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What If They Sold Potato & Forma Bp On Market?


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I see. You do make a lot of sense. Thank you for putting your thoughts together.

So is it safe to assume that you're essentially saying that "everything is fine, so just leave it alone"? 


The biggest topic I want to discuss is "What if?

Do you think people's gaming experience will be adversely affected if these blueprints end up in the market?


I've said many points and ideas that imply that having these blueprints might be more fun and enjoyable. (even solving some issues with the Prime weapons!)

But I don't see many arguments here describing how players would ... err... suffer, if this were to become a reality.

A combination of... alot of things.

1. i can only hazard a guess but my intuition is it would directly hurt DE's bottom line. in terms of for stuff people DONT like waiting for, forma and potatoes probably top the list.

2. just general inconsistency. did you know the biggest nerf to the game in U8 was the potatoes? it went over a month without a single randomly generated alert. i can tell you i wasn't the only one that was upset. and not because i was lacking any but because they've always insisted that this game is free and everything should be eventually accessible to free players and removal of free potatoes from alerts was a step in the opposite direction you are asking for now.

3. general outrage, balancing issues. not all weapons were meant to be potatoed and frankly all the time and effort people have put into getting them (not to mention money) like the time people wanted braton vandal to come back?... new players wanted it, old players wanted it to stay exclusive, huge fights on the forums, bandal got nerfed, threads were locked :(

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I'm trying my best to respond to all the comments the best I can. Please stand by!


Thank you for the responses guys. But it looks like they... well, contradict each other. Let me explain after I follow up on each of the comments.


If potatoes and Forma became blueprints in the market, you cannot imagine the uproar that would occur in forums. 


You saw how people reacted when the Aura buff got introduced! "I forma'd my frame, I'm upset, I quit" sort of response.


Now imagine the people's reaction to having something they spent money on, in some cases quite a lot, now becoming freely available (with the amount of credits floating about in the void).


Personally, I have spent the majority of my platinum on just potatoes and slots, I bought Vauban and Nova out of lack of restraint, and I feel it should stay that way.


1. Because I don't want to see the forums awash with the community crying again.

2. Because that's the only thing I have really spent platinum on

3. Because then the only thing left that you cannot purchase with in game cash is slots, which DE have suggested may be worked in to the Mastery system.


Interesting point. Buyer's remorse for Formas that suddenly became more accessible? Possible. 

But as I mentioned before, spending platinum on Formas and Potatoes would still be useful since it hands you the item immediately whereas buying the blueprint and making it costs you a significant chunk of your credit savings, several rare materials, and twenty-four hours. 

If they started selling the blueprints on the market, you'd be paying platinum for convenience, rather than necessity.


Also, to say that platinum would become useless is a immensely exaggerated claim. Please refer to my other posts for details. You aren't the first person to make the argument that platinum would lose its value.



No, you can already get a decent amount of Forma and catalyst/reactor for free if you've been playing for a while.

Besides, it is easier than ever to farm credit with introduction of void missions. 


If you're making a common item more accessible, what negative impact would it cause? 

Please refer to my other posts for details.



I bet that what I think probably would have been said by now, so I will just put in my vote.

Forma is common enough in game.

Potatos are rare but for a good reason. Maybe given one small way to get them in game other than alerts, say like a t3 defense can have a 1% chance of getting a Potato, but otherwise they aren't in that much demand.


I just got the recent Potato alert and I dont know who to put it on, I don't have a good warframe yet to put it on.


So no to forma and potato bps in the market.


Haha, as you might have guessed, you aren't the first to say this. I would appreciate it if you took a glance at my other posts though. Thank you.



If they cost like 1million credits each then yeah I'd like that.


Credits are pointless otherwise


Credit sink? Yes sir. I think we could use one right about now.


Well the only things I spend plat on are slots and potatoes, so for me plat would barely become useless.


Please refer to my other posts.





So interesting points that you guys brought up. Here's what it boils down to.


1. Potatoes and Formas are pretty common as drops and are very easy to farm for.


2. It's all I ever spent platinums on, and therefore, would make platinum useless!


I've addressed these points in my OP and in other posts. But if these two key points are the only reasons, then we have ... a problem.


- If Point #1 is true, then it means Point #2 is already meaningless. 

If people are acquiring ample amount of Potatoes and Formas as drops and rewards, it means people wont even have to spent platinum on it. Simply farm for it! Making an item that is already common more accessible, what harm would it cause?


- If Point #2 is true, then it means Point #1 is nullified.

If people are purchasing these items with real life currency, it means that it isn't as common in-game as many people believe it to be. If you say that "I pay platinum for my potatoes and formas even though I have the blueprints for it" It would only fortify the argument that:

a) People wont take advantage of this blueprint market as much as people think they would.

b) People are spending platinum for convenience, not necessity! As it should!



I feel like we're starting to get somewhere. Please, share your thoughts and feedback on this. 


The point here is to discuss the idea and its possible affects on the game and the community. 


I am NOT demanding that this system be put to place. I'm just here to discuss the possibilities. 

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I'm trying my best to respond to all the comments the best I can. Please stand by!


Thank you for the responses guys. But it looks like they... well, contradict each other. Let me explain after I follow up on each of the comments.



Interesting point. Buyer's remorse for Formas that suddenly became more accessible? Possible. 

But as I mentioned before, spending platinum on Formas and Potatoes would still be useful since it hands you the item immediately whereas buying the blueprint and making it costs you a significant chunk of your credit savings, several rare materials, and twenty-four hours. 

If they started selling the blueprints on the market, you'd be paying platinum for convenience, rather than necessity.


Also, to say that platinum would become useless is a immensely exaggerated claim. Please refer to my other posts for details. You aren't the first person to make the argument that platinum would lose its value.




If you're making a common item more accessible, what negative impact would it cause? 

Please refer to my other posts for details.




Haha, as you might have guessed, you aren't the first to say this. I would appreciate it if you took a glance at my other posts though. Thank you.




Credit sink? Yes sir. I think we could use one right about now.



Please refer to my other posts.





So interesting points that you guys brought up. Here's what it boils down to.


1. Potatoes and Formas are pretty common as drops and are very easy to farm for.


2. It's all I ever spent platinums on, and therefore, would make platinum useless!


I've addressed these points in my OP and in other posts. But if these two key points are the only reasons, then we have ... a problem.


- If Point #1 is true, then it means Point #2 is already meaningless. 

If people are acquiring ample amount of Potatoes and Formas as drops and rewards, it means people wont even have to spent platinum on it. Simply farm for it! Making an item that is already common more accessible, what harm would it cause?


- If Point #2 is true, then it means Point #1 is nullified.

If people are purchasing these items with real life currency, it means that it isn't as common in-game as many people believe it to be. If you say that "I pay platinum for my potatoes and formas even though I have the blueprints for it" It would only fortify the argument that:

a) People wont take advantage of this blueprint market as much as people think they would.

b) People are spending platinum for convenience, not necessity! As it should!



I feel like we're starting to get somewhere. Please, share your thoughts and feedback on this. 


The point here is to discuss the idea and its possible affects on the game and the community. 


I am NOT demanding that this system be put to place. I'm just here to discuss the possibilities. 


Personally I wouldn't have buyers remorse. I was more focused on the point that the warframe community is one of the most volatile and whiney I have seen, due to the fact that DE bend over backwards to actually listen to our feedback and alter the game as such. Small changes in game, such as Rhino's Iron Skin, caused a huge debacle. A change such as this would cause uproar.


I feel you have your mind set and won't be swayed be anything anyone says so I'm not going to write an essay here. But I do get the feeling that a lot of new players who join the game, or semi casual players, buy small amounts of platinum now and then for the sole purpose of the ease of getting slots and potatoes. 


Credits are far too easy to come by as are most resources (excluding plastids) and therefore adding potatoes or/and forma to the market as credit-buy blueprints would make it far too easy to obtain said potatoes and forma without the use of platinum, no matter the credit cost. Take weapons for example, no one really buys weapons for platinum on the market as you can buy the blueprint for less than one void runs worth of credits and the likelihood is that the resources will take no longer than an hour of farming, which is sort of the point of WarFarm.


With the ease of obtaining potatoes and forma I feel that their value would decrease also, if anyone can get them for any frame/weapon with relative ease, what's the point in even having them? They would no longer be an "upgrade" to your frame or weapon, and more of a necessary stepping stone in order to achieve that extra level. Like leveling up some unnecessary weapons in order to achieve the mastery rank to get a good weapon.


I just don't think it would be a good idea, it would sort of turn the whole potatoe/forma system on it's head and I don't really think that is a required change right now or in the foreseeable future.

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Personally I wouldn't have buyers remorse. I was more focused on the point that the warframe community is one of the most volatile and whiney I have seen, due to the fact that DE bend over backwards to actually listen to our feedback and alter the game as such. Small changes in game, such as Rhino's Iron Skin, caused a huge debacle. A change such as this would cause uproar.


I feel you have your mind set and won't be swayed be anything anyone says so I'm not going to write an essay here. But I do get the feeling that a lot of new players who join the game, or semi casual players, buy small amounts of platinum now and then for the sole purpose of the ease of getting slots and potatoes. 


Credits are far too easy to come by as are most resources (excluding plastids) and therefore adding potatoes or/and forma to the market as credit-buy blueprints would make it far too easy to obtain said potatoes and forma without the use of platinum, no matter the credit cost. Take weapons for example, no one really buys weapons for platinum on the market as you can buy the blueprint for less than one void runs worth of credits and the likelihood is that the resources will take no longer than an hour of farming, which is sort of the point of WarFarm.


With the ease of obtaining potatoes and forma I feel that their value would decrease also, if anyone can get them for any frame/weapon with relative ease, what's the point in even having them? They would no longer be an "upgrade" to your frame or weapon, and more of a necessary stepping stone in order to achieve that extra level. Like leveling up some unnecessary weapons in order to achieve the mastery rank to get a good weapon.


I just don't think it would be a good idea, it would sort of turn the whole potatoe/forma system on it's head and I don't really think that is a required change right now or in the foreseeable future.


It looks like you didn't need to write an essay. You explained your thoughts pretty well here! Thank you.


Also, don't be discouraged from speaking your mind just because I'm following up on all the comments. I just want to have a good, deep discussion and conversation. If I ended every comment with "You're right. Okay." that wouldn't be very interesting, would it?


I think you're the first person to bring up the idea that it would devalue the potatoes and Formas themselves. That's a very interesting point... 

Although I agree with this point on potatoes, I don't think it would do the same for the Formas. With their wide range of uses and demand, making them more accessible wouldn't make them a "chore" to acquire and use.

For example... err... Rum. If they decided to make rum cheaper and more accessible, people wouldn't go around complaining about how they "devalued" what used to be great. People would simply enjoy this new easy way to acquire rum and... enjoy life! 


But anyway, I digress. You brought up a very good point though. I would love to hear more of your thoughts.

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It looks like you didn't need to write an essay. You explained your thoughts pretty well here! Thank you.


Also, don't be discouraged from speaking your mind just because I'm following up on all the comments. I just want to have a good, deep discussion and conversation. If I ended every comment with "You're right. Okay." that wouldn't be very interesting, would it?


I think you're the first person to bring up the idea that it would devalue the potatoes and Formas themselves. That's a very interesting point... 

Although I agree with this point on potatoes, I don't think it would do the same for the Formas. With their wide range of uses and demand, making them more accessible wouldn't make them a "chore" to acquire and use.

For example... err... Rum. If they decided to make rum cheaper and more accessible, people wouldn't go around complaining about how they "devalued" what used to be great. People would simply enjoy this new easy way to acquire rum and... enjoy life! 


But anyway, I digress. You brought up a very good point though. I would love to hear more of your thoughts.


Rum is not a good example. You are assuming that people in real life react the same way to change as people on the internet, which is just not true. Everyone is a keyboard warrior online whereas in real life, the majority of people are sheep and will just accept change, but only in small doses if that makes sense.

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You are assuming that people in real life react the same way to change as people on the internet, which is just not true. Everyone is a keyboard warrior online whereas in real life, the majority of people are sheep and will just accept change, but only in small doses if that makes sense.


That's deep. I'll keep that in mind.



Yeah, why not also sell the frost chassis, systems and helmet BP's next?

Just no, you can already buy those things eventually.


I didn't think I sounded that exaggerated. Are you implying that Formas and Potatoes are as difficult to acquire as Warframe BP's?

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1. Potatoes and Formas are pretty common as drops and are very easy to farm for.


2. It's all I ever spent platinums on, and therefore, would make platinum useless!


I've addressed these points in my OP and in other posts. But if these two key points are the only reasons, then we have ... a problem.


- If Point #1 is true, then it means Point #2 is already meaningless. 

If people are acquiring ample amount of Potatoes and Formas as drops and rewards, it means people wont even have to spent platinum on it. Simply farm for it! Making an item that is already common more accessible, what harm would it cause?


- If Point #2 is true, then it means Point #1 is nullified.

If people are purchasing these items with real life currency, it means that it isn't as common in-game as many people believe it to be. If you say that "I pay platinum for my potatoes and formas even though I have the blueprints for it" It would only fortify the argument that:

a) People wont take advantage of this blueprint market as much as people think they would.

b) People are spending platinum for convenience, not necessity! As it should!



I feel like we're starting to get somewhere. Please, share your thoughts and feedback on this. 


The point here is to discuss the idea and its possible affects on the game and the community. 


I am NOT demanding that this system be put to place. I'm just here to discuss the possibilities. 


guess which ones you chose?

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There is similar thread to this ( i would say the same ) in Gameplay Feedback.....i request merging. Lets see in what beast this thread can evolve.


P.S. I would rather see potato BP included in defense mission rewards. But only availible on some missions after wave 30 ( Xini being lowest of the missions ).

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I think spuds and slots are the source of the lower plat deal buys. I can see why they don't want to add them to the market for credits. The rest of the stuff is just too damn expensive. Now if the price of plat dropped (looking at you Steam flash sale) then all the other stuff starts to look much more attractive. I got 500 plat for about £7 (I also got Borderlands 2 for that amount, but I digress). At 'normal' plat prices there is no way I drop plat on helm's, frame's etc. instead it gets spent on spuds, slots and forma.

So much this. With the money I made off the Steam trading cards from Warframe, I spent $3 and got 500 plat. Now, normally I wouldn't go and use that on a frame or weapon because frames especially are overpriced. However, at that plat price I'm seriously thinking about just saying fk it and picking up a Nova without worrying about the grind for BPs and mats and then waiting 3.5 days+putting in a potato+buying a slot. At $50 for 1k plat I am basically being shut out of the market. Most of my Founder's plat hasn't been spent, just on a few cosmetics that aren't obtainable in-game and a few weapon and frame slots.


Basically, I think potatos are ok, forma is a bit overpriced, and everything else above 225 plat is a ripoff.

Edited by Fate_6
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Haha, I don't know. But I'm hoping you'd explain the errors of my words.


Blueprints at discounted plat price, to offset resource requirement. 10 plat for a Tater BP.


Hmm... neat idea. I definitely wouldn't mind something like this.


 I would rather see potato BP included in defense mission rewards. But only availible on some missions after wave 30 ( Xini being lowest of the missions ).


Another interesting idea. But it may end up being that one reward that you get tired of seeing. 

Also, if you're grinding defense missions in Xini, it probably means that you already have a well funded weapon... So I don't know. Maybe.

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By far the most common misconception I've seen coming from Warframe players is that you need a potato to be effective. While it's true that at least one catalyst (unless you're using an armor ignoring weapon) is pretty much essential by late-game, reactors don't provide a whole lot of benefit. (Especially with the recent buff to auras.)


So take the free potatoes and smile. Anything you get after your first is superfluous. 

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By far the most common misconception I've seen coming from Warframe players is that you need a potato to be effective. While it's true that at least one catalyst (unless you're using an armor ignoring weapon) is pretty much essential by late-game, reactors don't provide a whole lot of benefit. (Especially with the recent buff to auras.)


So take the free potatoes and smile. Anything you get after your first is superfluous. 


doing T3 mission with no potatoes, perfectly fine..

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doing T3 mission with no potatoes, perfectly fine..


You don't need a potato to supercharge your ultimate and hide in a Snowglobe.

With auras, you should even have enough point to slot Redirection.


Trust me. I have every 'Frame. Only Rhino, and Excal Prime are potatoed. (Rhino is only potatoed because of the dev Livestream.)

I have six reactors sitting in my inventory (because I'm ill. I cannot stop hording).

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What DE should do instead is allow Players to exchange their in-game credits and resources together for a total fair amount of Platinum like 20-50 Platinum per Month. Players would be motivated to buy Platinum for convenience sakes unless they are really casual players who would sit around for a month to exchange their credits and resources for Platinum.

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And as for the BPs being already common, it's probably not common enough. It's not an odd sight to see people on forums begging DE to put more potato and (sometimes) forma on the alert. That proves that these items aren't as common as others believe it to be.

Sorry but just because a few people ask for potatoes doesnt mean their demand has any high value. There are people who just ask for them because, well, they just want them instantly...

Besides that, I havent seen one of those threads the last few days.


And pricing for the BP... Even if they ever gonna do something like that, the price needs to be increased. Make it 1 mio for gold and 750k for blue.

You can get 100k in an hour if you want. We dont need to devalue these items by giving them a laughable pric....

Edited by Venarge
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DE's biggest money spinners ?





All which are surprisingly cheap (ok colours no, for that colour pack I will have like 14 potatoes, but I am a sucker for colours), most F2P players are not stupid, they know that frames can be farmed, You just need a lucky streak or spend a week at it and you will get all the parts needed.


Potato alerts and login rewards are completely random, so that controls the supply.

So that gives incentive for people to buy em because it is so random.


The only thing else is the slots which cannot be obtained in anyway, so anyone who wants to play frame collector would need to put $20 bucks for this game.

Edited by fatpig84
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Completely disagree with this topic.

Seems more to me like a glorified begging thread to make things free because he does not want to buy platinum.

So you just want others to spend platinum and you enjoy all the benefits for free?

No. Just please no. Buy some platinum to buy the potatoes or wait for them.


I have bought platinum packs but I spend them on color and vanity items like accessories and clan emblem.

I also spend it on weapon slots because I like to collect weapons.

I have never needed to buy potatoes with platinum, they come at a steady enough pace to potatoe a few weapons

that you really like.


Yes the enemies are buffed but I'm pretty sure you can still clear them with teamwork without any potatoes.

It is your own problem if you want to tater everything and cry that you cannot get it for free with credits.

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