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Which gear is Overhyped, Deserving or Underrated?


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1 hour ago, Midrib said:

Tenora is arguably just as good as the Soma P with a very powerful alt fire yet i never see it used or even mentioned, most people forget that it even exists.

For me, I don't like the Tenora's "gets more accurate as you shoot it" gimmick. I like how I can accurately shoot "semi auto" with Soma without winding it up, and if I'm going to be shooting long enough for Tenora to get accurate, I actually want spread, and a larger magazine, like on Soma or Supra. And I like how Soma looks a lot more.


For me, Lanka is overhyped. Sure it has the best base damage and crit chance, but long reload, flight speed, charge shot, and can't be shot uncharged makes it very frustrating to me. Vectis is my favorite because it doesn't kick out of scope on reload, and the firerate is constant because it only has one shot. It isn't my most damaging sniper rifle, that's probably my Rubico, but it runs the most smooth. All of my sniper rifles except the Snipetrons have forma, and I have all of them except standard Vulkar.

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13 hours ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

Mag IMO is probably the most underrated frame in the game. 

Every time I pull out my Mag I get most damage delt, And I have put her up against frames like Ash, Mesa and Excalibur. And that's coming from a Mesa main.

My load out for her is entitled sentient destryr.

Fine and dandy for you. I couldn't get the hang of Mag. Just no, not one bit of her felt right. 

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This would be highly subjective, depends on what I experience in game so far.



1. Loki (prime or regular). I get it he can go invinsible, and that's it. Unless one uses disarm (or radial disarm with the augment), all the players I encounter during missions (pub matchmaking ofc) tends to just go invis and do nothing.

2. Hydroid. Even after he got reworked and primed, I still find his kit not really in suit with my playstyle. Tentacles everywhere and still hard to shoot enemies grabbed by it (especially annoying if it caught an energy leech eximus). The piss puddle is annoying and can stall missions if one does not know that we can shoot enemies in the puddle now



1. Ember: my main, efficient and versatile but not overly good in high tier, even for the cc. Other frames can be more useful in higher tier content. Absolutely good choice for solo missions and kuva siphon

2. Nekros: moar loot is never a bad thing. Though thr shadows can sometime obscure vision in tight corridor. Good meat shield otherwise



1. Mag: is a beast if played correctly and with good weapon synergy. Tends to be annoying sometimes with her bubble blocking off shots, but it can be managed. Somewhat steep learning curve for someone who never uses her

2. Equinox: very versatile if one knows how to play him and set the form according to the mission. Maim/pacify is all good and beneficial to the mission, if one can manage to keep track of her energy usage

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19 hours ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

Despite being disappointed by some rave reviews I still shopped for community endorsed gear like Ignis W, Opticor, Lanka, Quanta, Nikana & Nezha. But this time, I'll form my own opinions before upgrading any of them...

The difficulty in judging some weapons is they need substantial upgrading before they become monsters.

Crit based weapons in particular which have no V polarities (or no polarities at all) without adding a catalyst at the very least they will be very lackluster 

I just finished putting seven Forma into AkLex Prime to fit everything in.  Five would have been enough normally but for the new Riven I got a day or two ago.

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overrated: Vectis prime, opticor and tigris

underrated: lanka, which is basicly an opticor light with insane amounts of damage and way, way more utility. (not to mention it outclasses every other sniper ingame)

Edited by CanIbiteU
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I can't really say on Overrated items...We are a numbers community and stuff like that seems to get debunked quickly

Underrated items that immediately come to mind are the Nukor and the Stug.

Stug is a solid but ugly weapon that can kill you which is probably why we see it so little.

Nukor is season salt... It's not that great on its' own but pair it with a melee that has reliable crit and a "ok-ish" crit modifier— whack a mob after you sprinkled that Nukor on them and watch what happens.



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On 10/6/2017 at 6:12 PM, aligatorno said:

Overhyped : Soma Prime, Nikana Prime, Euphona Prime. They are great weapons, but they are praised as something more than they actually are. 

Underrated : Vaykor Sydon, Kohm, Sobek, Dual Toxicyst, Gazal Machete. Gazal Machete in particular is a killing machine with the right build, with Cyclone Kraken it's just a beast. 

You sir, know what you're talking about.

I'll give the Sydon and Toxicyst another try.


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On 10/6/2017 at 3:02 PM, DatDarkOne said:

Daikyu is a truly underrated weapon. 

I use it.  A lot.  I prefer it more than the AkLex Prime due to AkMagnus not having the very high recoil. 

Venka Prime is also underrated.  I think this one is due to many wanting extreme range.   

I LOVE the Daikyu. It's me #1 Stealth Weapon.

I LOVED the Magnus but the Lex endes up outdoing it. I currently ise Aklex Prime but was considering trying out the Akmagnus.

You just made me a very happy Tenno.

Overrated: Loki, Saryn, Orthos, Tigris/Tigris Prime

Deserved: Rhino, Trinity, Frost, Lex/Aklex (and their Primes), Attarakx(spellcheck?), Nidus

Underrated: Magnus, Ardaza Kavat, Braton (all 3 versions),  Lecta, Hate, Hydroid

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
Added some underrated & overhyped stuff
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On 10/7/2017 at 12:01 AM, blackheartstar_pc said:

The bulk of weapons in this game are underrated. Same with frames.

QFT.  Just about every weapon and frame is Sortie-capable with 4, 5 or 6 forma.  Heck, my Titania is using MK1 weapons just for the lulz (and because she's mostly in Razorwing so her primary and melee are just mod carriers - but even when she's out of it, the weapons are fine because they have enough forma, they just need a couple of extra shots or hits to kill something over what a standard weapon would do).

You only get disparities at the ultra-high end of survivals and defences, which only ultra-high-end enthusiasts play these days anyway (where you go past lvl 100 mobs, up to 200 and beyond).  At that level, only specific crit/status weapons and builds work anyway, and some frames are indeed less useful or less tough. 

But it's stupid to measure what's "good" in the game against that standard - especially now that the endgame proper is coming together.

With the bulk of the content that players are playing day in and day out, EVERYTHING is viable, it just depends on what playstyle you enjoy and are good at.

Edited by Omnimorph
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Hydroid...totally underrated because people think they should sit in the puddle all the time.

Dude can strip armor at line of sight (helpful in PoE and high level content), CC stuff with 4 of his abilities with 1 giving you extra loot, heal himself and allies, enter an invulnerable state, kill stuff with scaling damage (5-10sec tops even for very high level stuff once armor has been stripped!!) and travel the plains with Volt-like speed with his 2 while being totally invulnerable. 

Expected him to be boring mastery fodder, but wow was I wrong. Upgraded him to my 2nd most favorite frame after Ivara :D

Edited by (PS4)Radehx
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On 10/6/2017 at 5:01 PM, BornWithTeeth said:

Let me let you in on a little secret: the Dark Split Sword, in dual form, is the best anti-Grineer melee weapon in the game. It has mad crit stats and a passable Status chance, base attack speed so high that you don't need a speed mod, and as a pure elemental weapon, you can mod it to deal both Corrosive and Radiation, meaning it absolutely shreds all Grineer armour types.



This! Also kinda like the stance :)

Honorable mention for the Nami (Hydroid sword) which is also pretty cool with a viral/slash build if you run with an armor-stripping frame.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

I LOVED the Magnus but the Lex endes up outdoing it. I currently ise Aklex Prime but was considering trying out the Akmagnus.

The AkLex Prime does outdo the AkMagnus on single shot damage.  Due to the higher recoil of the AkLex Prime, it's must easier/faster to get more consistent shots on target with the AkMagnus.  Hence higher DPS of the AkMagnus.  Their stats are quite similar also, but the AkLex P having higher base damage.  

I recommend that you build and try them out.  It's fairly cheap to build and has nice skins too.  Even if you don't like them you'll still get mastery for it.  :D

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Boltor was too loud for my senses and the recoil was annoying. Had the same issue with Latron- sound and recoil. But perhaps some people messed with theirs to improve...

Attica with a speed mod fires just as much, but with more control and a hushed sound. It's responsive and reliable, too reliable with the speed mod that it starts to compensate for bad aim. 

Underrated is Gorgon. Obnoxiously loud and recoils like crazy in less than a second but it's so much fun you forgive it instantly and just go with it. Looks ugly and hard to recolor but the mechanics make up for it.

Right now I'm leveling the Lanka because hype from Mag players. It's more of a Magnetize injection than its own weapon, I don't know how I feel about that. Don't wanna call it overrated but it's heading there. 

I enjoy shooting and sniping things, too bad the Lanka feels heavy and clunky for a quick scope. The 3-7-12 zoom is a nice gimmick but takes me out of the fight just to work with the bonus. Will continue to tweak and test because I main Mag and she supposedly makes it work. 

The Ignis Wraith though, this is matching my expectations and more. Like the Attica on speed, it buffers bad aim and lets you get away with one shot three kills, or one shot 3 crates opened lol, it is that efficient. Ignis suits my mobile play style more than the Lanka. 

Edited by (PS4)Chel-El
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I rarely see equinox played by other players and whenever she is, its usually a maim build... but the true cc/survival god is Peaceful prov equinox. constant 80%slow and 80% dmg reduction is crazy and when used in conjunction with dark dagger + life strike she can take on any level enemies. 

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22 minutes ago, sunnyboy5 said:

I rarely see equinox played by other players and whenever she is, its usually a maim build... but the true cc/survival god is Peaceful prov equinox. constant 80%slow and 80% dmg reduction is crazy and when used in conjunction with dark dagger + life strike she can take on any level enemies. 

The only problem is, you or your team has to take damage to trigger the slow effect. I kinda prefer the calm & frenzy setup because it's less likely to be caught with your pants down...

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Pfft, I used Tigris and Ember before they were cool. Or hot, when it comes to Ember.

But I think those posting need to keep in mind the definition of Overrated and Underrated.

Overrated: Having a higher opinion than is deserved.

Underrated: Having a lower opinion than is deserved.

Tigris (Prime) and Ember (Prime), while quite popular nowadays, aren't overrated. Good tactics and skillful aim make Tigris an absolute monster on the battlefield. It's one of the strongest weapons in the game. Ember, with the right build, can keep enemies CC'd, knocked down, and immolated for long periods of time. At lower levels, well we all know how powerful a well built WoF Ember can be.

As for me I think Soma Prime's overrated. Other weapons completely outshine it. Back in the day it was king, but now...

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Thanks for clarifying SoulEchelon, been meaning to do that too...

Efficient is not overrated, and it seems like in this topic, Ember got placed into the latter for being the former. 

Tigris I’ll leave it alone for now (meh)

Two things I may retract as I have new experience since writing  the OP: 

1) Frost is more than a bubble boy. Read his wiki last night and he can strip armor, slow, explode his bubble etc etc. So today I take it back because these hidden mechanics are fun to play! 

2) Furis is popular it seems, was in a squad with 3/4 of us have it equipped. Perhaps it was just not “rave reviewed” enough so I thought it was underrated. 

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Overrated: Crit Melee unless you go for melee only builds and can build up your combo multipliers

Overrated: Orthos Prime, Soma 

Underrated: Status Weapon with Condition Overload deal high damage without the need of a combo multiplier and have the added bonus of status effects kicking in.

Underrated weapons: Tonbo, Lesion  also Snipetron Vandal, Prisma Tetra, Braton Prime.

Edited by TwistedDee
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Overrated: Ember/Ember Prime, or more accurately, WoF.

An enormous plat sink that only buys you the quickest way to burn out (pun intended) in this game due to repetition and boring gameplay. In trying to make the game less boring by getting through missions quickly, she actually causes more boredom in the long run because you have nothing to do. (Not to mention her habit of making the squad dislike you in PuGs due to making it a boring slog for the rest of them).

A close second goes to Maiming Strike builds for the same reasons. An expensive as hell mod that adds +10 burnout potential. You're only slightly more involved in that scenario; crouch + forward + E to the exit, or in a lot of cases, macro macro macro your way to the exit.

Underrated: Snipers. They were good before with the right builds, but they're godly now.

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