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Discrimination against founders.


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11 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CarpeNoctem365 said:

Do you do things like walk around relays and event spaces with an unarmored, un colored Excal prime? If so don’t whine. Which I’m guessing you are doing. The visual difference is minimal. So unless you’re asking for it, how would people notice? 

Wow are you saying I'm asking for it because of what I'm wearing? That sounds an awful lot like victim blaming :^)

But jokes aside, no like I said I barely ever play excal prime.

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I've never seen any hate towards Founders unless it's in a Youtube comment section but those are likely just trolls. The only treatment I've seen Founders get is a lot of butt kissing from very new players, but nothing outright toxic.

Although with some of the Youtube guys bringing this topic up more and more often it'll only breed two way resentment and unnecessary drama. We're best to just not talk about it rather than shine a beacon for those would seek to create problems to rally to.

Edited by GenerationX3
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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)CarpeNoctem365 said:

Do you do things like walk around relays and event spaces with an unarmored, un colored Excal prime? If so don’t whine. Which I’m guessing you are doing. The visual difference is minimal. So unless you’re asking for it, how would people notice? 

U do realize that statement  is stupid in itself. Some people  like it just the way it is. I prefer to have different  appearances for mine  and I personally  change amd were what I please. The reality is I like excalibur.  I love using my excal prime  and peiple need to get over themselves  because fact is there  never gonna have them and it's never coming back so any raw feelings they have towards it are pointless 

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)CarpeNoctem365 said:

Do you do things like walk around relays and event spaces with an unarmored, un colored Excal prime? If so don’t whine. Which I’m guessing you are doing. The visual difference is minimal. So unless you’re asking for it, how would people notice? 

Wait, what?

Do you think that it is okay for people to be so petty in order to trow tantrums over seeing an excalibro prime?

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I never cared about Excalibur Prime and it belonging to Founders. But I did hate some Founders who were against us non founders from having Excalibur Umbra in game cause it'll take away their special snowflake status. 

I still laugh remembering how they tried to denied it and counter saying it's only for China and it won't be fair to them if we get umbra. 

Some also were upset that excal umbra had more gold bits and were in denial saying we're only getting the non gold version. 

To those founders, suck it. 

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3 minutes ago, GKDK said:

I never cared about Excalibur Prime and it belonging to Founders. But I did hate some Founders who were against us non founders from having Excalibur Umbra in game cause it'll take away their special snowflake status. 

I still laugh remembering how they tried to denied it and counter saying it's only for China and it won't be fair to them if we get umbra. 

Some also were upset that excal umbra had more gold bits and were in denial saying we're only getting the non gold version. 

To those founders, suck it. 

I agree. Umbra should be for everyone founder or not.

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The part where some people feel founders shouldn’t get umbra because they have excal prime is just wtf.. I am a little sad though that excal prime will forever be out of reach for me.

Thing is, it’s a small population of players that tarnish the image of founders by casually throwing out the “I’m a founder and therefore” card.

Take twitch for example. Seems as though 70% of viewers on twitch are founders considering how many times that phrase pops up. And then considering there are actually people who falsely claim that they are founders, and people who use this phrase yet demonstrate a completely botched understanding of certain game mechanics, and people who use this phrase to backseat a new player’s stream by slapping labels on what to craft or what to do to not waste time.. Which eventually leads to a very warped perception of founders as a bunch of elitist, egotistical and possibly ignorant players. 

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Lol that salt about Excal prime :crylaugh:  every time ppl want to se excal prime. I inv them to conclave and let them see how its wrecked ppl.

Dont know where u get those toxic jealous kids, most ppl i met are very thankfull to see a founder still playing the game. Some times ppl giving discount on trading.

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I would become a founder if I had the opportunity, unfortunately I met the game 2 years later, but today I give support the way I can.

I only see people who are surprised to see the Prime Exca, since it is something unique and exclusive, many are fools, but most are only euphoric.

Some founders are rude, I've seen many of them being rude to others, but I don't know, many others who are friendly, I even have one on the friends list which is pretty cool.

When I see a founder with his Excalibur I think: Okay, he's one more player, nothing much, just someone who helped and gave ED support when they needed it.
If I were a founder, I would use my Exca Prime, without shame, without caring about the opinion of others, and besides that would be a lot of fun.

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"oh great another founder whining again bet you dont like the changes to the login system eith--"

Ok but seriously now, people who are nasty to founders might have just had founders be nasty to them because of their impatience, or because they feel like the game's catering more towards, and getting more content for, people who have been there much longer than them and they're getting discouraged and angry and lash out at the easiest target. The shiny golden one.

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Am 13.11.2017 um 06:00 schrieb Vs-Anna-:

everytime i see excalibur prime i give em respect for keeping this awesome game, *salute you*

but...  just ignore em just because so on so on founder something shouldn't deserve or so on, i say founder should have umbra by sacrificing excalibur prime (founder option choice) but you don't have to.


This is stupid, everyone will get Umbra in the same possile ways than any other, founders and non-founders.

The hate against founders is real. I play Posterboy prime mainly, and if others have a problem with that, they should really think about it.

Yes founders deserve the exclusive content, because they gambled with their very own money, by spending it into a game which was about to end soon.
The only things non-founders won't get are just MR-Points, 25 Armor, Voidenergy, and a little bit of bling. Also everyone begging for it, just wants to brag about it "if" they would get him. Founders-items are "just" other versions of the normal frames/weapons.

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Every time someone asks DE to release Excalibur Prime to everyone founders throw a *@##$ fit. You deserve all the hate you get. Don't like it? Then delete Excalibur Prime. When there are none left mayber DE will let everyone have the Prime version of the most iconic Warframe in the game. But then you won't be a special snowflake.


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15 minutes ago, (Xbox One)N7 Tigger said:

Every time someone asks DE to release Excalibur Prime to everyone founders throw a *@##$ fit.

Yea, because they had a specific contract which forbade them from ever releasing EP again. It was a move that was desperately needed to keep Warframe afloat. While they admit it was stupid of them to make him completely exclusive, what is done is done. People who keep asking for EP don't seem to understand that DE would be breaking a legal contract by releasing him again and that would give the legitimately nasty Founders grounds to sue them.

15 minutes ago, (Xbox One)N7 Tigger said:

You deserve all the hate you get.

Founders who merely go about their business not trying to show off deserve no hate at all. The simple fact is; without them you would not be here playing this game.

Suck up your toxic little attitude and wait for Umbra, you ingrate.


Edited by (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01
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1 hour ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:


Honestly I think they should have made the founder's stuff timed exclusives at least for the frame and weapons. Although I don't know how much that would've affected the sales overall. I would've still got it but who knows how many people purchased it due to the fact that it was exclusive and would never get another chance to get em.

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6 minutes ago, nickelshark said:

Honestly I think they should have made the founder's stuff timed exclusives at least for the frame and weapons. Although I don't know how much that would've affected the sales overall. I would've still got it but who knows how many people purchased it due to the fact that it was exclusive and would never get another chance to get em.

Yea timed exclusives would have been better. No game these days has permanent exclusivity beyond maybe a badge or some other form of non-gameplay related item. All it does is create a rift between people. I'd say maybe a years period of exclusivity would have been enough. Give Founders enough time to enjoy their exclusive gear and then let everyone else have a shot at it. The cynic in me says that DE wouldn't have made enough money if they'd simply made him exclusive for a year or so.

But like I said, no use crying over a deal made nearly five years ago. The deal worked out and now we have this great game play and on top of that everyone is getting Umbra. 

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On 13/11/2017 at 5:56 AM, VenomousValentine said:

I see a lot of people being really toxic to founders for no good reason. I'm a founder myself and most of the time I'm always willing to help new players and be nice unless the person I'm talking to was being rude first.

You make a simple mistake "Heh, guess being a founder doesn't mean you have skill lol"

You suggest something you'd like to see in the game "Why don't you go give DE more money to change the game how you want it :^)"

People have been saying founders shouldn't be allowed to get umbra because they have prime, which would be absurd to punish someone for supporting the game in its infancy.

"Toxic" is such an overused word... None of what you said is remotely offensive, they're jibes that you've chosen to take personally. When people say a game is toxic, it's in reference to the whole community being less than welcoming and outright angry/salty, incapable of dealing with the outcome of a game and blaming it on others.

This isn't what's happening in Warframe, this is possibly the nicest gaming community I've ever seen, to the degree where it occasionally gets a tiny bit nauseating. While I'm not a founder, I've gotten the occasional mean comment and they were way worse than what you described.

Your humblebrag aside, founders should obviously be just as eligible for Umbra as anyone else. Do you really think DE wouldn't allow you to get that?
As for what "people" have been saying, they're being childish and validating that behaviour by taking it seriously in any way can put you on their level. Don't do that.



And as well as all that I've had people be just outright awful to me for being a founder because they met one entitled founder before that acted like hot S#&$ and they think all founders are like that.

I don't even play my excal prime because every time I do I get a load of drama in the chat without even saying anything.

It's ridiculous.

It's not ridiculous, it's at worst unfortunate that you've come across people unable to behave themselves. As for getting reactions for having something rare, just enjoy it. If they complain, you can shrug it off as them being jealous and enjoy drinking their delicious salty tears.

I have to wonder, have you never had to deal with people like this in real life? The world is full of them.

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On 11/12/2017 at 8:56 PM, VenomousValentine said:

I see a lot of people being really toxic to founders for no good reason. I'm a founder myself and most of the time I'm always willing to help new players and be nice unless the person I'm talking to was being rude first.

You make a simple mistake "Heh, guess being a founder doesn't mean you have skill lol"

You suggest something you'd like to see in the game "Why don't you go give DE more money to change the game how you want it :^)"

People have been saying founders shouldn't be allowed to get umbra because they have prime, which would be absurd to punish someone for supporting the game in its infancy.

And as well as all that I've had people be just outright awful to me for being a founder because they met one entitled founder before that acted like hot S#&$ and they think all founders are like that.

I don't even play my excal prime because every time I do I get a load of drama in the chat without even saying anything.

It's ridiculous.

They're just salty. You shouldn't let that keep you from using your Excalibur Prime if you enjoy using it. You guys deserve everything you have for supporting this game at its most crucial point in development.

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On 11/12/2017 at 8:56 PM, VenomousValentine said:

I see a lot of people being really toxic to founders for no good reason. I'm a founder myself and most of the time I'm always willing to help new players and be nice unless the person I'm talking to was being rude first.

You make a simple mistake "Heh, guess being a founder doesn't mean you have skill lol"

You suggest something you'd like to see in the game "Why don't you go give DE more money to change the game how you want it :^)"

People have been saying founders shouldn't be allowed to get umbra because they have prime, which would be absurd to punish someone for supporting the game in its infancy.

And as well as all that I've had people be just outright awful to me for being a founder because they met one entitled founder before that acted like hot S#&$ and they think all founders are like that.

I don't even play my excal prime because every time I do I get a load of drama in the chat without even saying anything.

It's ridiculous.

In the end, it's just some anonymous person's opinion. I don't think too much about their complaints.

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