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Escort missions suck


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They always have and always will, but they're especially bad in a big open area where there's no natural way to defend the thing you're escorting or give it a breather to recover. CC powers don't go far enough, and neither do "kill everything" powers, so the only way to play these is with a "prevent damage to this thing" frame like frost, ash, ivara, or limbo.

Since you don't know when you're going to be in these missions, you basically have to assume that you need to play this type of frame, since there is, again, no natural defense. You can't watch the corners and get things as they come around because there are none. Zenistar CC is totally useless like any other kind of AOE CC or damage. Killing things quickly enough is a crap shoot since they can spawn shooting, come from every direction, and often times, are invisible but still perfectly able to see and shoot the objective.


This mission needs to either be reworked or removed. It's not fun, engaging, or really functional. It just introduces more frame imbalance in favor of already overpowered defensive frames.

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Frost wont help you with them because once you get within a certain range the drone moves forward.... and far enough that even the biggest frost bubble wont be able to cover it.


What is even worse is when air units get spawned to attack it. There is almost nothing you can do about it... unless you got your archwing to easily chase them down. Which that is locked behind a ton of arbitrary resources and is on a charge system. So you may be forced to do activities that you do not want to do at all.

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With frost, you can keep making bubbles. High eff, high range, low str build is actually pretty good for moving targets as long as you pick up some energy on the way. If Zenurik was still the way it was, it'd be even easier; just bubble every second or so.

Also, I can confirm that Nehza works, and probably Trinity and Oberon as well.

Edited by NezuHimeSama
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Yeah I'm usually at a bit of a loss with escorting the drone, enemies pop out of thin air sniping the drone from pretty much every direction possible, and the only way I've been managing to complete them is by rushing the drone away and leaving a decoy like Octavia's Mallet or Saryn's Molt to slow the enemies from chasing.

Not entirely sure what we're expected to do here...

I do like the fact the drone moves quite fast -even if the pathing is sometimes whack- so I usually can get the drone clear before the enemy kills it

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with Ivara you can stealth arrow the drone the whole way, pretty easy.  However, in the stationary defense bounty, there is no way I can maintain a defense point against crazy grineer snipers, rushers and aerial support in that type of open map.

Edited by robbybe01234
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Bounties are kinda really fun, when they don't have escort missions in them. But the drone escort mission just makes me sigh and facepalm. It's soooooooooo boring. Just sit behind the drone, every now and then fire Arca Plasmor, and hope the drone doesn't go the wrong way. I mean, I just had an escort mission where the drone went in straight line to the objective, all I had to do was sit behind it, as it barely got hit.

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I agree. What would make it better is the thing moving faster and not needing us to be close. The area is huge of course I need to move around to kill the enemies that try to kill the damn thing. It also needs a bigger healthpool. In its current state its nearly impossible.

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Ok just tried another bounty today and I take the drone to the waypoint, I stand at waypoint and nothing happens.... because I can't get anything to happen the mission fails when the drone dies....

It doesn't help when you have no idea where the enemies are shooting from, they need to increase the range of the 'radar' skills on plains because I'm being shot at from over 100 metres away and well radar only works to about 20m unless you stack them....

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