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[Warframe Augement Ideas] - Octavia


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NOTICE: Be warned that this is a pretty long post

These are just my Ideas for Octavia augments they were pretty hard to think of since her abilities practically do everything.

If you like them or want to change them be sure to comment, Any help would be helpful. 

By the way as said 500 times throughout this if you have any better names for these augments, I will be thankful.



Protective Mallet

-Every Enemy killed by mallet will increase Octavia and her allies armour by 4 for the duration of the mallet, Recasting will reset the armor amount added by the previous mallet, Octavia and her Allies must be in the range of mallet to recieve the armour buffs.

  -Armor Increase is increased by power strength.
  -Armor Increase is a flat bonus and not percent based as some frames benefit greatly (Valkyr/Prime, Atlas) and some do not (Banshee, Volt).
Leveling the Augment
-Armor gained per enemy killed is increased by 1 per level (eg 1, 2, 3, 4) 


Amour Cap might be needed if so what should it be?
And feel free to change the name of the augment, I'm not the worlds best namer.
If you have any Ideas on how to change this ability  augment comment down below on what you want to change.


Infuriating Resonators - ORIGINAL IDEA

-Resonator will be replaced by a "spawner" which can spawns up to three smaller roller balls with 160 HP and a very small hit box, which cannot pick up Mallet, Will not attract enemies and they will latch onto enemies, blowing up after a few seconds having a 10% chance of knocking down enemies or disarming them and also 70% chance of staggering enemies in a 2m Radius. Damage done by explosion and rolling around is decreased to only 10% of the abilities damage.
 -Stagger, Disarm / Knockdown Chance Effected By Power Strength. 
  -HP effected by Power Strength.
  -The spawner will be the thing that makes the sound Resonator would. (BASS PART of your song) 
  -The 10% chance is halfed for both Disarming and Knocking Down meaning 5% chance for one of these "procs" to happen while the the stagger chance is still 70%.
  -The range of the explosion which disarms / staggers / knocksdown enemies is effected by Power Range.
  -Ability Duration has no effect on the augment.
  -Only 3 can be set down at a time
    -Takes 4 seconds for 1 roller ball to spawn, so this doesn't become an ultimate CC Augment.
  -Spawner is invincible and doesn't move, and will act similar to Nidus's Fourth Ability (Maggot Spawners, Will have better visuals).
  -The smaller roller balls will look similar to Grineer Latchers except takes on the colours of Resonator.
  -The damage each roller ball does is 10% of the damage a normal resonator when blowing up and rolling around does and can be increased by Power Strength. 
  -Duration of the spawner is based on the abilities duration.
Leveling the Augment
-HP Will be increased per rank (eg 40, 80, 120, 160)
-Disarm / Knockdown Percentages will be increased per rank (eg 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%)
-Stagger on 2m explosion will be increased per rank (eg 17.5%, 35%, 52.5%, 70%)
-2m stagger explosion will be increased by 0.5m per rank (eg 0.5m, 1m, 1.5m, 2m)
-Amount of roller balls out at a time is increased when leveling (eg 1, 1, 2, 3)


As far as I know the health I gave the rollers might be too much or too less for a small hitbox. Took inspiration from Zephyr's Tornado Augment and Atlas' Tectonics Augment
And feel free to change the name of the augment, I'm not the worlds best namer.
If you have any Ideas on how to change this ability  augment comment down below on what you want to change.


Infuriating Resonators - SECOND IDEA

-Resonator will be replaced by three smaller roller balls, which cannot pick up Mallet, Will not attract enemies and they will roll around enemies having a 10% chance of knocking down enemies or disarming them and also 70% chance of staggering enemies in a 2m Radius every 4 seconds. Damage done by explosion and rolling around is decreased to only 15% of the abilities damage.
 -Stagger, Disarm / Knockdown Chance Effected By Power Strength. 
  -The BASS section of Octavia's music will be played by all Rollers that are nearby (only meaning you need one nearby to hear the music) OR just only one Roller with the default marker. 
  -The 10% chance is halfed for both Disarming and Knocking Down meaning 5% chance for one of these "procs" to happen while the the stagger chance is still 70%.
  -The range of the explosion which disarms / staggers / knocksdown enemies is effected by Power Range.
  -Ability Duration has no effect on the augment.
  -The smaller roller balls will look similar to Grineer Latchers except takes on the colours of Resonator.
  -The damage each roller ball does is 15% of the damage a normal resonator when rolling around and can be increased by Power Strength. 
  -Staggering, Disarm / Knockdown chances only proc every 4 seconds, to prevent constant staggering and very easy way to knockdown and disarm enemies.
Leveling the Augment
-Disarm / Knockdown Percentages will be increased per rank (eg 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%)
-Stagger on 2m explosion will be increased per rank (eg 17.5%, 35%, 52.5%, 70%)
-2m stagger explosion will be increased by 0.5m per rank (eg 0.5m, 1m, 1.5m, 2m)
-Amount of roller balls at a time is increased when leveling (eg 2, 2, 3, 3)


Might need a nerf. Took inspiration from Zephyr's Tornado Augment and Atlas' Tectonics Augment.
And feel free to change the name of the augment, I'm not the worlds best namer.
If you have any Ideas on how to change this ability  augment comment down below on what you want to change.



Healing Performance

-Octavia and her allies who gained any buff from metronome, will Regenerate 9 Health and 15 Shields over 2 seconds.

  -Sheild and Health Amount regened is effected by Power Strength.
  -2 Second Regen Speed is not effected by anything.
  -Once you activate a buff you will get the Regenertation effect, Eg I crouch to I get the Nocturne Invisibility Buff, I have X Health and Shields Restored.
Leveling the Augment:

-Health Regained increases by 2.25 every rank (eg 2.25, 4.5, 6.75, 9)
-Shield Regained increases by 3.75 every rank (eg 3.75, 7.5, 11.25, 15)
-Regeneration Speed decreases by 0.25 seconds every rank (eg 2.75s, 2.50s, 2.25s, 2s)


Might be too strong especially with builds that have very spammy melodies.
And feel free to change the name of the augment, I'm not the worlds best namer.
If you have any Ideas on how to change this ability  augment comment down below on what you want to change.



Cant think of any Augments ATM....

Edited by CaptainJLP
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Instead of using metronome for regenerating health and shields, it could be AMP, regenerating health, energy and shields proportionally with the level of dBs and even granting overshields.

Then Metronome could give status to enemies now :devil:. When enemy uses melee attacks they become weak to damage, when they jump or teleport from you their movement slows, when they use ranged attacks their damage is reduced, if they use special ability they lose armor or shields, when they say "clem" they explode...

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Elemental Mallet

-Like with Chroma, depending on Octavia's energy color, Mallet inflicts one of the four basic element damage. And when the duration ends, it will explode dealing extra damage.

 -10% of probability of status effect increases with Power Strength, while final explosion has 100% status effect.

 -Duration of status is affected by Ability Duration.


Sonar Drone

-Resonator now throws a flying drone that instead of attracting enemies, terrifies them and makes them run away, avoiding all incoming attack that can harm your team or defense objectives.

-This will cause Mallet's damage not increasing, but will avoid possible damage like AoE or missing shots affecting defense objectives.



-Like with Mallet depending on energy color, now depending on which energy color Octavia has, when casting Metronome, nearby allies will gain overshields, recover health, restore energy or remove all negative status.

 -Colors that give Ice status to Mallet now give overshields, restoring them completly when the ability is cast. Amount of overshields depends on Power Stength but is limited to half the maximum value (1200 for Harrow and 600 for the rest).

 -Fire status colors will regenerate ally health upon cast. Health restored is affected by Power Strength and the speed of healing increases with Ability Duration.

 -Electricity status colors will recover energy to allies. The amount of energy given depends on Power Strength but the rate at it fills will be fixed.

 -Toxin status colors removes all debuffs but makes allies more susceptible to receiving them again. They'll receive an increase of 30% on status effects for 2 seconds that decreases with Power Strength and lasts less with Ability Duration.



-While active, Resonator increases speed and enemies within range will slow down.

 -Speed increased for Resonator and decreased for enemies is affected by Power Strength.

 -Moreover, having less than 100% of Power Strength (achieved with corrupted mods) will decrease speed for resonator and increase it for enemies in the same way of speed Nova builds, giving chance for further stategies.

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1 hour ago, Devilswitch said:


Elemental Mallet

-Like with Chroma, depending on Octavia's energy color, Mallet inflicts one of the four basic element damage. And when the duration ends, it will explode dealing extra damage.

 -10% of probability of status effect increases with Power Strength, while final explosion has 100% status effect.

 -Duration of status is affected by Ability Duration.


Sonar Drone

-Resonator now throws a flying drone that instead of attracting enemies, terrifies them and makes them run away, avoiding all incoming attack that can harm your team or defense objectives.

-This will cause Mallet's damage not increasing, but will avoid possible damage like AoE or missing shots affecting defense objectives.



-Like with Mallet depending on energy color, now depending on which energy color Octavia has, when casting Metronome, nearby allies will gain overshields, recover health, restore energy or remove all negative status.

 -Colors that give Ice status to Mallet now give overshields, restoring them completly when the ability is cast. Amount of overshields depends on Power Stength but is limited to half the maximum value (1200 for Harrow and 600 for the rest).

 -Fire status colors will regenerate ally health upon cast. Health restored is affected by Power Strength and the speed of healing increases with Ability Duration.

 -Electricity status colors will recover energy to allies. The amount of energy given depends on Power Strength but the rate at it fills will be fixed.

 -Toxin status colors removes all debuffs but makes allies more susceptible to receiving them again. They'll receive an increase of 30% on status effects for 2 seconds that decreases with Power Strength and lasts less with Ability Duration.



-While active, Resonator increases speed and enemies within range will slow down.

 -Speed increased for Resonator and decreased for enemies is affected by Power Strength.

 -Moreover, having less than 100% of Power Strength (achieved with corrupted mods) will decrease speed for resonator and increase it for enemies in the same way of speed Nova builds, giving chance for further stategies.

Its not bad for an idea, As you can see though it is very hard to make Octavia Augments, It's like she already has augments installed, though I'm not too sure about having too many augments based around the "chroma" energy color idea, mainly Lullaby as it seems like its just a replacement for too many other things in game including Octavia's passive, though its your opinion on it, not mine. I don't think we'll be seeing any Octavia Augments for long periods of time, due to her current status in the meta. 

Edit: Mallet doesn't really need the elemental dmg augment but it is a pretty good way of adding useless augments to the game, I mean really how many of you guys uses valkyr's swing line augment, yeah I know right?

Edited by CaptainJLP
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I guess maybe adding augments is by reducing something on an ability for something else might be a way of making augments for octavia. E.g


With every successive move Octavia / Allies do, It grants them 20% more towards the buffs percentage, but reduces buff duration by 30%.

This is at max level btw.

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You got the point. Yes I know that the augments could come with penalties like reducing range or duration and increasing damage or instead changing the way the ability works. The thing with the colors is just because I think it's a feature that can be used more, with Equinox having only the initial form choosen depending on the brightness. And also looking on how repeated some augments are, like the first ability adding elemental proc on attack when thrown to an ally (Volt, Frost, etc), so the basic idea is to reuse what it's already implemented. Maybe it can be simplified to two color options, one more offensive and the other defensive or just copy other augments. But the ideas we are sharing here are pretty good nonetheless.

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