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Please nerf or remove Ember already...


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5 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

 not once have i ever "demanded" for anyone to not use ember,

But you made a thread on the forum calling for the Nerf or Removal of her. And cant seem to take the hints that many have said for solutions in avoiding her or Similar ~ i take it your haven't met a Maim Equinox yet so i fully expect another thread sometime about how she needs to be Nerfed or Removed as well

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3 minutes ago, AzureTerra said:

And that is well and good ~ Don't do that stuff in a PUBLIC Match if its important to you. Recruitment Channel is a Thing so is setting your game to Invite/Friends or Solo only.


2 minutes ago, (PS4)Valfrekr said:

Well, they could simply hop into a solo match. No leeching, no quick kills, plenty of challenge. There are options for players who have issues like these. qqing on the forums shouldn't be one of them.

Or if you play ember with the intent to keep up wof all the time and don't care at all for your teammates go and play effectively solo, instead of playing solo in a team just to feel yourself a god on a level 20 map.  Instead of take away from the others the coop aspect in a coop game.

The point is that the ability is broken on many levels and it should be reworked. It trivialise the game on low levels with 0 effort requierment and takes away the fun from others. Just objectively it needs to be looked at.

So yes the forum is the best place to ask DE to do something about it and ask for balancing a broken ability out. You can be contrary and can express so, but what you cannot do is to tell others what they can or cannot do or talk about on the forums.

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7 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

Don't straw-man me please, not once have i ever "demanded" for anyone to not use ember, i'm simply asking if they would be polite enough in the situations i have mentioned earlier. The last thing i want to do is offend some one or come off as aggressive, but if its ok, i would like my words to not be twisted if its all the same to you.

Really? I'm sorry, I thought the title of this thread was "Please nerf or remove Ember already..."

Sounds like a demand to me. Also, people have offered you alternatives to the issues you're having, and you continue to argue. You think that Ember's WoF ability is overpowered? I could clear plenty of trash mobs with Octavia's 1 ability. Or maybe Ivara should be removed since she has the longest lasting stealth ability. Or Inaros' sandstorm ability should be removed since it can clear out a room of trash mobs. Hydroid's undertow ability is OP, and the player can just post up in a spawning area and rake in the kills.

The point I'm making is that there are plenty of Frames out there that has cc abilities that could be perceived as OP.

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3 hours ago, Darrel_Reiner said:

OP, you can:

  • Try politely asking the player to turn of WoF (It helps);
  • Leave the pub game if ember is present;
  • Get your own ember (really easy to do);
  • Play solo;
  • If in a clan, arrenge your own party to go kill stuff;
  • Use recruitment channel.

Why touch yourself in inapropriate places when there are so many solutions to your problem?


I agree, but the last part is a solution? it would probibly help

Edited by Fluff-E-Kitty
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Why do people who don't like a frame always ask to remove it? Yes, lets throw away all the hard work that went into it, along with any tennogen stuff that was made, and F*** over people who happen to like that particular frame, just because you don't like it.

Edited by oldversions
better idea
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2 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

Once i have figured out a way to play "better" with an ability that literally wipes of everything in map without a chance, i will, until i have found that way, i will continue to voice my grievances as i see fit. and these responses only makes it clearer in mind as to how much ember needs a nerf or better yet a complete rework. as all your arguments have simply devolved to complaining simply for the fact that i'm complaining.

Banshee and Saryn are faster at killing than Ember. You could try a range & strength build on either and "steal" kills from those Embers you speak of. If you are a new player you should get into the game more and figure out how to accommodate YOUR playstyle not other peoples.

If Ember needed a re-work DE would implement one like they have with other frames over the years. Big picture, Ember is balanced even though you may not think so

You are surely allowed to voice your grievances with the ability, but doing so in general discussion will most likely garner the same defense that Ember has been receiving on this and all the other "nerf Ember" threads on here.

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11 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

There is a difference between wanting something gone and demanding someone to not use said object, incase you didnt know.

You did not not "politely ask" anyone to not use WoF. You demand a Frame thousands of players enjoy to play to be REMOVED from the game (or parts of it) entierely. Just because you can't cope with someone destroying the whole level just because he can.

And I repeat myself: even with Ember removed completely the problem will persist. Because a six forma'd <$ANYTHING> will always kill everything before a no forma "I don't have any decent mods"-Excal will even reach the same room.

Edited by andayk
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1 час назад, (PS4)Valfrekr сказал:

I could clear plenty of trash mobs with Octavia's 1 ability. Or maybe Ivara should be removed since she has the longest lasting stealth ability. Or Inaros' sandstorm ability should be removed since it can clear out a room of trash mobs. Hydroid's undertow ability is OP, and the player can just post up in a spawning area and rake in the kills.

On a fun side Octavia's Mallet can kill a Sortie Raptor in 3 beats =)

Inaros is just cheap, one shots everything with a dagger and ignoring status procs with his augmented 4. nerf plz

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Valfrekr said:

Really? I'm sorry, I thought the title of this thread was "Please nerf or remove Ember already..."

Sounds like a demand to me. Also, people have offered you alternatives to the issues you're having, and you continue to argue. You think that Ember's WoF ability is overpowered? I could clear plenty of trash mobs with Octavia's 1 ability. Or maybe Ivara should be removed since she has the longest lasting stealth ability. Or Inaros' sandstorm ability should be removed since it can clear out a room of trash mobs. Hydroid's undertow ability is OP, and the player can just post up in a spawning area and rake in the kills.

The point I'm making is that there are plenty of Frames out there that has cc abilities that could be perceived as OP.

Be that as it may, the amount of "embers" i have seen while playing the game FAR outweigh any of the war-frames you have mentioned, infact i cant even remember what the warframes you mentioned look like except for hydros since he is the new prime i think, My issue isn't with super powerful abilities in general, its with the frequency with which she seems to appear on any "wave" based mission with her sheer ridiculousness of just "sprint to win" mechanic. while we all just sit there with our fingers up our A$$ (again i don't want to come off as aggressive, dont hate me haha.)

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10 minutes ago, Nirrel said:



Or if you play ember with the intent to keep up wof all the time and don't care at all for your teammates go and play effectively solo, instead of playing solo in a team just to feel yourself a god on a level 20 map.  Instead of take away from the others the coop aspect in a coop game.

The point is that the ability is broken on many levels and it should be reworked. It trivialise the game on low levels with 0 effort requierment and takes away the fun from others. Just objectively it needs to be looked at.

So yes the forum is the best place to ask DE to do something about it and ask for balancing a broken ability out. You can be contrary and can express so, but what you cannot do is to tell others what they can or cannot do or talk about on the forums.

The ability isn't broken; it works as intended. I remember when I first started playing Ember, I had WoF on all the time, then I ran out of energy, and had to scrounge for energy orbs. I learn quickly when to turn it on and off. 

Still I though she was the most powerful frame out there, until I got my a** handed to me at the junctions. It taught me that WoF isn't the answer to everything. Nerfing a frame simply because it dominates in lower tier areas is unwise. The game is designed for progression. Ember won't always be in a T1-T2 area, and will need valuablilty in the T3-T4 areas. 

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3 hours ago, -TSA-Irmdall said:


No need for any nerfs

I mean a change in design could be warranted though, something that makes her not entirely trivialize low level content to the degree she does, but in return allows her to have actual scaling. 

With how DE treats frames in Ember position though, can't say I'd trust such a rework. Seems like a frame has to be in the dumps in every was to get some proper tlc. 

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10 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

Be that as it may, the amount of "embers" i have seen while playing the game FAR outweigh any of the war-frames you have mentioned, infact i cant even remember what the warframes you mentioned look like except for hydros since he is the new prime i think, My issue isn't with super powerful abilities in general, its with the frequency with which she seems to appear on any "wave" based mission with her sheer ridiculousness of just "sprint to win" mechanic. while we all just sit there with our fingers up our A$$ (again i don't want to come off as aggressive, dont hate me haha.)

I just noticed that you're playing on PC. I'm playing on PS4, and I rarely see an Ember. But I'm also running T3-T4 missions mostly, so that could be the reason. Regardless, I think you're missing the point, she may be sprint to win now, but past T2, she tapers out and becomes underpowered.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)PS_90210 said:

My friend is an Ember main MR5 (rip he uses plain ember not prime) and he doesn't keep WoF on at all times. Most of the time i just here gunfire, and sometimes a burst of green coming out of his Warframe. And yet i get more damage dealt than him. Maybe i have stronger weapons, but it's strong weapon no-range vs a horde, and Ember vs horde. Not every Ember is braindead. git gud lol

Ok 1 question why in the hell are you responding for him then 


lets face the fact we all getting angry at some point .. 

But srsly Nerf stuff for it or remove it ... for what .. only that you are an raging person that cant stand it that some things not come out just the way you like it


and btw did i say that youre an idiot braindead BBQ lvl 9 .. no .. i just told that this is ridiculious


Edited by -_Highlander_-
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Unless the Ember's constant damage dealing is detrimental in some way, like not actually killing things but stunning them for too long in a survival, or being snobbish about their DPS (which is literally the dumbest thing an Ember can gloat about) then you're just complaining about being carried right now.

A lot of Warframers equip for efficiency. Why would they choose walking around with a rifle on an Ash in an Earth Exterminate for an egg, instead of picking Ember so they can focus on rummaging through nests, aside from personal preferences?

You're blaming a player for their choice of Warframe because you are frustrated and annoyed at the lack of damage you're doing, despite the fact that you've 1) Taken no measures to remedy the situation by, say, asking the Ember to switch off because you don't want the mission to end in 30 seconds, and 2) Failed to take into account that they are enjoying playing a game just as much you are, and therefore have every right to enjoy it as they please.

They aren't using World on Fire to target you, or your competitive nature, but if they did then they're being stupid and should rightly suffer being completely outclassed by a stronger frame.


Calling for a warframe to be nerfed or removed just because it's making you feel impotent is, frankly, juvenile.

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1 hour ago, phoenix1992 said:

I can't believe that people are such hypocrites.

The is frame that does the same but better (Equinox),  there are abilities that require as much "skill" but have better result and there are things that are a lot worse than WoF.  I want you to also tell me how much skills you put in waving Orthos Prime or Atterax? 

Keep on using the same hyperbolic arguments while cherry picking whenever you feel like it.  And while you are on the crusade to comment how much "your level 30 enemies die from Ember in the vicinity" I will stay in perma invisibility and mooch from my team mates in sorties, use Sound quake in Deffences,  Limbo and the rest in any objective among other examples in which frames wreck the game a lot worse (or god forbid if we talk about weapons).

But hey, it is more easy to nerf a nerf a frame than raise our personal standards in the game.

How am I a hypocrite? And what hyperbole? Even if I really had used hyperbole, so the * what? And what personal standards of mine are you referring to? I mostly play Nova and Volt, I very rarely use their respective 4th abilities (and run low strenth on Nova anyway) and I hardly ever play low level content. I play those frames specifically because I find their abilities more interactive and tactical than most. Because I find them fun to play. This is a game you know, not a job, I don't play to maximise my profits, I play to have fun.

Banshee in defence is a thing, but nothing else in the game comes close to ember levels of  non-interactive zero thought or tactics lazy. Ember does this in every mission type and is way, waaaaaay more rampant than anything else. It's virtually impossible to do a fissure or invasion or most other low level missions without an ember completely passively removing a rather important element from the game: the enemies. I can count the number of times I found an atterax spin to win player in public on one hand, and I didn't care because they don't just clear the whole map without even pressing a single button, there's still plenty of room for others to play too.

But whatever, keep insisting that WoF is just fine, keep trying to justify it and trying to shift the focus to something else. I don't really care, it barely affects me personally, but I still think it's an oh so very sad thing for this game to have and support.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)Valfrekr said:

The ability isn't broken; it works as intended. I remember when I first started playing Ember, I had WoF on all the time, then I ran out of energy, and had to scrounge for energy orbs. I learn quickly when to turn it on and off. 

Still I though she was the most powerful frame out there, until I got my a** handed to me at the junctions. It taught me that WoF isn't the answer to everything. Nerfing a frame simply because it dominates in lower tier areas is unwise. The game is designed for progression. Ember won't always be in a T1-T2 area, and will need valuablilty in the T3-T4 areas. 

Like gara's 4th,ash 4th, trinity's 4th, excalibur ect. It worked as intended until DE decided that they in the end of the day did not exactly intended it like that.


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58 minutes ago, AzureTerra said:

But you made a thread on the forum calling for the Nerf or Removal of her. And cant seem to take the hints that many have said for solutions in avoiding her or Similar ~ i take it your haven't met a Maim Equinox yet so i fully expect another thread sometime about how she needs to be Nerfed or Removed as well

You touched on the problem i have with ember yourself, i have yet to even meet an equinox but good luck joining a low level lith or normal defence mission without having to witness her "nuking" ridiculousness that early in the game and that too by simply just running around the map... christ... how do people not have a problem with such a cheap cheat ability which clearly requires zero effort. And that having it in almost every wave match at the beginner levels?

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Nirrel:



Or if you play ember with the intent to keep up wof all the time and don't care at all for your teammates go and play effectively solo, instead of playing solo in a team just to feel yourself a god on a level 20 map.  Instead of take away from the others the coop aspect in a coop game.

The point is that the ability is broken on many levels and it should be reworked. It trivialise the game on low levels with 0 effort requierment and takes away the fun from others. Just objectively it needs to be looked at.

So yes the forum is the best place to ask DE to do something about it and ask for balancing a broken ability out. You can be contrary and can express so, but what you cannot do is to tell others what they can or cannot do or talk about on the forums.

>level 20's


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