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Hydroid is gonna need another rework for PoE...


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Tried loving Hydroid, did with all I could. People complained that he's a boring frame; of course I ignored them wanting to form my own opinion. I should've listened. He's the most boring frame to me next to Mag. No matter what I did I couldn't get the hang of either frames. They were just...boring, lackluster, clunky as operator's movements. Now all three collect infested dust on my ship. 

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10 hours ago, fatpig84 said:

What if I told you Hydroid's 1 and 4 have no fixed casting range ?
Power range only affects the area of the impact zone.
So in theory he can cast anywhere in the horizon as long he has LOS.

Not sure how DE is going to fix that but I'm so gonna abuse it :)
Who needs mobility if I can artillery strike them out at 600 meters ?

This. I use this feature already on large intercept missions. Corrosive barrage for the win!

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I mean... Are you for real?

Do you consider how many frames do not have any mobility options (while Hydro has one), begging for another rework due to "but I will be slow in PoE" is ridiculous. PoE is big, but unless they keep on developing more and more content for it, it fits around 5% of the total game.

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Really? You know that Hydroid is not literally a puddle, right? He can walk. He can bullet jump. He can Tidal Surge outside the puddle and go twice as far. He can archwing. Yes, Undertow is a very powerful ability, but that doesn't mean you should use it constantly. You'll be fine with your infinite cast range Tempest Barrage and Tentacle Swarm. With Corroding Barrage, Hydroid is one of very few frames with a debuff build that will be effective on the planes.

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You don't have to sit in the puddle all the time! I only wish using your 2 in the puddle would drag along enemies. 

Hydroid will be pretty cool in PoE since his 1 and 4 work on line of sight...so you can strip armor and CC stuff from very far away. That buys you time to get closer. And you can do that faster using his fast 2. 

You only really need to puddle up if you jump into a group of enemies or a strong enemy...or if you need cover or health regen. Hydroid's pretty fun to play mobile :)

Next to Ivara, Hydroid will probably be my go-to frame for PoE due to the ability to strip armor from afar and travelling quickly with his 2. 


Edited by (PS4)Radehx
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On 07/10/2017 at 12:43 PM, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Guys Nezha needs a rework. Blazing Chakram is an awful way to get from point A to point B. This simply doesn't work!

To be fair the teleport feature of that ability is completely useless lol

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On 10/7/2017 at 2:49 AM, Syvarin said:

Hydroid is actually quite mobile if you know how to play him properly.  Step 1: Don't try to wander around the plains as a puddle.

Lmao this literally made me laugh out loud. I just imagine everyone enthralled with all the new sights and things to do in POE meanwhile hydroid is just hanging out in a puddle. 

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17 hours ago, (Xbox One)qcevolution said:

Lmao this literally made me laugh out loud. I just imagine everyone enthralled with all the new sights and things to do in POE meanwhile hydroid is just hanging out in a puddle. 

Basically how people who don't get Hydroid believe the frame plays: 


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14 hours ago, TKDancer said:

i still think they should transfer some of that scaling dmg to Tentacle Swarm


all of you going "dont be a puddle then!" are ignoring OP's main point that hydroids strongest ability is a boring slow puddle

Puddle needs to be slow for balance imo. His scaling damage is pretty amazing, so making puddle slow and forcing you to use energy for his 2 if you want to go faster is a trade-off. Just requires you to adapt your play-style. 

At range he can strip armor reliably and CC stuff and up close he's also a pretty amazing scaling damage dealer. 

He'd be OP if he was good at everything at once ;)

All frames have trade-offs like that. Ivara has perma-stealth, but gets a speed penalty. Nidus needs stuff to be somewhat close to apply his skills. Wukong's damage output is pretty S#&$, but he can't die. Others need to apply headshots or hit certain body parts to apply their buffs. Always trade-offs.


Edited by (PS4)Radehx
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Just now, (PS4)Radehx said:

Puddle needs to be slow for balance imo. His scaling damage is pretty amazing, so making puddle slow and forcing you to use energy for his 2 if you want to go faster is a trade-off. Just requires you to adapt your play-style. 

At range he can strip armor reliably and CC stuff and up close he's also a pretty amazing scaling damage dealer. 

He'd be OP if he was good at everything at once ;)

All frames have trade-offs like that. Ivara has perma-stealth, but gets a speed penalty. Nidus needs stuff to be somewhat close to apply his skills. Wukong's damage output is pretty S#&$, but he can't die. Others need to apply headshots or hit certain body parts to apply their buffs. Always trade-offs.


>transfer some of that scaling dmg to Tentacle Swarm

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13 hours ago, Kagemitsukenshi said:

You know puddle can be fast and fun it can be activate in mid air and you retain your momentum so you can bullet jump as much as you want or even use your archwing ->melee->puddle and get all the enemies you need to

Puddle jumping is fun once you get the hang of it. It's basically an extra "tank" because you're invulnerable while liquid. You can be fast with puddle, kind of, you just need to use momentum.

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4 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

>transfer some of that scaling dmg to Tentacle Swarm

That would make using puddle pretty pointless...and allow Hydroid to apply his scaling damage at line of sight ranges, which would make him a bit OP imo. Saying this as someone who likes the frame. 

The one change I really want, which imo wouldn't make him OP, is letting us drag enemies in the puddle if we use our 2 while in puddle. Would make it easier to "mop up" smaller groups of enemies. 

Many frames don't have their 4 as the most powerful/useful skill. Wukong's best skill is Defy. For Saryn, spore and molt is way more important than her ult. I always try to look at the whole package of abilities, not just individual skills in isolation. 

Edited by (PS4)Radehx
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Just now, (PS4)Radehx said:

That would make using puddle pretty pointless...and allow Hydroid to apply his scaling damage at line of sight ranges, which would make him a bit OP imo. Saying this as someone who likes the frame. 

The one change I really want, which imo wouldn't make him OP, is letting us drag enemies in the puddle if we use our 2 while in puddle. Would make it easier to "mop up" smaller groups of enemies. 

an invincibility state with self heal aug would 100% not become pointless just cause it doesnt have infinite dmg scaling lmao what


puddle promotes a boring playstyle, it promotes staying in undertow as much as u can, transferring the infinite scaling or at least some scaling to tentacle swarm(% of total hp done as dmg when tentacles slam at people, similar to frosts snowglobe)

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Just now, TKDancer said:

an invincibility state with self heal aug would 100% not become pointless just cause it doesnt have infinite dmg scaling lmao what


puddle promotes a boring playstyle, it promotes staying in undertow as much as u can, transferring the infinite scaling or at least some scaling to tentacle swarm(% of total hp done as dmg when tentacles slam at people, similar to frosts snowglobe)

He kills stuff in puddle so incredibly fast, you really don't have to stay in it for more than a few seconds. I'll stay in the puddle as long as it takes to kills stuff in the puddle, after that I move to the next batch of enemies. Have you seen the corrosive barrage & puddle damage video? 

Also, from an energy consumption standpoint, moving his scaling damage to his 4 would actually make him worse to play imo. He's already pretty power-hungry as it is, making this worse won't help the frame...especially in PoE depending on enemy density.

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Just now, (PS4)Radehx said:

He kills stuff in puddle so incredibly fast, you really don't have to stay in it for more than a few seconds. I'll stay in the puddle as long as it takes to kills stuff in the puddle, after that I move to the next batch of enemies. Have you seen the corrosive barrage & puddle damage video? 

Also, from an energy consumption standpoint, moving his scaling damage to his 4 would actually make him worse to play imo. He's already pretty power-hungry as it is, making this worse won't help the frame...especially in PoE depending on enemy density.



yes i have seen the videos and actually used the combo, its boring


its bad and boring, staying still in a puddle waiting for enemies to die and pulling more enemies with my little arm tentacle is boring, this isnt a ~me~ thing, lots of people have voice that even tho his dmg is now amazing, puddle promotes a boring playstyle


also hydroid is very much NOT power hungry and rage + healing undertow is a thing, plus his energy pool is decent, even better with his prime SO how would using his 4 mess with his energy economy? u target an area and that area remains covered in tentacles, u can only have 1 area with tentacles so it doesnt make sense to spam it meaning as long as u have decent duration u wont be spaming swarm

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1 minute ago, TKDancer said:



yes i have seen the videos and actually used the combo, its boring


its bad and boring, staying still in a puddle waiting for enemies to die and pulling more enemies with my little arm tentacle is boring, this isnt a ~me~ thing, lots of people have voice that even tho his dmg is now amazing, puddle promotes a boring playstyle


also hydroid is very much NOT power hungry and rage + healing undertow is a thing, plus his energy pool is decent, even better with his prime SO how would using his 4 mess with his energy economy? u target an area and that area remains covered in tentacles, u can only have 1 area with tentacles so it doesnt make sense to spam it meaning as long as u have decent duration u wont be spaming swarm

Rage won't work past low levels since he can't come back from the dead like Wukong/Nidus/Oberon.

Undertow allows me to apply my damage at less energy than being forced to use my 4 every time I want that damage...which is why it would make it much less energy efficient for him to be a damage dealer. 

Forcing him to use his 4 for damage would make him LESS mobile...not more. If you wanted the same mobility and energy efficiency as now with undertow, you'd have to recast your 4 more often...which is obviously more energy hungry.

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Just now, (PS4)Radehx said:

Rage won't work past low levels since he can't come back from the dead like Wukong/Nidus/Oberon.

Undertow allows me to apply my damage at less energy than being forced to use my 4 every time I want that damage...which is why it would make it much less energy efficient for him to be a damage dealer. 

Forcing him to use his 4 for damage would make him LESS mobile...not more. If you wanted the same mobility and energy efficiency as now with undertow, you'd have to recast your 4 more often...which is obviously more energy hungry.

rage works well into Sortie 3 unless u dont use anything else to boost his survivability, obviously wont work in endless missions vs level 999 enemies


u wouldnt be forced to use his 4 whenever u need to do dmg, u have weapons, by ur logic u are being forced to become a slow puddle to do dmg, woohoooooo


yeah that great logic, being able to set a dead zone while u kill or CC other enemies with ur weapons/other abilities is tots worse than being a slow puddle of death :^/////


stop replying pls, im getting tired of talking to wall

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Wouldn't mind if Hydroid's 4 did more damage on each slam. I mean, the tentacles do so little damage as is, it's not like it's gonna get out of hand given their somewhat slow attack rate. Bonus points for differentiating it further from his 1.

His 3 is definitely 50% of the lynch pin of his kit along with his absolutely fantastic 2. 1 and 4 provide excellent layered CC at virtually infinite range.

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Sure if you go Fleetex and tank your duration you'll get nowhere as Hydroid.

Turns out the Range stat isn't really that important in comparison though, as this terrible triple-processed excuse for a video 'shows'.


Yeah. That came out awful by the time it was uploaded. 'High definition' setting, lel.


Long story short you get a good 80+m distance covered by Tidal Surge if you lean on the Duration stat, pretty much regardless of what your Range stat is. Taking Overextended back off after that video literally made no difference to how far the wave went. Gotta go fast.


It's no 125m +(augmented) residual speed Nova Wormhole, but it's not exactly immobile by any stretch of the imagination.

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On 10/7/2017 at 10:30 AM, Naruchico said:

...welp there goes my favorite frame into the dustpile 

Hydroid is one of my favorites too, always has been, and he's one of the most powerful Frames in the game now. The problem is, you just don't know how to play your favorite frame. 

I highly suggest going to the wiki to look up how all of his abilities work since the update if you haven't already. 

Here's my build if you want to try it out. There's several ways you can play him, but this one works for me giving him insane, manageable control and good damage if you charge up his attacks and use decent weapons. And i travel good distance with my 2  (it's modified by duration, not range).

Power Drift, Corrosive Projection, Primed Continuity, Overextended, Stretch, Narrow Minded, Fleeting Expertise, Vitality, Corroding Barrage, Curative Undertow. 

I use Phage with him for the good damage and matching tentacle theme (my tickle gun). And I use Zenistar as his melee as of recently, but before that I just used my standard Nikana Prime. Any melee is fine really since it's not his specialty. 

I hope that gives you an idea of how you want to spec him for your playstyle. With that build I solo high level missions just fine, able to spam my powers for control and armor stripping and using my weapons for the bulk of the damage.

Edit: Also, while you're capable when needed, you shouldn't be staying in the puddle all the time. Jump in occasionally to boost your 4 damage and summon the kraken near you instead of target area, or avoid damage (and heal, according to my build) or pull targets in to drown them or let allies pump damage into the puddle. Don't stay there all the time, it's not necessary or fun usually. 

Edited by (PS4)Riko_113
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