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Rivens and Forma, possible updates?


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Hello everyone, it has been a very popular topic... or atleast as I've seen: Rivens.  Also, I have a possible idea for a Forma Blueprint update also.  Before I get into my idea, I will note that I am more familiar to xbox warframe over PC, so I may or may not be a little behind with these.

As other topics I've posted in have mentioned, distribution and reroll options for Riven Mods have been the main point.  However, I am now thinking on possible challenge updates. For challenges, I suggest we make it possible to get more than one challenge to help increase the odds for a specific weapon.  I suggest making an option available in the Mods area to where you can turn in completed challenges (instead of them automatically unlocking upon reentering your ship).  However, you would have an option to either A) Accept Riven as is, or B) Pay kuva to have another challenge added.  Paying Kuva to have another challenge added will increase the chance of getting a riven for the weapon that had it equipped for the challenge.  The amount of kuva will continuously and indefinitely increase after each challenge added and completed as well as the difficulty of the new challenge.  Also, for option A, once the riven has been revealed, you can select to keep or gamble.  Gambling will grant a chance for a random riven (veiled or for a weapon), endo, sculptures and stars, mods (some could be exclusive to this method), forma (built), catalysts and reactors (both built), or simply a larger chunk of credits.


My second idea revolves around how Forma is obtained.  There are many weapons that need formas.. many also require multiple of them.  I think we can and should make this a quicker progress.  My suggestion is making the Forma Blueprint a permanent purchase.  This would also mean changing how it is obtained.  Bosses would have a chance to drop this blueprint as well as higher levelled spy and sabotage missions (with caches)... however, it shouldn't be purchasable via market.  Another thing that would be required is to add another ingredient to the build process... Nitain Extract (or a new resource even).  I also suggest decreasing the required time to build a single forma from 24 hours to 6 hours (or even 8 hours).  I think this is a good idea because I think it would give more use to Nitain Extract or even more choice on what to use nitain extract on.  
*Feeling kinda meh about this idea now...  but second idea is my more serious idea.


My second possibility for forma updates is simple.  Just decrease the amount of time needed for each forma to build or increase drop chance in those sabotage/spy missions on lua as well as add to other possible locations such as void OR make forma blueprint a permanent blueprint.  


I have many weapons that need formas but I can only get 1 per day... and plat is not easy for me to get.  It's kind of discouraging.  Anywho, those are my ideas.   

Edited by President_Gohan
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I don't like the permanent blueprint for forma because this is one of DE's way to earn money. If the revenue dips development slows. In any case, it's pretty easy to earn forma with relics and I don't mind spending some plat for these bad boys to help support DE(even if I wasnt the one who bought the plat). 

The challenges in the Rivens are fine. Most of them can be easily cheesed. 

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All I'd want to see for Forma is be on a 20 hour build time, from 24. As the difference is like ~16% efficiency boost on 24hr BPs, that should be plenty.

It's still close to daily at that point, and I think there are specific balancing considerations that the devs have in mind for being unwilling to make any sorts of changes since the beginning of having Forma available, since its never been a topic I've heard brought up as being on the Dev's radar.

And so, if it's done through a new Orbiter segment, that lore-wise adds to Foundry machinery, that can be something that could be as a part of the Tower on the Plains, for example, I'd be all for it.

And could be a means to incorporating aspects of the Plains more into the rest of the game, where we could use more of our existing resources with building items and vice versa with resources from the plains. Plus could have the Cephalon behind Rivens get involved as a speaking character, revolving around Rivens, as these mods seem to be here to stay, going forward and could see some further tuning.


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There would seem to be a greater likelihood that Rivens are removed from the game before you were given the chance to influence their stats or what weapon they are for.

Forma BPs are practically thrown at you at a late enough part of the game. There is no in-game cost that would justify a permanent BP. 23 hours better sells this as a concession to people only being able to play certain times during a day. Anything less reads as an attempt to get more than one a day.

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I just think about the option that you spend 1 Forma to lock one type of stats you want when you do the re-roll. Just the type of stats not the number.

But you can lock only one stats per Riven, if you do the locking process again, the previous lock will be unlocked and lock a new stats instead.

Good idea? I don't know. But well... just the idea.

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9 hours ago, Cappucchino said:

I just think about the option that you spend 1 Forma to lock one type of stats you want when you do the re-roll. Just the type of stats not the number.

But you can lock only one stats per Riven, if you do the locking process again, the previous lock will be unlocked and lock a new stats instead.

Good idea? I don't know. But well... just the idea.

Actually it is a decent idea, but why not make it so where you can lock a stat in place, but each reroll could cost double or triple forma for each locked stat. 

Regular Rerolls cost kuva.  
To lock a stat, you need to pay extra kuva + Nitain Extract
To lock a second stat, you need to pay increased amount of Kuva + a Forma + Nitain Extract
To lock a third stat, you need to pay significantly more kuva as well as 3 formas + Nitain Extract
To be able to reroll and have a chance at a fourth stat (if a fourth stat isn't applied), you could pay massive amount of kuva, 4 Formas, + 2 Nitain Extracts.  However, this would be a slight chance of addition, if not obtained then it will stay the same... also if you do, there is also a higher chance to obtain a negative stat.


However, I also like this guys idea (I personally favor this):


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On 11/9/2017 at 11:59 PM, President_Gohan said:

Actually it is a decent idea, but why not make it so where you can lock a stat in place, but each reroll could cost double or triple forma for each locked stat. 

Regular Rerolls cost kuva.  
To lock a stat, you need to pay extra kuva + Nitain Extract
To lock a second stat, you need to pay increased amount of Kuva + a Forma + Nitain Extract
To lock a third stat, you need to pay significantly more kuva as well as 3 formas + Nitain Extract
To be able to reroll and have a chance at a fourth stat (if a fourth stat isn't applied), you could pay massive amount of kuva, 4 Formas, + 2 Nitain Extracts.  However, this would be a slight chance of addition, if not obtained then it will stay the same... also if you do, there is also a higher chance to obtain a negative stat.


However, I also like this guys idea (I personally favor this):


Maybe because then, almost everyone will have a god tier Riven which it is not a good thing for sure.

I just propose the idea that it will be a middle path between DE and players.

Less player frustration but not making the intention of DE worse.

Edited by Cappucchino
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