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Warframe classes: Military, Infiltrators, Spies, Support and Reconnaissance 


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After reading the dumpsterfire that this thread is here are my thoughts:

1. You seem to want a heavy weapon with scope or a frame with an ability that allows first person aiming.

Both would be much more feasible the whole new FPS system which as said before a dozen times requires a lot of resources that are better spent elsewhere. Why not spend a bit more time refining your idea by yourself before posting it? I'm certain you'd have come to the same conclusions by yourself.

2. You seem to want focus-like system which already exists, y'know, as focus system and it'll see changes later this year, maybe even ones you'd like to see. It would have been better to think this one trough by yourself first and then presenting it as a focus change.

3. You want several other things that either exist or are coming, so why bother mentioning them? (Archwing within non-archwing missions: Titania 4th, Uranus sharkwing, upcoming PoE, forgot the others.) For holding knowledge, understanding and thinking in such high regard you certainly seem to not think things trough yourself.

4. You use word "class" way too liberally and then complain in a condescending tone when people don't magically understand what you meant by your non-finished idea which was badly conveyed due to bad choice of words, examples and showered in big words with little meaning which only served to further confuse people and give a conception of you being condescending (and in my opinion rather arrogant).

5. You've said card several times when referring to mods. This is incorrect: they're mods and it's a modding system. The name and mods are what the original skill-tree like system from closed beta has evolved into. Into the Greener pastures we go, or was it perhaps Grineer?

6. DE is no indie developer. They've been in business since 1993, though it could be argued that back in ye olden days all game devs were indie. More info on wikipedia.

7. You can imagine all the other stuff I forgot to mention here. In all seriousness what you should learn from this thread:

  • Refine your ideas before posting, taking into account all the problems and trying to come up with feasible solutions.
  • Don't be overly specific with terms when it fits you (ninja) and then use other terms liberally (class). Be consistent.
  • Stop using bigger words than the topic requires. Rewrite your sentences until they can't be misunderstood.
  • Watch out for tone. Re-read your posts a few times and analyze in how many ways they can be taken. Tone is tricky to convey over text and can be misunderstood very easily, especially with people all over the globe with differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

8/10 made me reply.

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23 hours ago, Rotaken said:

5. You've said card several times when referring to mods. This is incorrect: they're mods and it's a modding system. The name and mods are what the original skill-tree like system from closed beta has evolved into. Into the Greener pastures we go, or was it perhaps Grineer?


I've seen them referred to as cards several times.  This is because their in-game representaion is as much like a card as anything else.  Yes, the model in missions is a weird cyber donut thing.  But in the UI, they're shaped like cards.  (As in, they're almost *exactly* the same shape as cards.)  They tilt back and forth, and the image changes in a way that kind of looks like holographic trading cards.  And you can buy packs of them that contain a random assortment - the icon for this looks kind of like a trading card booster pack, and which functionally works enough like a TCG booster pack that the concept is more or less interchangeable.

Saying that they aren't digital cards is, to be honest, splitting hairs.  They're as much cards as the digital representations of cards in a game like Hearthstone.  We don't have a mechanic where you have to build decks with them or pull a randomized selection of them at the start of a mission, but people who call them cards are simply making an observation that seems to be *strongly* implied by the UI setup that was chosen to represent them on your ship.

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I will agree only with that that Warframes have been divided on types. Division on - Heavy (hardy and about strong, but slow Maneuvers), Easy (quickly dying, but fast maneuvers + additional maneuvers) and Averages.


Соглашусь только с тем что бы Warframes были разделены по типам. Разделение на - Тяжёлый (живучие и с сильные, но медленные Манёвры), Лёгкий (быстро умирающие, но быстрые манёвры + дополнительные манёвры) и Средние.   

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On 8/20/2017 at 10:43 AM, (PS4)felsager said:

Classes are not exclusives. You can customize your warframe loadout as you do now. Classes organizes your warframes, weapons and your game play approach. Implementations are based on guidance so players get a better comprehension of the warframe design. 

These are schemes of organization that benefits specialized items, weapons and equipment. 

I agree with Classes organizing game-play approach...

But in a bad way.

It leads to community expectations that a certain frame should only be built to fulfill a specific Class/Task.

Seems many players expect a Trinity to be nothing more than an Energy Battery with an occasional Heal. (She can be built to provide Armor removal for bosses; while still giving energy because weapons 1-shot weaker enemies. Yet people still insist on negative duration.)

Likewise I run Ranged Valkyr specifically for Corpus Spy: Camera mean nothing; Prolonged Paralysis leaves enemies on the ground for entirety of Spy Vault. Likewise with Corpus Rescue.

•Community already seems to think she is the wrong Frame for a Corpus Spy run...I can only imagine that bias growing if she is considered a non-Spy/Reconnaissance/Infiltrator class.


I vote against me Class labeling, as I would rather promote versatile and unique Warframe builds.

I am happy when I see Melee Mesa, Melee Banshee, CC Valkyr, and Divebomb Vortex Zephyr. They don't fit the usual Mold of expectations and would definitely cross the line of Class definitions.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)MrNishi said:

Likewise I run Ranged Valkyr specifically for Corpus Spy: Camera mean nothing; Prolonged Paralysis leaves enemies on the ground for entirety of Spy Vault. Likewise with Corpus Rescue.

Ohh boy.  I've got to try this.  Thanks Tenno.  :D

14 minutes ago, (PS4)MrNishi said:

I am happy when I see Melee Mesa, Melee Banshee, CC Valkyr, and Divebomb Vortex Zephyr. They don't fit the usual Mold of expectations and would definitely cross the line of Class definitions.

I like to see outside of the box thinking also.  That's probably the only thing about playing pubs that I like in the few times that I'll play in pubs.  Those that try new things and think outside the box are the ones who develop/find new meta.  

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On 20/8/2017 at 2:25 PM, (PS4)felsager said:

Warframe should specialize on five classes that are implicitly suggested on our current warframes.

F*** no. In my opinion, the greatest achievment in DE's design, is making "classes" without using CLASSES. This means, you actually get a set of elements that combine to produce different effects, oriented by player's desire, not forced by a mechanic. We all agree that Rhino, Valkyr, Inaros, Frost and Nidus are Tanks, but not because DE said "This are tanks, play them that way", but because we get better results at soaking damage with them than with other frames, or we just feel more comfortable with them doing that.

The only reason to use classes, is to limit the access to certain equipment, and that would a huge balance clusterfuck, plus the S#&$load of salt that (justifiably) DE will get for forcing players into certain playstyle.

This is the kind of things that made Dark Souls so @(*()$ funny. You coulded use ANY COMBINATION. You ended up a tank or an assassin by the way you builded and played, not by label.

Edited by el_chanis
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