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Hydroid taking damage in Undertow [Fixed]


Message added by [DE]Danielle

Hey guys! 

I merged all related threads here. If you have any more information on the bug, please share it here. Be as detailed as possible so that we continue our attempts to reproduce. 


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Hmm, I have consistently been able to reproduce the bug against Grineer on Titan, Saturn, but I still don't have the exact procedure figured out yet. All I know are the requirements:

  • Join the mission as a client.
  • Find a group of Grineer and fight them by yourself, ideally with lots of Lancers so you are their target and take damage constantly and quickly.
    • Their Slash procs might help damage you while testing.
    • There were no teammates near me during testing. I was hallway hero-ing away from the group to get better testing results.
  • The two abilities I used are Tidal Surge and Undertow. Try the various combos between the two abilities in your experiments:
    • Tidal Surge into enemies, or away from enemies, while taking damage.
    • Activate Undertow as you are taking damage.
    • In Undertow, use Tidal Surge, then jump to cancel Undertow.
    • During Tidal Surge, activate Undertow to go into the pool.
      • In that split second, there is a short window where Hydroid's invulnerability from Tidal Surge is turned off, then when he goes into Undertow, the invulnerability is turned back on (ability transitioning). Which means, he can take damage from enemies during that 1 second.
  • There was no host migration. I experienced this bug from a fresh mission start and joining in while mission is in progress.
  • No sure if related, but Hydroid's shield regen animation on his model would continuously play after some time.

I am almost certain this bug has something to do with taking damage as you use Tidal Surge and/or Undertow, as well as being a clientside issue as I have not been able to reproduce it as host, solo or in Simulacrum.

EDIT: @[DE]Danielle I have found a combo and scenario that can lead to this bug:

As client, use (press the buttons as quickly as possible) Tidal Surge -> Undertow -> Tidal Surge -> Jump (or 2 + 3 + 2 + Space) against a group of enemies shooting you. After doing it once, try pressing 3 to go into Undertow to confirm if you are no longer invulnerable; if still invulnerable, repeat the combo and check again.

  • Could be related to enemies being killed or not being killed by Tidal Surge or Undertow.
  • Could be related to enemies damaging Hydroid during the transitions between Tidal Surge and Undertow.
  • Does not appear to work if there are no enemies being hit by your abilities.

This can happen against Grineer (on Titan, Saturn), Corpus (on V-Prime, Venus), and Infested (on Hieracon, Pluto). I managed to reproduce them with a very basic build (for ability efficiency and health, no augments) and with my go-to build (corrupted mods with augments), so it seems to be unrelated to mods.

Edited by PsiWarp
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After 21.5.1 the bug hasn't reappeared. Thanks for the fix!

However, when activating Undertow (the split second he goes from vulnerable to invulnerable), Tempest Barrage can still do damage and proc Corroding Barrage on Hydroid himself if he's inside the barrage radius.

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I don't like the idea of my bug report being merged. Mine is about how i suddenly lose all my energy in a second when i'm in undertow not about the damage part.

EDIT: I also noticed that my thread from bug report was "merged" into this thread and Deleted. Thanks. :\

Edited by Lancars
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  • 1 month later...

Seiminei, Ceres as Hydroid Prime, rank 8, using unranked Curative Undertow augment. Wave 5, Ancients were present and not irradiated (active auras influencing enemies in my puddle). I was host, one other person was present.

Upon exiting Undertow with like one enemy inside of the puddle, I died instantly with zero bleedout timer. Tempest Barrage was not active, as I'm too low rank to be able to cast it and go into a puddle for as long as I was in it. Did not use any tentacle clicking to pull things in, just kind of stood around the objective eating dudes. Except for the time I got up and died instantly.

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5 hours ago, DiosGX said:

Seiminei, Ceres as Hydroid Prime, rank 8, using unranked Curative Undertow augment. Wave 5, Ancients were present and not irradiated (active auras influencing enemies in my puddle). I was host, one other person was present.

Upon exiting Undertow with like one enemy inside of the puddle, I died instantly with zero bleedout timer. Tempest Barrage was not active, as I'm too low rank to be able to cast it and go into a puddle for as long as I was in it. Did not use any tentacle clicking to pull things in, just kind of stood around the objective eating dudes. Except for the time I got up and died instantly.

It seems teammates can do friendly damage and status procs to Hydroid as he emerges from Undertow, similar to the bug we previously had with Tempest/Corroding Barrage doing damage and proc to the casting Hydroid when he transitions from Warframe to puddle.

It was evident enough for me because I got Radiation and Viral procs out of no where on a Corpus mission, when I swallowed enemies in my pool and a teammate was shooting his gun into it to damage said enemies (and you guessed it, I hopped out only to get downed and statused xD)

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Encountered yet another Undertow bug today.

Lith Fissure, Earth, Extermination. All players had 10 traces, 3 of us were waiting at extraction for the 4th to show up. I was in Undertow because... why not. Glowing puddle is cool.

A Nova Prime exited their Warframe, walked across my puddle as their Operator, and exited Transference, leaving their Warframe on top of my Undertow. This caused me to VISUALLY emerge from the ground and stand upright, however, my health bar remained in the greyed-out invulnerable state. Moving around was Undertow speed. Canceling Undertow reverted me BACK into the ground, but then the puddle graphic disappeared, and so did my Warframe. Hydroid's entire character model was no longer visible (not cloaked, just GONE entirely). Health bar remained in invulnerable state while not in Undertow, however, Hydroid's character model was non-existent. Using Undertow caused Hydroid to become visible again briefly, but then disappeared immediately as the animation finished.

Curative Undertow augment was not in use. No other abilities or buffs were on any other players. The only cross-over ability between players that could have existed was Shield Charger from someone's sentinel, but I'm not even sure that was going off at the time. No other Hydroid abilities were in use. No other weapons or abilities from Frames or weapons, or Operator abilities were in use at the time.

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