool down time on failure on Mastery Rank Tests is horrible. 

I think there should be no cool down unless until you pass the Mastery Rank tests then wait for next tests to be available would be a good balance.

Some of the points made are excellent cause I left mastery rank tests thinking I can go back to it later and leaving was count as a failure. 

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