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Twitch Drops Prep and Exclusive Sigil Drop


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Just now, [DE]Taylor said:

You can receive Drops as a viewer, regardless of what platform you're on! So as a console Tenno, you'll receive the items live like those on PC.

You kinda need to clear up this sigil stuff.

Right now I see it as that if you aren't watching the stream when the achievement is earned by the streamer, that's it. Eventually all the streamers are going to have received the achievement no? Seems rather restrictive. Plus, not everyone will have time for the stream at the exact moment. Eventually no one can get it unless they're a new streamer and haven't played PoE. I was hoping that you wouldn't have to be watching it live to receive the reward, but that seems too easy.

Plus, it's rather... Lame. I would rather be playing the update opposed to watching someone else spoil it for me.

Personally, I think you're putting too much onto the streamers right now <_<... Nevermind Twitch itself.

Edited by Valiant
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On 27/09/2017 at 9:09 PM, [DE]Taylor said:

Twitch Drops Prep


The Plains of Eidolon is on the horizon, which means the Great Eidolon event on Twitch is inching ever nearer. If you love Twitch streams, or simply love getting loot, this is not an event you want to miss out on! Full details about this campaign, including an FAQ, can be found here.

To make sure you’re ready to receive Twitch Drops when this launches, you can easily check to make sure your accounts are properly linked at warframe.com/user


Exclusive Sigil Drops

Some of you may be aware that our Warframe Partners will be dropping an Exclusive Sigil when they unlock the “By Dawn’s Early Light” achievement on-stream. Below is a list of all of our (PC) Warframe Partners who are able to trigger this Exclusive Drop for easy reference:


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Ok.... some sort of idea of time when these going on might be useful, while they might be all English language it doesn't mean they'll all fall in the time zone, you have US, UK and AUS english for example which are all in different time zones and well some are a little more practical than others for someone in the UK to watch....

Also why no prime time option, while I'm sure the other streamers are good and that, I have no idea (apart from any that post in this thread) what time they are likely to do their twitch stream and as you've said if you miss the stream(s) you're basically screwed. 

You know, while I appreciate the business side of things with twitch for DE, this 'exclusivity' and it's with restrictions like on this event is really starting to get annoying, especially with the latest twitch prime.... then there's the minor detail that if PoE is released most of us would likely prefer to be playing it rather than watching someone else play it...

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What a weird promotion.

- Hey let's release an update, but make players watch streamers play if for the first time instead of playing it themselves and experiencing it fresh.

- Hey, we have Tennos on PS4 and Xbox One , let's force them to watch the new content from PC streamers so they unlock free gear by watching stuff they won't get to experience for like a month due to console build cert and delays.

- Hey let's make a partnership with Twitch where most people will leave streams open without watching them just to get goodies, creating bogus views and fake streaming popularity numbers and make the streamers seem more active than they really are.

- Let's keep rewarding people for leaving tons of streaming windows open all day and essentially doing nothing contructive.

Seems to me like a bogus marketing ploy to get tons of fake streamer viewers and push warframe in the top streamed / views section for publicity... Which is fine I suppose, but feels a little dishonest.



Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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It's a rare occasion when I post here these days, but this seems like a development that warrants a considered opinion.

To bottom-line things for those without much time to read, I don't like this move.

     It encourages people to watch rather than to play. It risks attaching DE's content partners to a source of tension and artificial importance. It risks segmenting our valuable community along yet another new fault line of exclusivity. It risks depressing prices of player-generated items such as "farmed" prime items, which may hurt the game's economy and the public perception of its economy.

I hope to see more explanation and detail from DE in the days to come, but these are my concerns until further information can sufficiently dispel them.

    We have many players for whom participation in this event is either very difficult, totally impractical or otherwise distasteful. There are several potential lines along which portions of the extant and near-future community may segment itself in response, and that would be very bad for a game which prides itself on broad appeal and accessibility.

  •     timed exclusive cosmetics
  •     exclusives tied to monetary investment, independent of the Founder program and what Prime Access already brings
  •     requirements on time and internet access for participation
  •     frustration for players who would rather simply "play" the new content free of distraction

                - as a byline, there's potential for tension between this group and everyone who plans to "participate in the event"

   The event itself seems prone to certain abuses, and DE have yet to disclose how they plan to prevent such abuses. I feel as though I will have no option but to watch from within my own small community, which does include multiple English-language streamers on this list, and see what sort of trouble does (or doesn't) develop. Naturally, I don't like having to sit and wait like that.

    As for myself, I have no plans to "participate" as I'd rather simply enjoy the game. Stream culture as a whole does not interest me, and I don't wish to be "punished" for a lack of interest or funds. I backed this game in its earliest days with what money I had at the time, and my budget simply doesn't allow for more spending than what I've given the game so far - which is slightly north of $200. I can't make a reasonable complaint about the exclusivity of certain cosmetic items that are packaged with Prime Access, but so far this "event" doesn't sit well with me. 

   More detail and clarity from DE would be appreciated, and I would be happy to see my concerns disappear.



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1 hour ago, yerpmalton said:

It's a rare occasion when I post here these days, but this seems like a development that warrants a considered opinion.

To bottom-line things for those without much time to read, I don't like this move.

     It encourages people to watch rather than to play. It risks attaching DE's content partners to a source of tension and artificial importance. It risks segmenting our valuable community along yet another new fault line of exclusivity. It risks depressing prices of player-generated items such as "farmed" prime items, which may hurt the game's economy and the public perception of its economy.

I hope to see more explanation and detail from DE in the days to come, but these are my concerns until further information can sufficiently dispel them.

    We have many players for whom participation in this event is either very difficult, totally impractical or otherwise distasteful. There are several potential lines along which portions of the extant and near-future community may segment itself in response, and that would be very bad for a game which prides itself on broad appeal and accessibility.

  •     timed exclusive cosmetics
  •     exclusives tied to monetary investment, independent of the Founder program and what Prime Access already brings
  •     requirements on time and internet access for participation
  •     frustration for players who would rather simply "play" the new content free of distraction

                - as a byline, there's potential for tension between this group and everyone who plans to "participate in the event"

   The event itself seems prone to certain abuses, and DE have yet to disclose how they plan to prevent such abuses. I feel as though I will have no option but to watch from within my own small community, which does include multiple English-language streamers on this list, and see what sort of trouble does (or doesn't) develop. Naturally, I don't like having to sit and wait like that.

    As for myself, I have no plans to "participate" as I'd rather simply enjoy the game. Stream culture as a whole does not interest me, and I don't wish to be "punished" for a lack of interest or funds. I backed this game in its earliest days with what money I had at the time, and my budget simply doesn't allow for more spending than what I've given the game so far - which is slightly north of $200. I can't make a reasonable complaint about the exclusivity of certain cosmetic items that are packaged with Prime Access, but so far this "event" doesn't sit well with me. 

   More detail and clarity from DE would be appreciated, and I would be happy to see my concerns disappear.



This is the most well written response I've ever read on here. Good job, and I 100% agree.

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On 9/29/2017 at 6:43 PM, yerpmalton said:

It's a rare occasion when I post here these days, but this seems like a development that warrants a considered opinion.

To bottom-line things for those without much time to read, I don't like this move.

     It encourages people to watch rather than to play. It risks attaching DE's content partners to a source of tension and artificial importance. It risks segmenting our valuable community along yet another new fault line of exclusivity. It risks depressing prices of player-generated items such as "farmed" prime items, which may hurt the game's economy and the public perception of its economy.

I hope to see more explanation and detail from DE in the days to come, but these are my concerns until further information can sufficiently dispel them.

    We have many players for whom participation in this event is either very difficult, totally impractical or otherwise distasteful. There are several potential lines along which portions of the extant and near-future community may segment itself in response, and that would be very bad for a game which prides itself on broad appeal and accessibility.

  •     timed exclusive cosmetics
  •     exclusives tied to monetary investment, independent of the Founder program and what Prime Access already brings
  •     requirements on time and internet access for participation
  •     frustration for players who would rather simply "play" the new content free of distraction

                - as a byline, there's potential for tension between this group and everyone who plans to "participate in the event"

   The event itself seems prone to certain abuses, and DE have yet to disclose how they plan to prevent such abuses. I feel as though I will have no option but to watch from within my own small community, which does include multiple English-language streamers on this list, and see what sort of trouble does (or doesn't) develop. Naturally, I don't like having to sit and wait like that.

    As for myself, I have no plans to "participate" as I'd rather simply enjoy the game. Stream culture as a whole does not interest me, and I don't wish to be "punished" for a lack of interest or funds. I backed this game in its earliest days with what money I had at the time, and my budget simply doesn't allow for more spending than what I've given the game so far - which is slightly north of $200. I can't make a reasonable complaint about the exclusivity of certain cosmetic items that are packaged with Prime Access, but so far this "event" doesn't sit well with me. 

   More detail and clarity from DE would be appreciated, and I would be happy to see my concerns disappear.



110% agree dont like this even vary much. a better way to have done this and still incentivise ppl to watch streamers would have bee to have the partnered streamers all have to get all the achievements and once they all reached that achievement everyone gets the loot. partnered streamers who wouldnt be able to participate for any reason could opt-out as to not ruin it for everyone. on paper this event looks great hell free gear for doing nothing other than watching someone else do the hard work badass! but that quickly falls apart.

i have school/work everyday all day of the event, ok ill leave my pc running multiple streams to maximize my chances of getting loot, welp power went out/computer crached/ internet went down before anyone got an achievement guess ill try next time...   


and what about all the ppl effected by the recent hurricanes surely? some of them played Warframe and some still dont have access to internet let-alone power. especially in the Caribbean where it was hit hardest. i mean maybe none of them played wf but if they did they would be SOL for the new free loot


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On 9/27/2017 at 7:37 PM, Fukushu said:

I can't believe DE thinks this is a good idea.

Employee 1 - "Hey, I've got a brilliant idea for when Plains of Eidolon drops! How about instead of encouraging people to play, we add exclusive items from watching other people play the update so they spoil everything before they even drop down on Cetus for the first time!"

Employee 2 - "But what about those who want to experience the Plains of Eidolon for themselves first? Do they get anything?"

Employee 1 - "Welp, best hope they experience everything before our chosen streamers all unlock the achievements, otherwise those players are SOL."

The items exclusive to the Twitch Drops system are cosmetic only. Exclusive cosmetics have been a part of Warframe for a long time (I'm looking at you, event sigils). Unlike the Supra Vandal and the Ignis Wraith, the other items that take the form of weapons and resources are not exclusive as far as anyone knows.

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30 minutes ago, Teksorbkyva said:

The items exclusive to the Twitch Drops system are cosmetic only. Exclusive cosmetics have been a part of Warframe for a long time (I'm looking at you, event sigils). Unlike the Supra Vandal and the Ignis Wraith, the other items that take the form of weapons and resources are not exclusive as far as anyone knows.

Cosmetic or not, that's not the reason why there are those of us against this. When Plains of Eidolon drops, a majority of us are going to want to experience it for ourselves, but with how these cosmetics will be earned, we'd have to watch someone else play the new content and spoil it. Yes, some players have computers and/or internet strong enough to play and have a muted stream in the background (or multiple like some are going to try to possibly get multiple RNG loot rolls), but for those of us who can't? It's either play everything and get nothing, or spoil everything and get some mediocre cosmetics and a chance at one random item that'll either make you happy or have been a waste of time that could've been spent experiencing the Plains yourself.

As for your Event Sigil reference, here's the big difference: Event Sigils are earned by playing in the events and are a way to show you were around and participated at that time. These cosmetics, on the other hand, show that you watched someone else play. Also, you aren't just getting cosmetics from watching these Streamers play, you'll be earning random loot every time they earn an achievement on the Plains ranging from Color Pallets to Prime Gear (and probably some other junk in there like last year's Halloween random gift thing that annoyed many players who got boosters while others got skins). That's not too much of an issue if you've ranked up to the current MR cap and have plenty of Platinum to spare, but for anyone who doesn't? Better hope those hours of watching Streamers shoot down birds rewards you well.

I'd be fine if at least the cosmetics could be earned by playing the game (like getting the sigil from slaying your first Eidolon and the Wisp Orbiter decoration from upgrading your Operator to Eidolon Hunter), but having a Sigil and Orbiter Decoration that basically say "I watched someone else play it first" is just dumb.

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On 9/30/2017 at 12:43 PM, yerpmalton said:

It's a rare occasion when I post here these days, but this seems like a development that warrants a considered opinion.

To bottom-line things for those without much time to read, I don't like this move.

     It encourages people to watch rather than to play. It risks attaching DE's content partners to a source of tension and artificial importance. It risks segmenting our valuable community along yet another new fault line of exclusivity. It risks depressing prices of player-generated items such as "farmed" prime items, which may hurt the game's economy and the public perception of its economy.

I hope to see more explanation and detail from DE in the days to come, but these are my concerns until further information can sufficiently dispel them.

    We have many players for whom participation in this event is either very difficult, totally impractical or otherwise distasteful. There are several potential lines along which portions of the extant and near-future community may segment itself in response, and that would be very bad for a game which prides itself on broad appeal and accessibility.

  •     timed exclusive cosmetics
  •     exclusives tied to monetary investment, independent of the Founder program and what Prime Access already brings
  •     requirements on time and internet access for participation
  •     frustration for players who would rather simply "play" the new content free of distraction

                - as a byline, there's potential for tension between this group and everyone who plans to "participate in the event"

   The event itself seems prone to certain abuses, and DE have yet to disclose how they plan to prevent such abuses. I feel as though I will have no option but to watch from within my own small community, which does include multiple English-language streamers on this list, and see what sort of trouble does (or doesn't) develop. Naturally, I don't like having to sit and wait like that.

    As for myself, I have no plans to "participate" as I'd rather simply enjoy the game. Stream culture as a whole does not interest me, and I don't wish to be "punished" for a lack of interest or funds. I backed this game in its earliest days with what money I had at the time, and my budget simply doesn't allow for more spending than what I've given the game so far - which is slightly north of $200. I can't make a reasonable complaint about the exclusivity of certain cosmetic items that are packaged with Prime Access, but so far this "event" doesn't sit well with me. 

   More detail and clarity from DE would be appreciated, and I would be happy to see my concerns disappear.



100000% agree. I do not enjoy the streaming community as it's always so busy, so crowded and so extremely different from my type of personality and my type of community groups. I would rather sit down and play the update rather than worry about exclusives that are only available through a system that I greatly despise. @[DE]Steve or any other DE member, if you read this, I would massively appreciate it if the exclusive twitch items could be gained solo through your own personal achievements. Whenever a new update comes, I like to sit down, go solo, become a hermit and play alone, by myself through the update, with as little spoilers and excitement as possible. Over-excitement, or over hype like the stuff you see in streams is incredibly overwhelming for me as I find excitement draining, and would rather avoid it at all costs. DE, can we please get these items through in-game, solo means and can we please no longer have these sorts of rewards?

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20 hours ago, Fukushu said:

Cosmetic or not, that's not the reason why there are those of us against this. When Plains of Eidolon drops, a majority of us are going to want to experience it for ourselves, but with how these cosmetics will be earned, we'd have to watch someone else play the new content and spoil it. Yes, some players have computers and/or internet strong enough to play and have a muted stream in the background (or multiple like some are going to try to possibly get multiple RNG loot rolls), but for those of us who can't? It's either play everything and get nothing, or spoil everything and get some mediocre cosmetics and a chance at one random item that'll either make you happy or have been a waste of time that could've been spent experiencing the Plains yourself.

As for your Event Sigil reference, here's the big difference: Event Sigils are earned by playing in the events and are a way to show you were around and participated at that time. These cosmetics, on the other hand, show that you watched someone else play. Also, you aren't just getting cosmetics from watching these Streamers play, you'll be earning random loot every time they earn an achievement on the Plains ranging from Color Pallets to Prime Gear (and probably some other junk in there like last year's Halloween random gift thing that annoyed many players who got boosters while others got skins). That's not too much of an issue if you've ranked up to the current MR cap and have plenty of Platinum to spare, but for anyone who doesn't? Better hope those hours of watching Streamers shoot down birds rewards you well.

I'd be fine if at least the cosmetics could be earned by playing the game (like getting the sigil from slaying your first Eidolon and the Wisp Orbiter decoration from upgrading your Operator to Eidolon Hunter), but having a Sigil and Orbiter Decoration that basically say "I watched someone else play it first" is just dumb.

I agree with you on the whole spoiling thing. I hadn't thought of it like that, but maybe I was expecting to try my hand at watching PoE stream after I've done as much as I can. Yet if I'm doing that, most likely the streamers have already played as far as I have, if not further, and I don't get anything anyways.

Yeah, looking at it like that it's pretty S#&amp;&#036;ty, but the fact that most of the rewards are cosmetic items that don't affect gameplay is partially fair in my opinion. It sure as hell is frustrating when you miss out on exclusive stuff. Heck, I even missed out on both Ignis Wraith and Supra Vandal, but I just don't find that to be a dealbreaker. Hopefully the non-cosmetic items included in the random drops for watching Twitch will be fairly minor things. I can cope if there's a chance to get a Latron Prime or Prisma Grakata, as those are things you can get elsewhere (albeit not cheap as Latron is vaulted and Grakata hasn't been in Baro's stock for a while).

I can tell you right now I will probably be playing the update first, and only watching streamers second when I'm not able to play or don't feel like it (which is highly unlikely due to how damn long I've been waiting). Hopefully they'll address these concerns prior to or shortly after the Twitch Drops start, otherwise the things you're describing will certainly hinder the entire collaboration.

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21 hours ago, Teksorbkyva said:

but the fact that most of the rewards are cosmetic items that don't affect gameplay is partially fair in my opinion. It sure as hell is frustrating when you miss out on exclusive stuff. Heck, I even missed out on both Ignis Wraith and Supra Vandal, but I just don't find that to be a dealbreaker.

OK, you're completely ignoring the fact that for a lot of people, cosmetics are the main draw of Warframe. FashionFrame is a thing, after all. As for you missing out on Ignis Wraith and Supra Vandal, those are poor examples because those aren't cosmetic. They are unique weapons worth mastery affinity.

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1 hour ago, JustinWood said:

OK, you're completely ignoring the fact that for a lot of people, cosmetics are the main draw of Warframe. FashionFrame is a thing, after all. As for you missing out on Ignis Wraith and Supra Vandal, those are poor examples because those aren't cosmetic. They are unique weapons worth mastery affinity.

Which is why I said, that in my opinion, having exclusive cosmetics is partially fair. Yes, it sucks to miss out on things, but it's not an uncommon thing in games and as much as I like my fashion frame, I spend a lot more time actually shooting things than to care about a sigil or two.

Plus, there will be tons of new cosmetics to come. Operator cosmetics when they become Warriors, Halloween Tennogen, various other things spotted and hinted throughout the PoE update streams. I would have a problem if they started adding new cosmetics to the Twitch drops instead of keeping them in the game market because while having some Twitch-themed merch for your frame is ok to miss out on (IMO), restricting future cosmetics to that system certainly isn't going to be popular and will alienate a lot of people who are more than happy to spend plat instead of Twitch view time.

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11 hours ago, Sunderlimer said:

It feels as if this will totaly break the game.. IF you can watch many streams at a time, that is.

Yeah. Depends on if they actually let you gain drops from multiple streams at once, and if the drop rates are frequent that can really be abused too. I hope they publish detailed information on that but I doubt they will, unlike the drop rates data they had to post because of Chinese information laws.

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On 9/27/2017 at 5:01 PM, (PS4)The_Verethragna said:

Is there any kind of balancing factor on the reward-per-achievement?

Say for instance, I were to open up the streams of 50 different Partners in different tabs, and there's 20 Achievements, that would be 1000 chances at potentially Vaulted Prime gear and Market items.

That seems a little too good.

i feel like they'll make those drop at like 2.5%, cuz we all know how de like to make one thing really rare in their reward tables. or they'll just put a cap on the amount of stuff any account gets.


On 9/27/2017 at 5:00 PM, -STR-ChainWarden said:

We are ready to hunt. Bring it us !


if you look at this forum no we're not ready, to many unanswered ?'s

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It could be really nice if the streamers communicate with eachother and spread the schedule with different hours/days of streams to give everyone chance for the rewards.

Multiple streams abuse won't be happening if this is only ONE random reward - one per account. I hope it is one only, because if it's not, people will stream new accounts and spam achievements.

@[DE]Taylor Can you confirm that the random reward is one-time only or can be earned multiple times?

Edited by Sebith
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6 hours ago, nickna said:

if you look at this forum no we're not ready, to many unanswered ?'s

We can discover it. This is the case of Open World c'mon man. We dont have to know everything before the update :sleep:

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42 minutes ago, Soribada said:

Meh... gonna be out of town this weekend til monday afternoon... Am I screwed? No sigil for me?

I'm hoping update comes next wed....

Some streamers (Like a Gay Guy Plays) said they will play the achievement not the day of the release but a bit later...

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