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What is your biggest problem with Warframe?


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2 hours ago, Crimson-Tenno said:



im well aware of prolonged par. compare its range to peacemaker, exalted blade(condition overload chromatic blade build with heal return is highly effective) resonance sonar, blade storm(finisher damage bypasses all defenses, no?) and fatal teleport. hell, even artemis bow has valkyr beat in terms of range.

in hindsight, i may have not been clear in what i meant by killing potential.

i was referring to range, which even here, shows how much of that valkyr(prime) lacks. the above mentioned frames have dramatically more range than her, and a fatal telly built ash becomes a better single target killer on top of that.

i don't want to even start on how hysterical assault is stupid buggy.....

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Crowd control. There is so much crowd control spamming on both sides, it's a nightmare. We have so many powers that just lock out an entire room, and we're forced to use them because if we don't, we get knocked down, frozen, staggered, and grappled, Don't even get me started on those goddamn grapple lines that enemies can fire BEHIND THEM.

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1 hour ago, Xriah said:

Crowd control. There is so much crowd control spamming on both sides, it's a nightmare. We have so many powers that just lock out an entire room, and we're forced to use them because if we don't, we get knocked down, frozen, staggered, and grappled, Don't even get me started on those goddamn grapple lines that enemies can fire BEHIND THEM.


It's actually so prevalent now that it's a PROBLEM. Try and play high level Infested Survival. If - yes, if - you can even see what's actually happening 10 minutes on through screen fuzz, light shows and goo, you'll notice your character knocked down, drug around and interrupted nonstop.

High levels aren't even enjoyable. Bullet sponges kill you in a hit, while nullifying powers, knocking you around and down constantly and otherwise halting player input.

Don't get me started on Commanders and the frank stupidity of power immune Capture Targets.

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The clan rewards. By giving trophies or even worse exclusive weapons to clans that other clans will never be able to get it makes it so no one want's to join the clan's that don't have it. This makes it harder for new clans to get people and after enough have gone by old clans will have so much more to offer that making a new clan will be virtually impossible and thus essentially breaking the game's clan feature. I honestly think the rails and cosmic specters need to be available to research even if not usable and trophies need to completely loose affinity towards clan rank. With Ignis Wraith it either needs to be removed or made public and the fact that research makes it know that you have 18/19 certainly doesn't help. Maybe the clans who lose it can gain come kind of compensation; Endo, Ductets, Platinum, whatever. It's not a very big problem now but if it continues it WILL break one of the game's main features and at that point it will be a whole lot harder to fix. Other that that the exclusive weapons, and game play that encourages multiple frames and only gives you room for three; I'no longer have that problem but it's still a silly thing to do. I know DE wants money but come on.

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Riven mods exist.  They're a band-aid on low-tier weapons that's subsequently been monetized.  This is one of the skeeviest behaviors in an MMO development house - creating a problem and monetizing the solution.  The proper approach would be to fix these weapons so that they didn't need a ridiculous RNG-riddled mod just to function competitively.

Exclusive non-cosmetic Clan rewards for events.  I wouldn't mind this so much, if it wasn't usually done in some form of indirect clan competition - like the Ignis Wraith only being released to the top 10% of clans in their size category during the Pacifism Defect.  As a result of this, any clan who missed the event, or whose members are on hiatus, or had serious gameplay issues preventing them from performing well (like being a new clan with insufficient members to fill their ranks) is pretty much automatically worse than a clan who could get into the coveted top-10% position.  This sort of indirect PvP is ugly and dumb, and I've had potential recruits refuse to join my clan because it doesn't have access to Ignis Wraith.

The fact that we still don't have universal Vacuum.  C'mon - Vacuum's not the only reason, but it's a big reason why Sentinels get used so much over Companions.  Sure, there are outliers, some people will use Companions no matter what, but for the bulk of us, it's Shade, Carrier, or Helios over everything else.  Plenty of solutions have been offered, including options that allow for those who don't want Vacuum (or only want Vacuum on specific categories of items) to get what they wish.  Why does DE have to gain from clinging to this mod's existence?  What gaping hole of balance issues is removal and universalization of vacuum going to open, aside from freeing a mod slot on your companion?

Sortie Rewards are still RNG. I've seen way too many threads like this one or this one.  How about letting us work towards the reward we want or need, instead of praying to RNG that we get it?  Sorties are once-a-day things, you can't really grind them at will, especially if you're just breaking into sorties and don't have all of the tools yet to do whatever sortie shows up and don't want to be a leech getting carried.  Letting us work towards the reward we want, via a token system or some such, would go a long way to making Sorties more enjoyable and more regularly-played.

The way Support handles fraudulent platinum. Just look at this thread, and this thread.  We, as players, have no way to know if the person we're trading with is using legitimately-acquired plat.  We, as players, have no way to know if the person we're trading with will issue a chargeback on their plat purchase or not.  If we, as players, are going to be punished, potentially up to and including being banned from the game for the misdeeds of people we've unwittingly traded with who turn out to be scum, then give us the means to identify and refuse these trades or failing that, revert trades that involve fraudulent parties (so that negative platinum cannot result) and give us information on who to avoid and why going forward.  Yes, it would be naming and shaming on DE's part, but at least at that point, if you trade with someone on the fraud list, you're at least forewarned.

The focus on Twitch.tv for events and loot.  Prime with Prime, the Plains of Eidolon twitch streaming loot... I'm seeing a pattern here.  Either you love and significantly use Twtich.tv, or you miss out on a lot of stuff.  I'm sorry, but I hate Twitch.  I hate the fact that streamers on Twitch and other services are getting preferential treatment in games.  I hate the fact that games are expecting me to sit through Amazon's advertising and other BS, or expecting me to pay them money for stuff that's totally unrelated to Amazon or its products (like Twitch.)  I am really tired of seeing Twitch promotions with exclusive content, in particular, because that's more things I have to write off as "never gonna get it."

Edited by Arkvold
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- getting stuck on a door post, a rock, or whatever when you are in full sprint. Then you have to walk back to loosen yourself from it.

- Eris. Every single map on eris really annoys the hell out of me.

- Locked in crouch mode when you crash against something after a bulletjump

- Going in a kuva flood mission but then suddenly you realize it isnt a flood mission

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To me, the greatest sin is that the developers have been pushing "endless" mission lengths to under 20 minutes to reduce all farming (Affinity, Credits, and Resources). They have been doing this by nerfing frames and weapons, speeding enemy difficulty, and now by smashing the Focus system—making it a benefit for the little Operator characters, instead of Warframes.

Moreover, this current push to force Operator game play on us is likely to push me out of the game.

Edited by DEATHLOK
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On 10/6/2017 at 10:33 AM, MrDaylight said:

I just explained how that's not the case. I never even brought up money. Don't make me repeat myself for the 3rd time.

How do you know what PC I'm playing on? And in what way would it be better? Freedom of choice? Games catalogue? Cost? Longevity? Cost:Performance ratio? In-game performance? Non-gaming/entertainment utility? I can guarantee it won't for those things. For GPU horsepower? Potentially. Highly unlikely and also irrelevant to the point.  Warframe and other games are unfavourable on 8th generation consoles not due to any true horsepower limitation but from developer/publisher decisions on what the 'best' experience is as well as business decisions. 8th gen consoles are a joke. This is just one of the things I think that hurts Warframe.

You keep saying that DE shouldn't pander to the 8th gen, but that is making them money. Apparently externalities are beyond you.

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On 10/13/2017 at 9:12 PM, (Xbox One)Demon Intellect said:

You keep saying that DE shouldn't pander to the 8th gen, but that is making them money. Apparently externalities are beyond you.

My point is that pandering to 8th gen consoles can be at odds with making tasteful design decisions which says nothing about profitability. Sex sells a lot of products... should Warframe have tons of sexual themes all of a sudden because it makes money? Rhetorical question. Keep up that eggbox subscription.

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Anytime changes are made to improve performance but are really slight nerfs (changes to Mirage's clones for example) all in the name of performance if it really amounts to catering to people trying to play the game on a computer that was not made to handle running Warframe.


The Ash rework that destroyed his fourth ability.  It's a PVE game people, it doesn't matter who gets the dang kills.  Honestly I never had a problem with Mesa's old ultimate either.  Made for a nice break occasionally.


People wiping out all units anywhere nearby instantly with things like World on Fire then asking why my Trinity isn't giving them energy (apparently not understanding that I require living targets to cast Energy Vampire on).

Edited by Ralsk
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Grind & time vs reward ratio.

Especially since the grind has highly repetitive and tedious elements - like farming materials in POE now - instead of also incorporating it into enemy drops to fit different play-styles.
It has become insanely time consuming due to multiple levels of different grinds required and it does not fit anymore into my timetable (working full time does eat away a lot of time).

Grinding for relics, traces, then relic missions for primes. Grinding focus. Grinding multiple rep in Cetus. Grinding to level gear. Grinding for rare mods. Grinding for rare resources (ex argon). Grinding for upgrade materials (teralyst). Grinding standing for the factions. Grinding for resources on POE (mine, fish, plants) and materials for lures. Daily sorties to get lens at low rate. Grinding vaults. Raids. Bounties for lens upgrade/gara. Rivens. Kuva.
The list goes on. Too many grindy features added on top of each other instead of gameplay elements (mission types, unique non immunity enemies, old map remakes, quality of life features, weapon mod powercreep).
And i have played for years so got a bulk of stuff already. As a new player i would just stop.

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Bosses: Less  complete invincibility, more dmg reduction.

Ship: Specifically it's too outdated. There needs to be a guild ship.

Dojo: Scrap it and rebuild it.

Dark Sectors: Please

These things need to be rebuilt ground up.

Conclave not being integrated into rest of the game

Lunaro not being integrated into rest of the game

Raids: Less hack panels/standing on buttons, more bosses/fights.

Plains of Eudolon: Allow personal extraction from public match. I know it is taxing on servers so make it a 10 minute timer at least. If I stand at the gates for 10 minutes, clearly I want to leave.


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my biggest problem with warframe?

not enough actual variety in game mechanics from weapons and play styles. most gear is just stat shuffled, with not much unique-ness in how to mod and play. not enough variety of effects that we can do to enemies.  basically, we need damage 3.0, with a more varied interaction between criticals, status effects, damage types, projectile types, and body parts targeted / hit. the possible combinations are massive if applied correctly.


as well, the lack of better interaction between the parkour moves and static objects (ie. i want something to happen when i slam face first into a wall)


lastly, the need for more synergy between frames, weapons, and skills.



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Mandatory operator. 

Instead of forcing its use by only allowing it to be effective in specific situations, make it better, make it more powerful, make it more desirable  I spend more time waiting for the energy to recharge than I do actually spending it.

4 hours ago, Mingcrusher said:

I had absolutely NO problem with the farming system until POE dropped.

How many of you downloaded Warframe and though "You know what I hope I can do in this mystical space ninja TPS? go fishing!" I'm hoping none of you... This is WF not pro bass hunter. I didn't mind grinding before, as it was just gaining mats through playing the game, but this just plain sucks... I don't want to stand around on a shoreline or island tossing spears into the water, or cutting chunks of rocks up for minerals. I want to defeat the grineer, shut down the corpus, and stop the infested. THATS what has kept me playing all this time.

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  • 3 years later...

My biggest problem with Warframe at the moment is with how it squanders its replay value by making players grind tiny pieces of content at any given time, while giving us no reason to revisit other bits of content that we may enjoy. When we grind a bit of content, we're playing less than 1% of what the entire game has to offer us, yet we often grind that sub-1% for hours, which has a dual effect: first, it makes us hate that little bit of content we repeat over and over, no matter how much we like it initially, and second it makes us treat the entire rest of the game as if it basically didn't exist. As a result, Warframe ends up feeling about a hundred times smaller than it actually is, and all of its bits of content end up being disconnected from one another, while players end up feeling like the game is excessively repetitive when it really has no reason to be.

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14 hours ago, (PSN)sakina567 said:

I got suspended from chat for no reason please solve this warframe, I really love this game please help

…Huh. Weird topic to post this problem in, 3 years after the topic has run its course. You’ll want to contact Support (or so I hear).


I’m afraid you’ll have to speak for yourself regarding grinding @Teridax68. I tend to be all over the place (if I find myself doing the same thing ~three times in a row, that’s a personal warning that I should think about moving on)

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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