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Bolkors are a problem


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Can the Bolkor accuracy PLEASE be reduced? 'Cause by the time I notice one shooting at me, it's already too late, especially playing with squishier frames. What even makes matters worse is that they have the exact same sounds of the Firbolgs, so I have no warning about impending doom. It's even a bigger problem that they can spawn in groups of 2-3, especially since I mostly play solo.

Edited by Volkeris
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Unfortunately all units have insane accuracy at tier 4-5 bounties, olkors in particular sport heavy weapons that can decimate a frame with their frist shot... dodge that!

When you realize you're under attack in the middle of all whatever else is going on you're more than dead.

Also eccessive accuracy scaling means also that high level grineers crit, a lot, and inflict status much too ofthen, but that is an horse beaten to paste nowadays: enemy scalin is borked and needs a massive balance pass

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3 minutes ago, mac10smg-ToaOfGreen said:

Flimsy argument.

Moving around in high level missions does didly squat for all the 10-20 level 60 enemies that are firing at you, and that includes Bolkors.

But that actually helps, I suggest you to try that. Also try hiding from enemies, idk, bring some stealth frames.

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This is why I mostly play Nidus in high level bounties. Bolkors ain't got nothing on me when I've got parasitic link up for damage resistance while standing in my garden.

But yeah, bolkors should be given a different sound to let you know they're present. Given their size, a deep and loud roaring engine would be appropriate.

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Just now, zfenty said:

 I like Bolkors, but they are silent and deadly. I would love if there was either a indicator on the minimap or an audio clue that one was approaching.  

My only issue with them is that they are silent. We should get a sound (different from the Ogma and the other ships) that indicates that they are coming.

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vor 33 Minuten schrieb mac10smg-ToaOfGreen:

Flimsy argument.

Moving around in high level missions does didly squat for all the 10-20 level 60 enemies that are firing at you, and that includes Bolkors.

no his argument was pretty damn on point. Not getting hit is the best survival strategie.


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Stop whining.

They are not precise if you move. They cant hit through trees, rocks and other cover (no aoe). Maximum Bolkor amount I saw is 3. They have only ONE cannon that can shoot only ONE player and they do not fly around.

Hell, they even leave the area when they done dropping Grineer.


Maybe you should stop standing in the open when there is a flying tank in the air above you?   Bounties usually happen among Grineer structures that can be used as cover from both infantry and ships. 




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26 minutes ago, Kainosh said:

Stop whining.

They are not precise if you move. They cant hit through trees, rocks and other cover (no aoe). Maximum Bolkor amount I saw is 3. They have only ONE cannon that can shoot only ONE player and they do not fly around.

Hell, they even leave the area when they done dropping Grineer.


Maybe you should stop standing in the open when there is a flying tank in the air above you?   Bounties usually happen among Grineer structures that can be used as cover from both infantry and ships. 




Once again, it does very little when there is MULTIPLE GRINEER UNITS. And when you need to defend something or when you are forced in the open (i.e. escorting the drone), moving doesn't help much in higher level bounties.

Edited by mac10smg-ToaOfGreen
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46 minutes ago, Kainosh said:

Stop whining.

They are not precise if you move. They cant hit through trees, rocks and other cover (no aoe). Maximum Bolkor amount I saw is 3. They have only ONE cannon that can shoot only ONE player and they do not fly around.

Hell, they even leave the area when they done dropping Grineer.


Maybe you should stop standing in the open when there is a flying tank in the air above you?   Bounties usually happen among Grineer structures that can be used as cover from both infantry and ships. 




Maybe re-read my post, especially the last part.

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2 минуты назад, Volkeris сказал:

Maybe re-read my post, especially the last part.

So? I solo too.  I have 0 issues with them.  Even Bombards are more dangerous.

If you cant deal with them, that means you are NOT READY.  Get better weapons and tweak your frame build.

You see, if it gets any easier, there will be no challenge for Me.  It will become boring. I dont want a boring game....therefore I oppose.


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The bolkor needs its own sound, the turret needs to be WAY bigger, and there needs to be a limit on the number that can be active at a time (ONE.)  At least in solo.

The irony here is that I see more in solo play in Bounty 3 than I do in public play in Bounty 5.  What.  The.  F?  This better be a bug or a simple error in number placement.

They shred Warframe's.  "Move around!"  Sure.  Already doing that.  Even fit in mobilize for all sorts of extra bullet jump speed and air time, and use the Astilla so I can carpet bomb infantry while zooming through the air.  The infantry and Bolkor's are still going to land the occasional hit because they use hitscan weaponry.  Enough units landing the occasional hit means you WILL get beaten down eventually, and Tusk Grineer accuracy scales just as hard as their armor.  And no, most outposts don't offer good cover from an overhead unit, and this is especially true when you have to defend an armored vault.

So the most practical solution is to murder infantry to reduce the number of guns trained on me, and pray that this big flying fortress that can easily dole out 150-200 damage rounds at 10+rpm with otherwise sniper-like precision doesn't hit me enough times to kill me while doing so, and most importantly... doesn't snag on terrain so that it doesn't out stay its welcome. 

The only solid answer I've had for Bolkor's is Excalibur built exclusively for a max range radial blind.  70m range is probably overkill, but they typically come and go within the 16-20 seconds I'm afforded, and I kind of don't want to jump STRAIGHT AT THEM to get close enough to blind them for reasons that should be obvious.  It's just annoying when there are more of them spawning in than Firbolgs.  However, radial blinding everything makes plains game play VERY boring and I can't exactly exclusively blind the bolkors.  I really shouldn't feel like I have to either get smashed by a Vulkar caliber mini-gun or shut down the AI for a near quarter of a minute.  Really, Bolkor's should have Akkad turrets - still dangerous, but of a fair size to hit from a distance and not totally overwhelming. 

The fact this $#!% gets past DE makes me wonder if they actually ever test this game without some cheats running just to see if what they're doing is at all sane.  I get that we have the tools to address challenges, but we really shouldn't be forced to on/off the danger scale to stay alive, especially not over a single unit (or two, or three) showing up.

Edited by Littleman88
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10 minutes ago, Kainosh said:

So? I solo too.  I have 0 issues with them.  Even Bombards are more dangerous.

If you cant deal with them, that means you are NOT READY.  Get better weapons and tweak your frame build.

You see, if it gets any easier, there will be no challenge for Me.  It will become boring. I dont want a boring game....therefore I oppose.


So the rest of us are supposed to deal with an absolutely broken gunship, which causes a vast majority of my deaths on Plains, because you don't want a "boring game"? It's entirely possible your game is broken if you're able to dodge the Bolkor's fire by just "moving around". The ONLY method I've ever found for avoiding their gunfire is to hide behind a rock, which of course isn't an option when you have to defend a point or clear out a group of enemies or find caches while running solo.

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I find them fun. I didnt have to switch to secondary pretty much ever pre-PoE, now its worth it for armour stripping Bolkors and Ohgmas.

Distinct engine sounds would be awesome, so I dont have to check up the skies every single time a Firbolg spawns. May be tone down bleed procs from turrets (and Bastions) as well, they are not fun.

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4 hours ago, Volkeris said:

Can the Bolkor accuracy PLEASE be reduced? 'Cause by the time I notice one shooting at me, it's already too late, especially playing with squishier frames. What even makes matters worse is that they have the exact same sounds of the Firbolgs, so I have no warning about impending doom. It's even a bigger problem that they can spawn in groups of 2-3, especially since I mostly play solo.

god dammit, why not just remove everything and make the game dead easy.

I'm sorry if I sounded rude but I'm getting really pissed off because of all this. So many enemies that I liek and are actually challenging to fight against get thrown down to the ground. Look at the Manic, I used to have quite a lot of fun dodging his attacks, evading and such, he was so fast and so hard hitting and spawn quite reasonably too. Now? They're like a myth, a relic from the past, almost not even in the game anymore....when they do show up they're even worse than god damn Butchers. 2 hits cant even get past 300 shield, constantly glitching, halting in place...Might as well just remove him from the game. 

MANIC was a real foe, but then crybabies had to go in a screw him up, reducing him into some...ghostly fodder, a joke. I know not everyone is all mighty and well-equipped like I am, who is quite a vet but darn, he's so unreasonably weak now I don't even feel anything anymore hearing him making his signature introduction scream, not even a little flinch. And hear this, DE kept the juggernaut the same, kept Bursas mostly the same, which are pretty big threats especially juggy, Bursas have things like crazy CC abilities, pretty annoying on their own, but they nerfed Manic to the ground, the hell is with that. 

I suppose yes, players have different preferences regarding having fun in warframe. But jeez people can't seem to handle a bit of challenge and keep dying and keep complaining, slowly making the game so god damn bland to play. 

Personally, I think the Bolkor is fine, they don't spawn that much at all what are you talking about, i've NEVER seen them spawn in a group of 3-4 at the same time before, maybe I just didn't notice or anything but yeah.

Also, you know, you can SHOOT the turret right? The turret isn't that tanky you shoot it and that's it, it retreats itself momentarily. Also, it has lame accuracy from afar, only get really crazy if you get close. I play mostly Solo too so I'd know. 

In my own preferences, I'd not mind tasting defeat once in a while, it just makes the game more thrilling for me than just a mindless ability spam, laying waste at everything in your path without a single bit of effort. 

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35 минут назад, mac10smg-ToaOfGreen сказал:

Once again, it does very little when there is MULTIPLE GRINEER UNITS. And when you need to defend something or when you are forced in the open (i.e. escorting the drone), moving doesn't help much in higher level bounties.

Once again, if you need to defend something, pick frame that suits the task.

Dont hope to defend immobile objects from gunfire without Frost / Gara / Volt / Nyx / Atlas.  Unless you have top weapons, any other frame may fail the task.

I solo T5 bounties on Volt.   Bolkors barely spawn and they never seem to attack Consoles. Never saw any Bolkor during drone escort mission either (most boring one...just follow  the drone and stun some grineer from time to time).

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3 minutes ago, Darkfire249 said:

So the rest of us are supposed to deal with an absolutely broken gunship, which causes a vast majority of my deaths on Plains, because you don't want a "boring game"? It's entirely possible your game is broken if you're able to dodge the Bolkor's fire by just "moving around". The ONLY method I've ever found for avoiding their gunfire is to hide behind a rock, which of course isn't an option when you have to defend a point or clear out a group of enemies or find caches while running solo.

the gun is vulnerable you know...

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1 minute ago, SprinKah said:

the gun is vulnerable you know...

I actually did not know that. Thank you. I suppose I'm just irritated because the Bolkors are the one thing that I can't seem to tackle with my usual loadout. Sorties go fine, the normal grineer units on the Plains go down with little trouble, but the Bolkors.... I've had nothing but trouble with them.

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