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Add option to opt out playing random Limbo players


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What the title says

Im fed up with random limbo players ruining all the fun in a game cuz they make that void bubble thingy or leave behind a gateway to the void and i accidentally go into it then i have to roll out of it every godamn time
this is a game, not an afk simulator

i know i can melee attack enemies which gets into the bubble but what if i just want to pew pew at enemies instead of swinging at stationary enemies??? its the most annoying frame in the game and i hate everytime i get into a game with one of these limbo players... they cast their bubble at mobile defense and defense missions like "this is my territory now, go fcck off if you dont like it"

im so sick of limbo's abilities i sometimes ragequit when i see one

i just want an option in the options menu to not queue up with random limbos, thats all... then no biggie

the only missions i agree they are useful are nightmare missions (no shields) and lvl100 sorties missions, but other than these 2 they just ruin all the fun the game could provide

pls add a selection to options menu so we can opt out limbo players ok thx have fun goodbye

i dont hate limbo players, i hate the frame's abilities which changes the gameplay without permission from other players just to make it clear

EDIT 1 (2018.01.13) 
"My suggestions (since i built Limbo and now has some experience):
1st ability nice, except you cant controll to only banish rescure targets (with Haven augment)/enemies and allies get caught in the area accidentaly... change it so other players cant be banished... EZ done
2nd ability stasis... nooo nonono make it slow motion ability (enemies move slow, bullets move slow) and everyone in the squad can do matrix neo bullet dodges FUN FOR THE FULL SQUAD np EZ done fixed it for you (ranged weapons now work in slow mo)
3rd ability who cares does anyone use this anyway?
4th ability cataclysm is gud with 2nd ability change

my other problem is its roll generating a gateway when changing planes... remove it so other players cannot enter the rift unwillingly  EZ DONE limbo trolls fixed 
send plat for payment"

Edited by Ethedor
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26 minutes ago, Ethedor said:

pls add a selection to options menu so we can opt out limbo players ok thx have fun goodbye


Your end statement here invalidates your "solution" to this issue. This issue hasn't been beaten like a dead horse or anything. Which reminds me, it's actually not an issue. It's easy to play around Limbo's abilities if YOU accidentally step into the Rift, or if YOU decide to find in Cataclysm. I understand some Catacylsms are gigantic depending on the Limbo's build but you can melee, and you can use Warframe powers, or even just destroy the bubble. 


This isn't even the final form of troll frames.

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As a Limbo player, get a grip.


Think I love when a "slash for days" excaliber follows me around? or a all Banshee prime players with maxed range? Meso with  maxed ranged, Ember maxed range? 

Limbos abilities are so easy to work around. All your warframe abilities and operator abilities work inside the void. Melee works in time stop, plus the two aforementioned groups of abilities.... Void bubble you get increased energy regen...If you don't like void mode, roll... is so simple it's not a problem. 

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2 minutes ago, Lanying said:

operator abilities work inside the void

The operator does not go in the rift. I don’t think it can hit rifted enemies.


The game already lets you opt out of playing with limbo’s:

  • Run a premade Squad.
  • Dont Play on public. 

Public matchmaking is for everyone. You should expect any frame to turn up. Personally, I find Volt and his speed far more annoying than the rift. The rift is easy to leave, you roll (which most people do frequently). Speed requires a backflip.

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Let me copy paste something from another thread:

On 2017. 12. 19. at 8:53 AM, Fallen_Echo said:


Seriously the last thing we need in this game is frame based discrimination.

I dont want to see increased wait-times because me or the guy im trying to help picked a frame what is this months most hated.

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There will never be an option to opt out or not allow people to play whatever frame they wish to play.  You dont like it, go solo or invite only.  Or find some other game to play.  Really.. all these "I dont like frame X " threads need to die.


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This is something limbo players should watch, first of all it includes some great limbo builds and strategies. But the most important part is that towards the end the guy explains "Rift etiquette" which pretty much tells you how to not be annoying.

If we can spread this video around and get limbo users to watch it, limbo could be seen more as a good frame instead of an annoying one. Although that also includes non limbo users, it's not our fault you get in the way of our banish targets or accedentally go through our portals. That's your own fault.

Edited by (PS4)Solarfoxtroter
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Its simpler and more effective to just leave when you see a Limbo and join another squad.   No sense in getting mad or rage quitting about it.  Until Stasis is fixed, no point in waiting to see if the Limbo player is good or if they are just a affinity leech that think they are good.    Play and let play.   They can do their thing and you do yours, just in different squads.

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first sortie mission limbo casts void bubble inside elevator (twice) then we were standing in it for a minute (cuz we couldnt activate the elevator, nor the MR 12 limbo player noticing himself)

so why cant i get an opt out for this kind of gameplay? anything else (including a resonating quake banshee or an ember) i can accept (because they at least kill the enemy and not hide inside a bubble from them), but i cant play alongside a limbo which dictates my gameplay

or im running behind a limbo player and he leaves his gates open every 10 meters and im getting inside the rift then i roll outside of it and then i bump into his gate again and yes it was a long long very long corridor

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Limbo is the most annoying teammate if used wrong. Apart the toxic players, it is Limbo and Frost who mostly ruin the game, and because Frost only did it in Infested mission Limbo is far worse.

Sure, we have a few ways to go around the annoying thing, but it is limited, and annoying to do so too.

I value the usefulness of Limbo in right place, and many random Limbo teammates I have seen are did it well, but if someone is ruin the game by wrong choice almost all of them are using Limbo.


In short, he is very powerful frame in right place, but he requires too much sacrifice to the teammates as well and we need to understand his ability to do something. It is weird design still.

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On 2017. 12. 26. at 8:01 AM, (PS4)Shaun-T-Wilson said:

I remember a sortie def where the other members told me not to use cat and stasis, 3 seconds later there all was in bleedout. 2 rage quit and the remaining player stuck it out for remaining 7 waves using stasis.

You need to make the size of cataclysm smaller enough to only catch the objective. -_-; Anyway defense mission needs to kill the enemy - they may bleed, but they need to have a way to protect themselves while also able to fight. But Cataclysm+stasis blocks our attacks too. In MOBILE defense mission it is not a problem at all but in defense mission we need to kill.

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Why do people whinge so much about this topic. If you hate limbo so much, take the initiative. Back out, select matchmaking options and put it solo. If you end up in a stray portal you literally can press the dodge button to get out. Don’t like the stasis and cataclysm? Simple fix, don’t stand in it. There is a thing called logic, maybe you should use it. Because there is no way enough players will back you on this, nor will DE put in a button tailored specifically for you.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)RandomnesMan said:

Why do people whinge so much about this topic. If you hate limbo so much, take the initiative. Back out, select matchmaking options and put it solo. If you end up in a stray portal you literally can press the dodge button to get out. Don’t like the stasis and cataclysm? Simple fix, don’t stand in it. There is a thing called logic, maybe you should use it. Because there is no way enough players will back you on this, nor will DE put in a button tailored specifically for you.

Do you ever realized that it is an ONLINE game? It is not a solution, ever. As you say, we have to bothered to avoid them all the time and it have no problem at all... which is nonsense. Think before post.

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10 hours ago, DroopingPuppy said:

Do you ever realized that it is an ONLINE game? It is not a solution, ever. As you say, we have to bothered to avoid them all the time and it have no problem at all... which is nonsense. Think before post.

There is a lot of people who play this game solo. Funnily enough I tend to sometimes. If you have that much of an issue with a limbo on your team, stop whinging and back out. As I already stated there is ways to work around a limbo and even then. You could counter their bubble by popping it. Maybe you need some rational thinking embedded in your skull before you reply to a post next time

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On 12/26/2017 at 9:26 PM, DroopingPuppy said:

You need to make the size of cataclysm smaller enough to only catch the objective.

Bull S#&$. People will STILL find a way to hate you, sortie interception had a NOVA of all things complain that i used a NEGATIVE RANGE cata to cover the panels so they couldnt get hacked and the team would have 1 less thing to worry about.


Nova decides to go into the cataclysm when its about to collapse (its at its smallest by them) then complains he can't shoot, when the enemy density was high on the other side of the map.

The one frame who doesnt have to shoot, went out if their way to whine about not being able to shoot.

It doesnt matter how you play limbo people will grief themselves to stir S#&$ up with you.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)RandomnesMan said:

There is a lot of people who play this game solo. Funnily enough I tend to sometimes. If you have that much of an issue with a limbo on your team, stop whinging and back out. As I already stated there is ways to work around a limbo and even then. You could counter their bubble by popping it. Maybe you need some rational thinking embedded in your skull before you reply to a post next time

That doesn't means you have the right to forces the others to do solo play. Again, please think at least once before talk, for you really need to.

2 hours ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

Bull S#&$. People will STILL find a way to hate you, sortie interception had a NOVA of all things complain that i used a NEGATIVE RANGE cata to cover the panels so they couldnt get hacked and the team would have 1 less thing to worry about.


Nova decides to go into the cataclysm when its about to collapse (its at its smallest by them) then complains he can't shoot, when the enemy density was high on the other side of the map.

The one frame who doesnt have to shoot, went out if their way to whine about not being able to shoot.

It doesnt matter how you play limbo people will grief themselves to stir S#&$ up with you.

That's just a mess. -_-

Anyway. I do understand how Limbo works, and many Limbos what I have seen are not so bad - especially on high level mobile defense mission. Although I like to kill the enemy usually, but I don't have much bad feeling for him because we don't need to kill anyone but have to keep the objective in mobile defense mission, so he is nothing wrong about that. Though I don't understand why still many of them they make the size of cataclysm bigger even on Corpus or Corrupted mission.... Didn't they ever fear for a Nullifier? Also I have seen some Limbos that squeeze the size of cataclysm just enough to hide the objective, and that's totally fine actually, even on defense missions, because it will only act as a goalkeeper and blocks nothing else.


But the design of Limbo makes hate them, and it can't be helped. Abilities on Limbo requires the teammates to also understand how these abilities works, and he is very, very good at disturbing the teammates if used without much care, whatever intended or not. Wide cataclysm often makes us a sigh, for most of our weapons are projectiles, not melee. And even for melee, many people likes to use Condition Overload and want to spread out the procs by ranged weapons. Then a careless Limbo can ruin the plan, simply, and we don't have much ways to bend it depend on the missions. If it is mobile defense we can out of cataclysm and fight, but what about defense, or any missions that need to kill the enemy?


Even his passive, Rift Walk, needs the others to understand his ability or got bugged. Allowing the others to enter the rift plane for a duration without need for an ability is very good, actually, but if you have no information about this it just makes them not able to damage the enemy by the weapons for a while and you can't get rid of it - actually, you may get out of there simply by a roll, but I don't expect that everyone are fully aware of that. A Limbo player can note this if someone was got bugged, though.


Well, I value Limbo as the master of point defense, and he allows us to bend the most annoying situation easily. But, his style is too easy to disturbing the teammates. Infamous doesn't comes without a reason. Even if we see many good Limbos, some bad Limbos can make the reputation worse. The problem is, without care it is not so difficult to become the bad Limbo.

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Lierally just learn how to play, ask the limbo if he can stop, if a teamie complains politely, ill remove my cata and stasis and rough it with the boys on sortie missions, but if you suck at protecting the obj as most limbo haters end up doing, you get stuck with the bubble again. Same with sortie operatives, you want your stupid meme gun on the operative? Fine. But if he gets downed he goes back to the pit.

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there is just one problem with limbo - and that is that "roll" isnt automatically bound to a key (madness considering move character left to right "H" is)

The main bubble can be entered or left at will so is no issue, but the little portals can be a PTA but if you roll you return to the normal plain. Just map a useful key to do this and were all happy

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