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How to end-game with non-stealth?


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So recently, i decided enough was enough, and i signed up for the "PRO HACKER END-GAME EXAM". I felt that end-gaming with Ash all the time doesn't make me a legendary player. I had to end-game with a frame that has trash survivability. With no stealth.

My playstyle is highly melee orientated.

Ash (main): In high lvl missions, invisibility must be active whenever an enemy is nearby. 1 shot heavy units with teleport (Fatal teleport)

Saryn: Regenerative molt and Toxic lash must be active at all times. No excuses


Nekros: I cry in the corner while shadows fight for me. Desecrate must be active at all times.

Octavia: Nocturne master race - Song: (Alan Walker - Fade)

Hydroid: Undertow at all times. #NEVAGOOUTSIDE

Mag: Spam Polarize. Magnetize for cc and guilty pleasure

Trinity: Take damage - Quick thinking works - Blessing - Invincibility

I think those are all my frames, i might be missing some, but these are what i remember. I'm a parkour & dodging god, yet i get rekt on MOT using a Nekros or something. I know for sure that Mag is end-game viable, but i just don't understand. Is it because i melee everything? I wouldn't mind using my Dread for once, because i really never use it, because once again, melee. I wouldn't mind even taking my Gorgon wraith out of the closet for once.

Please help, i want to end-game with non-stealth.... I have like 6 Tractors parked outside, i'm willing to learn and willing to farm



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Volt with Shield and Capacitance augment works lovely. Nidus with HP, Armor and Hirudo is really good because of stack immortality. Trinity however, I really like for endgame stuff, Bless Build with some range for 3rd ability's Augment, EV will keep your energy up for that extra damage from Melee channeling :) Also Trinity's beebutt is bae.

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Don't forget Inaros. High-health, High-Armor (especially with Scarab Armor) and with Desiccation, High melee damage (8x) that comes with great crowd control!  Infinite energy with Rage!

I would recommend the Lesion built for Gas which causes procs to deal more damage or Corrosive with Shattered Impact that easily melts armor.  You don't even need any Life Strike mod because you can always heal with Devour or just do a finisher on a desiccated enemy.

The corrupted in Mot will have no chance when Inaros is around.

Edited by (PS4)Feox_PH
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The replies above me are very frame specific. 


The best form of survivability is your mobility. Always be moving, don't take unnecessary risks. You get a (60%?) damage reduction when Dodge rolling. 


That being said, when it comes to melee centered frames you want something with good crowd control. Excal and Inaros are my picks. 

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Nidus, Wukong and Inaros are all great frames that can carry you into endgame thanks to their tank...the latter 2 require the use of CL daggers though eventually since their damage starts to fall off quicker. With the removal of Naramon stealth, you basically need a way to mitigate damage either through regular stealth or tank. Or pick Wukong/Nidus who can come back from the dead.

A great alternative is Limbo imo...and here's why:

1) Nothing can touch you, despite being a squishy frame and having no stealth.

2) You can get 3000%+ melee damage bonuses with the rift torrent mod.

3) Status procs never end as long as stasis is up. Getting 1min of continuous slash & viral procs melts everything.

You don't need a max range setup for this to work, a negative range max strength/duration build is much better imo because it'll make it easier to deal with nullifiers. Those guys are Limbo's big weakness because they force him to fight outside the rift where he's veeeeery squishy. In short, you have to be either super fast killing them, or cheat by creating a Life Strike slash proc tank before exiting the rift to buy yourself a bit of a buffer tank. 

He's hands down one of the melee frames with the highest damage output though...only Excal with Chromatic Blade comes close imo. 

Having said all that, if you are really good at parkour and dodging, you can make squishy frames work too...it's just a lot harder and more intensive to play that way. You CAN go into late endgame solo with Banshee, and it's great fun...but you'll have to be really good at dodging and playing like a coward, because every enemy sneezing at you will kill you.

Cliff notes: Get Nidus...never look back ;)

Edited by (PS4)Radehx
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I'd recommend nidus. Unlike other frames he barely needs any mods to run endgame (like a sortie 3). Hell, i've carried teams with just rage and vitality equiped. You can get away with only using rage + stretch + streamline and dedicate your other slots to: vitality, steel fiber, armored agility and the new gladiator mods like resolve (+180% health, + 15% melee crit chance) and gladiator aegis (+45% armor, +15% melee crit chance) to get some extra durability and further buff your melee play.

Cast some larva (2) to bundel up enemies and kill them with your 1 until you have a comfortable amount of stacks, like around 30. If you are under fire, cast 3 on the biggest, toughest enemy around and have him facetank a large part of all the damage you recieve. Lastly, when bored and wanting to decorate the tileset / heal yourself and allies / get stacks quickly with the spawned bugs, cast 4. All the time in between ... wreck with melee.

If you ever find yourself surrounded, cast 2 and the bullets stop flying. Nidus doesn't have a gap closing ability like excals slash dash for melee, but you don't need to. Your 2 cast at your feet will attract all enemies to you, ready to enter the meatgrinder that is your melee.

Edited by bakaban
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If you're having trouble in late game, it's also worth considering your build: weapons, pets, mods, etc.

I'm also a melee enthusiast, and I'm partial to using Nova Prime to slow enemies to a crawl while using the Breaking Bull combo to tear through enemies with my Galatine Prime (crit-slash combo build).

But also, there will always be situations where your bread and butter doesn't work, so it's nice to use those other weapon slots as backup plans.  If melee doesn't work in situation X, make sure your primary or secondary works great in situation X.

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How high a level are we talking here? Mot was mentioned, but not how many waves.

Cos  if you just want to melee...


If you're going higher than say a sortie 3 eximus stronghold survival then he'll start to fall off, but up to there he's not going down.

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With Valkitty I'd always recommend a Eternal War build over a Hysteria build. Its extremely satisfying to use. not so cheap as that she's invulnerable but still very tanky (though you can activate that for reviving allies). And you can use any melee / stance you want to.

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Ember high range, duration and strenght accelerant build with a CO high status heat+ corrosive(or whatever is your choice) preferably high range melee weapon.

Nyx tank build with crowd control weapons preferably atlest one of them is a syndicate weapon what regens energy.

Zenurik on both.

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Do you use Health Conversion on your Nekros?

Before his rework and the Symaris/Augment mods I used to die with Nekros a lot. What makes him pretty damn tanky is Health Conversion + Shield of Shadows combo. Something like this: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Nekros_Prime/t_30_3441023030_2-1-10-13-6-3-34-8-5-54-0-10-411-5-10-458-3-3-527-7-3-615-9-5-726-4-5-727-2-5_54-7-2-6-727-8-458-5-726-15-411-8-13-7-527-9-34-14-615-9_0/en/1-0-49/106540/0 (not mine).  He also seems perfectly fine for the melee gameplay, I especially like him with high slash + status weapons such as Prisma DC or Nami Skyla P.

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18 hours ago, (PS4)Radehx said:

Nidus, Wukong and Inaros are all great frames that can carry you into endgame thanks to their tank...the latter 2 require the use of CL daggers though eventually since their damage starts to fall off quicker.

You don't need CL daggers for melee oriented frames... melee scales as you hit more enemies (combo multiplier) and will scale well in survival missions (continuous spawn of enemies).  Inaros first ability also "blinds" the enemies making melee hits do 8x damage.  High range weapons like polearms and whips scales even better since they hit multiple enemies at the same time.

Tanky frames with abilities to heal themselves (like Inaros' finisher kills, devour or scarab armor) will do well without Naramon.  Wukong's Defy merely allows you to stay alive and maintain the melee combo multiplier longer (keep hitting enemies with melee weapons)... just don't forget to refresh Defy every now and then.

Damage fall-off may be due to scaling enemy armor which can easily be dealt with by using high status corrosive (and/or shattering impact modded) weapons.  Ancients ganging up on you causing multiple damage reductions can be dealt with using high status radiation (to turn off damge reduction) and viral (to lower total health) melee weapons.

Knowing your enemy weaknesses is key to surviving these high level missions.

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You don't need stealth if you can tank the damage (Rhino, Frost, Volt, Nyx, ...), have invulnerability frames (Atlas, Excalibur) or simply avoid damage with CC and parkour

Of course in some cases you can still get one shot, but just like an invisiframe that get caught in crossfire (or AoE damage)

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