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Ok DE. Me llevó años AÑOS y miles de horas llevar mis armas al límite. ¿Y ahora me dices que para matar a un Teralyst solo puedo hacerlo con el operador? De Verdad?

Cuando vi el trailer, me imaginé a mí mismo luchando contra los Eidolons con mi arma de guerra y armas favoritas, derribé al monstruo con mi Sobek de confianza y terminé con mi Scindo Prime en una explosión gloriosa de sangre y tripas !!

Pero no, aquí niño, toma esa estúpida arma y hazle cosquillas a ese monstruo ... gracias.

Me doy cuenta de que a muchas personas les encanta este nuevo modo de juego, pero para mí, es deprimente, no me gustó el operador antes, no como él ahora.

¿Quieres convencerme de que use el operador? No lo obtendrás en mil años DE. Y vas por el camino equivocado. Recuerda: Hace 4 años descargué un juego llamado Warframe. Warframe . Mi operador está dentro del traje, y mi Warframe es el que lucha. Quiero matar a Teralyst con mi Warframe y con mis armas.

Y si no me dejas hacer eso, cambia el nombre del juego.

¿Te gusta Operatorframe ?

Edited by Awazx
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14 minutes ago, Awazx said:

I realize many people love this new game mode, but for me, is just depressing, not liked the operator before, not like him now.

Do you want to convince me to use the operator? You will not get it in a thousand years DE. And you're going the wrong way. Remember: 4 years ago I downloaded a game called Warframe. WARFRAME. My operator is inside the suit, and my WARFRAME is the one that fights. I want to kill Teralyst with my Warframe and with my weapons.

And if you do not let me do that, change the name of the game.

Do you like Operatorframe?

I don't think people like it. I think there are a contingent of FB friends of the company who will cheerlead and white knight (and concern troll see below) anything they do, but no, I don't think even a majority of the actual player base even -wants- the operator to be a side game. Warframe is no more, we have an anime console 'learn the level' game now.


Edited by Buttaface
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Your opinion is unpopular and not constructive. 


Personally, I like that they're fleshing out the lore and capabilities of the Operators. They are by and large the focus of the plot, and the Warframes are just very powerful tools, not the main characters.


But I digress, my largest complaint is how they don't elaborate on the Quills more and how they're involved with the Tenno. The Quill guy just goes up to you, gives you that goofy looking gauntlet all like "yo have that rad glove thing, it makes your laser not total sh*t and stuff yeah."


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6 minutes ago, Xaxma said:

, and the Warframes are just very powerful tools, not the main characters.

hahaha NO.

You see, for 4 years I've killed everything that moved on the map with a Warframe, not an operator. 

Edited by Awazx
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15 minutes ago, alexorcist said:

i F*** ing HATE operators, they are useless, they ruin the immersion and flow of normal gameplay by being WEAK, VULNERABLE, TEDIOUS, and literally NO ONE was asking to use them, EVER. they are not loved, they are not WANTED, they are TOLERATED.

I love Operators, they fit their use with how the Eidolons work now and their abilities aren't boring "press button, get effect" anymore. They actually augment your Warframe-play properly now. They add to the immersion and help the flow of normal gameplay by being strong, powerful, requiring a bit of effort to use now instead of just "lolololol 4 energy per second so OP lolololol". Nobody was asking to use them as they were before because they WERE terrible. They are loved now, they are wanted even more, so continue to tolerate them.



Dump it, we don't need this attitude here.



Even with two perks on my Vazarin class and two on my Zenurik (both increasing health/health regen and energy/energy regen respectively), Operators are so much more than they used to be. Seeing a half-ranked Zenurik bubble-ability-that-regens-energy (I totally forgot the name) fill up my energy bar is beautiful, especially when I'm not even the one ranking up Zenurik.


For all the people knocking operators... honestly. Tough S#&$, this is where the game is, and is continuing to go.


If you don't like it, take your nasty attitudes out the door and find something you do like.





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4 minutes ago, alexorcist said:

then change the F*** ing title of this F*** ing game

change it to "Operator"

because i didn't F*** ing sign up to be FORCED to use this function that was introduced as optional

i don't care if operators stay i just don't want to be FORCED to use them, bceause i hate them, and i'm allowed to hate them because no matter what you say the fact remains they're a S#&$ty BORING, tedious mechanic that's also INCREDIBLY ugly to look at

i've made prettier things on SPORE than these F*** ing childlike meat sticks

Operators just make the game more expansive and more creative, besides you still use your frames to kill everything so chill out dude. You also can't expect DE to change EVERYTHING that they planned just for a small group of salty haters.

Edited by HeilSt
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On 14/10/2017 at 12:52 AM, HeilSt said:

 You also can't expect DE to change EVERYTHING that they planned just for a small group of salty haters.

I'm not sure that everyone who hates the operator is 'a small group of people'. I waited.

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On 10/13/2017 at 9:18 PM, Xaxma said:

Your opinion is unpopular and not constructive. 


Personally, I like that they're fleshing out the lore and capabilities of the Operators. They are by and large the focus of the plot, and the Warframes are just very powerful tools, not the main characters.


But I digress, my largest complaint is how they don't elaborate on the Quills more and how they're involved with the Tenno. The Quill guy just goes up to you, gives you that goofy looking gauntlet all like "yo have that rad glove thing, it makes your laser not total sh*t and stuff yeah."


Its not unpopular, i would like nothing more than for the operator to go back into hypersleep & to be jettison into the void. DE is killing WARFRAME by shoehorning crap gameplay & gun(lol)play on us via the operator. 

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5 minutes ago, Windspike said:

I don't see the problem.  You hate operators... stop trying to kill eidolons.  Done!  

I do not see the problem with Warframe, if I do not like it, I stop playing it DONE!

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