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What's your favorite warframe ?


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Just now, (Xbox One)Deadly Moves said:

Ah ok, ive not had chance to use Wukong yet. he's currently cooking in my foundry though.

His main advantage is the ability to come back form the dead...or never die at all. His actual tank isn't nearly as strong as Rhino, but him coming back from the dead totally makes up for it.

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Valkyr Prime


Hysteria animations are too staccato (fast swipes followed by long pauses), short range, and the combos lock your direction to a straight line. 

Warcry melee speed boost, I don't like it, but then I don't Meta. Would exchange it for equivalent damage, or bonus combo points or something. 

Warcry enemy slow is on cast not an aura, and ability cannot be recast, so Eternal War augment practically removes the enemy slow effect. 

Paralysis has too short a duration unless you use Prolonged Paralysis augment which also exchanges standing finishers for inferior ground finishers. 


Ripline is fun. Strong vertical mobility. Too strong sometimes.

Passive removes hard landings further improving vertical mobility. 

Passive improves recovery speed from knockdown. 

High passive durability from armor. 

Hysteria removes requirement of Lifestrike. 

Hysteria provides safe revives, hacking.

Hysteria works in primary weapon only and secondary weapon only sorties. 

Ripline and Paralysis are cheap, and with Eternal War, Warcry costs nothing once cast if you can sustain it. 

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Pretty much been pro-Ember since 2013. My only gripe with her is the fact that her 1st and 3rd abilities are pretty meager at this point and could use a bit of adjustment to function better with her 2nd and 4th.

Edited by Trowicia
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Its tied for me Rhino & Ash, Rhino for his CC and Team damage buff and Ash for his speed and ability to take any target (lvl 150 gunner? no sweat)  out with covert lethality and teleport or by stripping their armor with seeking shuriken and popping them with a tigris prime 1 shot, either way works great.


It was Nyx 1st place but i recently learned about Loki Prime and his Irradiating disarm, i havn't touched Nyx since, its a poor mans Loki (pains me to say it but its true)

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Volt prime. Team support (volt shields and overshields), damage and CC. Plus his tennogen skins look kickass. He's followed closely by Mag prime for some of the same reasons, though i kinda wish she had a larger energy pool or something. 

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#1 For me would be Banshee. Sonar and silence? Nuff said. 

#2 Harrow when not in mood for Banshee. I love me some headshot streaks and red crits.

#3 Nekky or Mag. I don't use them as much as I used to, but they still get out of shelf sometimes. 

#4 Would be Valkyr, as she's my most used frame. Although, she does gets used when I want to have fun with melee weapons and occasional invincibility. 

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Rhino Prime

Double damage from roar, decent cc with stomp, charge is great (when I remember to use it) for moving through crowds, and iron skin is a very good tanking tool. Plus +/-14,000 damage with iron shrapnel. Just slide into a mass of enemies, blow it off, and recast in one smooth movement.

He can be a little squishy without iron skin, depending on the build and whether or not you can fit vitality and/or redirection in there. And he's slow, but there's ways around that, especially if you can afford an arcane vanguard helmet and don't mind giving up the power strength. But when your idiot most esteemed best friend decides to face tank the fire from a entire squad of grineer with nova (for the thousandth time) cleric rhino really comes in handy.

Mirage, Saryn, Nyx and Mag are all good too though. Hell, my Mag Prime has about as many kills on her as Rhino does despite me using her about 30% less, she's not even in the first two rows of my profile so that says something about her murdertacity right there.

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I'm pretty fond of Inaros.

Pros: Absolutely massive health pool; ability to leech health from enemies; can drain health from enemies in a sarcophagus so he doesn't die.

Cons: No shields at all; any status effect that deals damage will always drain his health; susceptible to viral effects.

One of the things I love doing with Inaros is equipping him with Rage, so he has a constant stream of energy as long as he takes damage.

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#1 and #2 are very close and might switch... but here goes.

1)  Zephyr.  She is absolutely perfect for when you really don't want to have to worry about bullets or dying.  When she's airborne and has her 3 on... she's practically impossible to kill.  Doubly so if you have Aviator on her.  That means that... you can pretty much just float around and rain death and destruction on your enemies without a care in the world.

2)  Titania.  Just about everything she does is downright hilarious and awesome.

3)  Volt Prime.  I started with Volt and I've got a bit of a soft spot for him.  Also I absolutely love how flexible he is.

4)  Nezha.  Some days all I want to do is slide around like a crazy person and set EVERYTHING on fire.

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There are a few frames in my arsenal I haven’t tried out yet (Oberon, Mesa, Chroma, Banshee, Saran, Valkyrie, Vauban, Wukong) and a few I have not yet gotten (Ash, Atlas, Equinox, Excalibur, Loki). So far my favorite frames are:

1. Nezha

Nezha is hands down my favorite frame to run missions with. If I think he can handle it, I run him in it. Invasions & other speedrun type content become so much more fun with him.

Pros: Fast fun flowing movement that makes you feel like a professional speedy ice skater. A warding ability that makes environmental hazards and flying bullets a non issue while zooming around. A teleport skill allowing you to skip huge sections of a tileset. Fire walking which heals and cure statuses for allies and damages enemies  (damage increases with augment). A CC ability that lets you lock down everything around you if things get hairy.

Cons: Energy maintenance is a serious issue, falling off a ledge removes halo which is not good if you have been using firewalker. The loss of Zanurik is going to hurt this frame the most in my opinion. Without halo Nezha is extremely squishy. There are a lot of higher level or more challenging missions that I feel Nehza could not hold his own in. 


Assimilate augment turns Nyx into a demigod. She is amazing... CC, Damage, energy efficient invulnerability, there really isn’t anything she can’t do. She is incredible. 

Pros: She gives no fracks about anything, she dares everything to get right into her face so she can destroy them. She is fun and powerful.

Cons: Her 2 is not really important and can be entirely ignored.

3. Nekros

Nekros is truly the lord of death...and loot, lots of loot. He takes some thought in the modding department, but with 2 of his augments and a maxed Equilibrium, he is incredible. 

Pros: Did I mention loot? You also get to have your own army of undead, which scales with the enemies since it pulls from your most recent kills. Very energy efficient, you will find yourself actually having to intentionally empty some energy so you can loot all the energy orbs. My favorite frame for interceptions. He is also very effective in defense and survival.

Cons: He needs to kill to make his army and the process can take some time, so captures, exterminate, etc. missions are not really good for him. He is a frame that takes some time to warm up, so speedrunning is not really his thing, endurance is where he shines.

Other honorable yet less detailed mentions go to: Octavia (She is a superstar), Ivara (better in solo play, great for solo syndicate mission runs, my go to spy mission frame), Nidus (the undying! Great for solo or 2 player survival & defense missions), Ember (very useful for speed runs, invasion missions, and best IMO for defection), Trinity (energy vampire, best support frame), Titania (getting through treasure puzzles has never been so easy, plus my favorite looking frame), Hydroid (loot, armor stripping and invulnerability), Inaros (one of the most versatile frames imo, he works well everywhere), Zephyr (jet stream + arca plasmor, oh my).

There are other frames that I enjoy but just haven’t really connected with. The ones I really struggle with and kind of dislike are: Limbo & Harrow





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My favourite Warframes are Zephyr and Nezha.

Zephyr because of her movement abilities and lowered gravity passive. She has great defensive capabilities too with Turbulence and Divebomb covering both ranged and melee attackers. Her talons are pretty aesthetic.

Nezha because of his decreased friction passive and his supportive playstyle when modded with Safeguard. His Halos are great against melee and he is a soft, aesthetic boi.

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