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Should Limbo be team-friendly?


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It's no secret that Limbo in Warframe has had mixed opinions on ever since in release. A few of the many reasons this is currently the case include teammates having minimal to no control over the Rift and all of Limbos abilities, Stasis inhibiting gunplay, and just not providing reliable benefit in a team setting. Limbo's problems in a random-team setting (basically every Warframe lobby ever) are amplified even more when building for range/Rift Torrent/Stasis, arguably his main strengths. However there's a lot of reasons to love him as well: Stasis/JoJo's references, the Rift mechanic and it's complex interactions, and his niche synergies and utility. Given Limbo is one of the most complex frames in the game, he has a learning curve to surpass in order to play properly, which is a new experience. He also has a pretty cool theme as a matrix mathe-magician.


Do you think Limbo should receive changes to make him team-friendly? If so, how? To help fuel this process, I'll write what I think are current Limbo's strengths/weaknesses in a team-setting. These are just my personal opinion, so feel free to disregard or diss them as you please.



  • Almost invincible if played right
  • Permanent energy regen
  • Can give energy regen/invincibility to allies through the Rift
  • Stasis is great CC + cool factor + very strong
  • Rift Torrent is great multipliers
  • The Rift/Cataclysm is extremely versatile
  • Complex kit = varied playstyles = fun


  • Squishy if not played right
  • Portals can be annoying
  • Allies have no control over Cataclysm, a long duration globe
  • Allies have no control over Banish, without entering the Rift
  • Allies have no control over Rift Surge spread (you see the trend)
  • Allies have to wait for Stasis or break bullet cap
  • Cataclysm range can get obnoxiously large
  • Lack of proper control over Banish/Rift Surge (can be awfully random with range)
  • Can heavily slow down gameplay
  • Can troll effectively
  • Can annoy and/or hurt teammates through improper use of Banish/Cataclysm
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He is team friendly, just requires proper set ups. He synergizes super well with a ton of frames like Nidus, Banshee, Saryn, Equinox and Mesa for example. Hell, even Excal. 

Just requires both the Limbo player and his mates to adapt to eachother a bit. If that doesn't happen he can be annoying...but so are idiots shooting my squid ball when I play as Nidus, or fast Nova overwhelming teams, or max duration slow Nova making it harder to keep up life support for survivals, or Nekros having those annoying minions all over the place...could go on ;)

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I think Limbo's drawbacks should be shifted away from being detrimental to his teammates and more to his own micromanagement of abilities, within reasonable perimeters. Rather than constantly imposing the Rift onto allies (for enemies it should be since that's how Limbo extends his influence), allies should be able to decide for themselves if they want to fight in the Rift.

For example:

  • Rift Walk
    • No longer leaves a Rift Portal behind.
  • Banish
    • When cast on targets in range, affects enemies and friendly AI normally, but ally players get a buff that triggers self-Banish on the next roll or backflip. Allies doing roll or backflip while in Rift will still dispel Banish.
    • Leaves a Rift Portal where Limbo stands that lasts a short time. Allies can pass through the portal to get the self-Banish on roll/backflip buff.
    • This ability doesn't affect other Limbo players since they can enter or exit the Rift at will with their passive.
  • Stasis
    • Ally gunfire and projectiles are no longer instantly stopped in their tracks. Instead, they are slowed to 10% of their travel speed, allowing ally players to still perform short range attacks with guns for quick results (or long range attacks that take a while to reach their destination).
    • Limbo's own gunfire and projectiles can either be changed to this or stay as is.
  • Rift Surge
    • Rift Surge will jump to ally players when a nearby Surged enemy is killed. This grants the ally player the self-Banish on roll/backflip buff (see Banish changes above), allowing them to enter the Rift via roll or backflip to deal with other enemies in the Rift.
      • This buff however is dependent on Rift Surge's Banish duration stat, not the first ability's stats.
  • Cataclysm
    • Casting a bubble on top of players no longer interrupts object interaction that are in progress (hacking consoles).
    • No longer forces Limbo out of the Rift when Cataclysm closes. To exit the Rift via Cataclysm, players have to pass through the borders (this excludes players already under the effects of Banish and Rift Surge, they will stay in the Rift until they roll or backflip since it is a separate buff).

The above changes are more directed at Limbo's teammates than himself. Even though with the changes there is an extra step to get into the Rift (roll/backflip), it at least presents players the option and conscious decision, unlike how it is right now when they are just suddenly (very jarring and disorienting) thrown into the Rift by Limbo casting his Banish and Cataclysm.

They're not perfect changes, but I hope I got the points across that it IS possible to make Limbo more team-friendly on a mechanical level and not necessitate constant communication in pre-made squads.

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As someone who would comfortably call himself a Limbo main:

A lot of the penalties that come with playing Limbo would be entirely justifiable as an offset to his effective invulnerability... if Warframe were a single-player game.
I don't simply mean "if Limbo was the only one affected", because Banishing your entire team and allowing them to freely shoot through the Banish would be impossible to balance properly. Right now there's a big grey area as far as allowing Limbo to give invulnerability to Mesa.

The core issues with Limbo's teamplay are that A) he forces the entire team to change their playstyles to accommodate him, and B) there's really a lack of indicators as to when or how to change your playstyle if the Limbo doesn't communicate. A Limbo in a weapon-restricted Sortie could be a nightmare to the whole team in any mission type other than Melee Only.

Most of his issues would be resolved with just a quality of life pass, such as:

  • More visual feedback that an enemy is on the opposite plane from you, like a slight transparency, extreme recolor, or change to their health bar. (Note: Rift effects can glitch out to leave the "black flames" on enemies who recently left the Rift.)
  • A UI element to inform Banished players that they can, at any time, Roll to cancel Banish.
    • Perhaps a means for players to freely opt into or out of the Rift whenever Limbo is on the team?
  • A "buff" icon that will display to all players within the Rift whenever a Limbo casts Stasis, possibly including a counter for the number of frozen projectiles.
    • Alternately, just mitigating or removing the projectile freeze penalty on players, since it presently serves no functional purpose if enemies are already frozen anyway (full points if the devs wish to change that). Turn Stasis into a channeled ability (with a cost per-target) as a replacement penalty on Limbo.
  • Making players immune to Banish while hacking panels, and allowing terminals caught within Cataclysm to be hacked from within the Rift - no more hack interrupts.
    • Alternately, just removing the inability to hack panels from within Banish/Rift Walk/Cataclysm.
  • Changing Rift Surge to no longer just pull in bonus enemies whenever an affected target dies inside the Rift, allowing Limbo more personal control over who enters the Rift.
  • Allowing players to pass through enemies on the opposite side of the Rift from them, without alerting them.
  • Allowing Limbo the option to de/activate Rift Walk without moving, such as holding crouch for a duration.

EDIT: It suddenly dawns on me it would help if Limbo's passive was changed so that, instead of a portal, it just allowed everyone within his Affinity Range to Rift Walk by rolling.

Edited by Archwizard
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I've given this a little thought, but I'm still not entirely certain how I'd rework Limbo to make him team-friendly. Here are my current thoughts, though.

Rift Changes:
Players inside the rift could interact with objects inside the rift. Cataclysms would allow you to hack consoles, destroy crates, open doors, etc.
Players inside the rift could not interact with things outside the rift. Limbo would have to banish downed players to revive them, and couldn't open "friendship" doors from the rift.
There would be less visual impact from being inside the rift. A gradient could be applied so that the edges of the screen show you're in the rift while the center isn't as visually impaired.

Rift Hole Changes:
Holes to the rift left by Limbo dodging inside would be opt-in, not opt out.  They would last a few seconds longer, and players within 3m of one could roll to enter the rift.

Banish Changes:
Banish could be cast on targets regardless of whether or not Limbo is currently inside the rift.

Stasis Changes:
I'm not sure what to do with stasis. I like it and it's very useful, but it's annoying for squadmates and extremely inconsistent. Why can Warframes and friendly NPCs move inside stasis, yet enemies and player projectiles cannot? It just doesn't make any sense.
I'd probably remove stasis and replace it with some other form of crowd control that doesn't make a mess out of trying to use projectiles.

Rift Surge Changes:
Rift surge would be completely different. Casting it would increase the duration remaining on any of Limbo's other abilities and deal damage to rifted enemies. (Damage would be divided among enemies in the rift, so a single banished target would take a lot but a swarm in a cataclysm wouldn't take nearly as much.) I haven't come up with exact numbers, but something like returning 25% of the total duration. Each instance of an ability could only be Rift Surged three times. Cataclysms would grow from having their duration extended.

Cataclysm Changes:
Cataclysm's default range would be somewhat smaller.
Players and enemies exiting a cataclysm would stay in the rift if they are banished. Limbos would stay in the rift on leaving a cataclysm unless they weren't rifted before entering or they dodged to switch their state inside the cataclysm.
Projectiles fired through a cataclysm (whether from inside or out) would not be affected and could hit targets. (I realize this would make Limbo much less defensive. It would also make him less annoying, and it would make sense because a projectile shouldn't just disappear when it hits the barrier between planes. Perhaps whatever stasis would be changed to could help make him better at defense again.)


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6 minutes ago, Syvarin said:

I'd probably remove stasis and replace it with some other form of crowd control that doesn't make a mess out of trying to use projectiles.

... Or they could just change it not to penalize player shooting, without having to change its crowd control aspect.

5 minutes ago, Syvarin said:

Projectiles fired through a cataclysm (whether from inside or out) would not be affected and could hit targets. (I realize this would make Limbo much less defensive. It would also make him less annoying, and it would make sense because a projectile shouldn't just disappear when it hits the barrier between planes. Perhaps whatever stasis would be changed to could help make him better at defense again.)

Then what's the point of the bubble? Putting enemies/allies into the Rift would realistically be irrelevant (since you can already walk into Cataclysm to melee a target within no problem), except as a delivery system for another ability.

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1 hour ago, Archwizard said:

... Or they could just change it not to penalize player shooting, without having to change its crowd control aspect.

And how do you propose to balance that exactly (Stasis is already leaning OP to start with)? I am certain the response is something along the lines of "why does it matter in a mostly pve game?" And I can agree somewhat being that it really only stops gunplay but guns also tend to be the strongest with the least amount of upkeep. At the same time Stasis is a near perfect defense that is effectively map wide. You are inside a bubble that protects you from most all attacks (special enemies/instances having some exceptions) from the outside and Stasis coupled allows complete control inside the bubble. That is leagues better than every other CC since they lack control of enemies outside their respective ranges. If you just allow everything in Stasis you might as well just allow the option to turn off the game AI because that's essentially what you're doing. In some ways allowing powers to function is already a gift though powers tend to fall off much faster than guns. I say this every Limbo thread on stasis, Stasis doesn't negate damage it delays it. If you shoot in stasis a shot that would kill an enemy instantly is still going to kill the enemy whether it in 1 sec or in 30sec whenever stasis is released. If an enemy(s) should be killed because of objectives and are not being done timely because of Stasis it is not a Limbo problem; it is a Player (controlling Limbo) problem.

I am going to say Limbo IS team friendly. Probably one of the best kind of friends to have (if played right). But People (in general) ARE NOT team friendly. People always more concerned with themselves or are just plain dumb or rude looking to cause trouble because that is the objective of the game for them. The polar limitations on Limbo come from the incredibly powerful tool Limbo is when used correctly. They have to have ways to force Limbo out of the Rift or not utilize the benefits if it while doing certain objectives when the enemy has little to no options to force Limbo out or jump into/interact with the Rift themselves. DE can however still implement ways to help certain issues of Limbo. Like UI indications of damage instances while in Stasis for instances where you don't kill your target in one hit.

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36 minutes ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

And how do you propose to balance that exactly (Stasis is already leaning OP to start with)?

Instead of locking down the team's bullets, make Stasis a toggle that consumes energy per-second for every affected enemy, similarly to Equinox's Pacify.

That way if you just use it with a massive Cataclysm to CC the entire map, you'll burn out of energy quickly. It turns Stasis into last-ditch defense and encourages Limbo to be more selective with who he brings into the Rift, as he always has been. Penalty is entirely on Limbo, so the team can continue shooting if they're within the Rift.

Limbo already produces more energy than he needs, particularly now that his passive generates more per kill and he can't just stay in the Rift and Banish enemies outside to join him within.

36 minutes ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

I am going to say Limbo IS team friendly. Probably one of the best kind of friends to have (if played right). But People (in general) ARE NOT team friendly. People always more concerned with themselves or are just plain dumb or rude looking to cause trouble because that is the objective of the game for them.


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Im not too keen on making him more team friendly than he is now. He gives too many benefits as it is but to make him cross the border of permanent team enabling to permanent enabling with 0 draw backs will only further solidify a sad truth about this game.

Hes already team friendly and quite frankly unbeatable in every scenario, any team that works around him cannot die but any team that refuses to do so finds frustration. 

As much as i hate frames who can utterly shut down a map i can tolerate Limbo because he trades something for his ungodly ability to win at everything. He has to pay for it which is why ,imo, its tolerable. 

Hes not like polarize Mag/Banshee/Equinox/Ivara/Disarm invis Loki/low level Ember etc. They go unpunished for pressing a button and deleting everything in sight.

Limbos problem is the fact that he is the only one who trades for his CC and everyone elses issue is he makes them trade something for his CC as well. 

Objectively Limbo still isnt balanced but hes the closest thing to balanced this game has, an actual check and balance to a power, thats not to say he doesnt have design flaws which is

Banishing people while they hack - the biggest one

Rifted targets not giving a proper indicator - current rift surges circling lines should be the indicator instead of a black flame/flat glow, switch rift and surges animations and itll be fine. 

Stasis and its...need. Stasis is broken no doubt, unrelenting strong hardstop with 0 wiggle room for compromise. 

Thats a problem because those same pluses now apply to limbo fighting in the rift, either he halts everything or hes back to Limbo 1.0 where he has to snipe at a distant cataclysm with the Rakta dagger equipped or he dies.

Stasis is an absolute which is a problem and why Limbo gets so much flak and why hes over powered when alone/in a coordinated group.

If they removed stasis and added a channeled slow akin to peaceful provocation (but less taxing) and gave him innate DR in the rift his serviceability wouldnt require an absolute anymore. 


Theres zip wrong with cataclysm sans stopping people from hacking/interacting with objects.


My proposes for making him team friendly

-banish/cata doesnt stop people from hacking

-you can hack in cataclysm


Were i to change him?

-switch rift surges animation with rift status on enemies so now theres a CLEAR indicator that a mob is in the rift how? Because hes coverex in spinning wiggly crap. No excuses anymore.

-stasis is now a slow up to 80% but is a channeled power with drain per second tied to .7 en per enemy per second

-as long as limbo is in the rift he maintains a 80% DR but 0 DR outside the rift

-rift surge does what it does now but also reverses cataclysms deterioration by making it grow by % maybe make it a channeling power? Iunno.


But i say theres nothing wrong with Limbo sans hacking problems. Limbo isnt the problem, its everyone else who dont want anything that doesnt benefit them 100% with 0 drawbacks, the community is so used to locking down the map and paying nothing for it that its become an expectation for frames to scale up into the thousands without any draw backs or rules.


Nidus was scaling done right theres a set of rules he must follow.

Octavia is scaling done horribly horribly wrong as she gains aoe damage from enemies jacks it up to 4x the amount or more and let them kill themselves for nothing.

Limbo does scaling correctly, Saryn gassing the map or sonar quake banshee map wiping is belligerent unrestricted CC players want but cry for balance in the same breath.


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4 minutes ago, Archwizard said:

Make Stasis a toggle that consumes energy per-second for every affected enemy, similarly to Equinox's Pacify.

That way if you just use it with a massive Cataclysm to CC the entire map, you'll burn out of energy quickly. It turns Stasis into last-ditch defense and encourages Limbo to be more selective with who he brings into the Rift, as he always has been. Penalty is entirely on Limbo, so the team can continue shooting if they're within the Rift.

Limbo already produces more energy than he needs, particularly now that his passive generates more per kill and he can't just stay in the Rift and Banish enemies outside to join him within.

A decent suggestion I suppose depending on how much a drain it is per enemy. Though it sure is a tight rope. I don't particularly see a reason to allow gunplay especially if the drain is set relatively low (modable or not) because enemy resistance is easily rendered pointless while under the protection of Cataclysm from anything outside the effect. As well as the cost being theoretically low to just keep it up most the time if you stay on top of the killing. Then there is the opposite effect where as a last ditch defense that you end up in a position where your energy gets decimated instantly (like people breaking Stasis now) on activation making it useless.

Personally I think part of the problem is Cataclysm has a fairly large range thus adding benefit to Stasis immediately. I think Cataclysm behaving the opposite of currently might make a few problems of Limbo less troublesome. As in Cataclysm starts small and grows out over its duration; also grows in power strength over its duration for a small benefit of letting it grow. Or Cataclysm could just have another look at how it interacts with range in general.

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11 minutes ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

I don't particularly see a reason to allow gunplay

Because if a well-meaning Limbo goes into a public match and tries to set up Stasis fields, then someone's Sentinel, a new player, or a vindictive teammate can cause it to break prematurely.

Because if a high-range/duration Limbo goes into a weapon-restricted Sortie throwing around Cataclysm and it's not Melee Only that day, he can single-handedly ruin the mission in ways no other frame can.

Because either way, one team member shouldn't have the power to forcibly dictate the playstyle of the entire team, and an in-built penalty to an ability should discourage the player from abusing it, rather than rewarding toxic behavior on both sides.

11 minutes ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

Or Cataclysm could just have another look at how it interacts with range in general.

I've actually thought recently about the possibility of having Limbo charge up Cataclysm like Hydroid does, so that it starts at its minimum range and won't shrink at all, but can be charged to its maximum range and progressively shrink over time as now. Not much practical use for this though, other than setting up defensive strategies.

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18 minutes ago, Archwizard said:

Because if a well-meaning Limbo goes into a public match and tries to set up Stasis fields, then someone's Sentinel, a new player, or a vindictive teammate can cause it to break prematurely.

Because if a high-range/duration Limbo goes into a weapon-restricted Sortie throwing around Cataclysm and it's not Melee Only that day, he can single-handedly ruin the mission in ways no other frame can.

Because either way, one team member shouldn't have the power to forcibly dictate the playstyle of the entire team, and an in-built penalty to an ability should discourage the player from abusing it, rather than rewarding toxic behavior on both sides.

All of this seems more a problem of balancing of game states between the normal plane and the rift plane than the fact that Stasis can be intrusive if abused. In which case Limbo is better off scaled way back on the benefits of the Rift or a new theme thought up entirely. If you have a Limbo that is throwing around his abilities in conditions not beneficial to them than they are doing it wrong. I won't even pretend to think I can comprehend what goes through some people's minds. Personally If I decided to Limbo on a sortie condition such as that, I wouldn't run a build around Cataclysm because it barely benefits me let alone anyone else.

I will also say I am a proponent of the creed "every tool has its place." Any warframe can be made to work within any given situation, some easier than others, but most people wont give that much time to it. And with that many warframes render other frames/playstyles useless or create more obstacles than fixes... some just do it more actively than others.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Radehx said:

He is team friendly

no he is not


this is not up for discussion, either he keeps most enemies in the rift where u cant hit them via rift surge, or he forces u into melee via cataclysm+stasis(unless u are one of the few frames that can get around stasis, like Mesa)

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So bad players are now the bar we go by? Because last i played limbo everyone could shoot in my cataclysm just fine, no complaints or this horrible horrible stasis spamming i hear so much about. 

Even playing as Gara whenever a limbo mass Surged a group i just hit Garas 4 then smash it with her 1 and wipe out a group of surged mobs outside the rift.

Hit them with her 1 etc.

Actually i do the same with Ember, Equinox, Saryn, Mag, Mesa, Toxic Chroma (i run toxic fite me), Nidus, Nova etc. 

Seems pretty friendly to me.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

 Because last i played limbo everyone could shoot in my cataclysm just fine,


so u werent using stasis? aka limbos main survival tool when he wants to interact with enemies?


i love limbo, he is strong as S#&$, but he is a terrible team frame unless ur team is composed of mesas

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10 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

no he is not


this is not up for discussion, either he keeps most enemies in the rift where u cant hit them via rift surge, or he forces u into melee via cataclysm+stasis(unless u are one of the few frames that can get around stasis, like Mesa)

Limbo is team friendly. I have not played with a single Limbo (ever) that trolled with their abilities. I do not particularly mind using Melee in the bubble, but not every Limbo uses stasis. So sometimes you can use weapons. I have never played with a Limbo that would not drop stasis if asked.


Just because some people abuse Limbo for troll purposes, does not mean he is not team friendly. 

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Just now, krc473 said:

but not every Limbo uses stasis.

then they are challenging themselves for the sake of it, cause stasis is his means of staying alive when there are enemies in the rift


limbos should keep stasis up at all times


without stasis, cataclysm is a snowglobe that shrinks over time and doesnt let u shoot outside or inside

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Just now, TKDancer said:

then they are challenging themselves for the sake of it, cause stasis is his means of staying alive when there are enemies in the rift

Did you ever see a Limbo before Stasis was added?

Stasis was not this revolutionary thing that stopped Limbo dying. It is an added CC feature. If you cannot survive as Limbo without stasis, you are doing it very, very wrong.

1 minute ago, TKDancer said:

limbos should keep stasis up at all times


I most certainly do not do this as Limbo.

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12 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

so u werent using stasis? aka limbos main survival tool when he wants to interact with enemies?

Anything below level 60 doesnt require stasis, youll kill them as they enter the cataclysm with how over powered all the weapons are and how utterly dumb and unpunished half the frames damage output is.


12 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

love limbo, he is strong as S#&$, but he is a terrible team frame unless ur team is composed of mesas

Mesas or any other frame like Saryn, Nova, Ember etc.

7 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

then they are challenging themselves for the sake of it,

No its just not necessary

7 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

cause stasis is his means of staying alive when there are enemies in the rift

Quick thinking, life strike, energy pads and unbanish are his survival means. Stasis is an emergency power or if youve scaled up to the point you need a fully decked out Condition Overload build.

7 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

limbos should keep stasis up at all

At levels 1-70 thats a dps loss and more if a detriment than anything.

7 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

without stasis, cataclysm is a snowglobe that shrinks over time and doesnt let u shoot outside or inside

Even WITH stasis it does that. 

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Just now, krc473 said:

Stasis was not this revolutionary thing that stopped Limbo dying

it quite literally was


he went from joke frame to amazing CC frame that can just prevent enemies from moving at all instead of  having to kill enemies one by one during the knockdown animation from banish


2 minutes ago, krc473 said:

If you cannot survive as Limbo without stasis, you are doing it very, very wrong.

yeah man, if i cant survive when using a squishy frame with 65 armor and 300 base hp and not using his CC, im doing smth wrong


(what id be doing wrong is not using his CC)

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

Quick thinking, life strike, energy pads and unbanish are his survival means. Stasis is an emergency power or if youve scaled up to the point you need a fully decked out Condition Overload build.

my guy, how the absolute fresh hell did u get to the conclusion ENERGY PADS are his means of staying alive instead of stasis


4 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

Even WITH stasis it does that.

and it keeps enemies frozen, which kinda helps with staying a live, ya know, when enemies arent attacking u are less likely to take dmg


who'da thunk

4 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

At levels 1-70 thats a dps loss and more if a detriment than anything.

no loss on my personal DPS no, loss on the team DPS if they dont have abilities that can hit across the rift->hes a bad teamplayer

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3 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

my guy, how the absolute fresh hell did u get to the conclusion ENERGY PADS are his means of staying alive instead of stasis

Because of how QT works. You can exploit it its energy loss by having a pad ready.  Stasis survival is ment for if you stupidly dragged too many mobs into the rift, are in close range of a mob for whatever insane reason or your damage output from rift torrent + some plerthora of over powered guns isnt cutting it...somehow.


Or if youre too stubborn to just unbanish the surplus of mobs for whatever reason.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

Or if youre too stubborn to just unbanish the surplus of mobs for whatever reason.

thats the thing, limbo has no reason to not keep every living creature inside the rift and in stasis


none, EXCEPT teammates wanting to do stuff and being annoyed at u, ergo he IS BAD IN TEAMS

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