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So let's talk about the upcoming glass frame.

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As far as how it regenerates its glass head you could have it hold liquid glass that reforms the head and slowly hardens, I guess if you want while its in liquid glass form it could deal a little bit of heat damage in place of one of the other damage types until it hardens, my other thought was using some technology to make some sort of hard light like volt's shield or those accursed corpus bubble shields that could act similar to glass.

Just some ideas.

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Stealth CC, then Tank DPS. All Molten Glass has a slowdown effect and a heat procs and will proceed to cool down hardening and completing stopping movement.

1. Reflection/Absorption

2. Wall/wave


4. Superheat.

My version has a duality of skills based on the temperature of the Frame, on her cooled state, she is stealth and CC. on her heated state she becomes tank DPS

4. this acts like Equinox duality but it's more of a boost since its big loud and does damage a fiery molten glass explosion doing a lot of damage leaving the molten glass on the floor and covering the surrounding enemies that didn't die. Coating her in fire to do passive damage to melee targets that get too close, and activating the second side of her abilities cooling based on duration.

1. Reflection goes off on your Idea Rio, as a substitute for invisibility when cooled. but when 4th activates it becomes a dmg reduction ability like Mesa's shatter shield.

2. Wall is like Atlas walls but can't be passed through unless they are shattered by the frame or destroyed by dmg. Wave is a wave of molten glass that does Fire dmg and coats enemies with it slowing them down inflicting heat procs after the initial hit.

3. in Both states its a ground slam with a melee weapon or exalted weapon or just fist. when cooled it shatters the hardened glass from walls made or the hardened glass covering enemies doing extra damage to them, the heated form blast does an explosion that covers enemies in molten glass.

Edited by (PS4)Zero_Noctis
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Stealth CC, then Tank DPS. All Molten Glass has a slowdown effect and a heat procs and will proceed to cool down hardening and completing stopping movement.
1. Reflection/Absorption
2. Wall/wave
4. Superheat.
My version has a duality of skills based on the temperature of the Frame, on her cooled state, she is stealth and CC. on her heated state she becomes tank DPS
4. this acts like Equinox duality but it's more of a boost since its big loud and does damage a fiery molten glass explosion doing a lot of damage leaving the molten glass on the floor and covering the surrounding enemies that didn't die. Coating her in fire to do passive damage to melee targets that get too close, and activating the second side of her abilities cooling based on duration.
1. Reflection goes off on your Idea Rio, as a substitute for invisibility when cooled. but when 4th activates it becomes a dmg reduction ability like Mesa's shatter shield.
2. Wall is like Atlas walls but can't be passed through unless they are shattered by the frame or destroyed by dmg. Wave is a wave of molten glass that does Fire dmg and coats enemies with it slowing them down inflicting heat procs after the initial hit.
3. in Both states its a ground slam with a melee weapon or exalted weapon or just fist. when cooled it shatters the hardened glass from walls made or the hardened glass covering enemies doing extra damage to them, the heated form blast does an explosion that covers enemies in molten glass.
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On 03/09/2017 at 10:58 AM, BloodyBane said:

Feel like the 4th ability would be kinda obsolete considering there is a new Glass themed hammer releasing with the new Glass Warframe.

A glass hammer that can be wielded by any warframe doesn't have to act the exact same way as hers. After all we already have weapons that do some things similar to warframe powers. Like the Simulor and Vauban's vortex.

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Nice ideas, but I would pass if the frame had that many toggled abilities (reminds me of Wukong, oh god the energy drains). Needs a bit more interactivity than just Shattering Hammer melee rampage.

IMO I love the idea of her terraforming the environment to her team's advantage. Like causing molten glass to erupt from the ground and hardening into a pillar of spiky glass that can impale enemies as it emerges and act as a blockade once it cools, then add some type of synergy with Shattering Hammer (smash that pillar into pieces) for damage, procs and/or CC.

My favorite names so far are: Murrina, Aurena and Silica.

Edited by PsiWarp
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Just an idea I created with rough math on how her abilities would work.

100 health

100 shields

200 armor

300 power

1.10 movement speed




When hit, or casting an ability, a small amount of glass drips to the ground. Enemies that walk over it will take a slash proc, and have 10% of their armor removed. Walking over the glass will restore 10 health or shields. (NOT AFFECTED BY VACUUM!)


1st ability


Summons a duplicate of the current frame armed with a glass hammer. They cost 65 energy at base. They explode upon death, causing a slash proc to all nearby enemies. They are programed to guard you.

Concrete Characteristics: 50 health, 0.9563 attack speed.

Strength affects: Damage upon explosion, and damage per swing.

Base: (10% of enemy health [explosion] 60 impact, 20 slash, 20 puncture [swing])

Range affects: How far they swing and explosion meters

Base: (2 m at base [swing] 10 m [explosion])

Duration affects: How long they last.

Base: (25 seconds)

Extra effects:

Using Mirror while in Blow will cause the clone to spawn in a smaller less damaging puddle that wanders around at full speed.

If a Clone is rolled over with Crystallize, they will automatically explode.


2nd ability


Frame gives itself a spiky glass armor coating. Enemies take damage when attacking in melee, and ranged weapons have a small chance of ricocheting back at the target. Costs 75 energy base.

Concrete Characteristics: 50% of health loss blocked, armor of 300.

Strength affects: How much damage melee takes upon hitting you.

Base: (50% damage rebounded)

Range affects: How far you must be in order for ranged part to take effect.

Base: (12 m)

Duration affects: Nothing.

Extra effects

If cast before Mirror, the mirror will have Temper on it, at the cost of 7 seconds of it’s life.

If cast during Blow, the ground will temporarily solidify, and then have spikes raise from the ground, dealing the remaining armor's damage in slash and puncture.

If cast before Crystallize, the ball will be 3m, instead of 2m, and will now deal 100 extra puncture damage when rolling over enemies


3rd ability


Frame’s legs melt, turning into a small glass puddle. Enemies that enter the puddle are slowed by 75% and catch fire. You move at 75% of your normal speed, however. You also cannot jump, or do a leap attack, or any melee combos. This is a channeling ability, taking 2 energy per second of melted puddle.

Concrete Characteristics: 75% enemy slow, cannot jump, does fire damage that scales the longer an enemy is within the bubble.

Strength affects: Nothing

Duration affects: Reducing the time between energy taken.

Base: (2e/sec)

Range affects: How far you legs melt

Base: (12m)

Extra effects

If in use, and a Crystallize ball rolls over you, you will possess the ball for the duration of Crystallize, and will be able to move it around, and make it jump.



Cold Blow

You no longer walk at 75% of your normal movement speed. You can jump and do melee combos, and fire damage is replaced with cold damage.


4th ability


You summon a massive ball of sand, and then turn it into glass, causing it to go careening through the room like a pinball. Enemies are flattened by the ball, and will run from it. The ball is affected by gravity and slopes. When the ball is out of duration, it explodes, doing slash damage in a small radius. It costs 150 energy, and you can have two at a time.

Concrete Characteristics: None

Strength affects: How large the ball is and how much damage it will do to enemies

Base: (2m, [Ball size] 500 Impact [Per roll over] 2000 slash [upon explosion])

Duration affects: How long the ball stays around

Base: (36 seconds)

Range affects: How fast the ball goes, how how large the explosion is.

Base: (1.60 [speed] 4m [explosion radius])

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I have no art work just ideas and words (Me and a group made these up)

I didn't want to put this up because i thought it was stupid but my friend offered me plat to put it up. So mock or make fun of :D


So if you watch the dev streams or heard around you can see this glass warframeglasswarframetennocon.jpg

I wont list any stats of these there just ideas


Ability 1

Sharding Glasses - Joke of Shi*ting Glasses

This attack will shoot out a semi like puddle of broken glass in which if enemy step into they will have a bleed effect depending on level of frame and will leave shard pieces in the enemy for a number of seconds


Ability 2 Reinforced Glass

This ability makes a temp healing shield (like frost bubble but in a diamond shape) with radius in which teamates must be in the diamond to be healed. Ability last for however seconds.


Ability 3 Prism Light

Glass warframe will charge up a shining light that is not charged by energy but is charged by the amount of sunlight the warframe is exposed to and will release a laser beam that will do burst damage. If an enemy has a shard glass in them it will reflect off to another enemy with one and do damage. (Damage will not be reduced upon reflecting the light) When i say burst damage i mean that the light will fire in 3 consecutive blast. - Its like iron man shooting at a mirror three times

Ultimate or Ability 4 Mirrored maze

Within a reasonable distance of the warframe she will cast a maze that has mirror just like at carnivals that you will see. As long as you don't move your image will be reflected on all the mirrors. (the maze builds around enemies) The enemies will shoot at the glass and will reflect off to be shot back at them. Once shot the glass will break. (Its a maze so its like break wall by wall)



Resistance to status attacks

-she will have resistance towards different attacks with diff percentages. Example

(the one below arent legit just an example)

-Resistant to fire 50%

-Resistances to lighting 20%

So on



Again i was payed plat and i feel $&*&*#(%& for letting out these ideas.


-I Hate Anime-






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Speculating on her powers since Scott said the first iteration wasn't satisfactory! Tell me what you think :)

1. Scorched Earth (25 energy)

With her hammer in hand, she hurls a fiery ball of molten glass in an arc in front of her. A pool of magma rests upon the ground, burning enemies foolish enough to walk across its boiling surface that deals continuous Heat damage and proc. Walking through the blazing magma grants her and allies bonus armor for a brief time.

  • Heat damage per second and bonus armor are affected by Ability Strength.
  • Pool radius is affected by Ability Range.
  • Pool duration and bonus armor duration are affected by Ability Duration.
  • Limited 4 magma pools.

2. Crystal Lattice (50 energy)

Causes the Shields of nearby allies and herself to crystallize into glass, allowing Shields to benefit from Armor. Nearby Scorched Earth erupt and harden into pillars of razor-sharp glass, impaling enemies until the pillars break.

  • Pillar health is affected by Ability Strength.
    • Similar to Snowglobe, Iron Skin, Warding Halo, and Tectonics, pillar health benefits from the owner's Armor, and becomes invulnerable briefly to absorb damage and convert it into bonus health.
  • Radius is affected by Ability Range.
  • Armored Shield duration and pillar duration are affected by Ability Duration.
  • Allies can attack and path through pillars unhindered, while enemies and their attacks are blocked.
  • Enemies burning in Scorched Earth are impaled on the pillars' spikes as ragdolls when Crystal Lattice is activated.
  • Crystallized Scorched Earth still apply bonus armor when you and allies walk through them.
  • Pillars are transparent (like Hydroid's Tentacles).
  • Benefits Companions.
  • Limited 4 pillars. Can have 4 Crystal Lattice pillars and 4 Scorched Earth magma pools active at once.

3. Meltdown (25 energy, 2 energy per second)

Melting her glass armor, she converts Armor into bonus Health. While active, missing health converts into bonus melee damage and attack speed. On deactivation, melee damage and attack speed bonuses decay over time as the glass hardens.

  • Armor to Health conversion percentage, missing Health to Melee damage and attack speed conversion percentages, and bonuses max values are affected by Ability Strength.
  • Melee damage and attack speed afterburn durations are affected by Ability Duration.
  • Hold the hotkey to continuously convert Armor points into Health. Stops when you release the key or when you have no Armor left to convert.
    • Bonus armor from Scorched Earth can be converted. You keep the extra health even when the bonus armor buff is gone. You can regain the bonus armor by walking through another Scorched Earth to give yourself some armor protection.
  • Raises your maximum Health proportionate to the Armor points you converted.
  • Can be used to heal yourself by activating and deactivating.
  • Natural Talent affects the conversion speed.
  • Deactivating Meltdown returns your Armor instantly.
  • Two-handed upper body animation, can move while converting.

4. Pulverize (50 energy, 3 energy per second)

Wield her mighty hammer and shatter foes into pieces.

  • Base damage affected by Ability Strength, melee mods, and Steel Charge, similar to other exalted weapons.
    • Damage split between Slash, Puncture, and Impact.
  • Splash and shatter radii affected by Ability Range (see below).
  • Hammer can cleave multiple enemies for damage and will stagger them on each hit.
  • Performing a Ground Slam Attack on Scorched Earth causes the magma to splash outward, burning enemies in range with Heat damage and proc, while applying the Molten debuff on them.
    • Activating Crystal Lattice causes all Molten enemies in range to harden into glass for a duration.
    • Molten and Glassed enemies receive 50% more damage from Pulverize.
    • Ground Slam Attack is Blast damage and can proc.
  • Performing a Charged Melee Attack on a Crystal Lattice pillar instantly shatters it, sending glass shards (and impaled enemies) flying in all directions, inflicting Slash, Puncture, and Impact damage and procs (bleed, weaken, stagger) on enemies in range.
    • Shard damage scales with the pillar's max. health.
    • Charged Melee Attack is Heat damage and can proc.


The idea behind this design is that the Glass Frame is a tough gal to crack.

Laying down zones of damage over time and stuns, she can charge into enemies with her hammer in hand smashing and bashing them away, while giving her team a nice boost of armor. When push comes to shove, she can create makeshift barricades of glass to stop the enemy's advance through chokepoints and make her team's shields actually matter.

Making herself more fragile to burst damage but more durable to chip damage, she can further empower her melee weapon and hammer by taking damage, and also heal herself in a pinch (especially useful against Toxin damage and procs). Hammer Alone, while forgoing guns, greatly enhances her ability interactions when performing special melee attacks on her molten and hardened glass, providing additional damage and CC that can scale well into the endgame.

Edited by PsiWarp
noted SE and CL individual limits
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4 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

1. Scorched Earth (25 energy)

DE need to rework this idea even before Glass Frame come out, if DE even have some thing similar to Harrow or Nidus on Level of WarFrames's Unique Ability that describe the Frame, it would be neat.

Nice Job thinking this up, have to see when Glass Frame is released though.

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Definitely a strange theme to think about, but if other female frames are any indication, Glass Frame will be powerful indeed. Even though the design had to be back to the drawing board, I hope she will come with Plains of Eidolon since that's where we'll allegedly acquire her.

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