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Add option to opt out playing random Limbo players


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1 hour ago, DroopingPuppy said:

That's nonsense. Why we HAVE TO do solo mission in the multiplayer game?

You can arrange squad, through finding friends and clan mates to do it in private squad, 
That usually take longer than if you actually solo the mission.

Otherwise just join public squad and can't complain much.


If there is any filter system I would like to be able to specify any frames, and not just limbo, that might be more useful.

Edited by Ada_Wong_SG
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Get over it like most people do.

It´s not amusing as well when ember blazes all enemies in mere seconds nor when soundquake leaves the whole map empty but as long as xp is shared and loot needs to be picked up it´s all fine because you don´t lose anything.

Edited by Arzurag
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3 hours ago, DroopingPuppy said:

That's nonsense. Why we HAVE TO do solo mission in the multiplayer game?

If you want to play a specific way and a specific way only then play solo or play with people that you know want to play your way. In public match-making everybody gets to play however the hell they want. Deal with it.

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1 hour ago, Snib said:

If you want to play a specific way and a specific way only then play solo or play with people that you know want to play your way. In public match-making everybody gets to play however the hell they want. Deal with it.

And the topic is not about to want for a specific way.

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6 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

And the topic is not about to want for a specific way.

No it specifically is about playing a specific way, specificially without a specific frame, a specific frame that specificially a few players specifically dislike. Specifically im talking about the specific frame known specificially as limbo.

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Just adapt to the mission with a Limbo running defence, well to be honest, Few months ago I was surprised once when I was farming relics on the excavation on pluto-dark sector, we went over a couple of hours and enemies where brutally high level.. and if it was not for that random limbo, we would not have farmed so many relics.

Edited by Cosmic_Elf
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firs off, if you don't own or understand limbo, you will never like limbo.  Second :  loki can troll, nova can troll,  valkyr can troll.  there are 2 things to keep in mind when youre in a squad with a limbo. 

1 - if the limbo in question seems to not know what hes doing get away or roll out of his rift.  he will eventually die.

2 - like i said earlier,  if you down own or understand limbo you wouldn't know that in the rift if youre confused, you just have to use your melee.

its not brainer.



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On 12/21/2017 at 9:42 AM, Sokker1 said:

you can crush the Limbo bubbel if you shot enough with your Prim oder Sec weapon , weapon of choise for this task are weapons like Ignis or Gammacore

actually that only removes the ability he has that puts the enemies in the rift into stasis the big bubble stays up.

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the best most simple solution is to give limbo flat armor bonus while in the rift or change stasis to only effect enemy fire or both because why not. limbo was ok to me before his rework but now is just annoying. the only reason to have stasis is to not get shot to death while you and enemies are inside the rift outside that he is completely invulnerable to damage while in the rift alone. currently limbo is intrusive especially with stasis. hes always really been for power spammers or solo and forcing anyone who uses guns to adhere to stasis is bs. his CC is quite strong enough already that he doesnt need stasis and to remove rolling to free up a slot that made me stop using him for anything other than spy and interception. give me back rift walk as a power give me 400 armor while in the rift and make banish a target AOE not a cone remove banishing effect from rift surge its over excessive CC. banish and cataclysm are enough.

no one should have to drop mission or play solo because of one frame. DE should take another look and come up with something better that is team friendly.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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I would like this.

For one it's much better than toxicity and elitism the vote to kick options are twins with. In this way toxicity is halted even before a mission session begins. This will also tone down the cry for nerfs of frames such as ember and limbo which imo is fine where they are, but if people and like minded people want to start a public squad missions without the nuisances they consider frames like ember and limbo to be then it's better to screen them out before the start of a mission rather than in the middle of it. More sanity and time saved.

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44 minutes ago, dreadgame said:

I would like this.

For one it's much better than toxicity and elitism the vote to kick options are twins with. In this way toxicity is halted even before a mission session begins. This will also tone down the cry for nerfs of frames such as ember and limbo which imo is fine where they are, but if people and like minded people want to start a public squad missions without the nuisances they consider frames like ember and limbo to be then it's better to screen them out before the start of a mission rather than in the middle of it. More sanity and time saved.

How is it better?
All that an idea like this would do is push more toxicity and elitism and pretty much force you to play the FoTM meta frames instead of the frames that you want to play.

If players had a list to say "I don't want to be matched with frames X, Y, Z, A, B or C..." and so on then I can promise you that the majority of players would block any and all non-meta frames.
Like playing Zephyr and being immortal in Corpus and Grineer missions?  Oh well, no pubbing for you as she isn't a meta frame.
Or how about if your fravorite frame is Oberon?  No pubbing for you either.
Or what if you're a really good Mag player that can easily top the damage charts?  Well, most players consider her "weak" and "useless" so good luck every getting into a random match....
But if you play Mesa or Nidus?  You won't have a problem ever finding a pub due to them being meta!

After all, why wouldn't people block all non-meta frames that people generally consider "useless" or "weak"?

Basically it would turn all pubbing (You know random match-making) into "everyone plays the meta 24/7!"
Completely defeats the "random" part of it.

Also it would make it near impossible to find groups of more than 2 players, unless their lists happen to be alligned more or less 100%.  And good luck ever getting into a group of 4.
I mean how would it handle one person blocking frames A, B, C and the second player blocking D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and L?
One player is going to be disappointed with the system regardless of how it is handled...

The "solution" that the OP is pushing and you agree with would cause way too many issues and problems with matchmaking and could be solved in a much easier way: Make your own group!
If you don't want to play with half a dozen frames then find a group of like minded people rather than looking for a solution that would destroy random match-making for any player that doesn't want to play the meta 24/7

Edited by Tsukinoki
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On 2018. 1. 2. at 11:52 AM, (PS4)fullblast35 said:

firs off, if you don't own or understand limbo, you will never like limbo.  Second :  loki can troll, nova can troll,  valkyr can troll.  there are 2 things to keep in mind when youre in a squad with a limbo. 

1 - if the limbo in question seems to not know what hes doing get away or roll out of his rift.  he will eventually die.

2 - like i said earlier,  if you down own or understand limbo you wouldn't know that in the rift if youre confused, you just have to use your melee.

its not brainer.



Although some others are do have the possibility of become the enemy, Limbo is much easier at stopping us to do something, by block our bullets and make the enemy immune to non-ability damage and effect. Limbo is far dangerous if you use him carelessly, and much likely to no more than harmful for the team, and that's why his reputation is so, soooooooooo bad than the others.

And, he FORCES the others to understand Limbo and follow his lead or got screwed, so that's an another hugh flaw on his mechanism. You don't need to understand the mechanism of your teammate's Nova, Vauvan, Trinity or Loki. You do need to understand the mechanism of Octavia in order to get the buff on her but you lose nothing even if you are not aware of her tricks at all. But, Limbo always forces your teammates to fully understand his all the tricks or you are simply punished by that - and sometimes, can't do anything even for the players that already fully aware of his tricks!

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4 minutes ago, Urlan said:

If you have problems playing with others, or can't adapt to others you can always select Invite or private matches.

That's irrelevant. The important thing is Limbo's flawed mechanism, that is too easy to become the enemy within, whatever the player is intended or not! So it is natural that he makes tooo much problems than the others.

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6 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

That's irrelevant. The important thing is Limbo's flawed mechanism, that is too easy to become the enemy within, whatever the player is intended or not! So it is natural that he makes tooo much problems than the others.

Not really irrelevant, its the core element of being able to play with allies. While sometimes you have to draw the line, being adaptable is a skill as well as any other; be it having to use abilities and melee within a Stasis Cataclysm; getting bounced around by a Vauban or constantly switch teleported when trying to go near an objective or exit. To say that the ally is at fault for playing randomly with the ally is a misjudgement.

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17 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:


First of, i like the idea of influencing a squad composition without needing to communicate, hence my willingness to play advocate. It's really just a qol addition for people like me.

Now for my defence;

Most of us consider warframe a power fantasy, which means people want to play god or a hero. Unless it's the raids almost nobody will want to play with the most effective meta frames who will steal all their kills (saryn, ember, banshee, equinox, excalibur, and so on) or get in their way of piling up kill numbers(limbo) ,unless ofc they're leeching for exp in nodes used to rank S#&$s up, this is the opposite of what you said. If anything the frames most experienced vets will want in their squads are support frames such as the slave trinity and nova which makes killing armored foes quicker and safer.

I don't think most players are veterans aware of metas and frame synergies with random people, likely they will only block frames that agreeably are getting in the way of their fun(ember wof, range limbo).

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32 minutes ago, Urlan said:

Not really irrelevant, its the core element of being able to play with allies. While sometimes you have to draw the line, being adaptable is a skill as well as any other; be it having to use abilities and melee within a Stasis Cataclysm; getting bounced around by a Vauban or constantly switch teleported when trying to go near an objective or exit. To say that the ally is at fault for playing randomly with the ally is a misjudgement.

Hey, is it really possible that every single person are fully understand the full mechanism of Limbo? That's no more than arrogance, that forces your style to the others or just call them troll. Not all players that plays Warframe are acquire a Limbo and use it enough time. Unless you can teach it to EVERY SINGLE - not even single exception! - players to how he works, you have really no rights to say like that, ever.

Do you really think that all of us are always have very good melee weapon to kill the enemy that fast? That's not possible. You can't expect every single person to do that. Again, that's no more than arrogance. You can't give all of us the melee weapon that tear apart every single enemy we can face.

Man, Limbo is the frame that only works with correct moves or no more than harmful to the others, and he is really all or nothing. Also, his flawed mechanism forces the other teammates to fully understand how he works so you need to fully understand about Limbo as well as your own frame, whatever you have Limbo or not, or you are effectively removed from the game by Limbo. Also all you can is to follow as Limbo forces, nothing more. Fuel to the flame, a careless Limbo player can ruin the game at a moment - unintentionally, of course! - and there is not much way to solve it even if the teammates are fully understand how he works!

That's the problem of Limbo. The own problem of his mechamism. It traps many players by bad Limbos, and it is also harmful the others. Unless his flawed mechanism got a change, there is no possibility to remove or even reduce the problem on him. Even if we are aware of his mechanism there are always the problems, more serious then the others all.


That's no more than arrogance to just degrading the propounders while not even think once for the root of the problem. Shift the responsibility to the others is always easy, but it is not always correct. a Also, you ignore the fact that many of us are actually fully understand how he works already.

Edited by DroopingPuppy
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1 hour ago, DroopingPuppy said:

Hey, is it really possible that every single person are fully understand the full mechanism of Limbo? That's no more than arrogance, that forces your style to the others or just call them troll. Not all players that plays Warframe are acquire a Limbo and use it enough time. Unless you can teach it to EVERY SINGLE - not even single exception! - players to how he works, you have really no rights to say like that, ever.

Do you really think that all of us are always have very good melee weapon to kill the enemy that fast? That's not possible. You can't expect every single person to do that. Again, that's no more than arrogance. You can't give all of us the melee weapon that tear apart every single enemy we can face.

Man, Limbo is the frame that only works with correct moves or no more than harmful to the others, and he is really all or nothing. Also, his flawed mechanism forces the other teammates to fully understand how he works so you need to fully understand about Limbo as well as your own frame, whatever you have Limbo or not, or you are effectively removed from the game by Limbo. Also all you can is to follow as Limbo forces, nothing more. Fuel to the flame, a careless Limbo player can ruin the game at a moment - unintentionally, of course! - and there is not much way to solve it even if the teammates are fully understand how he works!

That's the problem of Limbo. The own problem of his mechamism. It traps many players by bad Limbos, and it is also harmful the others. Unless his flawed mechanism got a change, there is no possibility to remove or even reduce the problem on him. Even if we are aware of his mechanism there are always the problems, more serious then the others all.


That's no more than arrogance to just degrading the propounders while not even think once for the root of the problem. Shift the responsibility to the others is always easy, but it is not always correct. a Also, you ignore the fact that many of us are actually fully understand how he works already.

What I think, is pretty simple, a person playing random doesn't really have the place to say what another will or won't play and an experienced player will adapt and be prepared for players playing in a way they do not care for. If in a team with friends or clan mates, of course work out what the composition needs to be; but complaining about players playing in a manner that is consistent with the character's design is not understanding a failing of play and adapting to it. Basically, if you feel you dislike randoms for whatever character it is now, don't play with randoms.

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4 minutes ago, Urlan said:

What I think, is pretty simple, a person playing random doesn't really have the place to say what another will or won't play and an experienced player will adapt and be prepared for players playing in a way they do not care for. If in a team with friends or clan mates, of course work out what the composition needs to be; but complaining about players playing in a manner that is consistent with the character's design is not understanding a failing of play and adapting to it. Basically, if you feel you dislike randoms for whatever character it is now, don't play with randoms.

I am trying to do as much as possible, but don't expect for that for every single person because it is no more than arrogance, as I said above.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i will just continue posting here my experience with Limbo players until something is done against this behaviour
i was in sortie mission 3 survival and this limbo player casted bubble right away at the first air supply
we other 3 players gone to have some fun and kill some stuff cuz its a game after all and not an AFK simulator... (and since i modded my arca plasmor to viral dmg for fun test) and limbo stayed there and i think he died twice alone who cares right?

then he followed us and when he put up a bubble i asked him not to do it...


should i quit middle of the game cuz of him? or can maybe DE rework Limbo until it cant troll people?

My suggestions (since i built Limbo and now has some experience):
1st ability nice, except you cant controll to only banish rescure targets (with Haven augment)/enemies and allies get caught in the area accidentaly... change it so other players cant be banished... EZ done
2nd ability stasis... nooo nonono make it slow motion ability (enemies move slow, bullets move slow) and everyone in the squad can do matrix neo bullet dodges FUN FOR THE FULL SQUAD np EZ done fixed it for you (ranged weapons now work in slow mo)
3rd ability who cares does anyone use this anyway?
4th ability cataclysm is gud with 2nd ability change

my other problem is its roll generating a gateway when changing planes... remove it so other players cannot enter the rift unwillingly  EZ DONE limbo trolls fixed 
send plat for payment

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Im fed up with posts like this, jeeze you all need to stop complaining about limbo. He is a really good frame, and if you can figure out how to play in a squad with a limbo, youre the one who should leave, QUIT CRYING AND BEING A DAMN NOOB, AND LEARN HOW LIMBO WORKS. Once you know how limbos abilities work it's easy enough to adapt to the inter-dimensional combat style limbo creates. Plain and simple you're issue with limbo is your own ignorance, and it's DAMN irritating. STFU CRY BABY.

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