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A new out look on limbo


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As I've said in my previous posts

I thought limbo was the worst frame to ever happen to war frame

But as someone talked me through how he's suppose to be built and played for team play I've come to realize that he's not so bad

This limbo main told me that in order to achieve max team play and less troll limbo doesn't need a 150% reach because that's covering an entire tile thus creating conflict for team play

And if there is more then one limbo they need to plan out who's doing what and when

I just thought that limbo in general was a troll frame who want good at anything other then messing up the game for others

Maybe what we can talk about here is an effective build to help limbo in team games

Go outside the meta to help stop this annoying shet from happening

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High range on Limbo is fine; but if you plan on covering the whole room in Cataclysm, have the heart to use Stasis in short bursts and Banish to knock down enemies you need CC-ed longer.

Limbo is great at chaining ability combos, and he's not going to run out of energy in the Rift anytime soon. Be considerate toward your team so we can all have fun. Be a gentleman.

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Just don't spam cataclysm everywhere and then stasis it, it's just annoying. Only ever use it if the team has agreed on using is beforehand or if the situation gets out of control, use it to calm things down a little bit (One time on Akkad, we somehow kept getting completely overrun by the Infested to the point where everyone but me was downed, so I used cata and stasis to kill everything then revive). 

Another (though potentially annoying) way to use cata is on groups of enemies that out of your team's focus. So lets say they're all protecting the cryopod on the void defense map, then you see a group of enemies charging in from the long hallway. You can use the cata and stasis there because at that point your doing it to the enemy and actively avoiding the teammates. 

Edited by TheErebus.
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I go with min range max duration for sorties. As annoying as cataclysm + stasis is for others, it keeps stationary objectives much safer than Frost or Gara.

Small radius gets in the way a lot less, and I actively encourage the others to walk outside the sphere to fight. I do not lock down whole tilesets since this is unnecessary.

Going into the Rift then reviving people allows you to save people even if they are in the middle of a group of enemies. The cataclysm left around the objective means you can do this worry free.

I generally avoid banishing allies since I can't reach them anyway.

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More and more people seem to catch on to negative range Limbo which makes me happy :)

It's the setup I now run 99% of the time and even in pub games, I rarely get any hate once people realize I'm a neg range Limbo.

Neg range makes it way easier to deal with nullifiers and you don't impose stasis on the entire map. At the same time, it still offers mates a safe space and place to regen energy. He synergizes soooooo well with squishy frames that have great damage abilities...like Banshee, Equinox or Mesa. Hell, he's awesome in a Nidus tag team too. 

Tip against nullifiers:

Fit a life strike mod on your melee weapon and hit enemies in stasis once...and once only. Slash procs will continue as long as A) stasis is up and B) the enemy doesn't die. If you whack a bunch of enemies in stasis like that, you get a pretty decent life strike burst tank going...giving you a bit of breathing room when fighting nullifiers outside the rift. 

Edited by (PS4)Radehx
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The more important secret is not to use Stasis 24/7.

Use it in controlled bursts. Use it, fire at the targets  (preferably after using Surge with the augment for damage boost) and release to let your projectiles and allies hit the enemies then you can turn it back on if needed. . Keep it on and melee when necessary but don't make this standard in team play unless you have Excalibur in your team. He'll love it.  

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I found close to 100% range is often plenty.

I deal with enemies away from the team or would cause problems suchbas high level bombards and knockdown spam bursas.

When by myself i can keep dtasis up as long as needed but say when with the team and you are getting overwhelmed it them best to use stasis in a short burst like no longer than 2 swconds if possoble just to repositipn and gove the team a bit of time to get ahead in damage and then cancel to let enemies die this also normall used with rift surge as an emergency 'these enemies to be cleared out now' button.


After that business as usual and let the team do their own thing. I only use roft near team mates when in an emergency other wise let them be and you wpnt het very many or any comaonts.

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I wanna note that a frame's value is neither drawn exclusively from its most toxic use possible, nor its most productive possible use - and much less from a simple sum of both. Rather, it must account for both: those things aren't mutually exclusive, and a more positive experience does not erase a negative one (or vice versa).

That is to say: No, Limbo is not not so bad. He is still very, very bad, just as bad as you described him on your first topic. But he is also potentially rather useful and even good.

I'm really goddamn sorry, but this idea that flaws and qualities mutually counteract each other is awfully insuficient to portray the reality of the game, and contributes immensely for a stance of excessive acceptance of the status quo. It's most extreme expression is when people excuse a utterly useless ability with the excuse that the frame already has one other stupidly useful ability. Thank god that the devs seem to have realized that for the most part (though Hydroids rework and Gara's current state put this in question).

Edited by tnccs215
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O.o I main a Limbo and honestly I gotta say I didn't realize there was this much hate on him in PvE matches. I can understand stasis can be annoying.... if you don't know how it works. I haven't gone for + or - on range. It sits pretty at 100 flat. I DO on the other hand buff my duration (which is at 136 currently, I think...)  9/10 times if I'm running something I keep Cat/Sas on It's a mobile defense or defense mission. It just makes sense. Frozen projectiles really aren't that huge of a deal if you're running with a Volt and they know how to combo, but beyond that I set it as a safe space/energy replenish site (plus with my Med ship drop it gives +HP with no fear of getting slammed by the mobs outside). Throwing down stasis in 2-3 second bursts really seems like a waste to me honestly. 


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Like. Get banished? Dodgeroll. Bubble stasis? Use melee or fight outside of the bubble. Things stuck in the rift? Kill something else. I can see it being used as "trolly" But honestly with rift surge it spreads like Hep A at woodstock, hard to keep track of all of them when you're looking the other way. Just let you Limbo know to banish them from the rift, or banish you so you can Melee em to death.

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Like ive said before, Limbo functions almost too well in coordinated groups. Ive posted before the 3 builds of Limbo but ive forgotten where that post ISSSSSS so...yeah im not doing all that again.

Negative range- high power - high duration Limbo is the most pug friendly and least intrusive while also making you ALMOST as powerful as old 1.0 Limbo. You still have your choices and Rift Surge /Banish and Cataclysm are no longer intrusive as you have to ACTIVELY walk into cata to cause a disruption. Stasis Torrent batteries are great too.

The other method is max range Low strength Continuum Limbo to where its impossible to NOT be in the rift and thus 0 confusion of enemies. Mostly ment as a low level enablement build for power spamming. Do not use stasis because theres no point at 50 and below.

Last method is pure balanced Limbo but its also ironically the hardest to play and unfortunately the most used build. 


Its nice you have a new out look on Limbo instead of well...that spamming, if you intend to play him though i advise serious practice.

Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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