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Air Zephyr: Version 2

Base energy increase


Lightweight: Very similar to current Zephyr.
Infinite Aim Glide: Name says it all.  However, Zephyr will take extra damage upon landing if knocked down by heavy weaponry.
Bullet Jump Tailwinds and Divebomb: Bullet Jumping will provide a short range tailwind.  If contact with ground is made, a divebomb effect is implemented. (Divebomb effects will effect a very small radius with status effects based on melee weapon)


Zephyr will raise her hand and surround herself with wind.  This wind will expand outwards in a complete radius of Zephyr.  Any enemy who are within reach of Zephyr will be thrown outwards (like a ragdoll like effect), and any enemy who this wave touches upon expansion will be staggered and/or disarmed.  This ability could have a speed increase in terms of expansion or slowed down, depending on mods.  Faster expansion would do more of a ragdoll effect whereas slower will deal more overall damage and provide extra stagger/disarm effects.  Power Range will determine expansion distance.  Power Strength will determine speed of expansion.  This would be a single click activation with no timer or cooldown, but cannot be used while currently active.

Any allies who are touched by this wave of air will be cleared of status procs and will be given a 5-10 seconds shield against energy reduction enemies (based on power duration).



 (kinda what I'm thinking of.  hopefully the idea is understood).  (of course it would look differently, unique to Zephyr).  


Zephyr uses her winds to push nearby enemies together in front of her. Kind of like using enemies as a shield.  Would be a single click activation and will have no timers.



Zephyr forms an area of clouds.  These clouds will move like it’s being fast forwarded until it’s out of range. This cloud effect will hover above Zephyr (even as she moves). Zephyr will receive full turbulence effects while under this cloud while her allies will receive a set 15 seconds of turbulence effects.  Will not stack, but allies can walk under the cloud to obtain another turbulence effect.  *Any tornadoes that remain under will have a slight damage increase and any enemy who is killed by a tornado will have a higher chance of dropping extra resources.*

*= could be made into an augment.


This will be similar to current tornadoes, however it will be a little different.

Tapping the ability will summon up to 8-12 small tornadoes (depending on Power Strength.  These small tornadoes will deal more damage and will not produce the ragdoll effect.  Also these tornadoes will be unaffected by the Coldfront ability and will also wander aimlessly (similar to current tornadoes).

Holding the ability button will summon from 2-4 large tornadoes (depending on power strength).  These tornadoes will cause ragdoll effects and will wander nearby Zephyr.  Also, these tornadoes will pick up status effects of weapons that come in contact with a tornado, as long as Coldfront ability is active.

This ability will be a re-castable ability so you can re-activate if you need to. 




Well, that’s all I got for this new idea.  I know this may change Zephyr, but I don’t think it would be a bad change.  I did struggle on a second ability idea, so if anyone wants to throw in a possibility for a better second, that would be fantastic.  Any suggestions to improve this idea would also be great.  I managed to obtain a picture that I think could help describe what I'm thinking about, hopefully you can get the picture... if not well, I tried.  Anyways that's all for now. 




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Now... this is text, so I want to be clear, I only sound negative in this because I'm a little depressed and ill right now, and I discovered a month ago that my own reworks of Zephyr (all except one) aren't ever going to happen because they all involved new abilities...

Love the enthusiasm here, but I'm really doubting that you'll get what you're expecting... for the same reason that I'm not getting what I was hoping for either DE have been on camera saying that the all the reworks from after Limbo aren't getting new abilities. They'll be reworking within the confines of the existing frame, so whether you like Tailwind and Dive Bomb or not, they're here to stay.

You might be better off working through the abilities as they exist now, trying to find what they could do better, rather than trying to replace them.

That said... I genuinely don't see the point of your Turbulence change as everything barring one bit is purely animation based... If you want allies to be able to walk away from Zephyr with their own limited duration of Turbulence, then fine, that's a great improvement, but why change the animation? That's just more work for no reward...

5 hours ago, President_Gohan said:

I know this may change Zephyr, but I don’t think it would be a bad change.

Here's a counter-point for you, my friend, because I'm not against Zephyr reworks, I'm all for them. But when you rework, please be aware of the methods that DE employs when they do rework frames. One of those is that DE love their creations and want you to play with all of their abilities, even if those aren't exactly what you were expecting from that frame. 

For example: no frame has ever received two new abilities and completely lost the functions of the ones they replace. (Argue what you like that infinite glide would replace Tailwind, it really wouldn't for DE or most of the fans of her, I tried that one, it got hugely negative responses on the rework thread I tried out, even when I said that it would go as fast as Tailwind...)

If you look at the frames that have had new abilities, totally new ones, like Limbo and Excalibur, they haven't lost the functions of the other skills. Limbo lost Rift Walk as a cast, and instead got it as a passive, Excalibur lost Super Jump as a cast, but instead gained 3D aim with Slash Dash to keep the vertical movement in his kit. Even frames that have lost parts of their abilities, like Ember's damage protection on the old Overheat being changed to CC on the new Accelerant, the main function of the ability (buffing her fire damage) stays, and that was what DE wanted to focus on for the frame.

If you're completely removing half of the kit of a warframe, then a reworked frame isn't what you want, you want a new frame with similar themes.

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As the fellow above me mentioned, this rework idea could never go through because it replaces not just one, but three powers, which is unheard of.

I'd suggest that if you ever feel like taking a stab at a Warframe rework concept, play the frame and really, really get to understand their playstyle and themes, and how you can improve upon them without removing them entirely. I can personally say as a Zephyr player that this rework would probably just make me quit the game because it would outright ruin my favorite frame and how I expect them to function.

Oh and - as the guy above me also mentioned - infinite aimglide =/= Tailwind. One is the ability to fall really slowly for a longer time, the other is the ability to stay in the air and mobile indefinitely. Also, Tailwind has an AoE knockdown and can be blunt-fired to stop melee units, which are Zephyr's one and only weakness. Just some food for thought.

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3 hours ago, Thaylien said:

DE have been on camera saying that the all the reworks from after Limbo aren't getting new abilities

I'm glad we all got the opportunity to dive into sharing our visions of what Zephyr could be like.

However, when it comes down to it, Tailwind needs a secondary function, Dive-bomb needs scaling damage and Tornado could use a tiny tweak for consistency.

That's really it.

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Honestly, I'm not expecting anything big. As mentioned above, the last ability change rework ended with Limbo, which means Zephyr will only receive buffs and not a rework... IMO.  I don't have any problems with that, I'm just here throwing ideas out there...even though they won't take anything from it.

But If I can throw something else out there that won't effect her abilities much, I do think that Zephyr should allow you to combine certain flight mods together, like Toxic Flight and Firewalker (to create a Gas effect), but I highly doubt that.

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34 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

I'm glad we all got the opportunity to dive into sharing our visions of what Zephyr could be like.

However, when it comes down to it, Tailwind needs a secondary function, Dive-bomb needs scaling damage and Tornado could use a tiny tweak for consistency.

That's really it.

It's depressing really, we had so much fun with our reworks...

And then DE go on and spoil everything.

There we were inventing Pinion Strikes, Katabatic Vortexes, Dervishes and discussing the exact problems of flying in Warframe without shrinking, we were finding out how powerful the idea of a Passive Tailwind would be, the best control scheme that would allow high speed Gliding...

And DE jumps in with 'no frames are getting new abiliites'. Bah, humbug...

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Just now, Thaylien said:

It's depressing really, we had so much fun with our reworks...

And then DE go on and spoil everything.

There we were inventing Pinion Strikes, Katabatic Vortexes, Dervishes and discussing the exact problems of flying in Warframe without shrinking, we were finding out how powerful the idea of a Passive Tailwind would be, the best control scheme that would allow high speed Gliding...

And DE jumps in with 'no frames are getting new abiliites'. Bah, humbug...


Dang... yeah, I had fun creating ideas.  But I'm done with all that now.  Best thing I can do now is just play.  Although my impression of D.E has changed significantly, I wait anxiously to see what they have planned for Zephyr. 



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1 hour ago, Thaylien said:

It's depressing really, we had so much fun with our reworks...

And then DE go on and spoil everything.

There we were inventing Pinion Strikes, Katabatic Vortexes, Dervishes and discussing the exact problems of flying in Warframe without shrinking, we were finding out how powerful the idea of a Passive Tailwind would be, the best control scheme that would allow high speed Gliding...

And DE jumps in with 'no frames are getting new abiliites'. Bah, humbug...

Oh yeah, remember that last idea I had for tornado? 

I thought of something cooler and even simpler which may help it's QoL. 

Shooting at tornadoes increases their size and pickup range while decreasing their traveling speed.


Edited by (PS4)RenovaKunumaru
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