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Please mark the Eidolon drops


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First off I want to say thank you for the plains of Eidolon and an even bigger thank you for upping the rep amounts for the Sentient Cores for the Quills. (I am sure there will always be people who will want the amount to be larger but that isn't why I wrote this.)

My problem with the Eidolon hunt is that none of the cores will show up on the loot radar. Which can be very irritating towards players especially in a 4 man team. This hasn't been that big a problem so far because most people don't bother with the Eidolon hunt but for those of us that do this is a major headache having to comb the area where the core has fallen.  This is even worse for anyone who was trying to find Lures during that time.

This problem is also made worse by the fact that while your Warframe is either immune to damage or mostly immune to damage, the sentinel you have with you is an easy kill.  And while you can bring a Kubrow or a Kavat with you to keep it up.... they don't survive for long until you are forced to revive them.  And as stated before, no core will appear on the loot radar.

So please do something about this situation and make it easier for people to find their drops.  One option is to use the very same system used with Ayatan stars but this could be a problem with hordes of the intact sentient cores.  So you might want to limit this exceptional or flawless cores only and have the intact cores appear on radar.  Eidolon shards are large enough for nearly anyone to find as it stands but the cores are much easier to lose. 

Lastly please don't let the boss cores drop into the water and disappear.  That is just as annoying.

Thank you for your time.

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1 hour ago, Archistopheles said:

People use kavats for the damage buffs. It doesn't solve the problem for everyone.

The big one's AoEs kill sentinels, often before the first joint is broken.  It only solves it for sentinel users who are only farming the small Eidolons.

They need to be marked on the map like stars or void fragments and preferably colored to show up on the blue background.

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People have issues with sentinels surviving? Don't think I've lost mine once yet, I only use it for teralyst hunting, for anything else I use my adarza, and it's always survived the full fight. 

I would like for cores to be automarked (speaking of marking, that seems to have broken, I can't wp the cores for my teammates anymore). They DO show up on loot radar though.

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i would suggest light pillars . they are hard to see and with light pillars they would be easier to see in the grass and stuff .

dunno about different colors for the different cores . one color would be enough . at least let me see them with my frame without external help from companions or loot mods pls


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6 hours ago, Vasala said:

Vacuum does not really fix the issue since most of the time your sentinel will be dead. (Note that I still feel that the whole vacuum thing needs to be just normal pick up range instead of bound to any of the pets.)

How literally no one of you runs bless trinity or even oberon with you?

I had lures dying but sentinels honestly isn't the problem.


Good idea but as stated the sentinel is easily killed while you are trying to remove the Eidolon's shields.

Um. No?

That being said. I would LOVE for the freaking lures to be invincible once hacked because having to bring a support frame, in most cases Trinity, to babysit ai is the definition of anti-fun, it's liek watching a paint dry. While all of her teammates do something remotely cool and proactive she just presses 4 over and  over almost never leaving her warframe form. Man that sucks. 

Edited by -Temp0-
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9 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

That being said. I would LOVE for the freaking lures to be invincible once hacked because having to bring a support frame, in most cases Trinity

I like to take trinity. My friend goes Octavia, so it helps keep him from being downed every 30 seconds...

I do disagree with you though about Trinity players only getting to hit 4. I still get to do a substantial amount to the Teralyst's shields as trinity. I also get to break it with my guns. My bless build is not fantastic, but it is perfectly capable of doing its job. And, allowing me to actually do fun stuff.

But really, a charged lure should be invincible. Not sure on uncharged.

- I mean, we need our operator to break a little sentient, why can they break something imbued with the energy?


I think that there is some use in bringing a support frame, regardless of whether it keeps the lures alive or not. You do have a team that needs to live. And hitting bless occasionally is much easier than reviving them.


I do not mind if Vacuum works on the cores or not. I take a kavat. This would have no effect on my experience. I just hunt them down in operator mode when the teralyst pulses after limb breaking.



Also, if I go Trinity other people can take buff frames. Still out damage some of them though... :clem:

Edited by krc473
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I do disagree with you though about Trinity players only getting to hit 4


Here we go again. You can't post anything on these forums that majority agrees on without someone going in and saying "well I like this hur dur and let me tell you why, hold my beer".

People DO NOT like to play Trinity, ev or bless. This is a warframe everyone always asks and it always needed last, it's a warframe that no one wanst to take - why? Because all other roles are normally taken long before. This mission isn't exception. In almost every situation they play it because it's the safest bet to complete the mission without wasting resources (energy or health). Yes some minuscule percent does like this kind of agmeplay. But overall, no. And making lures invincivle does not prevent anyone playing Trinity - it just makes it not mandatory. It will just make her life 1 more fun 2 more interesting because again baysiting ai is anti-fun. Doing things is fun. Constantly being afraid you or your trinity will fck up if she will leave warframe for too long isn't. And before you say it never happened to you, I hate playing Trinity so I would not want to play it and I mostly don't especially for a chance to not lose a single lure. So in about 1 out of 5 or so runs at the very least one of the lures dies. That shouldn't happen. It's tedious enough to 1 find them 2 escort 3 charge. Healing them is just. Freaking why? This is really redundant. And pointing out, none of thsoe 4 thinsg are complacated or hard. Only tedious.

Or at the very least if other warframes with similar powers wouldn't suck so much like Limbo with his wonky and way-too-subtle (in terms of visuals) powers that would be something. Just banish it and forget for a minute. But nah. Not only visuals are pretty much non-existent (jsut a light grey outline on them) but you ahve to constantly switch planes of existence to banish them or put back in materaial world before the timer runs out. And safeguard switch is just bugged. Ugh.

Or. They could regenerate health over time on their own + have more health overall. So you could potentially use warframe like Gara that give damage reduction to allies. 

There's a lot ways make it so Trinity (or Oberon) not mandatory while still making players "care" about the drones. Bu the current state is pretty awful.


I think that there is some use in bringing a support frame, regardless of whether it keeps the lures alive or not. You do have a team that needs to live.

You spend 90% of time in the operator form that is immune to everything + you have warframe that can resist most damage in warframe form like harrow, rhino, chroma, ect if needed. People do not die often. Certainly don't even come close to exhausting 4 revives. Again you don't have to NEED a support and especially only a certain couple with only one being preferred over everyoen else. It should be optional. Now in a capture it isn't.

Edited by -Temp0-
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make them float above ground instead of having them drop on the ground

these cores roll down hills and even fall into magnetic ponds or bodies of water

whenever i destroy a part of a teralyst the exceptional core is always nowhere to be found

I do not know if it dropped a core or it just clipped through the ground

I've hunted several teralysts and i only go home with 2 or 3 exceptional cores

also make them more visible or have an on screen indicator like reactants or convergence orb

I mean people aren't going to ignore this so it won't be a bother to have a permanent on screen indicator

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Sentient cores are easily missed when fighting eidolons, I'm often spending more time trying to find the exceptional sentient cores from each limb then actually fighting it. They don't seem to spawn in the same place for every client either, my friend found his sentient core, and I could not see one anywhere near it, looking around for a few minutes before giving up and going back to fighting the eidolon. 

I feel like sentient cores should have the pillars of light that the operator energy has to better find them, or make them float in the air.

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Couple of patches later and these things are still a pain to spot on the field.

Why the inconvenience?

Vacuum don't work, they roll downhill, they blend into foliage, and as a result you need to retrace your steps just to pick up stuff...

This is not QOL... at least the fissure reactants light up and is marked. And you let vacuum work on it. That is a good change.

Keep this trend going will ya, and we will appreciate it.


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30 minutes ago, Currilicious said:

Couple of patches later and these things are still a pain to spot on the field.

Why the inconvenience?

Vacuum don't work, they roll downhill, they blend into foliage, and as a result you need to retrace your steps just to pick up stuff...

This is not QOL... at least the fissure reactants light up and is marked. And you let vacuum work on it. That is a good change.

Keep this trend going will ya, and we will appreciate it.


And once you pick it up you cant even see where it is anymore to show it to your squadmates.

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Perhaps the best solution would be to increase the size of these "eggs". Something like Eidolon Shard or Mods. Different colour or glow isn't  a good solution. Because many times cores fall under the ground or appear within a radius of many meters.

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This picture is an example of an Exceptional core and how far it constantly bounced down the hill side.



The Ediolon is on top center and the core bounced all the way down here.

Especially considering cores are hard to find in all the grass and is not marked on mini map.

They really shouldn't be able to bounce so far down a mountain. Especially the more valuable cores.


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