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Log in System Revamp : Let's talk


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Hello one and all, Martian here


I have seen a couple of feedback threads where a lot of "vets" seem to feel as though the new login reward system is a slap in the face to their commitment to the game so far as they feel as though the new system is a catch up that always new players or players that haven't "worked" for said login rewards. So i have decided to open a thread on  the topic, in my newly started discussion threads<smiles to self>.






First of all, I started playing Warframe a month or two after open beta on PC and proceed to play it on PS4 when it was released in November. I was 16 when I started now in my 20s so basically I have grown up with this game. I have seen most of the major updates but I didn't really care much about them as Warframe was my in between major AAA launches game so I was on and off for the better part of 2 years.

Now only true vets remember that the login in then was unforgiving it was an accumulation of rewards and if you missed a day you had to restart from zero. Back then it didn't really have a major impact as there was nothing in the reward table that really peaked my interest so I wasn't bothered I could leave the game for months at a time playing other titles such as Destiny and GTA. Now when the login reward changed which is about a year and half after I started on PS4, I transferred my account to PC because I was moving to varsity in a different country and leaving my console to my brother. So I started my journey on PC with the new login reward system.

Now that you have a background on where I am coming from<marinades post for the incoming salt>. I would like to talk to players that think this new system is a catch-up or a way for new players to be on same level as veterans of the game.

First of<How long ago did you even start this game> because  ANY new player will tell you that when they started, there is no way in heaven they could be remotely close to a player that's been playing this game for 2+ years, for the simple reason that what truly sets apart NOOBS from VETS isn't weapons or cosmetics but mods.:facepalm:<random looks at statement leaves at how retard statement is>. Wait stay with me here! the thing new players are always asking for are mods especially when starting without any friends to carry you as a new player you are missing so many of the fundamental mods its laughable how under-powered you are. So if a new player goes and buys platinum and buys the Hunhow's Gift they get one of the most hardest weapons in the game currently to farm instantly(some would argue it is in the top 5 hardest hitting melee weapons in the game) that is the War. But with out the mods to make the War a powerhouse this is weapon is basically useless.<True story> when I transferred my account to PC I lost the log password so I had to create a new account for PC so I lost 2 years of on and off progress and became a new player but because I was at varsity I had money cash on so I was spending a lot of money supporting Warframe this one thing I couldn't get no matter the mountain of plat i had was mods from the store(Yes you can trade but realistically most noobs don't touch trade chat unless they are 100% on that free to play model even then they will end selling mods for plat so they can get slots and catalysts). Anyways so I basically spent 6 month playing Warframe everyday without a single multishot mod for either rifles or pistols, they just would not drop for me hence I was way way weaker than I should have been.

So point is that an end-game weapon is not in itself, what makes it powerful but its the mods that player has that does that. 

Now back to log in system, I saw a problem with this log in system the moment it was introduced that can summarized in one statement - Unsustainable in the long run. Just like the old system this new one was very narrow minded in scope and didn't reward players playing the game but players simply going in and out of the game. 

Another issue with the current system it punishes anyone that enjoyed playing Warframe but had real life situations that prevented them from logging in. Example, I live in Zimbabwe when I am home, when I am in the capital I have internet so logging in isn't an issue but when I go on holiday to visit my grandparents during vacations for a month of so, they don't have fibre or adsl lines for internet heck I can barely catch a signal on my phone, so basically I miss out on a month of logins because I love to see my family.

So these is just an example of how many players in the world can lose months of log-in days and end up being behind even though when they can they do in fact log in and play the game when they can. So what this new system now allows is for players those that are trailing behind our more committed more dedicated vets<joking lol please don't hurt me:highfive:> is to pick which rewards they would rather work towards.

Literally they will always remain behind but instead of me for example working towards Primed Shred I can now focus toward the Zenith instead and then go on to Primed Shred. I will still always be behind those players whose real lives allow them to set a schedule into logging(not playing) logging into to a video game everyday of their lives<actually kinda sad now that you really think about again joke laugh a little>.

This new login in system is a pick your own adventure for those behind but it could also be for those ahead whereby DE can make the system such that there are 3/4 reward paths for those ahead and they basically get to choose which new set of rewards to head for as well.

This is NOT a catch up system but its a system that is all about choice!<Literally the game design of Warframe is choose your own grind>.

SO this Elitist mentality to be 100% honest is quite ridiculous, especially if your a grown &amp;#&#33; man/woman <if the 12 year olds whine about not getting special treats for logging in we can forgive and understand >. Because at the end of the end day this is a video game where everyone comes to have fun. Heck I would love it more players come into the game and see that all awesome weapons and frames they can choose and that even logins rewards they have a choice as to what they can aim for and not be forced to wait a year or two for a weapon they find interesting. Heck they would still have to log in for 100 days and the full 700 days for the full set of shinys but at least now they pick which shiny they get first.

Now some will argue that some of these weapons breed bad habits for new players. My counter argument to that have you played Warframe?:awkward: By that I mean every frame that is accessible to a new player will cause they to build bad habits. How you may ask? Well, first case and point Rhino the first frame any noob will build is the poster boy for things a new player should never become accustomed too. Literally when I restarted on PC I grabbed Rhino and the Hek and with broken mods and a few lucky rares like continuity and damage mods for shotguns I completed the star chart and every boss SOLO. So does that mean that new players shouldn't be allowed to get the Hek(which is Mr5 weapon yes I know but Mr 5 is literally 5 days of playing for anyone now faffing about the game) or Rhino? No it just shows how trivial basic play is in Warframe so a couple of login rewards of which the first you get is 50 days away won't change that.

Now I have said a lot and obviously still want this to be a discussion<Cause I love everyone's opinions even if i don't agree with all of them> so let me know why I am wrong maybe I am salty that I am 16 days from Primed Vigor(only login reward I really want cause everything after just looks trashy to me).

FYI, I am not happy with system even the new login reward system cause it will still be a clusterf**k of rewards that will make salty if they continue to add more weapons and prime mods which in my opinion should have remained with Baro and cosmetics and color palettes would have been better as exclusive login rewards but that's my take let me know yours?


Edited by MartianGHunter
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I have been playing since shortly after open beta began and I am at 687 login days.

I think it's nice that players will be able to choose what to work towards to in an order they choose.

I can't understand why people are salty about the coming changes

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Even with the change, if you remove the primed mods. You'll still have to wait a long time before you can get all current daily weapons. I personally didn't like the way they did it before and won't like it after.

Amount of days needs to be reduced, 30 days max. When warframe finally has a proper end, maybe MR30. Players{new/casual] can and will have nearly all items unlocked but those daily login weapons are going to kick them in the face.

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5 minutes ago, Husla said:

Even with the change, if you remove the primed mods. You'll still have to wait a long time before you can get all current daily weapons. I personally didn't like the way they did it before and won't like it after.

Amount of days needs to be reduced, 30 days max. When warframe finally has a proper end, maybe MR30. Players{new/casual] can and will have nearly all items unlocked but those daily login weapons are going to kick them in the face.

I can't agree with you more Husla! The fact the put weapons and primed mods I think was a mistake to begin. And I feel as though they should have stopped with Zenith as the last of the disc series but they continued on. Thankfully they did not add a Disc Themed Warframe or else they would be riots in the plains:crylaugh:


10 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

I can't understand why people are salty about the coming changes

 The salt Helch0rn, I can only imagine is because they are made the put in "work" that other won't have to put in to attain the same toys. 

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I think its a really good change. Not only does this let EVERYONE not just new players but also everyone else who didn't/ couldn't log in every day, get the things they want sooner. But it also opens up more possibilities for what DE can put into the log in system without people freaking out that they wont be able to get it for 2 years.

For example if DE puts a warfame into the login system, then there will be FAR less backlash because now instead of it taking 900 days to get the warframe, at most it would take someone 99 days. which is very easily reachable for anyone who puts in minimum dedication into the game.

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687 days playing since ps4 launch i think it's a good system, choice is nice de can now put all sorts of goodies in the login rewards without upsetting the masses. However it will still not be enough for some, say for example tenno chooses a reward to recieve in 50 days then 2 days later de add more rewards and one of these rewards is the best thing ever.. Now that poor little tenno will have to wait 98 days for the new thing and his friends may get it sooner. Basically whatever DE do it will not be enough.  

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4 hours ago, (PS4)dursereg said:

It' real great for the part timers and casuals. It' a complete slap in the face for anyone who be bothered to login.

Casuals and newbs get to skip all the worthless sygils. While the dedicated had to log 100 days just find out next mods or weapon is.

But my question how is it a slap in the face to anyone who logged in? this new system takes nothing away from anyone that logs in and makes sure that those ahead will always be the first to play with new toys. 

It just means everyone behind will still be behind.

You say people will skip sigil and catalysts but some players heck a good potion will opt for them example after I get prime vigor I am going for sigil cause the two weapons and prime mod after that aren't worth my while so do I have an added advantage cause I went for them instead? Especially considering it will take 50 - 100 days of logging still.

That's still me being 2-4months being behind.

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I don't think this solves all the problems with the current login system. My problem with the current login system is that you still have to wait all those days, and if you start to miss days, you are punished for it.

I think there should be a sort of "grace period" for about a week or so where you still can get the rewards even if you don't login for that week.  When the next time you login, you get all those items stored up, but the grace period has a cooldown for about another week before you can take a week off from daily logins. This way if something happens IRL that prevents you from logging in or you would rather teak a break form logging in, you are not severely punished. The cooldown period prevents players from logging in once every week and not logging in for the rest of the week.

Other MMO's and regular games do this too, where they give you "resting exp" to sort of compensate for the time you have off. It won't be enough to make up for all the lost time, but it is a small enough cushion to make sure you don't fall behind.

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10 minutes ago, Mr.ToastForPresident said:

I don't think this solves all the problems with the current login system. My problem with the current login system is that you still have to wait all those days, and if you start to miss days, you are punished for it.

I think there should be a sort of "grace period" for about a week or so where you still can get the rewards even if you don't login for that week.  When the next time you login, you get all those items stored up, but the grace period has a cooldown for about another week before you can take a week off from daily logins. This way if something happens IRL that prevents you from logging in or you would rather teak a break form logging in, you are not severely punished. The cooldown period prevents players from logging in once every week and not logging in for the rest of the week.

Other MMO's and regular games do this too, where they give you "resting exp" to sort of compensate for the time you have off. It won't be enough to make up for all the lost time, but it is a small enough cushion to make sure you don't fall behind.

Yes the revamp suggested doesn't solve this issue. I am currently 4 days behind and if this revamp is implemented, I will still be 4 days behind. 

This revamp benefits new players to catch-up to rewards, not to catch-up login days.

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8 hours ago, MartianGHunter said:

I can't agree with you more Husla! The fact the put weapons and primed mods I think was a mistake to begin. And I feel as though they should have stopped with Zenith as the last of the disc series but they continued on. Thankfully they did not add a Disc Themed Warframe or else they would be riots in the plains:crylaugh:

Oh, come on.  You know you want Xena princes Warframe :clem:

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4 hours ago, LogaMC1995 said:

Yes the revamp suggested doesn't solve this issue. I am currently 4 days behind and if this revamp is implemented, I will still be 4 days behind. 

This revamp benefits new players to catch-up to rewards, not to catch-up login days.

Have to agree here the new system isn't a solution but more of a upgrade to current system and solves little of the actual problems it has

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I got my Sigma and Octantis just yesterday.

As to the matter at hand; I'm all for a new 'track' system that leads to what we want. As a player, I prefer using melee weapons over all others so, to me, I'd rather focus getting melee weapons, even if 'sub-par' so to say, than gettng 'top-tier' primaries. So long as the days-to-unlock are something reasonable (50 is decent -as so far we get a new 'reward' every 50 days, so the trend can continue, but I wouldn't mind 30 either) instead of '100 days to the next reward'.

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Registered in mid 2013. Over 1600 hours played (in missions, not counting trading and afking in orbiter). Still missing a few days to my Primed Fury (200 days), just because I've taken a break.

Not salty at all, just a bit disappointed I'll have to wait a long time for login-exclusive Primed Mods. I'll welcome the changes.


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Real talk: If they let us select rewards we already got, this will solve "oh no, i sold my Azima because I forgot/didn't know it was a one-time-only thing."

Also, they'll be less pressured to put out something new every 100 days, and the backlash for putting "powerful" weapons into the login rewards would be less, because people can choose to go for that next.

With the new system, we might see buffs to the disc system weapon series.

Edited by VocalMagic
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Atm I have 701 days logged in and I don't mind the proposed new system.

Though if someones contention with the old system was "low ranked players got these weapons and didn't really have to play", this won't fix that, making it easier to get for the people who took a break or couldn't play would also make it easier for those players to get it. 

So that's become a mute point in the old vs new proposed system.


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Started playing right before the Fusion Moa Event.
Clocked almost 1400 hours in game and I got the Zenistar 20 days ago.
Post update 18.0 I had several long breaks from the game, so the "grind" was real when I started up again.
So yeah, I welcome the change!

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