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A Few Qol Suggestions


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I'm generally having fun in Warframe, but there are a few minor things I think would really improve the gaming experience.  I don't think any is big enough to merit its own post, so I grouped them all here.


1)  When a lock-out occurs, please stop the minimap from guiding us to terminals behind doors we can't go through.  I had to go through four terminals while in a vacuum (I blew out some hull windows with an ability I'd never used before) before it highlighted one I could actually get to.  Speaking of the minimap, the option to move it (and other HUD elements) around would be great, though I understand that could be a big pain design-wise.


2)  If we manually choose to leave a match (as opposed to being disconnected) please implement a system that prevents us from getting put back in the same match we just left.  The only thing that sucks worse than getting put in a defense mission with an AFKer who won't let the mission start is leaving that mission and getting put right back in it five minutes later...  three times.


3)  I'd like to see a lot of ingame actions made a little faster.  Tenno are supposed to be super space ninjas, going in against overwhelming odds and getting out alive.  They shouldn't have to carefully kneel over like they're picking up a Ming dynasty vase to grab a glorified briefcase that they'll then go bouncing around like demented rabbits with anyway.  Similarly, the delay after you successfully hack a console has gotten me killed by enemies spawning behind me more than once because it's quite long.  There's nothing fun about getting shot in the back by a Corpus Tech while your space ninja stares blankly at a console that he finished hacking three seconds ago.  In a game where every second can count (especially if you run solo) removing unnecessary pauses makes the game feel smoother and better.


4)  I'd like the flashlights to be toggle-able.  Some Grineer missions especially can get extremely dark and seeing without light is extremely tough, while in some Infested missions the always-on light is confusing and redundant - I've mistaken sudden flashlight movements for Stalker flickers more than a few times.  This shouldn't be too much work to implement but would help with the lighting deficiencies in some randomly-generated areas.


5)  Revives could use a little work to make soloing less frustrating.  First, there should be a few seconds of 'mercy invulnerability,' or at least CC resistance, so you don't burn a Revive and get killed/floored before you can even stand up again.  Also, it should keep using the weapon you were using when you went down rather than always defaulting to the primary.  I love my Snipetron Vandal, but it's not going to help me when there are two Ancient Disruptors camping my corpse.  The kukris I was using when I went down, they would.


6)  I'd like to be able to see active Alerts while zoomed in on a planet.  I'm not sure why this was removed.  This way I don't need to leave a good pug or tab out to check Twitter just to check what alerts are going.


7)  I'd like to see the 'player waypoint' symbol on the minimap and the 'nearby enemy' symbol that appears on Eliminate and Defense missions be made visually distinct.


8)  I'm honestly not sure what the purpose of having to craft a clan key is, as opposed to just receiving one.  It seems like an extra unnecessary step, especially since recruiting huge numbers of new 'smurfs' into a clan would actually be detrimental with the new pricing systems.

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2)  If we manually choose to leave a match (as opposed to being disconnected) please implement a system that prevents us from getting put back in the same match we just left.  The only thing that sucks worse than getting put in a defense mission with an AFKer who won't let the mission start is leaving that mission and getting put right back in it five minutes later...  three times.


Agreed. Among many other match-making upgrades that could be done.


4)  I'd like the flashlights to be toggle-able.  


Agreed. Just yes please, now.


This sort of goes into 3&4 in it's own way but here goes :


Along with a console to hack that you can shut off all the lights on the ship. thus making stealthing easier / more viable on various frames by lessening line of sight and making this more useful: which goes right into even making night vision and thermal vision a 'thing' down the road, maybe even make it a hackable terminal / optional point on the ship you can go for to toggle life support to sort of thottle the difficulty down in one way (killing off more enemies) on a tough mission by doing so while making it harder to live at the same time (Sort of a Nightmare by choice situation.), could even go so far as to give this one terminal a interface that lets you after being hacked, do multiple things, toggle lights, life support, gravity, disable cameras and lasers, open doors that'd normally just stay red. All of the above.


6)  I'd like to be able to see active Alerts while zoomed in on a planet.  I'm not sure why this was removed.  This way I don't need to leave a good pug or tab out to check Twitter just to check what alerts are going.


You can, theres a Zoom out button at the bottom that should let you go back to the wide-view and see alerts without leaving your group.


Not getting into a large debate about the rest of the points or even my own, but these would be nice shiny's in a future update, and depending on the amount done rather simple to implement.

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Another suggestion i have for revives: maybe make a: fight-for-your life mode when you get downed? Like you need a certain amount of XP in order to get back up. (i'd say just get a kill to get back up but that would be too easy) This would be especially useful in solo or when people have yet to join your match. Id be fine with having it be only when you are alone in a match as opposed to always being able to.

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