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Still hated more than all others, Limbo


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15 hours ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

Use Limbo. Cast 4.

Then cast 2 to freeze.

Then cast 3 to keep enemies in stasis while you turn off 4. 

Now you have your own cheese enemies you can fight without them fighting you back without restricting the rest of your team's weapon use.

From what i know when the first enemy dies in surge he banishes everybody around him making others unable to hit him with the expection of powers.

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14 hours ago, EDYinnit said:

Gee, it's almost like there's a pressing need to be able to decide for yourself what effects hinder your playstyle so you can avoid them without having to recruit specifically or go solo....

Speed makes you more intimately familiar with walls than you want? Opt out. No backflip interruptions required.

Don't want to punch things because Limbo stopped you from being allowed to shoot them? Opt out of Stasis.

Magbubbles in the way? OPT OUT.

Would you mind if i resurrext this topic?

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2 hours ago, Vance.Stubbs said:

None of the other frames come even close to the trolling potential of Limbo. The only ones I can think of are Frosts spamming Snow Globes which are annoying indeed and Zephyr's ult, but barely anyone players her and she is going to be reworked anyway. Also walking nukes are really not an issue on higher level content, especially on survival, excavation or defense where killing stuff ASAP is needed to progress faster anyway.

i think that zephyr ult, inaros 3rd and hydroid ulti can be considered troll because they don't allow you easy shooting at enemies, but they do enough damage or use it only in specific situation as cc that those are rarely a problem.
Also frost spamming globes in interception nodes can be considered a trolling gameplay

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23 hours ago, Terminus634 said:

Limbo. I have weird feelings for this frame on the one hand I love his concept appearance and general stats. On the other I want to shoot him several times in the back and eject him from my liset's airlock. I'm not the only one who feels this way too, every mission I have gone into, EVERY SINGLE MISSION WITHOUT EXCEPTION, while using Limbo I have gotten hate from some or everyone who connects if they stay at all because some immediately disconnect when they hear banish or cataclysm. DE you confuse me. Limbo is like a broken limb that is starting to get infected that you seem to refuse to fix, common sense would say to cut it off, remove it and apologize, or try your hardest to fix it even while knowing that because you broke it three times (first on release, second when you reworked him into a damage dealing god up there with saryn and ember, and third when you completely caved like super weak willed developers to the whims of the saryn and ember players who now found that they were not alone on top of the meta anymore) this limb, no I will not make a pun this is serious, is going to be a permanently crippled limb that everyone will hate unless you start over again with regards to his abliities. Limbo is a very selfish warframe and considering coop is pretty much the entirety of what this game is, that automatically means that people will instantly recoil when he drops into even, if not especially in, high level matches before turning into spitting cobras and spewing venom like it's in infinite supply...which it is in Limbo's case. None of his ablities truely benefit anyone except himself without sacrificing precious mod space. All of his ablities take waaaaaay to long to chain, by which I mean by the time you've banished, stasised, and surged all of your targets any other warframe could have killed those targets ten times over, this slow down is essentially equivalent to slowing the game down to the speed of a snail in cold tar and with warframe's pacing being what it is this is reason number two why I hate Limbo to the point of wanting to toss him his concept and whoever suggested the rework being just a tiny tweak instead of a complete overhaul of his abilities out of my Liset onto the surface of Ceres. The only reasons why I still have him is because he looks damn nice and, excluding his mentally disabled cancerous abilities (passive included), his stats are otherwise perfect. While people can no doubt offer cases where they've found limbo to be indispensible exceptional cases do not disprove the rule and sometimes if examined can even serve to prove the rule. The rule being in this case that Limbo is undeniably hated on some level by nearly everyone because he undeniably sucks.

Drop the Rift. Its a great IDEA. But a terrible mechanic. 

My suggestion is this:

Passive: Void Surge. Dodging surges Limbo through the Rift. While dodging, Limbo is immune to damage, status and knockdown effects.

1. Banish: Send enemies in front of Limbo into the Void. Those enemies become grayed-out, stationary silhouettes. They cannot move, attack or be interacted with at all. When they emerge back into our plain, they suffer 500 Impact damage and are knocked down, or at least stunned for 2 seconds.

2. Stasis: A surge of Void energy ripples outward, freezing enemies and projectiles in a Radius for X seconds. No longer needs enemies to be in the Void. Disabling it early allows all projectiles and enemies to begin moving once more, after a brief, 1 second stun.

3. Void Blast: Limbo unleashes a blast of Rift energy. Nearby enemies suffer 500 Puncture damage and are knocked down. Damage dissipates as it ripples outward, until enemies on the outside edge are staggered instead of knocked down and suffer only 250 damage.

4. Cataclysm: Wraps an area in a WALL of Rift ENERGY. Projectiles may pass OUT through the wall, but may not enter into it. Projectiles fired through the wall gain additional Void damage bonus. Projectiles that impact the wall charge it. Enemies that come into contact with the wall suffer X damage per second they remain in contact, and are slowed by 50% while in contact.

Toggling the Wall off early causes it to explode, sending out a Void Blast with a beginning radius at the outside of the wall. 


Simply put, the Rift has to go. Its confusing, cumbersome and irritates most players (and rightfully so). Its a great IDEA, and works ok in a careful, coordinated group. But theres too much public group play in this game for the Rift to work as it does.

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23 hours ago, Kurokoz said:

I was just trying to explain why it was not a stretch.  The rest of the post was not relevant to my thought process being a stretch.

No you were just being a jerk to the OP and getting the thread off topic. If you want to talk about Zephyr go to one of the 300 re-work threads.

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On 9/21/2017 at 3:09 PM, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

except almost no limbo player gets this. they either run around only reviving or they have a massive cataclysm bubble and use stasis and then rage at their team mates who shoot and cause the stasis to turn off.

I do it a lot but sometimes I cata statis when a teammate is getting overwhelmed 

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4 hours ago, (PS4)kingbrown2012 said:

I do it a lot but sometimes I cata statis when a teammate is getting overwhelmed 

the difference being, that is a life saver where others START OUT by cata stasis and then stand around and yell at anyone who trys to shoot in the bubble

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I play quite a lot of limbo and I will say this. I've only been yelled at once and that is for making a mistake on survival that almost caused a loss but didn't.

I corrected the mistake and adjusted and didn't habe any issues with players being toxic. I have noticed players leaving when I join games but that isn't every single game and can't say for certain of its because they are deathly allergic to limbo.

I play limbo rather reserved when pugging and do look for opportunities to use abilities I could probably use them more than I do.

When I play him in a group I assume the role of 'overseer' I for the most part let things play out on their own naturally while I go do my own thing and then use my powers as 'divine intervention' when things go south to get my team back on their feet.

I've started using cataclysm in between wabwa of defense to give some wnrgy back to my team then turn it off the moments enemies appear.

Basically I play around the team as much as possible trying to make it Limbos presence not immediately noticeable and keep stasis in short bursts for as little disruption as possible

So I don't think it is inherently limbo. He could use follow up QOL changes I'd they seem necessary to make him more flexible with who is working with but it is mainly a player issue in my opinion as limbo is one the few frames who can't spam powers Willy nilly like most of the roster so it is jarring for those new to him.

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On 9/21/2017 at 4:06 PM, DualParadox said:

Well, Ember is creeping up to take the first place. I mean "warframe running simulator".

Lol So your saying you don't move around to get within 20 meters to the enemy to fight them. I guess you like to play the Warframe fail mission simulator.

4 hours ago, AbstractLemons said:

I play quite a lot of limbo and I will say this. I've only been yelled at once and that is for making a mistake on survival that almost caused a loss but didn't.

I corrected the mistake and adjusted and didn't habe any issues with players being toxic. I have noticed players leaving when I join games but that isn't every single game and can't say for certain of its because they are deathly allergic to limbo.

I play limbo rather reserved when pugging and do look for opportunities to use abilities I could probably use them more than I do.

When I play him in a group I assume the role of 'overseer' I for the most part let things play out on their own naturally while I go do my own thing and then use my powers as 'divine intervention' when things go south to get my team back on their feet.

I've started using cataclysm in between wabwa of defense to give some wnrgy back to my team then turn it off the moments enemies appear.

Basically I play around the team as much as possible trying to make it Limbos presence not immediately noticeable and keep stasis in short bursts for as little disruption as possible

So I don't think it is inherently limbo. He could use follow up QOL changes I'd they seem necessary to make him more flexible with who is working with but it is mainly a player issue in my opinion as limbo is one the few frames who can't spam powers Willy nilly like most of the roster so it is jarring for those new to him.


I don't see the problem of using cataclysm is a snowglobe. While everyone else fights outside and returns in to get healing and energy.  Most of the problems I think come for most not being familiar with his abilities and how to get out of them if you don't want them on you. I also admit I haven't tried him out since his rework yet too. I am however generally familiar as to how he works.

Edited by Andaius
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I understand a lot of the reasoning said. It the build and use of it is the Players and Communities fault, not DE. When I play him. With allies, I cast them to the rift plane as we head to missions for everyone to get the large ENERGY gaining passive it carries. Then we get to combat and use rift, freeze, and undo rift. Even if not, can use the rift surge to capture enemies from outside the rift or cast banish on groups outside to target ranged enemies to target enemies with abilities. His abilities range can cause some issues, bit walking out is as easy as in. We also use the rift to revive allies and control sentinels from dying and kubrows when we don't want them to if overrun or toxic damage groups. (Recently annoying Box. So balancing to players and so infuriating too xd. Love him XD) 


Point is, in moderation and use he's extremely useful and handy. Communication makes a huge difference. Instead of dragging Allie in for cover and energy vs throwing ransoms plans out the window because you felt that it was in their best interest. Get the same issues from ember nuking all enemies in a relic mission and lowering reactant drops because she toast them before they get corrupted. Or a non stealth like rhino running lasers cause he won't stagger to back consoles in spy by setting off alarms on purpose. Same issue with Nekros summoning his death clones and they count to friendly fore for blocking shot damage in haorda. Every character can be used at bad spots or overdone. Just depend son the players. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm way more annoyed by slow Novas slowing down enemy flow too much...or speed Volts @(*()$ with me. If I run into Limbo I simply roll to get out of the rift if I want to. At least he gives me energy if I want it and compared to slow Nova good Limbos are actually quite good at killing fast. Their melee damage bonus with the rift torrent mod is sick :D

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