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Feedback from a New Player

(XBOX)Avant Solace

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Hello, I am a (relatively) new player of Warframe. I started this game about a month ago and have finished the bulk of its quests, so now I feel as though I can give a decent feedback of the game as is. Minor spoilers may follow.

Before beginning, please keep in mind I think this is a great game. This may look like a list of complaints, but it comes from a good place.

General Gameplay

  • Energy: Energy is valuable in this game, so it is really annoying when an enemy can sap one dry of energy just by standing near you. The fix though is simple: just have these parasitic enemies have a guaranteed energy drop. Reward that kill with the very energy it took from you
  • Invincible enemies: A lot of bosses have "invincible" parts or phases that make them harder to kill, such as Jackal and Sargas Ruk. Now I get this is the future with a lot of powerful tech, but I don't think 100% bullet-proof armor exists; especially considering how weapons evolve in tandem with armor. Now if they were dealt minimal damage instead of none at all, that would make it a bit more pleasing. It wouldn't feel like a total waste of ammo then.
  • Infinite enemies: It just isn't fun. The tilesets are great, and I love to explore them for loot and treasure. So it gets really annoying when enemies just keep spawning no matter how much you kill in one spot. Just please tone it down.
  • Interception: A new take on the classic gamemode of base capture. The players must hold down four points by neutralizing then capturing said point one at a time. The enemies can recapture said points by pressing a few buttons... That's not fair. These missions are nearly impossible to complete solo. Please make it harder for enemies to capture points.
  • Excessive Rarity: Some mods and items only drop from one to two enemies, such as the "Bane of Grineer" rifle mod. On top of that, said enemies may only seldom appear. Please double check what enemies drop what and make sure actually getting said drop is feasible, especially for "uncommon" items.


  • Nox: Literally the only Grineer enemy I truly despise. He's tanky, deals a lot of damage, and ignores shields. Plus he's a fairly common spawn. As is, he's just too tough to spawn haphazardly. Either lower his tankiness or lower his offensive power.


  • Ospreys: These things have an interesting concept; aerial automata with a wide range of support abilities. They're actually pretty fun to deal with, except for how much they dodge around. The fact they dodge simply when someone aims at them is just too annoying for an otherwise good enemy.
  • Nullifiers:Stopping abilities and giving enemies cover is all well and good; but actually taking away an already applied buff is stretching it. I mean how to these guys invent tech that outright destroys a Tenno's otherwise godly powers?
  • Raptors: "Let's make a boss that can nuke the entire field at once". Honestly though, these guys are a pain even at end-game levels. The amount of damage they do and the amount of space they can cover is just insane. On top of that they only pause between attacks for like a second. Please, tone these guys down.


  • Infested Healers: The first enemies to get killed in the group. This thing doesn't just heal, it turns everything near it into juggernauts. I'm fine if they actually do some healing, but making their teammates nearly indestructible is a bit much.
  • Sentients: Eff these things. Seriously. By the time they're at half health the've become practically immune to all forms of damage. Now if they adapted to only ONE type of damage per adaption, then this wouldn't be a problem; but these things will adapt to ANY damage that hit them within the adaption cycle. Please, PLEASE fix this.

That concludes my feedback. I truly love this game, just not all of its mechanics. I hope this helps improve it to further glory!

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Magnetic auras can be identified on specific enemies and specific attacks by animation. At first, these will feel like a kick in the gut, but with time you'll be able to identify them and position around them. As you get more equipment and get a fully ranked streamline, the lower TTK and higher ability efficiency will make up for the few times you do get hit. Making them guarentee drop an energy makes them too forgiving in my opinion. If you are finding it still a massive issue carry an energy plate. Or 500.

Assasination targets with invincibility frames exist to add pacing to the fight and prevent them from being instagibbed. I don't agree with it on some enemies especially Lech Kril (beaten to the punch), because it just needlessly prolongs the fights. On other enemies though, such as jackal, Lynx, Ambulas, Bursas, the invulnerability is more in service to the bosses mechanics and prevents them from becoming another grineer electroprod.

Without infinite enemies grinding would be a nightmare. It has been a component of this game since the beginning, and even exterminations were switched over to infinite enemies by design. Enemy frequency can be toned down by shutting off area alarms, and you do always have the choice of just not killing them.

I can solo a wave of interception with an unranked hobbled dragon rhino and bo, just by abusing knockbacks. That is how forgiving the panel timers are currently, barring Corpus Snow Base. Instant capture isn't fair, and I wish it would get changed, but in its current state its a mechanic you will just have to get used to.

Codex rarities and their actual chance of dropping are only mildly related. There are some mods with ridiculously low experimental drop chances for some people (such as crimson dervish). However, the mods you're concerned about are actually quite common, and you will find them with some time.

Osprey's before the addition of their dodge animations were extremely easy to get rid of. While I think the acceleration of ospreys is a bit broken (it can shove them into walls), the animations themselves are fine. Just be patient and fire at the end of it.

As a new player, you probably haven't reached the area where nullifier bubble overlapping becomes a major issue (Digital Extremes, please center the drone already =P). Outside of that, nullifiers can be easily dealt with by shooting their shield generating drone, which prevents them from regenerating the shield ever again.

As for Ancients, Sentients, the Raptor, and the Nox, these are enemies that you'll need to become more familiar with the game to deal with. While Nox armour scaling and T4 Corrupted Ancients do break their own rules and becoming massive problems level 80+, each of them have very specific ways to take care of them and exist to prevent the rest of the enemies from getting instantly cut down (or in the case of the raptor, making destroying the factories extremely easy)

Edited by Handstamp
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  • Energy - This is to nuke your abilities and to combat it you should make sure you have a good loadout. If running a prime you can get a quick ebergy fix in void maps by standing near a deathball. Focus can be used to efil energy as can the energy siphon mod. There are probably other ways.
  • Invincible enemies - Makes the fight tougher but not all like this.
  • Infinite spawns - This is for those that like to make missions last whilst farming drops or focus.
  • Interception - Bring the right gear. Ember with World On Fire is awesome at these unless the points are really far apart and Nyx is pretty handy with her mind control.
  • Rarity - I know it can see like that early on but you will acquire pretty much everything over time.
  • Nox - I really like these. Just blast their glass mask and headshot them. Can be nasty for melee frames but again it is all about bringing the right gear.
  • Healers - These take the damage procs for the friends which is why you have to prioritise them. Several mob types should be prioritised and this is just 1.
  • Sentients - Again it is all about carrying a loadout to deal with them and they are fairly easy if you do. Not sure how far you have got so I won't spoil it but there is a way of removing that resistance once it has built up.

There are annoying enemies that force you to think about how to deal with them but without them the game would mostly be just mindlessly blasting everything.

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On 9/8/2017 at 4:53 PM, (Xbox One)alchemPyro said:

Hello, I am a (relatively) new player of Warframe. I started this game about a month ago and have finished the bulk of its quests, so now I feel as though I can give a decent feedback of the game as is. Minor spoilers may follow.

Before beginning, please keep in mind I think this is a great game. This may look like a list of complaints, but it comes from a good place.

General Gameplay

  • Energy: Energy is valuable in this game, so it is really annoying when an enemy can sap one dry of energy just by standing near you. The fix though is simple: just have these parasitic enemies have a guaranteed energy drop. Reward that kill with the very energy it took from you
  • Invincible enemies: A lot of bosses have "invincible" parts or phases that make them harder to kill, such as Jackal and Sargas Ruk. Now I get this is the future with a lot of powerful tech, but I don't think 100% bullet-proof armor exists; especially considering how weapons evolve in tandem with armor. Now if they were dealt minimal damage instead of none at all, that would make it a bit more pleasing. It wouldn't feel like a total waste of ammo then.
  • Infinite enemies: It just isn't fun. The tilesets are great, and I love to explore them for loot and treasure. So it gets really annoying when enemies just keep spawning no matter how much you kill in one spot. Just please tone it down.
  • Interception: A new take on the classic gamemode of base capture. The players must hold down four points by neutralizing then capturing said point one at a time. The enemies can recapture said points by pressing a few buttons... That's not fair. These missions are nearly impossible to complete solo. Please make it harder for enemies to capture points.
  • Excessive Rarity: Some mods and items only drop from one to two enemies, such as the "Bane of Grineer" rifle mod. On top of that, said enemies may only seldom appear. Please double check what enemies drop what and make sure actually getting said drop is feasible, especially for "uncommon" items.


  • Nox: Literally the only Grineer enemy I truly despise. He's tanky, deals a lot of damage, and ignores shields. Plus he's a fairly common spawn. As is, he's just too tough to spawn haphazardly. Either lower his tankiness or lower his offensive power.


  • Ospreys: These things have an interesting concept; aerial automata with a wide range of support abilities. They're actually pretty fun to deal with, except for how much they dodge around. The fact they dodge simply when someone aims at them is just too annoying for an otherwise good enemy.
  • Nullifiers:Stopping abilities and giving enemies cover is all well and good; but actually taking away an already applied buff is stretching it. I mean how to these guys invent tech that outright destroys a Tenno's otherwise godly powers?
  • Raptors: "Let's make a boss that can nuke the entire field at once". Honestly though, these guys are a pain even at end-game levels. The amount of damage they do and the amount of space they can cover is just insane. On top of that they only pause between attacks for like a second. Please, tone these guys down.


  • Infested Healers: The first enemies to get killed in the group. This thing doesn't just heal, it turns everything near it into juggernauts. I'm fine if they actually do some healing, but making their teammates nearly indestructible is a bit much.
  • Sentients: Eff these things. Seriously. By the time they're at half health the've become practically immune to all forms of damage. Now if they adapted to only ONE type of damage per adaption, then this wouldn't be a problem; but these things will adapt to ANY damage that hit them within the adaption cycle. Please, PLEASE fix this.

That concludes my feedback. I truly love this game, just not all of its mechanics. I hope this helps improve it to further glory!

All i can say is keep playing. almost all of your feedback will do a 180.

Energy - very easy to get and maintain, if the leeches gave it all back they wouldn't be a threat as you kill them with one or two melee swings

Invincible enemies- mostly ok, some are annoying, but honestly they aren't going away. right now they are the only way DE has to extend the challenge, the game would need a major rework to balance them.

Infitie enemies. Well that's the game, except exterminate which should go back to non-infinite enemies.

Interception. Easy to solo with the right frame. Nova actually makes them very easy to solo. so easy you will wish they were more challenging.

Excessive Rarity - eventually when you have everything in the game you will want to know what there is left to play for. Rarity means you will be still looking for things and have a purpose for a long while. Rarity is good.


Nox - not bad to shoot, at all.

Osprey - dodging has never been a complaint i've heard of. They are are easy to kill and you will not see them as tough shortly. the number of bombs they drop is still a problem.

Raptor is a tough boss, but not overly so. Quoite easy with the right frame - again once you get these frames (loki, mesa, ivara, etc) you won't think Raptor is very hard.

Nullifiers - well everyone has their own opinion on them, this actually is a point of contention in the game.

Healers/Sentients - again eventually they will be too easy.


Play a bit more, most of your feedback will resolve itself as you learn the game.

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