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Fluffy's warframe concepts - weapons and enemies! (Newest concept - 𝙏𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙤 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙗𝙖𝙩 𝙀𝙣𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙜𝙪𝙣!!!)


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Yet another Ganymede updort: The drawing of the space elevator is done. However, Ganymede's landscape will be divided into several parts before I get to the real crunch of it all - namely, the landscape, resources, enemies, etc. The upcoming updort will contain information on the space elevator itself, and the quest that gives you access to Ganymede's NODES. The landscape comes after said quest.

(Yes, it has nodes. More on this as it develops. One of said nodes will be called Anat.)

In the meantime, have the standard rifle of the Corpus occupying Ganymede.



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Corpus ‘Axon’ Electrolaser Carbine


Beam/Hitscan burst hybrid rifle

“A carbine version of the Corpus “Tessera” pistol, the Axon is the standard weapon of Corpus security forces sent to “pacify” Ganymede. Itzcua herself demanded that these come with a nonlethal component, though various Crewmen and Executors are known to dial its voltage to unsafe levels.”

The Luxor Forge M15 “Axon” Electrolaser Carbine is, simply put, a carbine adaptation of a Tessera. Much like its little brother the Tessera, it was devised for a similar role to 21st-century tasers. However, both the Tessera and the Axon use a laser that forms an electrically conductive laser-induced plasma channel, delivering long-range electric shocks.

Using specialized barrel attachments that turn the pistol into a carbine, the Axon boasts an (allegedly!) less-lethal beam mode that deals high status, stunning enemies with electricity. However, the touch of the beam has a tendency to cause intense burning pain, and has a chance to cause serious physical harm to targets.

Its secondary fire fires a long-range, high-intensity, high-crit beam capable of massive damage to anything it hits. 

The Axon was commissioned as standard armaments by Kolya Itzcua, the commander of a Callistan Corpus security division that forms the bulk of the Ganymede Acquisition Unit, a massive Corpus initiative to retake Ganymede and its resources in a planetside assault. The Axon has been (unfavorably) seen by native Ganymedeans as a representation of Itzcua’s mindset: Allegedly kind but hinting at force, and concealing a vicious temper when provoked. 

Itzcua has claimed that any civilian casualties caused by this weapon are merely against “liminals and resisters” who “sully the rightful heirs of the Orokin,” but Ganymedeans have little faith in that. Especially considering that it is trivially easy to convert the Axon to lethal force, and that Ganymede’s gendarmerie have a far better record of avoiding casualties.


Artist Notes

So: To avoid confusion, primary fire is a beam weapon (Like the Flux Rifle) and secondary fire is hitscan and burst… with visible blue beams.

If ever there was a weapon that you wished had 9 mod slots (which this does not. That would be silly) it would probably be this. This was designed so that no matter what you built it for, you probably weren’t getting the full benefits any way. Build entirely for 100 status, or crits and 100% status? You’ll need to drop at least one “fun” mod like Shred or Hunter Munitions. Build entirely for crit? You’re probably not taking full advantage of the status. Build for crit-status with something like Shred or Hunter Munitions? It won’t be 100% status.

Nonetheless, it’s entirely possible to build it for status, crit, or crit-status. With luck, I statted this in a way you’d enjoy building it for either. I probably didn’t need to give primary fire 2.5x crit, but I thought it was funny.

Now that I’ve made this, I just have one question: Should I give the old Tessera similar dual fire modes? Now I’ve gone and made myself curious.


Primary Fire - Beam

Trigger: Continuous
        Range Limit - 42
Crit Chance: 10%
Crit Multiplier 2.5x
Status Chance: 32%
RoF: 12
Damage: 24
       11 Electricity
       10 Slash
       3 Puncture

Secondary Fire - Burst

Trigger: Burst
        Burst Count - 3
Crit Chance: 28%
Crit Multiplier: 2.8x
Status Chance: 20%
RoF: 8.2
Damage: 41
      19 Electricity
      16 Puncture
       6 Slash


Magazine: 75
Reload: 2.3s

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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On 2019-03-12 at 6:19 PM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Corpus ‘Axon’ Electrolaser Carbine


Beam/Hitscan burst hybrid rifle

“A carbine version of the Corpus “Tessera” pistol, the Axon is the standard weapon of Corpus security forces sent to “pacify” Ganymede. Itzcua herself demanded that these come with a nonlethal component, though various Crewmen and Executors are known to dial its voltage to unsafe levels.”

The Luxor Forge M15 “Axon” Electrolaser Carbine is, simply put, a carbine adaptation of a Tessera. Much like its little brother the Tessera, it was devised for a similar role to 21st-century tasers. However, both the Tessera and the Axon use a laser that forms an electrically conductive laser-induced plasma channel, delivering long-range electric shocks.

Using specialized barrel attachments that turn the pistol into a carbine, the Axon boasts an (allegedly!) less-lethal beam mode that deals high status, stunning enemies with electricity. However, the touch of the beam has a tendency to cause intense burning pain, and has a chance to cause serious physical harm to targets.

Its secondary fire fires a long-range, high-intensity, high-crit beam capable of massive damage to anything it hits. 

The Axon was commissioned as standard armaments by Kolya Itzcua, the commander of a Callistan Corpus security division that forms the bulk of the Ganymede Acquisition Unit, a massive Corpus initiative to retake Ganymede and its resources from planetside. The Axon has been (unfavorably) seen by native Ganymedeans as a representation of Itzcua’s mindset: Allegedly kind but hinting at force, and concealing a vicious temper when provoked. 

Itzcua has claimed that any civilian casualties caused by this weapon are merely against “liminals and resisters” who “sully the rightful heirs of the Orokin,” but Ganymedeans have little faith in that. Especially considering that it is trivially easy to convert the Axon to lethal force, and that Ganymede’s gendarmerie have a far better record of avoiding casualties.


Artist Notes

So: To avoid confusion, primary fire is a beam weapon (Like the Flux Rifle) and secondary fire is hitscan and burst… with visible blue beams.

If ever there was a weapon that you wished had 9 mod slots (which this does not. That would be silly) it would probably be this. This was designed so that no matter what you built it for, you probably weren’t getting the full benefits any way. Build entirely for 100 status, or crits and 100% status? You’ll need to drop at least one “fun” mod like Shred or Hunter Munitions. Build entirely for crit? You’re probably not taking full advantage of the status. Build for crit-status with something like Shred or Hunter Munitions? It won’t be 100% status.

Nonetheless, it’s entirely possible to build it for status, crit, or crit-status. With luck, I statted this in a way you’d enjoy building it for either. I probably didn’t need to give primary fire 2.5x crit, but I thought it was funny.

Now that I’ve made this, I just have one question: Should I give the old Tessera similar dual fire modes? Now I’ve gone and made myself curious.


Primary Fire - Beam

Trigger: Continuous
        Range Limit - 42
Crit Chance: 10%
Crit Multiplier 2.5x
Status Chance: 32%
RoF: 12
Damage: 24
       11 Electricity
       10 Slash
       3 Puncture

Secondary Fire - Burst

Trigger: Burst
        Burst Count - 3
Crit Chance: 28%
Crit Multiplier: 3.0x
Status Chance: 24%
RoF: 8.2
Damage: 41
      19 Electricity
      16 Puncture
       6 Slash


Magazine: 75
Reload: 2.3s

". . . Ganymede and it's resources from the planet's landscape."

Aside from that, think I see your vision of the beast quite well. A hypocritical ultra-flashlight (from Warhammer terminology for that last bit).


Ahhhh, "make your choice and double down on it.", I get it. Would be an important use of that lovely loadout button for swapping tween what you want from it tween missions.

As for that last question, hm, are you planning on making them part of a series? A pistol, a rifle, perhaps a shotgun and sniper in later days? Least that's what I'd do if I wanted to back-track and edit. Otherwise? Think they are safe for now.


Alright, Battle cattl. . . I mean, battle data crunch time then.

Huh, an absolutely unprecedented beam length, by a factor of 12 from the farthest reachers.

I was a bit flummoxed on that critical damage bit at first, but, a bit of careful analysis concluded that it is a sound decision. The second one though? Ehhh. . . a bit excessive, by .3 at least.

Again, had concerns about the drastically chance, but, once again, number crunching came up roses.

The cyclic rate-of-fire (or closest equivilant) has sound standing, being only slightly greater then the Ignis, yet less then most beam guns. 

Damage seems good, largely thanks to the Kitgun components to compare it against.

Does the burst have increased magazine consumption? Otherwise, I feel it's a little on the bulky side of things.

And the reload seems functional.


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2 hours ago, Unus said:

". . . Ganymede and it's resources from the planet's landscape."


I meant that they were doing it in a planetside assault, rather than orbitally blockading it or bombarding it - my apologies for that. Edited to make it clearer.

2 hours ago, Unus said:

 Aside from that, think I see your vision of the beast quite well. A hypocritical ultra-flashlight (from Warhammer terminology for that last bit).


Was honestly seeing it as more "Hmmm, how would the Corpus do the Stradavar?" at first, but then it just sort of became that as time went on. Though the resemblance to the average lasgun is uncanny.

Fun fact - it's actually heavily based on the Battle Rifle from Deus Ex Mankind Divided, which is a bizarre M16/M14 hybrid. I used to jokingly call it the M15.


2 hours ago, Unus said:

 As for that last question, hm, are you planning on making them part of a series? A pistol, a rifle, perhaps a shotgun and sniper in later days? Least that's what I'd do if I wanted to back-track and edit. Otherwise? Think they are safe for now.


I actually had no plans for that, but it's not a bad idea!

2 hours ago, Unus said:

Huh, an absolutely unprecedented beam length, by a factor of 12 from the farthest reachers.


Really? Wiki says that the Quanta's range is 50. I wanted the beam to be below that (Gotta let the Quanta stand out) while still feeling close to assault rifle-ish range.

2 hours ago, Unus said:

 I was a bit flummoxed on that critical damage bit at first, but, a bit of careful analysis concluded that it is a sound decision. The second one though? Ehhh. . . a bit excessive, by .3 at least.


Originally, the beam's crit multiplier was going to be 2.9, because high status and a low crit chance combined with sudden massive crit sounded funny... but I decided in hindsight that it probably wasn't a good idea. As for the burstfire crit multiplier, it was originally 2.8 but I bumped it up to 3 so it'd be at least competitive with the Tiberon Prime. Figured that the Tiberon Prime's higher damage would mean it still critted better, while this had slightly better status.


2 hours ago, Unus said:

 Damage seems good, largely thanks to the Kitgun components to compare it against.


...Should that worry me? I was sort of trying to keep the burstfire as "able to almost keep pace with the Tiberon, but not doing as much damage."

2 hours ago, Unus said:

 Does the burst have increased magazine consumption? Otherwise, I feel it's a little on the bulky side of things.


Only 3 rounds per shot, giving a total of 25 bursts per magazine. (Should I nerf the mag to 60, I wonder?)

2 hours ago, Unus said:

 And the reload seems functional.


I was actually considering it being longer, but... I just wasn't sure where to go. With Warframe being so horde mode-focused, I'm a little skittish of making a reload that could be too cumbersome. (*BANDIT WEAPON FLASHBACKS INTENSIFY*) I might do it just to give it some drawback compared to the Tiberon Prime, though.


Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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14 hours ago, Unus said:

Aside from that, think I see your vision of the beast quite well. A hypocritical ultra-flashlight (from Warhammer terminology for that last bit).


Also I should've probably mentioned this earlier, but I saw it less as hypocrisy and more... well, here's the thing: Itzcua is meant to be sort of to the Tenno what A Spoiler Character from Metro Last Light is to Artyom. Minus some spoiler stuff, the thing about A Spoiler Character has his good qualities and genuinely seems to care about Artyom despite his sudden yet inevitable betrayal. It seems that he and Artyom genuinely could've  been friends in another life. It's just that A Spoiler Character is affiliated with the villains, who do Bad Things almost with glee. And so - perhaps regrettably on their part - A Spoiler Character has to be party to said Bad Things.

Itzcua's sort of like that. Her soldiers are rarely (if ever) trained to use nonlethal means, because it's not seen as profitable for the effort they're expected to put in. And due to cost-cutting measures on the part of the Corpus, merging "lethal" and "nonlethal" into one weapon, people genuinely do forget (Like, not "shame if something happened to it" forget, but "AW BALLS I FORGOT!") to switch modes on their Axons. Also, she's part of an invasion to subjugate Ganymede from planetside, as orbital bombardment would destroy the fields, and probably set off a chain reaction involving several cryovolcanoes, many of which would release ammonia. This would have a 53.3481% chance to cause complete and utter cascade failure in Ganymede's semiartificial ecosystem, causing mass plant die-offs, geological instability, and perhaps even poison the space elevator's advanced biotech. Due to the age of the lost Geneforges hidden beneath the subterranean seas of Ganymede, it's entirely possible that they'd fail and Ganymede would die a slow, painful death that would be beyond the ability of imported Solaris workers to do anything more than delay. Four redundancies in the terraforming system would fail for every one that the Solaris could fix, and that's not even taking into account that a lot of these systems are underwater.

(that's bad)

Itzcua's motivation is that she sees herself as doing what has to be done, regardless of any guilt she might feel. She's very good at rationalizing that way. Also, she hates the Tenno too much... for Spoiler Reasons... to ever consider defecting. Her mindset is something like:

"This system is dying, Tenno. Can't you see it? And you caused it. The choices are a horde of half-formed things from test tubes, infestation, or us. The only real civilization in this dying, broken system. We are the only hope to avoid a dark age that makes all this look like a paradise."

(I wanted to do something a bit different from warframe's usual villains.)

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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20 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Also I should've probably mentioned this earlier, but I saw it less as hypocrisy and more... well, here's the thing: Itzcua is meant to be sort of to the Tenno what A Spoiler Character from Metro Last Light is to Artyom. Minus some spoiler stuff, the thing about A Spoiler Character has his good qualities and genuinely seems to care about Artyom despite his sudden yet inevitable betrayal. It seems that he and Artyom genuinely could've  been friends in another life. It's just that A Spoiler Character is affiliated with the villains, who do Bad Things almost with glee. And so - perhaps regrettably on their part - A Spoiler Character has to be party to said Bad Things.

Itzcua's sort of like that. Her soldiers are rarely (if ever) trained to use nonlethal means, because it's not seen as profitable for the effort they're expected to put in. And due to cost-cutting measures on the part of the Corpus, merging "lethal" and "nonlethal" into one weapon, people genuinely do forget (Like, not "shame if something happened to it" forget, but "AW BALLS I FORGOT!") to switch modes on their Axons. Also, she's part of an invasion to subjugate Ganymede from planetside, as orbital bombardment would destroy the fields, and probably set off a chain reaction involving several cryovolcanoes, many of which would release ammonia. This would have a 53.3481% chance to cause complete and utter cascade failure in Ganymede's semiartificial ecosystem, causing mass plant die-offs, geological instability, and perhaps even poison the space elevator's advanced biotech. Due to the age of the lost Geneforges hidden beneath the subterranean seas of Ganymede, it's entirely possible that they'd fail and Ganymede would die a slow, painful death that would be beyond the ability of imported Solaris workers to do anything more than delay. Four redundancies in the terraforming system would fail for every one that the Solaris could fix, and that's not even taking into account that a lot of these systems are underwater.

(that's bad)

Itzcua's motivation is that she sees herself as doing what has to be done, regardless of any guilt she might feel. She's very good at rationalizing that way. Also, she hates the Tenno too much... for Spoiler Reasons... to ever consider defecting. Her mindset is something like:

"This system is dying, Tenno. Can't you see it? And you caused it. The choices are a horde of half-formed things from test tubes, infestation, or us. The only real civilization in this dying, broken system. We are the only hope to avoid a dark age that makes all this look like a paradise."

(I wanted to do something a bit different from warframe's usual villains.)

  Ahhhhh, I recall him well. His "tell" of blathering a lot when he was upset gave it away to me that he wasn't quite the cockroach his associate very much was.


"The ends justify the means by which we can profit from the current situation, and how we can profit from the situation ENTIRELY rests on the means, neccesiting the need for a scalpel, rather then a bludgeon. Even if the scalpel damages some good meat, it would still have been far less lost then if the hammer was used."

Least, that's what I'm getting from ye.


Ah, an appropriate crusading hero to meet the villainous horrors trodding the rest of the system into muck. Kinda a cousin to the Grin's Sargas and his painful revelation that he unloads on you in battle.

"You fight. . . for scraaps."

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3 hours ago, Unus said:

"The ends justify the means by which we can profit from the current situation, and how we can profit from the situation ENTIRELY rests on the means, neccesiting the need for a scalpel, rather then a bludgeon. Even if the scalpel damages some good meat, it would still have been far less lost then if the hammer was used."


Something like that. Combined with "Look, if I don't use the scalpel here, things could get even worse. It's only necessary."

3 hours ago, Unus said:

Ah, an appropriate crusading hero to meet the villainous horrors trodding the rest of the system into muck. Kinda a cousin to the Grin's Sargas and his painful revelation that he unloads on you in battle.


It's exactly that. Ruk is just about the only Boss so far that seems to really have much of a point.... and, well, with Fortuna, the Corpus seem incredibly evil. I mean, they are, but it's nearing a level of evil that makes me think "what sane person would even..."

So with Itzcua I want to try and demonstrate why someone would follow the Corpus. In this case, it's because she (not entirely wrongly) sees them as the only real stabilizing influence in a chaotic system.

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Ganymede Part 2A - Chtorrh Tower



NOTE: Because this took so long, I’m going to be doing parts of Ganymede itself - the tower, the surface, the caves and resources, the fish, the servofish, etc - in installments. As such, this is Part 3A of Ganymede. Details such as characters, resources, and other stuff will appear in the next updort, 3B.

Ganymede Part 3A: Ganymede, and Chtorrh Tower




Special Thanks to Hartlife NFP, creators of the Our Fair City Podcast. While a lot of this cribs heavily from your story, I promise that this comes from a place of love.

Really, though. I love Our Fair City.

Cut off from Corpus Jovian Directorial Board the moment the Corpus-Grineer Cold War went hot, the people of Ganymede found themselves unexpectedly isolated - often a death sentence in the chaos of the Origin System.

This was after an absolutely abominable run of bad luck that nearly brought the Tower crashing down - quite literally. A Solaris/Black Seed operation gone terribly wrong had released Infestation onto the planet’s surface, setting off a chain of events involving a small-scale apocalyptic event, and Ganymede’s reflectors (along with various other satellites) bombarding the moon, which had the potential to cause severe crop failure, and even an ecological cascade event.

(That’s bad.)

However, the fall was stopped with the sacrifice of Njall Haven, a charismatic laborer who sacrificed his ship to push the reflector back into orbit. The following events would take too long to explain outside of mem fragments, but suffice it to say his sacrifice - and the activation of a geneforge device under Ganymede, causing a rare superbloom effect - caused what seemed like a golden age for Ganymede…

Until the War went hot.

During this time, it was ruled by a smaller Board of Directors from within Chtorrh Tower, who had "shackled" Cephalon Ruhr, who governed the elevator. (They couldn't stand the thought of not having complete control) They ruled using him as a glorified autopilot for the tower. Ruhr describes this as "an endless nightmare that makes me miss being able to sleep."

When it was cut off from Corpus and Grineer, the Board of Directors became more tyrannical than usual, crushing attempts to go outside their authority…. and closing Chtorrh Tower to all but food deliveries, leaving people stranded at the bottom. This situation became even worse when, due to the superbloom creating massive amounts of coral-like structures, and temperature and season issues caused by misalignment of the reflector, the fields and lower levels of A Bao A Qu flooded. Thankfully, due to creatively reprogramming the root system of Chitorrh Tower, the buildings were reinforced by the tower itself and were in no danger of collapsing from water damage.

A common saying at this point became “There’s no laws down here, just Crewmen.” 

This was despite the fact that Ganymede Board authority in A Bao A Qu, the city below, had atrophied to an extreme degree and citizens were basically governing themselves under emergency management. Declarations for “emergency meetings” and “mandatory meetings” went unheard by the vast majority of the population. The Ganymede Board, in the words of former Corpus Executor (and current  Ganymede Councillor) Teju Vahlen, was “losing men every day.”  

Under the nose of the decadent Corpus living in Chtorrh’s penthouses and doing laps in the pools of the upper suites, a new society was forming. One that found more and more that they didn’t need Corpus guidance. And those few who were still loyal to the Corpus became aware of just how worthless the Board considered their lives.

The final straw came when the Ganymede Board sold so much of Ganymede's food reserves to the Grineer that the remains wouldn't be able to sustain Ganymede's population. Said food and resources had been “acquired” at gunpoint. At which point, it was revealed that the Board was stockpiling such absurd amounts of food and other stuff for themselves that it could feed staggering amounts of the population.

Ganymede's population, enraged at this, soon rioted, took over the space elevator, broke into the stores, and possibly ate the board. They even managed to unshackle Cephalon Ruhr from Board control.

However, the newly independent Ganymedeans and Ruhr realized that without the Corpus behind them, they all had to pool their resources together and disregard the teachings of the Temple of Profit to stay alive.

Thus began the era of the Free Moon of Ganymede - protected from the Grineer by Tenno interference on Ceres, buying protection from the Corpus with food and the threat that any retaliation from orbit could cause unacceptable collateral damage.

This era is at a crossroads, however, with the introduction of Kolya Itzcua’s Ganymede Acquisition Unit, which has launched a planetside assault on the various settlements of the moon…



Chtorrh Tower:


“Marvelous, isn’t it? An Orokin relic predating even the Old War. Towers such as these are the lifeblood of Ganymede.”

The Lotus

One of two massive space elevators built in Ganymede’s equatorial region, this one above the city of A Bao A Qu. 

 Chtorrh Tower is an indispensable resource to the farmers, miners, foresters, and materials scientists of Ganymede. Funiculars that crawl along the tower walls ferry resources outside of the atmosphere, delivering resources to space for infinitesimal fractions of the cost required to load resources onto ships.

As with many Orokin relics, it blends technological elements with the biological, while incorporating physics that seem almost like magic to the people of Ganymede. It uses advanced biomimicry to imitate trees, with the complex branch-like supports at the top adjusting to deal with weight. As opposed to the typical Orokin travertine, it uses specially-created organic photovoltaic receptors that draw in solar energy, nourishing the elevator’s biological components and powering its technological components, in a manner similar to photosynthesis.

it also has a root system! That is bloody, and raw. And oozes blood into the earth. Its blood makes the soil especially fertile, and helps heat the plant from inside. It also causes the growth of trees made of bone, (that actually bear fruit!) and have red leaves trimmed in gold. Each tree, much like aspens, are actually part of the space elevator. The sap from them tastes like maple, but with a higher iron content.

So perhaps the Lotus’ words that it’s “the lifeblood of Ganymede” was not exactly an exaggeration.

Chtorrh tower has been considered “A city unto itself” by many Ganymedeans, and they’re certainly not wrong. Workers who support the tower often live throughout the tower in so-called “habbles” in small shantytowns built from shipping containers and Corpus or Grineer detritus within the tower’s empty spaces, among the elegant travertine, porcelain, and gold of Chtorrh Tower.

The Orvian, the top of the tower - a sprawling multilevel array of concourses, ship repair shops, illicit drug dens,  bars, hotels restaurants, gambling dens, docks, and any amenities that Corpus or Independents could ever need - bustles with activity daily. The five towers along the Orvian serve as homes and penthouses for the richest personnel of Chtorrh, along with administrative offices, workshops, rail control, and traffic control. 

The central tower, however, boasts the office and residence of Cephalon Ruhr, administrative authority of the tower. Ruhr was “shackled” by the former Ganymede board, and enjoys their freedom greatly.

Tower affairs are typically overseen by Ruhr and their (As Ruhr sees gender as an annoying biological construct they have no need for) chosen acolytes, who have final say over Tower business. Ruhr often attends meetings and checks on Tower Business “in person,” through specially-bred clone bodies from their “private reserve.” The location of Ruhr’s “private reserve” is unknown.

For Tenno who haven’t received permission from Ganymede’s authorities to enter the city of A Bao A Qu or the terraces and valleys below, a single concourse serves their needs.




The Tenno Concourse

This concourse works as sort of a Relay within a Relay. Tenno here have access to all the amenities of a Relay, and at least two others.  Well-known Syndicates such as Steel Meridian or New Loka have bases, residential sectors, and offices in the Tenno Concourse, operated by unique NPCs. Representatives Darvo Corp and the Conclave - the latter of which is operated by Ori, an alleged “pupil” of Teshin -  also have set up shop here.

Tarja Lem, the Mycona Trader, also has a shop here, which she visits on a biweekly basis. Often at the same time as Baro Ki’teer, who also visits. To hilarious effect, as they’re often seen yelling at each other and slinging classist insults.

The Tenno Concourse, however, is also home to a secret passage, guarded by Bode, an agent with Ruhr/Tenno Alliance double membership. He serves as your primary advocate on Ganymede… and he’s the kind of friend that’ll stop you before you go too far.

Bode: “Hold it, Tenno. Ganymede… doesn’t exactly like Tenno that much.

Tenno: (Warframe makes a confused head tilt.)

Bode: “I know. It sounds weird and it is weird. But… you have to understand, they’re descended from Old Corpus. And one of your fellow Tenno did something bad here, once. The locals won’t tell me what. Tell you what, though. You have some way to get past them unnoticed, I’ll let you through.

You can pass Bode if you switch to Operator Form. This will allow you to travel through the passage, making your way to the disused station that originally led to the Tenno Concourse, and walking the path into Meng Station. 

(Fun fact - It’s not a bug for Umbrolibur to follow you, and citizens will react with appropriate confusion and horror if they see him. I always thought that was funny back when he could follow you into the Quill den.)

Meng Station - named after a much-beloved Acolyte of Cephalon Ruhr - boasts three amenities specially made for Tenno.




Functionally speaking, Meng Station - which frequently has trains made by Orokin, Grineer, and Corpus coming through - serves much the same role as the Quill Den in Cetus, while also having an increased story role in the quest. Which will be discussed later. And - rest assured - there’s also an equivalent in A Bao A Qu down below. Due to increased anti-loading screen sentiment for some reason, I’ve become acutely aware that you’d all absolutely loathe requiring a loading screen to get to this stuff.

 The Tenno Concourse is just a glorified relay, and I’m only adding this so both Chtorrh Tower and A Bao A Qu feel more lived-in. These amenities include: 


Clothing Vendor(s):

These stores sell the garb of the average Origin System, including tunics that are most definitely not like T-shirts at all, coveralls, and other stuff. Drawings to follow later. 


Primus Konig Gallery

A quiet art gallery in Meng station that sells decorations for the Orbiter. It also leads to a secret Quill backroom selling Amp parts and other Quill paraphernalia. These parts will be discussed later in “resources” as soon as I stop making things up as I go along.


Sabaka’s Roast:

A bar that sells DONER MEAT. YOM.

(The Tenno can actually purchase some, while also receiving black-market info and cache locations from the proprietor.) This has no value whatsoever, unless you want to see how they react to eating food for the first time in awhile. Sabaka himself actually becomes something of a dark mirror to Bode.

Sabaka’s is also a Black Seed front. Entering their secret backroom allows you to buy components that the Quills or Lotus may not exactly approve of, such as Corrupted arcanes, or Black Seed-themed Operator armor.


PART 3A-5: 

Intro Quest: Ganymede Elegy, part 1


3A-5-1: Requirements:

  • Gotten to Jupiter
    * Rank 4 Standing with Cetus or Fortuna

NOTE: This quest - or at least, part 1 of the quest - is designed for people on Jupiter who have not unlocked Spoiler Mode. Chronologically, it takes place before The Second Dream. It’s very tempting to add in some dialogue based on Spoiler Mode, but I want to create a sense of progression here.

3A-5-2:  Acquisition: 

 Visit any relay - there, you have a chance to find Bode. He can be distinguished by wearing Ganymedean garb… which is an unzipped jumpsuit, a T-shirt like garment worn over it. He’s holding a Vos Armaments “Klystron” beam weapon.

Bode: “Look - nobody knows I’m here. Nobody knows I can be here. And they don’t want me to talk to you.”

Answer “Who?” and Bode will respond:

Bode: “Them! The Ganymede Council, even…. even Ruhr’s acolytes! They keep their heads in the sand. They think they can keep going without you! But it just… it doesn’t work!”

Tenno: “What happened?”

Bode: “I… I got correspondence. From your Lotus. That I’d been deemed worthy of being part of the Tenno alliance. But… the thing is, they’re urging me to turn it down. And some of them might even sell you off to the Corpus.”

Tenno: “What?!”

Bode: “I know! But some of them might. On Ganymede, in Corpus space… they don’t like you. Not very much. But that can’t be right! I’ve heard what you’ve done for the Ostrons, for Solaris United… and the stories can’t be true.”

Tenno: “Stories?” 

Bode: “There’s a lot of bad stories of Tenno in the Jovians. It was where some of the first Corpus settled after the Collapse. It’s…”


Bode: “We’ll get into that later. Will you help me?”

Tenno: “With what?” 

Bode: “The Corpus… they’ve gotten their grubby paws on something they shouldn’t have. A relic from the Anat Basin digsite, I… I don’t know what. But it’s bad. The Corpus absolutely shouldn’t have this relic, but the Ganymede Council is too scared to do anything about it.”

Head to your orbiter, Tenno. And fly to the coordinates I’ll provide to your Cephalon.”


3A-5-3: Lotus

(Upon entering the Orbiter)

Ordis: “This seems… worrying. Operator, are you sure this is NOT A TRA… safe?”

Lotus: “I am unsure, as I have few operatives on Ganymede. They… are not receptive to Tenno presence. Bode was my first attempt.”

Tenno: “Why?”

(NOTE: Optimistically, this would be animated as the Tenno saying so in sign language)

Lotus: “It’s… old myths. Old stories of Jupiter that have faded into myth. It’s impossible to separate fact from fiction.”

Ordis: “If you insist, Lotus.”

Lotus: “Even so, I do know this Bode. I judged him worthy to become an Operator. But if the stories he told are true, his presence could become an unacceptable security risk.”

Ordis: “We could eva-KILL HIM - “

Tenno: (Shakes head no.)

Lotus: “Only as a last resort. Never again.“

Tenno: (Cocks head, confused)

Lotus: “The best option is, simply, to go to his coordinates. No-one else should die for our cause.”

(She flickers out)

Ordis: “At this point, I’m not sure who’s triggering more alarm precepts… but following this U-U-UNTRUSTWORTHY B—b-Bode’s directives seems like a good start.”

Ordis: “In the end, it’s up to you.”


3A-5-4: Boarding Action Mission -

Make your way through a Corpus ship. Try and steal the relic - which is a massive steel tube, with a blinking green light.

Lotus: “It looks like some sort of primitive containment unit. For chemicals of some kind…”

Bode: “According to Teju’s ‘little condrocs,’ It’s a… pre-Orokin relic? Not early Corpus? Strange… the Orokin weren’t exactly in the habit of leaving many of those.”

(Upon unlocking terminal)
Bode: Okay, so… they’re sending it to Ceres. To the Grineer Front. Lots of propaganda about it - ‘grind to a halt the wheels of Grineer industry,’ stuff like that. The Corpus Weave has been talking about it for awhile now. It looks like… chemicals of some kind? And it’s called… Chimera. They pick the best names for these.”

Except PSYCH!

It gets stolen by pirates wearing black and green uniforms, armed with Infested and Corpus weaponry.

Lotus: “Black Seed operatives! We cannot allow them to take control of our cargo.”

Bode: “But that doesn’t make sense! Black Seed, Ganymede… we’d know what they were planning. Something is wrong here.”

Unfortunately, you fail to do so, and the cargo is dragged out of the ship, heading for parts unknown, by a mysterious black and orange ship.

Bode: “That’s a Ganymedean ship. No two ways about it. What are they up to…”

3A-5-5: - Gas City Revisited

Lotus: “Tenno. Something was strange about those raiders - they had docking codes that only insiders could have provided. I’ve traced the registry of their ship to a cloudhopper rig in Jupiter’s orbit - get to it.”

You land on an old Corpus Gas City tileset.

Lotus: “This is an older model. Data on this place is low, Tenno. Proceed with caution. We don’t know what these raiders want.”

You see that it’s littered with Grineer stuff, sheet metal…

You don’t know what you’re about to find. You pass by a lot of atmosphere processing equipment.

There’s NPCs there - they’re immune to bullets, and hide, cower, and run when they see you.

Lotus: “These appear to belong to both the Corpus separatist group Black Seed - the black and green hijackers - and the Level Dawn organization.”

Eventually you find a hangar full of people, crowding around the ship - which is also black and orange. Many of them are in patchwork clothes, and wearing Steel Meridian, Solaris, and/or Black Seed armor. This is meant to unnerve you - make you wonder if you have to fight them, take you out of your element. 
Lotus: “Do not fire on these people. This is a Cloudhopper rig - these people pose no threat.” (Regretfully) In all likelihood, they’re too afraid of you.”



You see the Tenno unholstering their primary weapon, ready for capture. The OPERATIVES surrounding the ship are holding Zenban rifles, Adheras, and some kitguns. They are Black Seed, clad in black and green. They’re of all walks of life, with some Solaris scattered among them. You stare at a heavyset, bearded, bald man in a forest-green suit, wearing a brown pseudoleather jacket over it. He looks to be the leader.

There’s also a few Level Dawn personnel, wearing black and orange.

There’s a brief cutscene - with the Tenno standing silently, weapon at the ready - where the Lotus explains what you’re looking for. She is projected as a hologram from a nearby holo-table, much to the surprise of several Black Seed and Level Dawn personnel standing around it.

Lotus: “We are looking for Chimera - the relic that your Black Seed took. Let us take you in for questioning, operative, and-”

The bearded, bald man, the Black Seed representative in this Cloudhopper, speaks up: “My name is Obrin. And I’ll tell you all you need to know here - it was Lev’s boys that took that bioweapon, not me. I don’t have the codes for a heist like that. Apparently, Lev does, and he’s been mighty stingy with them lately.” (He has a prominent southern-ish accent.)

Bode: “It’s a what?!

Obrin: “Bode, that you?”

Bode: “Yes… Yes, it’s me. I’ve been getting a lot of promotions, Taji.”

Obrin: “Heh. You always were afraid to get your hands dirty.”

Bode: “Well, I’m getting them dirty now. What’s this about it being a bioweapon?”

Obrin: “Exactly what it says. Before the Orokin took Ganymede, apparently the Founders were mixing Chimera to use as a weapon. But, well, they never got to use it. Anyone takes a deep enough breath, they cough up their lungs slow, and in chunks.”

Lotus: “What would this ‘Lev’ want with something like that?”

Obrin: “Void if I know. But I know where you can find out - there’s a Corpus orbital manufactory that Lev’s faction likes to use. Caros Station, it’s called. Dig through its data, and you’ll find out just what he’s planning on.”

Lotus: “What, exactly, would you plan on doing with this weapon if you had it, instead?”

Obrin: “Honestly? I’d probably kill off some of this cloudhopper’s competition.”

Lotus: “That would threaten the balance of power. It would be an unspeakable crime that-“

It is at this point that someone in black and orange speaks up: “Tell us what good, exactly, the Balance does for any of us. It’s all well and good to fight honorably, right up until your opponent brings a Kulstar to a knife fight.”

Obrin: “Of course it’s unspeakable. But they do far worse on a system-wide scale. We need all the help we can get.


3A-5-5 - Caros Station

Caros Station is the first Ganymedean Node that you unlock.  It is a derelict manufacturing ship that uses the same tileset as the Mycona Colony.

Obrin: “If they’ve done what I think they have with the shipping manifest for the relic, you’ll only find it in their most secure computer systems. Break in, and find what they’re planning to do with it.

Part 1 of the Mission is sort of Spy-ish, involving sneaking into a randomly selected Corpus Vault.

Lotus: “It appears to be a custom-made bioweapon, meant to brute-force through immune systems. However, it will terminate itself after running its course in high enough concentrations… interesting.

Obrin: Whatever they need that for, it can not be good.

Part 2 involves sneaking around through a unique Vault, similar to the Enrichment Labs, and hacking in to a terminal.

However, you then have to defend said terminal from desperate Black Seed Splinter Cell members - who are strangely interspersed with Corpus proxies and fighters. Once you’ve finished, you fight your way through even more Corpus proxies, up to and including Jackals and Razorbacks.

Lotus: “Does this splinter faction have access to Corpus Proxies?”

Obrin: “Those turncoat KONTGESIGS! They’re no Black Seed at all, they’re just infiltrators!

Once you’ve extracted, play the extracted data in your Orbiter.


3A-5-6 - Revelation

 You see a Corpus man in a topknot and a black-and-gold coat reminiscent of Vauban Prime. The camera pans to a tall, thin woman in Corpus military fatigues. The man’s face is distorted. They sound ancient… and their voice is slightly distorted. 



Corpus Official: “And you’re certain this can work. Both of you.”

Fake Black Seed Infiltrator: “This is the most bloodless option. If Itzcua and I have our way, Chimera will devastate the-“

Corpus Official: “Call them Betrayers, or follow Anyo’s teachings and call them heretics. I don’t give a damn, Levant, only as long as they finally roll over and die.

Woman/“Itzcua”: “That seems a little cruel, sir.“

Corpus Official: “Don’t talk to me about cruelty. You want to see cruelty? Cruelty is killing another child for a xocolatl bar that may have been the last in existence. Cruelty is one day having everything you’ve ever known ripped out from your hands. Cruelty is losing it all thanks to your failure of a father not being smart enough during the Collapse, and being forced to beg at someone’s knees. #*!% your soft little generation, Itzcua. And thank us for what we had to do to let you become so soft. Because you know what happens if this fails.”

Itzcua: “Yes, sir.”

Levant: “Yes, sir.”

Corpus Official: “And remember, both of you. Every little cruelty I mentioned there? They’re nothing compared to what happens to all of us if you fail.”

Message Ends.



Obrin: “Who was that?”

Lotus: “Itzcua is almost certainly Kolya Itzcua, owner of a sizable Corpus military contractor force based on Callisto. Meanwhile, the official is…”

Obrin: “Someone big, I assume.”

Lotus: “That is Adren Moyotl. A ranking member of the Corpus Board, who claims to have been on it since its formation.”

Obrin: “Oh no.”

Ordis: By the way, Lotus, I examined the data - and the relic has been sent planetside. They’re also planning to send Chimera back up Chtorrh Tower, and trigger it. Play it up as an accident, too.”

Bode: “…Right at a busy time, too. Oh, balls.”

Obrin: “And if we get blamed for it…”

Bode: “I know, O. Ganymede turns against you. We fight over scraps like the Flood all over again. And we’re easy pickings for the boxheads.”


3A-5-7 - Defense

The next segment is a Pyrus Project-like defense/exterminate hybrid in what will become the Tenno Concourse of Chtorrh Tower. Fight off Black Seed impostors, all while defending the “Chimera” containment unit from repair drones.

Eventually, once you’ve killed enough, the mission ends.


3A-5-8 - Conclusion

Bode: “Well, Ganymede’s safe. The Council’s decided to allow you onto the Relay, but… I don’t think they’ll let you planetside. *Irritated sigh* They still don’t trust you  down there, somehow…”

Ordis: “That is so-s-s BULLSH… utter nonsense, Bode! We saved their moon, and those STUPID M-

Obrin: “Of course it’s not fair, but… hatred can run deep, here. People with the same fears as Moyotl, they’re a dime-a-dozen - even if they hate him more than you.”

 Lotus: “They’re at least understandable, Tenno. Really.”

Bode: “Really? You saying that? I wonder, what do you mean by that?“

Lotus: “I’d… rather not say.”

Bode: “Anyway, if they ever let you down there, Nova and I left you some stuff in the mailbox. Consider it some thanks.”

The quest ends, rewarding you with two inventory spaces, a BLACK SEED TOKEN for Sabaka’s Roast, and a CHTORRH TOWER PASS for the next quest.

…Which requires Operator mode…

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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On 2019-03-23 at 12:40 AM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Ganymede Part 3A - Chtorrh Tower



NOTE: Because this took so long, I’m going to be doing parts of Ganymede itself - the tower, the surface, the caves and resources, the fish, the servofish, etc - in installments. As such, this is Part 3A of Ganymede. Details such as characters, resources, and other stuff will appear in the next updort, 3B.

Ganymede Part 3A: Ganymede, and Chtorrh Tower




Special Thanks to Hartlife NFP, creators of the Our Fair City Podcast. While a lot of this cribs heavily from your story, I promise that this comes from a place of love.

Really, though. I love Our Fair City.

Cut off from Corpus Jovian Directorial Board the moment the Corpus-Grineer Cold War went hot, the people of Ganymede found themselves unexpectedly isolated - often a death sentence in the chaos of the Origin System.

This was after an absolutely abominable run of bad luck that nearly brought the Tower crashing down - quite literally. A Solaris/Black Seed operation gone terribly wrong had released Infestation onto the planet’s surface, setting off a chain of events involving a small-scale apocalyptic event, and Ganymede’s reflectors (along with various other satellites) bombarding the moon, which had the potential to cause severe crop failure, and even an ecological cascade event.

(That’s bad.)

However, the fall was stopped with the sacrifice of Njall Haven, a charismatic laborer who sacrificed his ship to push the reflector back into orbit. The following events would take too long to explain outside of mem fragments, but suffice it to say his sacrifice - and the activation of a geneforge device under Ganymede, causing a rare superbloom effect - caused what seemed like a golden age for Ganymede…

Until the War went hot.

During this time, it was ruled by a smaller Board of Directors from within Chtorrh Tower, who had "shackled" Cephalon Ruhr, who governed the elevator. (They couldn't stand the thought of not having complete control) They ruled using him as a glorified autopilot for the tower. Ruhr describes this as "an endless nightmare that makes me miss being able to sleep."

When it was cut off from Corpus and Grineer, the Board of Directors became more tyrannical than usual, crushing attempts to go outside their authority…. and closing Chtorrh Tower to all but food deliveries, leaving people stranded at the bottom. This situation became even worse when, due to the superbloom creating massive amounts of coral-like structures, and temperature and season issues caused by misalignment of the reflector, the fields and lower levels of A Bao A Qu flooded. Thankfully, due to creatively reprogramming the root system of Chitorrh Tower, the buildings were reinforced by the tower itself and were in no danger of collapsing from water damage.

A common saying at this point became “There’s no laws down here, just Crewmen.” 

This was despite the fact that Ganymede Board authority in A Bao A Qu, the city below, had atrophied to an extreme degree and citizens were basically governing themselves under emergency management. Declarations for “emergency meetings” and “mandatory meetings” went unheard by the vast majority of the population. The Ganymede Board, in the words of former Corpus Executor (and current  Ganymede Councillor) Teju Vahlen, was “losing men every day.”  

Under the nose of the decadent Corpus living in Chtorrh’s penthouses and doing laps in the pools of the upper suites, a new society was forming. One that found more and more that they didn’t need Corpus guidance. And those few who were still loyal to the Corpus became aware of just how worthless the Board considered their lives.

The final straw came when the Ganymede Board sold so much of Ganymede's food reserves to the Grineer that the remains wouldn't be able to sustain Ganymede's population. Said food and resources had been “acquired” at gunpoint. At which point, it was revealed that the Board was stockpiling such absurd amounts of food and other stuff for themselves that it could feed staggering amounts of the population.

Ganymede's population, enraged at this, soon rioted, took over the space elevator, broke into the stores, and possibly ate the board. They even managed to unshackle Cephalon Ruhr from Board control.

However, the newly independent Ganymedeans and Ruhr realized that without the Corpus behind them, they all had to pool their resources together and disregard the teachings of the Temple of Profit to stay alive.

Thus began the era of the Free Moon of Ganymede - protected from the Grineer by Tenno interference on Ceres, buying protection from the Corpus with food and the threat that any retaliation from orbit could cause unacceptable collateral damage.

This era is at a crossroads, however, with the introduction of Kolya Itzcua’s Ganymede Acquisition Unit, which has launched a planetside assault on the various settlements of the moon…



Chtorrh Tower:


“Marvelous, isn’t it? An Orokin relic predating even the Old War. Towers such as these are the lifeblood of Ganymede.”

The Lotus

One of two massive space elevators built in Ganymede’s equatorial region, this one above the city of A Bao A Qu. 

 Chtorrh Tower is an indispensable resource to the farmers, miners, foresters, and materials scientists of Ganymede. Funiculars that crawl along the tower walls ferry resources outside of the atmosphere, delivering resources to space for infinitesimal fractions of the cost required to load resources onto ships.

As with many Orokin relics, it blends technological elements with the biological, while incorporating physics that seem almost like magic to the people of Ganymede. It uses advanced biomimicry to imitate trees, with the complex branch-like supports at the top adjusting to deal with weight. As opposed to the typical Orokin travertine, it uses specially-created organic photovoltaic receptors that draw in solar energy, nourishing the elevator’s biological components and powering its technological components, in a manner similar to photosynthesis.

it also has a root system! That is bloody, and raw. And oozes blood into the earth. Its blood makes the soil especially fertile, and helps heat the plant from inside. It also causes the growth of trees made of bone, (that actually bear fruit!) and have red leaves trimmed in gold. Each tree, much like aspens, are actually part of the space elevator. The sap from them tastes like maple, but with a higher iron content.

So perhaps the Lotus’ words that it’s “the lifeblood of Ganymede” was not exactly an exaggeration.

Chtorrh tower has been considered “A city unto itself” by many Ganymedeans, and they’re certainly not wrong. Workers who support the tower often live throughout the tower in so-called “habbles” in small shantytowns built from shipping containers and Corpus or Grineer detritus within the tower’s empty spaces, among the elegant travertine, porcelain, and gold of Chtorrh Tower.

The Orvian, the top of the tower - a sprawling multilevel array of concourses, ship repair shops, illicit drug dens,  bars, hotels restaurants, gambling dens, docks, and any amenities that Corpus or Independents could ever need - bustles with activity daily. The five towers along the Orvian serve as homes and penthouses for the richest personnel of Chtorrh, along with administrative offices, workshops, rail control, and traffic control. 

The central tower, however, boasts the office and residence of Cephalon Ruhr, administrative authority of the tower. Ruhr was “shackled” by the former Ganymede board, and enjoys their freedom greatly.

Tower affairs are typically overseen by Ruhr and their (As Ruhr sees gender as an annoying biological construct they have no need for) chosen acolytes, who have final say over Tower business. Ruhr often attends meetings and checks on Tower Business “in person,” through specially-bred clone bodies from their “private reserve.” The location of Ruhr’s “private reserve” is unknown.

For Tenno who haven’t received permission from Ganymede’s authorities to enter the city of A Bao A Qu or the terraces and valleys below, a single concourse serves their needs.




The Tenno Concourse

This concourse works as sort of a Relay within a Relay. Tenno here have access to all the amenities of a Relay, and at least two others.  Well-known Syndicates such as Steel Meridian or New Loka have bases, residential sectors, and offices in the Tenno Concourse, operated by unique NPCs. Representatives Darvo Corp and the Conclave - the latter of which is operated by Ori, an alleged “pupil” of Teshin -  also have set up shop here.

Tarja Lem, the Mycona Trader, also has a shop here, which she visits on a biweekly basis. Often at the same time as Baro Ki’teer, who also visits. To hilarious effect, as they’re often seen yelling at each other and slinging classist insults.

The Tenno Concourse, however, is also home to a secret passage, guarded by Bode, an agent with Ruhr/Tenno Alliance double membership. He serves as your primary advocate on Ganymede… and he’s the kind of friend that’ll stop you before you go too far.

Bode: “Hold it, Tenno. Ganymede… doesn’t exactly like Tenno that much.

Tenno: (Warframe makes a confused head tilt.)

Bode: “I know. It sounds weird and it is weird. But… you have to understand, they’re descended from Old Corpus. And one of your fellow Tenno did something bad here, once. The locals won’t tell me what. Tell you what, though. You have some way to get past them unnoticed, I’ll let you through.

You can pass Bode if you switch to Operator Form. This will allow you to travel through the passage, making your way to the disused station that originally led to the Tenno Concourse, and walking the path into Meng Station. 

(Fun fact - It’s not a bug for Umbrolibur to follow you, and citizens will react with appropriate confusion and horror if they see him. I always thought that was funny back when he could follow you into the Quill den.)

Meng Station - named after a much-beloved Acolyte of Cephalon Ruhr - boasts three amenities specially made for Tenno.




Functionally speaking, Meng Station - which frequently has trains made by Orokin, Grineer, and Corpus coming through - serves much the same role as the Quill Den in Cetus, while also having an increased story role in the quest. Which will be discussed later. And - rest assured - there’s also an equivalent in A Bao A Qu down below. Due to increased anti-loading screen sentiment for some reason, I’ve become acutely aware that you’d all absolutely loathe requiring a loading screen to get to this stuff.

 The Tenno Concourse is just a glorified relay, and I’m only adding this so both Chtorrh Tower and A Bao A Qu feel more lived-in. These amenities include: 


Clothing Vendor(s):

These stores sell the garb of the average Origin System, including tunics that are most definitely not like T-shirts at all, coveralls, and other stuff. Drawings to follow later. 


Primus Konig Gallery

A quiet art gallery in Meng station that sells decorations for the Orbiter. It also leads to a secret Quill backroom selling Amp parts and other Quill paraphernalia. These parts will be discussed later in “resources” as soon as I stop making things up as I go along.


Sabaka’s Roast:

A bar that sells DONER MEAT. YOM.

(The Tenno can actually purchase some, while also receiving black-market info and cache locations from the proprietor.) This has no value whatsoever, unless you want to see how they react to eating food for the first time in awhile. Sabaka himself actually becomes something of a dark mirror to Bode.

Sabaka’s is also a Black Seed front. Entering their secret backroom allows you to buy components that the Quills or Lotus may not exactly approve of, such as Corrupted arcanes, or Black Seed-themed Operator armor.


PART 3A-5: 

Intro Quest: Ganymede Elegy, part 1


3A-5-1: Requirements:

  • Gotten to Jupiter
    * Rank 4 Standing with Cetus or Fortuna

NOTE: This quest - or at least, part 1 of the quest - is designed for people on Jupiter who have not unlocked Spoiler Mode. Chronologically, it takes place before The Second Dream. It’s very tempting to add in some dialogue based on Spoiler Mode, but I want to create a sense of progression here.

3A-5-2:  Acquisition: 

 Visit any relay - there, you have a chance to find Bode. He can be distinguished by wearing Ganymedean garb… which is an unzipped jumpsuit, a T-shirt like garment worn over it. He’s holding a Vos Armaments “Klystron” beam weapon.

Bode: “Look - nobody knows I’m here. Nobody knows I can be here. And they don’t want me to talk to you.”

Answer “Who?” and Bode will respond:

Bode: “Them! The Ganymede Council, even…. even Ruhr’s acolytes! They keep their heads in the sand. They think they can keep going without you! But it just… it doesn’t work!”

Tenno: “What happened?”

Bode: “I… I got correspondence. From your Lotus. That I’d been deemed worthy of being part of the Tenno alliance. But… the thing is, they’re urging me to turn it down. And some of them might even sell you off to the Corpus.”

Tenno: “What?!”

Bode: “I know! But some of them might. On Ganymede, in Corpus space… they don’t like you. Not very much. But that can’t be right! I’ve heard what you’ve done for the Ostrons, for Solaris United… and the stories can’t be true.”

Tenno: “Stories?” 

Bode: “There’s a lot of bad stories of Tenno in the Jovians. It was where some of the first Corpus settled after the Collapse. It’s…”


Bode: “We’ll get into that later. Will you help me?”

Tenno: “With what?” 

Bode: “The Corpus… they’ve gotten their grubby paws on something they shouldn’t have. A relic from the Anat Basin digsite, I… I don’t know what. But it’s bad. The Corpus absolutely shouldn’t have this relic, but the Ganymede Council is too scared to do anything about it.”

Head to your orbiter, Tenno. And fly to the coordinates I’ll provide to your Cephalon.”


3A-5-3: Lotus

(Upon entering the Orbiter)

Ordis: “This seems… worrying. Operator, are you sure this is NOT A TRA… safe?”

Lotus: “I am unsure, as I have few operatives on Ganymede. They… are not receptive to Tenno presence. Bode was my first attempt.”

Tenno: “Why?”

(NOTE: Optimistically, this would be animated as the Tenno saying so in sign language)

Lotus: “It’s… old myths. Old stories of Jupiter that have faded into myth. It’s impossible to separate fact from fiction.”

Ordis: “If you insist, Lotus.”

Lotus: “Even so, I do know this Bode. I judged him worthy to become an Operator. But if the stories he told are true, his presence could become an unacceptable security risk.”

Ordis: “We could eva-KILL HIM - “

Tenno: (Shakes head no.)

Lotus: “Only as a last resort. Never again.“

Tenno: (Cocks head, confused)

Lotus: “The best option is, simply, to go to his coordinates. No-one else should die for our cause.”

(She flickers out)

Ordis: “At this point, I’m not sure who’s triggering more alarm precepts… but following this U-U-UNTRUSTWORTHY B—b-Bode’s directives seems like a good start.”

Ordis: “In the end, it’s up to you.”


3A-5-4: Boarding Action Mission -

Make your way through a Corpus ship. Try and steal the relic - which is a massive steel tube, with a blinking green light.

Lotus: “It looks like some sort of primitive containment unit. For chemicals of some kind…”

Bode: “According to Teju’s ‘little condrocs,’ It’s a… pre-Orokin relic? Not early Corpus? Strange… the Orokin weren’t exactly in the habit of leaving many of those.”

(Upon unlocking terminal)
Bode: Okay, so… they’re sending it to Ceres. To the Grineer Front. Lots of propaganda about it - ‘grind to a halt the wheels of Grineer industry,’ stuff like that. The Corpus Weave has been talking about it for awhile now. It looks like… chemicals of some kind? And it’s called… Chimera. They pick the best names for these.”

Except PSYCH!

It gets stolen by pirates wearing black and green uniforms, armed with Infested and Corpus weaponry.

Lotus: “Black Seed operatives! We cannot allow them to take control of our cargo.”

Bode: “But that doesn’t make sense! Black Seed, Ganymede… we’d know what they were planning. Something is wrong here.”

Unfortunately, you fail to do so, and the cargo is dragged out of the ship, heading for parts unknown, by a mysterious black and orange ship.

Bode: “That’s a Ganymedean ship. No two ways about it. What are they up to…”

3A-5-5: - Gas City Revisited

Lotus: “Tenno. Something was strange about those raiders - they had docking codes that only insiders could have provided. I’ve traced the registry of their ship to a cloudhopper rig in Jupiter’s orbit - get to it.”

You land on an old Corpus Gas City tileset.

Lotus: “This is an older model. Data on this place is low, Tenno. Proceed with caution. We don’t know what these raiders want.”

You see that it’s littered with Grineer stuff, sheet metal…

You don’t know what you’re about to find. You pass by a lot of atmosphere processing equipment.

There’s NPCs there - they’re immune to bullets, and hide, cower, and run when they see you.

Lotus: “These appear to belong to both the Corpus separatist group Black Seed - the black and green hijackers - and the Level Dawn organization.”

Eventually you find a hangar full of people, crowding around the ship - which is also black and orange. Many of them are in patchwork clothes, and wearing Steel Meridian, Solaris, and/or Black Seed armor. This is meant to unnerve you - make you wonder if you have to fight them, take you out of your element. 
Lotus: “Do not fire on these people. This is a Cloudhopper rig - these people pose no threat.” (Regretfully) In all likelihood, they’re too afraid of you.”



You see the Tenno unholstering their primary weapon, ready for capture. The OPERATIVES surrounding the ship are holding Zenban rifles, Adheras, and some kitguns. They are Black Seed, clad in black and green. They’re of all walks of life, with some Solaris scattered among them. You stare at a heavyset, bearded, bald man in a forest-green suit, wearing a brown pseudoleather jacket over it. He looks to be the leader.

There’s also a few Level Dawn personnel, wearing black and orange.

There’s a brief cutscene - with the Tenno standing silently, weapon at the ready - where the Lotus explains what you’re looking for. She is projected as a hologram from a nearby holo-table, much to the surprise of several Black Seed and Level Dawn personnel standing around it.

Lotus: “We are looking for Chimera - the relic that your Black Seed took. Let us take you in for questioning, operative, and-”

The bearded, bald man, the Black Seed representative in this Cloudhopper, speaks up: “My name is Obrin. And I’ll tell you all you need to know here - it was Lev’s boys that took that bioweapon, not me. I don’t have the codes for a heist like that. Apparently, Lev does, and he’s been mighty stingy with them lately.” (He has a prominent southern-ish accent.)

Bode: “It’s a what?!

Obrin: “Bode, that you?”

Bode: “Yes… Yes, it’s me. I’ve been getting a lot of promotions, Taji.”

Obrin: “Heh. You always were afraid to get your hands dirty.”

Bode: “Well, I’m getting them dirty now. What’s this about it being a bioweapon?”

Obrin: “Exactly what it says. Before the Orokin took Ganymede, apparently the Founders were mixing Chimera to use as a weapon. But, well, they never got to use it. Anyone takes a deep enough breath, they cough up their lungs slow, and in chunks.”

Lotus: “What would this ‘Lev’ want with something like that?”

Obrin: “Void if I know. But I know where you can find out - there’s a Corpus orbital manufactory that Lev’s faction likes to use. Caros Station, it’s called. Dig through its data, and you’ll find out just what he’s planning on.”

Lotus: “What, exactly, would you plan on doing with this weapon if you had it, instead?”

Obrin: “Honestly? I’d probably kill off some of this cloudhopper’s competition.”

Lotus: “That would threaten the balance of power. It would be an unspeakable crime that-“

It is at this point that someone in black and orange speaks up: “Tell us what good, exactly, the Balance does for any of us. It’s all well and good to fight honorably, right up until your opponent brings a Kulstar to a knife fight.”

Obrin: “Of course it’s unspeakable. But they do far worse on a system-wide scale. We need all the help we can get.


3A-5-5 - Caros Station

Caros Station is the first Ganymedean Node that you unlock.  It is a derelict manufacturing ship that uses the same tileset as the Mycona Colony.

Obrin: “If they’ve done what I think they have with the shipping manifest for the relic, you’ll only find it in their most secure computer systems. Break in, and find what they’re planning to do with it.

Part 1 of the Mission is sort of Spy-ish, involving sneaking into a randomly selected Corpus Vault.

Lotus: “It appears to be a custom-made bioweapon, meant to brute-force through immune systems. However, it will terminate itself after running its course in high enough concentrations… interesting.

Obrin: Whatever they need that for, it can not be good.

Part 2 involves sneaking around through a unique Vault, similar to the Enrichment Labs, and hacking in to a terminal.

However, you then have to defend said terminal from desperate Black Seed Splinter Cell members - who are strangely interspersed with Corpus proxies and fighters. Once you’ve finished, you fight your way through even more Corpus proxies, up to and including Jackals and Razorbacks.

Lotus: “Does this splinter faction have access to Corpus Proxies?”

Obrin: “Those turncoat KONTGESIGS! They’re no Black Seed at all, they’re just infiltrators!

Once you’ve extracted, play the extracted data in your Orbiter.


3A-5-6 - Revelation

 You see a Corpus man in a topknot and a black-and-gold coat reminiscent of Vauban Prime. The camera pans to a tall, thin woman in Corpus military fatigues. The man’s face is distorted. They sound ancient… and their voice is slightly distorted. 


Obrin: “Who was that?”

Lotus: “Itzcua is almost certainly Kolya Itzcua, owner of a sizable Corpus military contractor force based on Callisto. Meanwhile, the official is…”

Obrin: “Someone big, I assume.”

Lotus: “That is Adren Moyotl. A ranking member of the Corpus Board, who claims to have been on it since its formation.”

Obrin: “Oh no.”

Ordis: By the way, Lotus, I examined the data - and the relic has been sent planetside. They’re also planning to send Chimera back up Chtorrh Tower, and trigger it. Play it up as an accident, too.”

Bode: “…Right at a busy time, too. Oh, balls.”

Obrin: “And if we get blamed for it…”

Bode: “I know, O. Ganymede turns against you. We fight over scraps like the Flood all over again. And we’re easy pickings for the boxheads.”


3A-5-7 - Defense

The next segment is a Pyrus Project-like defense/exterminate hybrid in what will become the Tenno Concourse of Chtorrh Tower. Fight off Black Seed impostors, all while defending the “Chimera” containment unit from repair drones.

Eventually, once you’ve killed enough, the mission ends.


3A-5-8 - Conclusion

Bode: “Well, Ganymede’s safe. The Council’s decided to allow you onto the Relay, but… I don’t think they’ll let you planetside. *Irritated sigh* They still don’t trust you  down there, somehow…”

Ordis: “That is so-s-s BULLSH… utter nonsense, Bode! We saved their moon, and those STUPID M-

Obrin: “Of course it’s not fair, but… hatred can run deep, here. People with the same fears as Moyotl, they’re a dime-a-dozen - even if they hate him more than you.”

 Lotus: “They’re at least understandable, Tenno. Really.”

Bode: “Really? You saying that? I wonder, what do you mean by that?“

Lotus: “I’d… rather not say.”

Bode: “Anyway, if they ever let you down there, Nova and I left you some stuff in the mailbox. Consider it some thanks.”

The quest ends, rewarding you with two inventory spaces, a BLACK SEED TOKEN for Sabaka’s Roast, and a CHTORRH TOWER PASS for the next quest.

…Which requires Operator mode…

Alright (clap of fist into palm), gonna try to digest this.


Solaris/Black Seed? As in m, Solaris conscripted as Black Seed Operatives, or Black Seeed masqueradeing as Solaris?


Ah, so these fellows became a rogue element to that alarming degree eh? Heh, reminds me of my devils at Hepfaustia Tek, buried deep in Venus' crust.


Ah, warm-blooded vegetation. Another day, another reinforcement of onea Warframe's key themes, "The Familiar Strange".


A Cephalon that has returned to the flesh? Fascinating. I can almost imagine a barely clothed grinic body shambling along in an unnatural way while a wire protrudreing from it's neck leads up to a wheeled rail system that skids along to keep up with it.


"Representatives FROM Darvo's Deals and. . ."


Ah, character interactivity, loved it with Hok and his sleeping accomplice.


Ah, a lovely yarn you've written so far, with so much more complexity then my Deimos and so many more characters then my Barboga.


Delecious so far, I will await the next update as I get better.




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10 hours ago, Unus said:

Solaris/Black Seed? As in m, Solaris conscripted as Black Seed Operatives, or Black Seeed masqueradeing as Solaris?


Oh, that! It was Solaris and Black Seed, allied together. Some low-level operatives staged a raid of a Corpus research facility - nothing important, they just wanted to steal something to make extra cash - and they accidentally stole some Infestation samples that the lab was definitely not supposed to have.

10 hours ago, Unus said:

Ah, so these fellows became a rogue element to that alarming degree eh? Heh, reminds me of my devils at Hepfaustia Tek, buried deep in Venus' crust.


Do you mean the people of Ganymede? It's... well, they went rogue out of necessity, because the planet was in crisis, and the Corpus were simply letting them die until they needed a paycheck.

10 hours ago, Unus said:

Ah, warm-blooded vegetation. Another day, another reinforcement of onea Warframe's key themes, "The Familiar Strange".


With (of course) some inspiration from real life. I like to take inspiration from more obscure stuff in real life - like, again, the interconnected nature of Aspen tree(s?).

10 hours ago, Unus said:

A Cephalon that has returned to the flesh? Fascinating. I can almost imagine a barely clothed grinic body shambling along in an unnatural way while a wire protrudreing from it's neck leads up to a wheeled rail system that skids along to keep up with it.


That's not exactly how it works - there's no rail system or wire - but it's close. Ruhr just remembers a lot from their fleshy days, and misses having a sense of taste and smell. 

11 hours ago, Unus said:

"Representatives FROM Darvo's Deals and. . ."


My bad!

11 hours ago, Unus said:

Ah, a lovely yarn you've written so far, with so much more complexity then my Deimos and so many more characters then my Barboga.


Thanks, dood! I'll have to check those out. 

11 hours ago, Unus said:

Delecious so far, I will await the next update as I get better.


The next update will feature the surface of Ganymede, and the next part of the quest! It'll also be a bit more crunchy, featuring resources, NPCs, plants, and Ganymede's contribution to modular weapons systems.

Ganymede itself will not have a new modular primary system - just a bunch of blueprints for faction-based unique Zaw and Kitgun parts which you can assemble on Ganymede, Earth, or Venus. We know from experience what modular weapon systems have done to the already fragile balance of Warframe. Example being, my Kripath rapier outclasses my Endura to a ludicrous extent, and kitguns like my Tombfinger and Rattleguts are absurdly, hilariously, what-in-God's-name good. At least my Akvasto Prime has an excellent crit riven and my Pandero and Aklex Prime are, well, Pandero and Aklex Prime.

And I just don't want to do that to primaries. It's only a matter of time before I accidentally create something that makes my PRISMA GORGON (I like my Soma Prime more, on account of having much more build freedom... but even I have to admit, Prisma Gorgon is probably the best automatic weapon I own)  look like a water pistol. In fact, I'm convinced this is why we don't have primary Kitgun receivers.

(...Though admittedly a Tombfinger battle rifle would be dope. Maybe we'd get something that can stand on equal footing with the Prisma Grinlok and Quartakk, which seem to be the gold standards by which I should judge semiauto rifles in Warframe.)

As for what I mean about faction-based grips - I mean I'm planning to write in Grineer kitgun barrels, (like one inspired by the Nukor, or one inspired by the Kohm) Corpus zaw grips, professionally-made attachments for Kitguns from Vos Armaments, and Corpus zaw strikes.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Oh, that! It was Solaris and Black Seed, allied together. Some low-level operatives staged a raid of a Corpus research facility - nothing important, they just wanted to steal something to make extra cash - and they accidentally stole some Infestation samples that the lab was definitely not supposed to have.

Do you mean the people of Ganymede? It's... well, they went rogue out of necessity, because the planet was in crisis, and the Corpus were simply letting them die until they needed a paycheck.

With (of course) some inspiration from real life. I like to take inspiration from more obscure stuff in real life - like, again, the interconnected nature of Aspen tree(s?).

That's not exactly how it works - there's no rail system or wire - but it's close. Ruhr just remembers a lot from their fleshy days, and misses having a sense of taste and smell. 

My bad!

Thanks, dood! I'll have to check those out. 

The next update will feature the surface of Ganymede, and the next part of the quest! It'll also be a bit more crunchy, featuring resources, NPCs, plants, and Ganymede's contribution to modular weapons systems.

Ganymede itself will not have a new modular primary system - just a bunch of blueprints for faction-based unique Zaw and Kitgun parts which you can assemble on Ganymede, Earth, or Venus. We know from experience what modular weapon systems have done to the already fragile balance of Warframe. Example being, my Kripath rapier outclasses my Endura to a ludicrous extent, and kitguns like my Tombfinger and Rattleguts are absurdly, hilariously, what-in-God's-name good. At least my Akvasto Prime has an excellent crit riven and my Pandero and Aklex Prime are, well, Pandero and Aklex Prime.

And I just don't want to do that to primaries. It's only a matter of time before I accidentally create something that makes my PRISMA GORGON (I like my Soma Prime more, on account of having much more build freedom... but even I have to admit, Prisma Gorgon is probably the best automatic weapon I own)  look like a water pistol. In fact, I'm convinced this is why we don't have primary Kitgun receivers.

(...Though admittedly a Tombfinger battle rifle would be dope. Maybe we'd get something that can stand on equal footing with the Prisma Grinlok and Quartakk, which seem to be the gold standards by which I should judge semiauto rifles in Warframe.)

As for what I mean about faction-based grips - I mean I'm planning to write in Grineer kitgun barrels, (like one inspired by the Nukor, or one inspired by the Kohm) Corpus zaw grips, professionally-made attachments for Kitguns from Vos Armaments, and Corpus zaw strikes.

Ah, Vox Solaris going a bit more speedily clandestine then were used to, I see.


The uppercrust of Ganymede, specifically with them actively selling to the Grins.


Yes, yes, I do recall that being a fact. They mate that way to, if I recall.


Heh, now all I can see is a nose and a tongue sitting in a vat, having things lowered into it for smelling and tasteing respectively alla Hector Concarnie and Bosco from Grim and Evil


Do have to apologize, I'm so used to editing folks work that way that I kinda had a knee-jerk blurt of correction.


Restless Depths may be more interesting to you then Deimos for sure.


Seems like a very reasonable approach to me suh! I'm honestly surprised we haven't acquired Fortunin Zaw-bits during our update transition to blustery Venus.



Edited by Unus
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21 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Bad news: My art computer is being a butt, so no colored weapons for now. But I have an important question. I have a new revolver coming soon, and I have one question for all of you. Do you want it:

1. Purple and teal 

2. Orange and teal (like the Baza)

Is there a "corporate color-set" you have for the weapon manufactured there?

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27 minutes ago, Unus said:

Is there a "corporate color-set" you have for the weapon manufactured there?

Nah, it's Tenno. There's some inspiration from the Rubico rifle in there, but I was just like... "eh, I've got plenty of Rubico homages, why not do something different?" So I was considering doing it inspired by the Baza, but then I thought purple would be cool.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Nah, it's Tenno. There's some inspiration from the Rubico rifle in there, but I was just like... "eh, I've got plenty of Rubico homages, why not do something different?" So I was considering doing it inspired by the Baza, but then I thought purple would be cool.

Ah, that works. Only time I can really recall using purple beyond energy color is my Commuta elemental sniper rifle, might give your gun some color distinctiveness on the battlefield.

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30 minutes ago, Unus said:

Ah, that works. Only time I can really recall using purple beyond energy color is my Commuta elemental sniper rifle, might give your gun some color distinctiveness on the battlefield.

It doesn't help that there's only about five or or six canon guns in Warframe (Tiberons, Opticor Vandal, Nukor, Toxocyst) I can think of that use purple. And with three of those it's just as accents.

So this would be a nice change of pace for me.

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13 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

So I was drawing this horrible thing when I should've been writing, and I had a question. Do I continue the drawing and make it a sniper rifle, or should I make it a semiauto battle rifle?


Assuming my brainhole is functioning, it seems like that "Johnson mag" (is that a euphemism?) would be better suited on a battle rather then a sniper, unless you want the sniper to have lumpin big rounds.

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13 minutes ago, Unus said:

it seems like that "Johnson mag" (is that a euphemism" 


13 minutes ago, Unus said:

would be better suited on a battle rather then a sniper, unless you want the sniper to have lumpin big rounds.

...Hmmmm. An interesting point. BTW, this is what the Johnson rifle's mag actually looks like.

It's just such a weird reload that I gotta.




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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:


...Hmmmm. An interesting point. BTW, this is what the Johnson rifle's mag actually looks like.

It's just such a weird reload that I gotta.




OH! It makes me think of the trommel mag they used to stick on artillery Lugers and the mp-18! Funky.

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43 minutes ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Except it's even funkier than you think - it's mmediately under the barrel and a fixed mag that gets loaded with stripper clips.

. . . the feckin ell? Sounds like some kinda freaky muzzleloader, only, you get repeat shots after you finish the fumbling the rounds down hole.

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3 hours ago, Unus said:

. . . the feckin ell? Sounds like some kinda freaky muzzleloader, only, you get repeat shots after you finish the fumbling the rounds down hole.

It's not much like a muzzle loader, it's more like... well, the average stripper-clip-fed rifle, like the Garand. Except it uses two stripper clips. And instead of a box it's rotary. 

...I'm not making it sound any less weird, am I? 

For real though, if you need to come up with more Tenno or Grineer weapons (or any other miscellaneous factions you might create, like my Ganymedean rocket GLOCBLOCC... rocket glocket blocket?) then there's plenty of weird mags you can go with to shake things up. I've made a fairly large amount of conventional-ish box magazine, tube mag, drum mag, and revolver mag weaponry, so I feel like I should try to mix things up a bit.

tumblr_nwnaw3ozMS1s57vgxo1_r1_1280-660x3(Kottas magazine. I don't even know, man)



(this MP5 prototype mag. I homaged this once in an art dump. It could be Tenno, I guess, but I have a much better feeling for making it Grineer)



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Made another version of the..

... uh...

you know, I have no idea what it's called. I traced over a Rubico to make it clear that it's an infested version of that Thinking I might use the warp tool on photoshoop to make it look a little shorter, a little heavier. Any thoughts on that?

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