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Request: Help with proper Wukong / Defy usage



Hello Tenno,

I only recently started using Wukong and building around big melee damage / Defy. My build is coming along OK but I would like to ask for some help in my actual game play to ensure I am not wasting energy or using Defy improperly.

This would apply for mostly normal type game play -- less as much for end game content. 

I'm typically swinging away with Primal Fury on or just with my Melee weapon. If I start to see shield numbers drop I will activate Defy. If I go into a situation where I am sure I will die I will first activate Defy. I am trying to conserve energy as much as I can .. and also trying to avoid a situation where I need Defy as the hard truth is sometimes extra energy just doesn't drop from baddies.

Also, when you're swarmed and need to get out after Defy proc's how do you prefer to exit? Is there a parkour mod I should be using or should I use Iron Jab if I am currently in Primal Fury? I suppose because I use Jat Kittag I could also initiate a big AoE knockdown but I'd like to hear from you guys.


My build is as follows, for reference. It will improve as I am able to Forma the chassis and when I get new mods but I feel it's a good start. Please feel free to make recommendations for my next step -- bearing in mind I play all sorts of content and not just end game style missions.

[Steel Charge Rank 5] [nothing here yet, what do you recommend?]

[Steel Fiber Rank 5] [Vitality Rank 8] [Streamline Rank 5] [Stretch Rank 5]

[Rage Rank 3] [Narrow Minded Rank 6] [Flow Rank 5] [Continuity Rank 5]

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13 answers to this question

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33 minutes ago, (PS4)EmpowerAuto said:

Also, when you're swarmed and need to get out after Defy proc's how do you prefer to exit?

I escape by keeping on tanking. For a hard facetank wukong, use rage (as mentioned above), steel fiber, vitality, and have a good balance between efficiency and duration, if you can't, then try leaning more towards efficiency. Duration is really good for the few seconds of invincibility after defy procs, if you can't go towards efficiency. If you're tanking enough, rage will fill you with energy, and you only have to worry about defy taking your HP down too much. Once defy goes down 3+ times, just jump out of there as fast as you can, turn off the ability, then turn it back on, that way, you reset the drain % from each proc to your HP. 

If you're worried about not having enough energy at the start of a mission, turn on defy and just stand in front of a couple enemies for a few seconds and just let them hit you for rage to fill you up on energy.

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12 minutes ago, SergeantSunshine said:

I escape by keeping on tanking. For a hard facetank wukong, use rage (as mentioned above), steel fiber, vitality, and have a good balance between efficiency and duration, if you can't, then try leaning more towards efficiency. Duration is really good for the few seconds of invincibility after defy procs, if you can't go towards efficiency. If you're tanking enough, rage will fill you with energy, and you only have to worry about defy taking your HP down too much. Once defy goes down 3+ times, just jump out of there as fast as you can, turn off the ability, then turn it back on, that way, you reset the drain % from each proc to your HP. 

If you're worried about not having enough energy at the start of a mission, turn on defy and just stand in front of a couple enemies for a few seconds and just let them hit you for rage to fill you up on energy.

Is the return on investment enough if I do that? If the ability procs I use a ton of energy also, so I would have to gain over 25% from the health losses I take. Once the shield is gone I'm pretty squishy

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12 minutes ago, SergeantSunshine said:

I escape by keeping on tanking. For a hard facetank wukong, use rage (as mentioned above), steel fiber, vitality, and have a good balance between efficiency and duration, if you can't, then try leaning more towards efficiency. Duration is really good for the few seconds of invincibility after defy procs, if you can't go towards efficiency. If you're tanking enough, rage will fill you with energy, and you only have to worry about defy taking your HP down too much. Once defy goes down 3+ times, just jump out of there as fast as you can, turn off the ability, then turn it back on, that way, you reset the drain % from each proc to your HP. 

If you're worried about not having enough energy at the start of a mission, turn on defy and just stand in front of a couple enemies for a few seconds and just let them hit you for rage to fill you up on energy.

Is the return on investment enough if I do that? If the ability procs I use a ton of energy also, so I would have to gain over 25% from the health losses I take. Once the shield is gone I'm pretty squishy

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1 minute ago, (PS4)EmpowerAuto said:

Is the return on investment enough if I do that? If the ability procs I use a ton of energy also, so I would have to gain over 25% from the health losses I take. Once the shield is gone I'm pretty squishy

You really gotta max all your mods, that's what improves survivability. Maxing your armor mod will decrease damage taken to your health, but the Rage energy gain value will remain the same. I've never had an energy or survivability issues with my Wukong in any mission with that method.

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35 minutes ago, SergeantSunshine said:

I've never had an energy or survivability issues with my Wukong in any mission with that method.

Do you have your efficiency above 160%?  I struggled a bit until I got Fleeting Expertise, and that made all the difference for Defy/Wukong for me.

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9 minutes ago, FreeWilliam said:

Do you have your efficiency above 160%?  I struggled a bit until I got Fleeting Expertise, and that made all the difference for Defy/Wukong for me.

here's my wukong build


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Steel Charge, Handspring 

Rage, Primed Cont., Fleeting Expertise, Overextended, Vitality, Primed Flow, Streamline, Narrow Minded (R8)

This gives you 176 duration, 175 efficiency, 136 range and 40 strength and focuses around Defy rather than Primal Fury. I prefer regular melee weapons over his 4. 

Handspring's there because knock-downs are the one thing that can potentially kill him. 

Also, fit dispatch overdrive on your melee weapon and cloud walker is suddenly pretty fast ;)

You can't die with this setup...and keep defy on 100% of the time. To safely re-toggle it, you can either dodge to a safe spot or trigger cloud walker, disable defy while in cloud walker and then toggle it back on once you exit cloud walker. The brief stun you get from exiting it, is generally enough time to safely switch it back on. 

Edited by (PS4)Radehx
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For the most part, energy conservation boils down to:

Toggling off defy or Primal fury whenever possible. Defy is rarely safe to toggle off, but Primal Fury can often be saved for only difficult-to-kill enemies.

Ensuring that you have enough health restored by Defy to fuel the next defy through rage.

Making sure to be either consistently refueling with Rage/defy, or not be taking any health damage at all.


The absolute best disengage for Wukong is built right into his kit: Cloudwalker.

press 3, disappear, then toggle off defy. Wait for cloudwalker's initial stagger to wear off, then exit cloudwalker, re-applying a stagger. While enemies are staggered, turn defy back on.


Mods that are vital to this style of play are Maxed Flow, maxed rage, and a high-rank vitality.

Mods that are helpful are efficiency and maybe a sprinkle of duration. For you, since you want big melee damage, can swap Duration for Strength.

Another helpful mod is [Rapid Resilience], as usually a single magnetic proc means the end of you, but shorter status duration means less energy lost. Could save you next time you fight an Infested Disruptor.


A little tip, apparently [Drifting Contact] applies to Exhalted melee weapons, including primal rage. While it's not as massively beneficial since you cannot use Blood Rush/weeping wounds, it will at least allow your staff to stay longer for a longer period of time.


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