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For the love of god, do something about the enemy types in PoE!


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1 minute ago, TheBrsrkr said:

It never ceases to amaze me how people can say this:

And this:


And not see a connection. 

I'm sorry but that ain't helping. God, I'm tired of this thread. I just wanted to let my frustration out and not start a damn argument about how bad I am.

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1 minute ago, o0Despair0o said:

I'm sorry but that ain't helping. God, I'm tired of this thread. I just wanted to let my frustration out and not start a damn argument about how bad I am.

It's not because you're bad, it's because you're taking a squishy frame into a situation that isn't really designed for a squishy frame, especially with the lack of energy apparent in the Plains. Tons of trouble for anyone. Run away and come back when you can pick them off after they spread a little. Go somewhere else. Spawn an archwing. Fish. The Plains are big. 

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1 minute ago, o0Despair0o said:

I'm sorry but that ain't helping. God, I'm tired of this thread. I just wanted to let my frustration out and not start a damn argument about how bad I am.

You started this thread as a complaint about how difficult the enemies are, when really it's just that you are not used to fighting them. No one is saying how bad you are at the entire game, but it's clear you don't venture into the end-game areas much, otherwise you'd know how to deal with mobs of Eximus units. Like krc473 said; Eximus units are really not that much harder to kill than regulars.

My advice; don't complain about enemies because you don't know how to deal with them properly. Learn to adapt. 

Just a side question; have you ever played a Dark Souls game?

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Am I playing a different game or something.

Find them challenging not hard at all.


All you need to do is jump in the middle of a mob pop your 4 with Mag or Gara (or anything else for that matter) and all over bar the slashing and killing.

Refreshing that the mobs can suddenly go all Psycho rather than just run at you in single file






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I have no problem killing enemies at all the only thing annoys me the buggyness of plains but that will be fixed. Also not every time only eximus units spawn. I did this rescure type mission with that balloon but there were no issues to kill the enemies before they could harm that stuff.

Also imagine what would have been if they add the weakspot system what they talked about some streams ago. Then everybody could get butthurt.

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From my experience the plains require a completely different playstyle. Glas cannons (Ember, Banshee), defense oriented frames (Nidus, Vauban, Globe-oriented Frost) and slow frames just dont work there. Fast and/or tanky works quite well there because there is no real cover on the plains. Putting rush exilus mod on Rhino or even Atlas works great and you will not be one-shotted. Try Nezha, Volt or Nova if you are more the jumping type of player. If you do not get motion-sick use Titania and switch between flying and running constantly. Or you could use a frame with damage reduction like Mesa or Gara. 

About the warframe abilities: I rarely use warframe AOE abilities because engagements work differently on the plains. There is either not enough time to react because of an ground or air ambush or enemies are too scattered to make use of AOE. I mostly bullet jump into enemies and melee them and jump out. Being slow will get you killed fast, being stationary will get you killed even faster. I use mid-to-long range weapons to shoot the enemies. Latron Wraith or Prime do just fine for all content because you can shoot while aim gliding. For short to mid range emergencies I prefer cannons like Lex P, Vaykor Marelok, Akmagnus or Euphona Prime. 

Edited by k05h
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7 minutes ago, CelticMoss said:

Yeah pretty sad that i can't play titania because i keep getting one shot 

Titania is the frame I use the most for PoE content. It is all about movement and switching between ground and flying. For survivability I have only max rank vitality and rush strapped on. The rest is for balancing damage and efficiency of her dex pixia. I have yet to be one-shoted. 

She is quite an asset against everything the flies. If I run in a group I tend to focus on everything in the air or stationary on the ground. 

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1 hour ago, o0Despair0o said:

I also tried Excal and even Valkyr. Valkyr makes surviving easy, but isn't helping when defending that damn drone.

Step 1: Take Zehpyr
Step 2: Use 3
Step 3: Stay very close to the drone
Result: Drone is defended and you wont die (unless some melee enemies get you).

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Oh dear god. OP I got such a major giggle out of your post, because this is the same way I wrecked my own face on D1.

*I will bring my close to mid range loadout and wreck faces*


*Couple of carpet bombings, sniping and zoning later*

I Should Maybe consider bringing sustain build with mid to long range loadout,

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Nothiing against the OP, but after seeing a few threads like this I think the overall issue is ADAPTION.  Meaning that we're used a playstyle where nukes and cheese were the guiding force on how we complete stuff.

Yet there needs to be improvements. My suggestion is a slight increase to Enemy radar. Maybe reducing the ship spawning since they buffed  the damn ships in a hotfix. ( seriously why did you buff the ships???) 


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24 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Use Mesa, she trivializes the plains. She seems way more effective on open maps like this. I hope she isn't nerfed

Loki makes the plains a joke. Enemies already have a hard time detecting you over 100m out. I am just literally sitting them picking them off. Invisibility makes Loki untouchable. 

However Loki is not the best choice for drone escort, unless you spam switch teleport.

Edited by fatpig84
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in my experience its not the ground units that cause problems, tho the mortar bombards have a bit too much armor if you ask me (like seriously, they have way more armor than any other ground unit out there). the ones that really cause issues are the ogma with its freaking carpet bombing and the bolkor with the flipping op turret, that thing HURTS

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4 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

EDIT: Fine, I get it, I suck, stop telling me how bad I am. I get it.

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So... I got a greater Madurai lens on my Banshee Prime (a.k.a Squishy Prime), and I want to get some focus as well as standing for the Ostrons in Cetus. So what do I do? Exactly - I play some of the low - mid level bounties and go fisching. But...


A level ~20 bounty. Sounds easy. I'll just go to the marked area and snipe them with my Rubico. No prob- aaaaaaand I'm dead. Why? 4 Eximus Bombards spamming their crit-rockets from all sides.


Alright, let's try Nyx then. CC should work. Protect the drone? Oh, I can't even describe how much fun that is. Let's just CC the area and get mov- aaaaaand it's dead. Why? 2 dropships full of Eximus Heavy Gunners.


Fine then. Screw the Astilla. 80K orange crit-Arca Plasmor it is then. (That is, if my Kavat plays with me and not against me for once.) Level 40 mission. Easy. Defend the area? Easy! Just CC with Nyx and shoot thi- aaaaand I'm dead. Why? EXACTLY! A WHOLE FREAKIN CAMP OF EXIMUS BOMBARDS AND GUNNERS! And you know the best part? I deal like no damage at all to them! AND LOOK! MY KAVAT IS DEAD! WHAT ELSE COULD YOU WANT?


*sigh* Fine! Let's go fishing then.

Just get to that lak- aaaaand I'm being attacked by some GOD DAMN MINI-SENTIENTS AGAIN!



Fine, screw this, I'll go search for some ge- OH SHUT UP LOTUS I'M NOT GONNA DEFEND THAT FREAKIN' DRONE. (are you going to let that happ-) YES I AM.




De, please, I'm f***in' begging you, do something about these spawns. There is a GREAT DIFFERENCE between "increasing the difficulty the further out you go" and "spamming Eximus like it's some kind of sport".




I can give you a short guide on how to not suck at warframe = dont use frames with low armor, dont suggest buffing them either because some fanboy will always come out and say it dont need to be tanky. Use the non wimpy frames, throw a link armor/health and shield on your kavat and pack leader and that wont die anymore, mine only dies rarely in the hardest content. you probably don't suck at all you are just using crap fragile frames, DE are only human they have not balanced the caster frames propely, now naramon invis on crit is gone they will all get exposed. if anyone tells you different they are the same guys that run around at the mercy of following a player using a good frame.

I did use the word caster frames but really they are no more caster frames than the tanky ones, they just get called caster frames when they have been forsaken with super low armor

Edited by Fezeal
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