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Seriously how do you main a Warframe?


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As a this main,....

As a that main,...

Sounds problematic in a game like this, isn't it?

Having some favourites that you enjoy is normal, but you can't bring the same knife to every gun fight.

I main flexibility, prefer some Warframes to some missions and gladly choose whatever team requires or needs. 

If I feel like cosplaying ninjas, I go solo and pick whatever I like. If I want to do something with people, I will choose the most helping.


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14 minutes ago, ugoooo said:

As a this main,....

As a that main,...

Sounds problematic in a game like this, isn't it?

Having some favourites that you enjoy is normal, but you can't bring the same knife to every gun fight.

I main flexibility, prefer some Warframes to some missions and gladly choose whatever team requires or needs. 

If I feel like cosplaying ninjas, I go solo and pick whatever I like. If I want to do something with people, I will choose the most helping.


It's not problematic in the least.


If you have a Warframe you like the most, you learn it's ins and outs and work out builds that make it viable in your preferred content.  Just because you've chosen a Warframe to play the most, doesn't mean that you're barred from playing any other Warframe.  Check my profile, Mag Prime is under 50% for me because I switch to other Warframes when needed by the team/mission or I'm enjoying a new Warframe for a time.

Edited by MagPrime
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I'm an Excalibur Main. He's a general frame good for most any encounter.

As a secondary, however, I run Nyx for most defense missions, Inaros for Survival, Trinity if in Public, and Hydroid on the Plains.

Ember, Oberon, Titania, and Octavia fill the tertiary role of "Sometimes fun but never really in any specific context".

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I main Mesa. Meaning that I bring Mesa into every mission that I'm doing either for general housekeeping, sorties, or random stuff on the plains.


I own almost every prime in the game but none have the 7 formas I've slapped on Mesa because I enjoy her so much. I can see people switching for other frames based on the needs of the team, but as a mainly solo-player once you play a frame for a long time (I've had 60% of my frame usage on her) you figured out how to best use that frame for any mission at all. I can do spy missions just as easily with Mesa as I can with Loki Prime. So team comp for public lobbies don't really matter. The only time that team comp will matter will be for the rare sortie assassinations/spies and when you're in a lobby with only your friends and you are planning on going beyond what is normal for warframe (i.e 100 waves of ODSk ironically a situation where Mesa would be a godsend.)

Edited by Kereler
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A "main" is a frame that you default to when you either don't know what to expect, or are putting out maximum effort, and either way want the abilities you're most skilled/familiar with should the mission allow it. It's also usually a frame you enjoy playing more than other frames.

It is not an exclusion or restriction of other frames, it is merely the logical conclusion of coincidentally playing one or two frames more often than others in your roster. A Nyx main will still take a frame more focused on damage if needed, and a Saryn main will still take a frame more focused on crowd control if needed.

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Is it about having builds for that frame?

- If you don't have a proper build for a frame or don't know how to make one, it means you don't know how to play with that frame. 

Is it about putting enough effort and formas?

- For example, I have 5 forma Chroma, yet I don't play with him when it's not needed. I have zero forma on my Inaros yet he is my most played but can't call him a main.

Is it about fashion?

- This is where it makes all sense. I play more Volt after buying his proto skin. 

I can understand some preferences like you need a tank and options are rhino, Wukong, nezha, Inaros, Valkyr etc. Yet you can choose Wukong if you just watched Jackie Chan movie etc. Or rhino feels more smooth etc etc.

I don't run with Mag in a infested mission, or play with ember in a spy even if I put enough forma and proper builds, deluxe skins etc. I can't say I main any Warframe but I have nearly all frames including every prime and potatoed, exilus open and with enough formas with proper builds and augments. I have my preferences like if I need to choose between saryn and mag, I probably go mag. So does it makes me a "Mag Main"?

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48 minutes ago, ugoooo said:

As a this main,....

As a that main,...

Sounds problematic in a game like this, isn't it?

Having some favourites that you enjoy is normal, but you can't bring the same knife to every gun fight.

I main flexibility, prefer some Warframes to some missions and gladly choose whatever team requires or needs. 

If I feel like cosplaying ninjas, I go solo and pick whatever I like. If I want to do something with people, I will choose the most helping.


Easy.  Like this....  Hehehe


MagPrime said it best though with the following...

43 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

It's not problematic in the least.


If you have a Warframe you like the most, you learn it's ins and outs and work out builds that make it viable in your preferred content.  Just because you've chosen a Warframe to play the most, doesn't mean that you're barred from playing any other Warframe.  Check my profile, Mag Prime is under 50% for me because I switch to other Warframes when needed by the team/mission or I'm enjoying a new Warframe for a time.


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I have Volt Prime with 5 Forma build, and Nova Prime with 6 Forma build. These are my main frames works for almost all types of missions. But I do have more frames for the various games - Frost Prime for non-Infested defense mission, Ember Prime when I can't use most weapons or want to kill much spreaded enemies(or low level exterminate or defense missions), Nekros Prime when I want to farm the resource.

Although only have a potato, my Loki Prime is a good tool for clear rescue missions or scan. Limbo can scan the target as well(although I didn't put any Forma nor a potato on Limbo). My Rhino Prime is a good solution when I need to survive. My Titania helps to clear some annoying mastery rank tests - although I rarely need her, but she was very helpful on some very annoying mastery rank tests, really.


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I believe "main" is an over used substitute for "favorite" and feels to me, cringy. The basic person I find who says they "main" don't know as much about their frame as think they do, just they love the frame and do know how to use it at least, if not know as much as they think they do.

MagPrime is correct in what she said about the term. That's the best description you're going to get for the word.

I'm reading the comments and none of them said it but hers. I read that they are so good with their frame that they can do spy with it as good as loki. Well that's a poor example for what main means, as you can run spy with any frame regardless of invisibility or not.

Another comment was how it had a lot of forma in it. That's also a bad example to the term "main" that just looks like you changed your mind along the way, screwed up your build, or the frame just required that many to begin with.

For example on that, I will put this picture in a spoiler so as not to be obtrusive, and point out just how many forma I've put into some frames. I always try to use as few forma as possible, while still achieving the exact build I want, with all maxed out mods. No corner cutting.



I don't play Chroma all day, every day, he just needed 7 forma for his build. Excalibur took 7 because he's had a lot of ability changes throughout the years, and had to go along to get along with these changes. I play Zephyr a lot in PoE, a favorite there for most things, but not a main. I just like to forma every frame I own, and every frame that comes out, so that it can be the best it can be, to my tastes.

I actually don't main anything, I do know the ins and outs of these frames, and their workings.

1 hour ago, ugoooo said:

As a this main,....

What I believe here is this: Like me, you don't care for the widely used term "main" but you decided to step in the spotlight for a minute and ask about it's actual relevance as a word to describe something. Possibly get people to question their excessive use of the word/term.

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24 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

What I believe here is this: Like me, you don't care for the widely used term "main" but you decided to step in the spotlight for a minute and ask about it's actual relevance as a word to describe something. Possibly get people to question their excessive use of the word/term.

I can agree with this. 

It just happens that when I use the term "Main" I actually mean it.  :D  Hehe, my post above somewhat shows this to be true.  

Edited by DatDarkOne
correcting autocorrect changing my words again.
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2 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

So... Dread or Rakta Cernos?

When not using the Rakta Cernos, I actually prefer the Daikyu.  Truthfully there have been so many good and cool weapons lately that I do find myself changing from my default weapons more now than I use to.  I moved from Akstiletto Prime to AkMagnus and now to the lovely AkBolto Primes.  Melee has been a toss up between Venka Prime and Glaive Prime.  :D

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1 hour ago, Alcatraz said:



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Possibly get people to question their excessive use of the word/term.

This ^^

And this making people question their choices when they run Mesa in sortie spy missions when they have safer alternatives.

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For instance, i keep my warframe on my ash prime, I enjoy his gameplay and abilities, so if I get alerts or invasions I usually play that warframe, for soties however, I choose to play the best warframe I have for the job. It isn't about only playing one warframe, only having a preference for that warframe and that you usually play that warframe when frame choice doesn't matter that much.

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22 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

I believe "main" is an over used substitute for "favorite" and feels to me, cringy. The basic person I find who says they "main" don't know as much about their frame as think they do, just they love the frame and do know how to use it at least, if not know as much as they think they do.

MagPrime is correct in what she said about the term. That's the best description you're going to get for the word.

I'm reading the comments and none of them said it but hers. I read that they are so good with their frame that they can do spy with it as good as loki. Well that's a poor example for what main means, as you can run spy with any frame regardless of invisibility or not.

Another comment was how it had a lot of forma in it. That's also a bad example to the term "main" that just looks like you changed your mind along the way, screwed up your build, or the frame just required that many to begin with.

For example on that, I will put this picture in a spoiler so as not to be obtrusive, and point out just how many forma I've put into some frames. I always try to use as few forma as possible, while still achieving the exact build I want, with all maxed out mods. No corner cutting.

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I don't play Chroma all day, every day, he just needed 7 forma for his build. Excalibur took 7 because he's had a lot of ability changes throughout the years, and had to go along to get along with these changes. I play Zephyr a lot in PoE, a favorite there for most things, but not a main. I just like to forma every frame I own, and every frame that comes out, so that it can be the best it can be, to my tastes.

I actually don't main anything, I do know the ins and outs of these frames, and their workings.

What I believe here is this: Like me, you don't care for the widely used term "main" but you decided to step in the spotlight for a minute and ask about it's actual relevance as a word to describe something. Possibly get people to question their excessive use of the word/term.

I have to agree. 

I try my best to avoid claiming "I'm a Mag main" primarily because there is a lot of stuff I don't know about her.  I do know a lot about her, have multiple builds that I've tailored to specific or two abilities and can take her just about anywhere, but, labeling myself as a Mag main would be a label of convenience.  It's annoying trying to get people to understand the difference between main and favorite and I just gave up.


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2 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

It's annoying trying to get people to understand the difference between main and favorite and I just gave up.

Try getting them to understand the difference between Effective and Over Powered.  I've seen this term over used, abused, and completely lose it's original meaning.  

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