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Vazarin Focus 2.0


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It seems that with the release of Plains of Eidolon and with it the Focus 2.0 the schools changed to be more balanced, Unairu became more popular with the changes, Zenurik started to focus on energy for example, but it seems that not all of them got lucky and to a certain degree got nerfed, that seems to be the case with Vazarin.

Before Focus 2.0 had arrived, Vazarin was my favorite focus school due to the 1-4 instant revives every 240-360~ seconds, the ability to heal the player himself, allies and even machines one of the few options capable of doing so, alongside the Sancti Magistar. After Focus 2.0 it seems like it lost most of its charm, to activate the passive abilities now you only need to get out of the frame and you will get the bonuses but there is a trick to that.

Mending Unity (Increases the Affinity Range): seems to work well with the focus school, having synergy with Trinity's Bless for example, while maxed it even gives 25m which is perfect for most maps even if at the Plains people tend to be quite far away from each other unless they are protecting a objective.

Mending Soul (Grants instant revives): since Focus 2.0 changed this ability it doesn't stack anymore to above 4 times but it comes with 8 while maxed, 4 for the Warframe and 4 for the Operative, except there is a catch the 4 you get are for the entire mission so if you are in a tough endless mission and everyone starts dying you won't be able to revive them instantly anymore after the 8 uses, a suggestion could be that after losing all instant revives from the frame you could switch back to the operator and refresh the revives even if it gives a timer on how long until you get more instant revives.


Adding a cooldown period of around 90/120/160/180 second to be able to get more 1/2/3/4 instant revives would greatly improve the ability.

Void Regen (Heals a small amount of health overtime at the cost of the operator energy): In theory this ability seems great, being able to heal your allies after or during a fight, but in practice is the opposite from that because Void Regen ends up being a overhaul weak ability as you are not able to heal your own frame so if you took heavy damage you have no option but to hide behind your allies another flaw is the fact it can't restore the health from some objectives like the Defense Pod or Console (no clue if it works on the Hijack cart) unlike the Ghost operative old ability of healing them, a solution could be increasing the regeneration speed, allowing it to heal machinery (because void magic) and the players frame.


Increasing the healing from 4/8/16/25 per second to 8/16/24/32 per second to operatives while giving double the amount of healing to Allies (16/32/48/64 per second) could help.

Allowing the Void Regen to heal non-humanoid targets would also make it a more unique ability to have compared to Protective Dash.

Note: Most Operatives have the HP of around 250 at the 4th level it would take 10 second but that is only because the 4th level gives a big boost to the skill, the earlier weaker versions from the skill hardly help and whenever used to heal allies its completely weak as they will have around 300 to 700 or even 4000 hp (Inaros), increasing the amount healed by 2x for Frames would mean they are able to heal faster while most likely being protected by the Void Aegis if possible or while not under constant fire.

Void Aegis (Creates a shield around the Operative): This ability is one of the few that end up being quite enjoyable to use even if you won't be able to do much aside from move around, you make a bubble while staying in void mode at the cost of a bit of energy (2 per second at rank 1),stopping enemies from entering it and enemies from shooting the player or allies while giving everyone cover to fight back. For example you are in a mobile defense and the bubble from a frost is down and everyone is taking heavy damage, you pop into the operative and hold the void mode button (ctrl unless rebound) while your allies fight the enemies only bad side is that allies can't shoot while inside it so the bigger the side, the further your allies have to stay to be able to shoot.


Allowing players to shoot from inside the Bubble to outside the bubble like if it was a Frost Bubble or work like Limbo's Rift would greatly increase the uses from this ability as it won't stop allies from trying to fire and being stopped by the Aegis Bubble.

Guardian Shell (Creates a barrier in front of the operative that absorbs damage): While this ability is effective by not using energy unless you get protected from the damage its not great for general use due to having to be facing the enemy straight so a enemy at a angle from you will still be able to shoot you but in this ability seems to provide some good protection while in a small room.

Guardian Blast (Void Blast grants shield to allies hit by it): This ability is extremely unreliable due to the high amount of energy it uses for a small amount of shield at Rank 1 uses 25 Energy for 25 Shield for allies up to 5 meters from you, while it does give Overshield (Tested with a few people) its still not enough, increasing the amount of shields it could give would help the ability to be viable.


Increasing the shield given to allies by 25/50/75/100 to 50/100/150/200

While also increasing the range from 5m/6m/7m/8m to 10m/14m/18m/20m

This change could potentially allow you to hit allies from further away and still give them the bonus of shields at the cost of the same amount of energy, at the 4th level becoming more viable to use to protect others while not under heavy fire.

Protective Dash (Dashing through allies grant them damage immunity and healing): Protective Dash seems like the better version of Void Regen, faster healing, ability to heal yourself which makes it a must get when possible, If everyone is close together its a great ability as you just need to get out of the frame, dash through a ally and he will be healed and be safe for 1-2 seconds, having a area of effect for it to happen like Zenurik's Energizing Dash would make it better and easier to telegraph as others players would know that in that area they could get healed and protected from damage.

I was not able to unlock Enduring Tides, Rejuvenating Tides or Sonic Dash but they seem to have great potential.

Sonic Dash seems like a CC ability by stunning enemies.

Really hope that Vazarin gets changed to be more useful while fighting and benefiting from the before Focus 2.0 as it felt better overhaul.


Edit: Got Protective Dash and I actually enjoyed it a lot, working towards Sonic Dash now.

Edited by rafaelx1bm2.0
Added Protective Dash + Suggestions.
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3 hours ago, rafaelx1bm2.0 said:

Mending Soul (Grants instant revives): since Focus 2.0 changed this ability it doesn't stack anymore to above 4 times but it comes with 8 while maxed, 4 for the Warframe and 4 for the Operative, except there is a catch the 4 you get are for the entire mission so if you are in a tough endless mission and everyone starts dying you won't be able to revive them instantly anymore after the 8 uses, a suggestion could be that after losing all instant revives from the frame you could switch back to the operator and refresh the revives even if it gives a timer on how long until you get more instant revives.


So what your saying is the description ingame is a blatant lie? It says "Generates instant revives", starting with and only having a set number of revives does not a generator make. 1/5 stars. sucks that passive was super useful. maybe you could get a revive every [TIME_INTERVAL] you play as your operator.

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They made Zenurik go back to energy pickups which is so disappointing... Couldn't they have thought of something better than go back to energy pickups ...

They made the operator main focus of the focus tree and now they are forcing people to use it...

Even if Poe was something amazing and not just a longer mission with more running and underwhelming rewards, the Focus 2.Operator would ruin it.

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12 hours ago, TennoHack said:

So what your saying is the description ingame is a blatant lie? It says "Generates instant revives", starting with and only having a set number of revives does not a generator make. 1/5 stars. sucks that passive was super useful. maybe you could get a revive every [TIME_INTERVAL] you play as your operator.

Well, the description isn't really lying in-game as it does say "The next x revives are instantaneous." but extremely misleading compared to the Pre-Focus 2.0 ability.



Here is a example of the Void Aegis in use, none of my equipment was strong to handle the enemies so I kept using the Void Aegis to keep enemies away while killing a few enemies for energy whenever possible.

Ended up dying twice due to the lack of self-healing/healing the frame from Void Regen.

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I started with Protective Dash, and it is pretty good, but its also very difficult to hit mid fight when players are running around. Works great if you can tell them to stop running from the Eidolon for a second so you can line it up, and you can use it on your own frame which is the only source of self heal.

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Can we please just get back the old Vazarin? It didn't need these nerfs. I really enjoyed using my 5th ability from time to time to heal myself, making me a bit more of a solo player, which is what I like. It's stupid how they removed 5th abilities and instead pretty much got more passive/worthless active abilities.

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I love new operator mode and the new focus because it's focused on what it should have been focused on this whole time! Your operator! Focus isn't about your Warframe it's suppost to be about your Operator and the old system made it so that everything worth getting was based on your warframe, in Focus 1.0 I had 2 skill points maxed in Zenurik, Passive energy regen and the recharge speed up, every game i would wait 2 minutes and push a button and have free energy. Every 2 minutes you could push a button and have 4 insta-revives, 3 minutes in you could push a button and be able to be cloaked for the rest of the game. It was fun, and i totally get why everybody wants back some of that functionality, and i agree the passives should come back, but as i hinted earlyer

On 10/14/2017 at 4:28 AM, TennoHack said:

maybe you could get a revive every [TIME_INTERVAL] you play as your operator.

Maybe those passives can come back in the form of "Active while your in operator mode" or whatever fits that ability, Vazarin's Mending Soul for example, passives like shadowstep that wouldn't work like that would be altered to passivally buff your warframe, like for example one idea off the top of my head: every [TIME_INTERVAL] seconds you spend as your operator enables Shadow Step for 1 second when you jump back, or something

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Yep, pretty darn dissatisfied with Vazarin at the moment. I think it is bugged personally, you get your initial set of instant revives, and any subsequent revives you can only use in operator mode. I'd like to see them improve Vazarin a bit, but let's be honest, this is DE we're talking about... They like to let things sit and rot. My favorite faction Ceph Suda has been trash ever since the simulor nerf. They had already nerfed the Gammacore into disuse, then they nerf the simulor into disuse (seriously DE, you just had to nerf the damage and explosion radius a bit, not turn it into secondary fire unfun mode) and on top of that, the melee weapon sucks, nobody wants it. I can't sell anything for plat, and I can't trade anything since nobody wants jack diddly from Ceph Suda anymore. RIP.



Edited by Gaki_no_Tsukai
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  • Fixed Vazarin’s Protective Dash providing immunity and health, regardless of whether or not anything is hit. Only "allies hit by Void Dash" are meant to receive buff. 
  • Fixed Vazarin’s Mending Soul giving immunity to fish, preventing spearfishing. 


Update 22.0.3 Fixed a bug with Mending Soul.

And it feels like the Mending Souls instant revives not resetting is intended which is sad, Vazarin is now one of the worst schools to have, with hardly many benefits so far anymore.

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On 10/14/2017 at 6:33 PM, Jigglyfluff said:

They made Zenurik go back to energy pickups which is so disappointing... Couldn't they have thought of something better than go back to energy pickups ...

They made the operator main focus of the focus tree and now they are forcing people to use it...

Even if Poe was something amazing and not just a longer mission with more running and underwhelming rewards, the Focus 2.Operator would ruin it.

A complain about Zenurik, which actually gets better, in a thread about Vazarin's uselessness, that gets upvotes.

*golf claps*

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I never tried any other schools but Vazarin because I always was a support player. New Varazin 2.0 looks very poorly made shadow of 1.0 version.

Some horrible actives and passives were removed(like returning the x % damage to attacker or protective auro for allies) but the main reason why I choose Vazarin in first place was New Moon ability,

Now what I am gonna do with 5 million Vazarin Focus points?!

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3 minutes ago, Traxadel said:

I never tried any other schools but Vazarin because I always was a support player. New Varazin 2.0 looks very poorly made shadow of 1.0 version.

Some horrible actives and passives were removed(like returning the x % damage to attacker or protective auro for allies) but the main reason why I choose Vazarin in first place was New Moon ability,

Now what I am gonna do with 5 million Vazarin Focus points?!

Take the operator hp buff nodes, make a Chadtato.

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I never used vazarin, i was an avid zenurik user but when i looked at the school it had powerful healing regenerating revives, powerful shield giving and an affinity range boost. A very decent school made around pure supporting.

Now? No healing, fixed revive count, weak shield charging. From something what could be have been a warframe on itself it turned into a piece of deformed junk, a shadow of itself.

Edited by Fallen_Echo
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Actually the revives from mending souls come back after you deplete them. I think its on some kind of cool down, because i was doing a eidolon hunt and well after spending all the revives both from frame and operator, the revives from mending were available again. How long is this cool down I don't know but i was able to do instant revives about 12 times. But all i gotta say its one extremely long cool down. It feels like 5 minutes  + after spending all of your revives.

Edited by Tokyopig
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On 10/14/2017 at 6:33 PM, Jigglyfluff said:

They made Zenurik go back to energy pickups which is so disappointing... Couldn't they have thought of something better than go back to energy pickups ...

They made the operator main focus of the focus tree and now they are forcing people to use it...

Even if Poe was something amazing and not just a longer mission with more running and underwhelming rewards, the Focus 2.Operator would ruin it.

Try prioritizing Energy Pulse and Energizing Dash those might change your opinion, I made a very huge mistake building for Operator/ Warrior in my Focus 2.0 trees, better build your Trees where it benefits your Warframe more. Vazarin on the other hand is probably one of the saddest Focus rework I have ever seen since its seems like they overdid it's aspects of "Benefiting Everyone" when it doesn't even benefit you or even your solo play at all. I used to love Vazarin giving me the chance to stack instant revives both for myself and my allies because it gives me the freedom to run any Warframe I want and never get anyone to tell me what Role or Support Frame should I pick. I hope they buff this Tree.

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On 15.10.2017 at 12:05 PM, ShadowMalik said:

Can we please just get back the old Vazarin?

When will people finally understand that "rolling back" massive changes like focus is just simply not an option?

I do agree that Vazarin got demolished with this rework and needs buffing, but "getting the old back" is not proper feedback.
Instead offer suggestions on how to reasonably improve what we have now.

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This was my forum post feedback on Vazarin:

I feel like everyone who is vazarin is focused on mending soul. I do understand the concern about it not refreshing the revive buff. But it does let you refresh the buff if you happen to die in the mission. (Edit: as of 22.0.7 dieing will no longer refresh the insta-revive counter. It will now only put the insta-revive buff back on if you still had remaining insta-revives left to use during the mission.)

But people shouldn't forgot that vazarin can restore shields as well using Guardian Blast. In its current state its almost useless. (IMO)

I have over 6mil focus invested in vazarin, i love it. I hope they can make some improvements to it soon.

Edited by Imortel
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On 10/14/2017 at 3:33 AM, Jigglyfluff said:

They made Zenurik go back to energy pickups which is so disappointing... Couldn't they have thought of something better than go back to energy pickups ...

They made the operator main focus of the focus tree and now they are forcing people to use it...

Even if Poe was something amazing and not just a longer mission with more running and underwhelming rewards, the Focus 2.Operator would ruin it.

To be fair, Energizing Dash basically does the same thing as the old Zenurik passive, just a bit nerfed and in an aoe for friendlies.  You simply hit 5, crouch+dash at the ground, then hit 5 again.  Once inside the field, your frame will regen energy like the old passive did, and it will linger for 15+ seconds after leaving the field.

As for Vazarin, I think Mending Tides would do well with a "charge" system change.  Give it a 2 minute cooldown with a stack of 4, and the player starts with 4 stacks already in place when a mission starts.  This means it's possible for them to rapid-fire rez 4 people in a short period of time, at the cost of being unable to do that again for the next ~8 minutes.  The idea here being that it gives you good power that builds up over a period of time and allows you to deal with S hitting the F.  But if you're getting overwhelmed to the point that 4 instant revives can't get you and your team back on their feet, then that's probably a sign you're done.  Then again, if you can survive for another 8 minutes after that, you'll be back up to 4 charges.  Having a 2 minute cooldown per charge also gives it a place for when those random deaths occur from an errant Bombard rocket or something.  You can pop out a quick revive and be assured that you have 3 left in the tank while the 4th will be coming in two minutes.

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9 hours ago, Imortel said:

This was my forum post feedback on Vazarin:

I feel like everyone who is vazarin is focused on mending soul. I do understand the concern about it not refreshing the revive buff. But it does let you refresh the buff if you happen to die in the mission. 

But people shouldn't forgot that vazarin can restore shields as well using Guardian Blast. In its current state its almost useless. (IMO)

I have over 6mil focus invested in vazarin, i love it. I hope they can make some improvements to it soon.

In the main post I tried to focus on every aspect from it.

What people find more concerning about the instant revive is that its a ability extremely useful and unique to the focus school while healing can be done via pads/frames even if they should not be necessary with Focus 2.0.

While testing Guardian Blast with a friend at a level 3-5 mobile defense it proved to not be able to handle even the possible lowest level of enemies in the game, 1 grineer could remove the shield buff and overshield faster then I could place on my friend due to the high cost of energy and low amount of shield given, so I agree with your topic too but it does need to give a lot more then 25 at the lowest level to be able to cover other players.


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