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DE just take the plains off line... for now


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4 hours ago, Amerikanovich said:

That's what happens when you release something new at the last second of the week, people play the buggy mess over the weekend and freakout because no fixes come around until days later.

I'm having a blast, chill out, the patches are on the horizon.

And they needed the server load (115k peak on steam) for conditions they cannot simulate.

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3 hours ago, Valiant said:

It's not even in that bad of a state.

Stop exaggerating.

I'm almost rank 3 in the Ostrons, and my friends are rank 1 in quills and 2 in ostron 
Killed an eidolon, got all the glass fish, more than half the achievements done. 
Things are fine.
Some inconveniences but nothing to go offline with lol

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6 hours ago, Robolaser said:

Sarcasm or is this just plain shameless whiteknighting?

Neither. I think I'm just really lucky. I haven't experienced any of the game crashes or progression stoppers, or breaks or anything. I have had a couple of annoying glitches, but nothing that's caused me anger.

3 things I've experienced: First time I did a bounty, I failed cause I underestimated its challenge and when I died with no respawns, there was no way to go back to my ship or Cetus so I had to alt-f4, but not that bad.
The second was that I can't seem to do a bounty straight after another. I have to exit Cetus first before doing another one. A second one won't start up or do anything so it doesn't work. Also not too bad.
And the last and only other thing I've experienced is some minor performance drops in Cetus and public lobby in the plains. I usually get around 120-200 in solo mode, but because of my potato CPU (which I'm hopefully upgrading 2 weeks from now), I can drop down to 40's in Cetus and in public lobbies. Again, not too bad and something I can easily deal with.


So far, I have never had a crash, a game stopper, a game breaker (besides the first example) and I've never had a progression stopper. This also counts for literally every single other update warframe has ever had since I've been playing. I don't know if I'm just super lucky, but I seem to never really have any bugs occur for me, or a really small amount of bugs.

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Haven't you already learned by now that the moment a build is stable enough internally they push the big red button and out it goes into the wild? The entire playerbase is the playtesting team, so shutting off the servers to Plains means they can only rely on their staff to take time off from actual development to report, reproduce, and repair any bugs that pop up.

Staff that can otherwise be put to better use working on actually fixing said bugs which thousands of players already found over a weekend than DE themselves can find in months.

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8 hours ago, Amerikanovich said:

That's what happens when you release something new at the last second of the week, people play the buggy mess over the weekend and freakout because no fixes come around until days later.

I'm having a blast, chill out, the patches are on the horizon.

Ay, there are plenty of odd bugs or the like but I have no issue cataloguing them and any other issues I have with PoE to provide feedback on. The fact that the devs belted out 2 hotfixes that close to the weekend is more than I expected, I'm fairly confident there'll be some long hours this week to get PoE cleaned up. 

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1 hour ago, JBurke said:

I love the fanboys kissing DE's butt like they have stock in the company. "What bugs?" Seriously, are you people even playing the same game?

People that complain about bugs should just NOT play. simple as that. No one is forcing you to play. The few bugs i have encountered weren't game breaking enough for me to stop playing, or make me regret having access.  I just aborted the mission and played again. Im all for them releasing in a timely matter and solving bugs as we go. 

As far as complainers concerned, just DONT play and pretend that it hasnt been released yet. Better yet, just go by console release schedule

Edited by Hypernaut1
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9 hours ago, Arniox said:


Inb4 lock? 

I haven't experienced any bugs tbh. Mostly been really good for me. No game breaking bugs. And the few small bugs I did get where easy to handle. 

The biggest bug that's annoying for me is that you can't do a bounty straight after another one. It doesn't start at all and no way points appear. You have to exit cetus and region to start another 


Select the next mission then cancel it, select the mission again wait for the timer to start and if it doesn't cancel and do again.

Never had to cancel more than twice.

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2 hours ago, PH0T0Nman said:


Select the next mission then cancel it, select the mission again wait for the timer to start and if it doesn't cancel and do again.

Never had to cancel more than twice.


Thanks though, seriously, luv u bb.

This bug is annoying the pants off me!

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12 hours ago, -Vondred- said:

Well aware.  Out of those 5000+ posts, most of them revolve around the same bug, are misunderstood, or resolved by the player.  I've been very observant since the release of POE.  I'm not saying they don't exist, it's just not worth taking off-line.

While I agree that this thread is ridiculous, we're still failing every second bounty because we apparently leave the mission area, even though we're always well within the yellow circle... People are still missing their HUDs going into missions... Oh and grouping up with friends is a major pain in the &#! when everyone is kicked to different instances every return to Cetus...

So while these are slight irritations, there are still a lot of bugs and you'd be wilfully delusional not to know they exist.

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Some bugs are only detectable when 17 millions players are playing the game. There are only few developers testing the game, the amount of bug they can find will be proportionally smaller. Releasing the update means mass testing, more people will experience rare bugs that few developers won't find. More bugs can be catalogued and fixed. Holding it back only means you hold potential bugs to be found and fixed.

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16 hours ago, ApocNizmith said:

Seriously with 17 million game breaking bugs how can you even call this complete. Off line it, fix the bugs I am sure no one cares if we have to wait for a bit for you to fix the issues. Give out some little dumb thing like a forma bundle to everyone and they will shut up and not care, you can fix the problem and everyone is happy. This is to much man. BUGFRAME OP!

You must be new. Let me tell you how this works. Most bugs don't show up until DE releases the project, because DE doesn't have millions of people at their office stress testing their update. There's a reason this game is still in beta, we are the stress testers. Want bugs fixed? Instead of whining on the forums, submit bug reports like the many others and help DE achieve a bugfree game! 

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I've met quite a few bugs in the game so far like objectives not completing or being there where they should be (drone is not at the marker). However despite all of the bugs I've seen, it has been a blast and I am not entirely sure if the situation is quite so dire. Hotfixes are about to come and like another player said, this would normally not be a problem but the last chance release does things like this and DE can't really find out all the bugs before releasing new content on a massive scale.

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Taking PoE offline would be counter-productive. The build would then be in a frozen state and no further bug reports would be raised; all effort would be directed to fixing the known issues and then the re-release would start the cycle off again. Rolling hotfixes allow for a progressive and reactive bug fixing regime using your biggest group of testers.

I've not experienced PoE as I'm in console land, but from my experience of release management you don't really want to withdraw a product unless there is an absolute show stopper in there. 

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Okay guys..seriously...as DE said i read somewhere this node coz i cant even call it expansion its not even a whole planet...its just a bigger room...anyways is dedicated for those people who bought excal prime people...its not even dedicated to veteran people who been in the game since the launch of the game coz they dont have excal p (they dont spend real money)..i forgot what they call em (founders i think)..anyways yah...DE need funding to keep going..so fund them guys..thats all it is to it..gg

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Bugs I experienced were

- bounty lock-up (although that hasn't happened to me since the second mini-patch and never when soloing a bounty or loading into a group when leaving cetus with an active bounty)

- teams not loading into the same instance of Cetus (which is @(*()$ annoying)

- a possible bug (or just massive op rng) where an Eidolon seemed to drop an exceptional core every time a phase was beaten/it teleported away

- and one really massive bug where my game would suddenly freeze all my buttons except sometimes left mouse button, which happened like 4 times yesterday during Eidolon hunts. The game was still moving normally and i could still read chat messages, but couldn't move, open the chat, abort mission, Alt F4 the game, nothing. Only closing via task manager worked. Almost missed the single flawless core we dropped yesterday because of it.

No bugs with fishing at all though. And there was a funny episode where I was in a 2 man team, and right outside Cetus the guy seems to have gotten the same lock-up bug i had. As chance would have it, I was playing Valkyr at the time, so I dragged him into the loading zone with Ripline ...and he actually loaded into cetus and got his rewards X) 

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