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Melee Tweaks


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Meleeing in Warframe is fun, but it could need quite a numerous amount of tweaks to become truly viable. There are multiple aspects that needs to be fixed to help meleeing become more functional, and here are the main points I will talk about on how to fix meleeing:

* Stamina-mechanics needs changing for melee to be viable for non-stealth characters

* Melee mods need changing

* Melee and its damage-mechanics (with consideration to the mods) needs rebalancing

* More melee interactivity (attacks and controls)

* Melee weapon changes (skins etc)


Let's jump right in!



Before you can do anything with meleeing itself, you have to look at some other stuff first. That is, the stamina-based mechanics, such as sprinting, jumping, wallrunning, dodging etc, but most importantly BLOCKING! This needs to get a look at first because you need to be able to get close to your enemies before you can even attempt to melee them. So here is some changes for the stamina-mechanics that need to be considered first, to make non-invisibility characters able to use melee more:

* Stamina should be considered as a "battle resource" that you use more for meleeing and for defensive and evasive maneuvers.

* Thus, Sprinting and Jumping should cost either NO stamina, or extremely little amounts

* Flipping, dodging, wallrunning etc (and maybe sprinting/jumping too to a tiny degree, at least if they still consume a bit of stamina) should reduce enemies' accuracy. More stamina spent on an action = More enemy accuracy is reduced!

* Blocking and Dodging should be better ways to mitigate damage actively (Compare to passive helpers such as Redirection/Vitality etc mods). And that so straight out of the box, not only when modded! Furthermore, they should help against all those staggers and knockdowns the enemies possess, in some way. Point is, reward skillful playing! Some numerical examples the damage mitigations could be:

--- Blocking could reduce damage from melee attacks and direct ranged attacks by 90%, while AoE- and elemental attacks should be reduced less, like only 70%.

--- Dodging could be the opposite, during the rolling animation you get a 90% damage reduction from AoE and elemental attacks, while a lesser 70% or so reduction from melee and direct ranged attacks.

By giving them different niches like this, you are doing multiple things:

1) You can't just use one mechanic (such as blocking) to easily evade all attacks. You need to be skillful and vary your defensive maneuvers to get the most benefit out of them

2) By learning the differences of the defensive maneuvers, you will be greatly rewarded by it!

3) But, if you have a hard time learning the different strengths of them or have a hard time to react with them, doing either of them is at least better than doing NOTHING. Even if you do wrong, they are still far better useage of stamina then they are now.

* Further blocking improvements: Also, blocking shouldn't consume Stamina while you are holding the block-button down. It could stop Stamina-regen while you are holding block down (that makes sense), but you should only lose Stamina when you are ACTUALLY blocking real attacks.

* Stamina-mods would need rebalancing due to all of these things. I have suggestions (among other things) in the following thread for that: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/103745-warframe-abilityslots-modslots-modpoints-and-auras/#entry1195046

* Consider the above mentioned thread and all the other things mentioned above, not only does all this greatly help the with the staminabased mechanics and meleeing, it also helps with stamina-mods to be really useful!




Now when you have looked at the Stamina-mechanics and improved them to make them viable ways of actively defending yourself, all of a sudden it would become easier to get into melee! That's great! But... melee is still not a viable playstyle if you just do that. So we have to analyze some other things:

When you compare gun-mods to melee-mods, one thing sticks out a lot: Why is the melee mods seperated into regular attacks and charging attacks, while gun-mods don't have this "splitting" issue? Splitting the melee mods in these 2 categories actually do more harm than good imo, as it removes the versatility from melee weapons. If a weapon has more viability with charge attacks, well, then it is completely pointless to put Pressure Point into the weapon (even considering the mod's buff), making the charge contra regular melee styles in the weapon even MORE seperate from one another. Thus i propose these ideas:



* Mods/auras or ANYTHING that boost melee damage no longer have seperated effects: If it affects melee, it affects BOTH regular AND charge attacks! No more division between these two! Thus, all affected mods need some changes:

* Pressure Point (and other regularboosting melee mods) should be the general damage increasing mods for melee (Similar to Serration, Hornet Strike and Point Blank). The aura Steel Charge should also affect all melee damage!

EDIT: On top of doing this for the mods, doing something like holyicon suggested in this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/142356-idea-charge-spin-etc-as-multipliers/ would also make everything far more intuitive with damages etc. In short: Chargeattacks, Wallattacks, Spinattacks, Stealthattacks etc, are all just MULTIPLIERS of the combined base damage!

* Killing Blow (and other chargeboosting melee mods) could be made into the multishot-equivalent for melee weapons! Killing Blow could be renamed to something like "Shadow Strike" to fit better, and the graphics of the melee multihit effect could thus be a blurry and/or darker afterimage-strike with very slight timing delay. That would not only be cool, it would also allow for melee weapons to scale better. Corrupt Charge could be renamed to something like Corrupt Offense. More to why that name-suggestion later.

* Fury (and other attackspeed-related mods) should increase both the chargespeed AND regular attack speed.

* Reflex Coil could be turned into a DEFENSIVE mod. Something simple would be that it could reduce the movement-speed-penalty while you are blocking, meaning, while you hold down block, you aren't slowed down as much. This is why I suggested Corrupt Charge to be renamed into Corrupt Offense (you get more multihitting, but it reduces your movementspeed while blocking). Focus Energy, which is also affected by this, I would rename it to something like "Lightning Guard" or whatever, something that fits with lightning + fastermoving defense.

Note: If you think this would make Reflex Coil a far too weak of a mod, I do have a modding revamp idea which would help sort out the issues of picking damage vs utility. It's in here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/103745-warframe-abilityslots-modslots-modpoints-and-auras/#entry1195046


Other melee mods and melee-related mods in need of mentioning:

* Melee Channel is neat, but slightly underwhelming. If the damagebonus was instead a seperate bonus that did damage in a mediumsized explosion (about as big as the groundslamattacks), now THAT would make it far more interesting and useful!

* Reach needs to improve ALL melee ranges, including the AoE of melee groundslamattacks and the throwing weapons' throwing ranges.


EDIT: And now let's look at some of the newer mods that got added:

* Parry needs a tweak. Its intention is decent, but very flawed in implementation. So here is my version:

Parry Stasis Guard - (Melee mod. Basecost of 2, with 4 ranks (from 0 to 3)

When you block a melee attack with good timing (almost at the very instant the attack lands, with a 1-second leeway or so, to help with potential lag etc) the attacker is knocked up, put in stasis (similar to Rhino Stomp) for 0,5 - 2 seconds (time dependant on rank ofc) and then falls knocked down to the ground.

Not being chance-based is the point here. If you do an active, manual action, there should ALWAYS be an effect, luck should not play a role in wether an effect should happen. Otherwise a good idea behind the current mod.

* Reflex Guard is just a really poorly implemented mod. I mean, it can even take away your actions! It needs a big revamp:

Reflex Guard Evasion Matrix - (Warframe mod. Basecost of 6, with 6 ranks (from 0 to 5))

You have a X% chance when you are attacked by melee or direct ranged attacks (meaning, doesn't work against AoE-effects) that you completely avoid the attack (Blurry evasion-graphics similar to the agents in Matrix when they dodge bullets! Thus also the punny name for the mod).

Most importantly: This evading animation should NOT intervene with your actions in any way (Which the poorly implemented Reflex Guard currently does a lot, urgh). It would only be a quick indicator that your Warframe had uber reflexes and just dodged the attack. The evasion-chance would at max rank absolutely max be at around 30% or so (So, 5% per rank with fewer ranks, or stay in the same amount of ranks (11 ranks) but then only with 3% evasion per rank. That would grant you 33% evasion at max rank)

Not only is this a far COOLER mod, it is also way BETTER, not only because you evade an attack COMPLETELY, but also because it does NOT intervene with your manual actions!

Also note, this is a completely passive effect, thus, luck CAN be part of wether it triggers or not!

* Finishing Touch is... well i guess it is fine for. If I would suggest something, this is my current brainstorming idea: Make it instead give critical chance boosts for consecutively hitting the same target within a certain timeperiod. On top of that, make backstabbing, stealth-attacking and ground finishing give bigger and longerlasting critchanceboosts than other attacks!

* Reflection is a good idea of a mod (something me and others suggested before), but its damage-mechanics and/or numbers need some tweaking. Good thought of it in general though! I would also make it a Melee-mod instead of a Warframe-mod, don't you agreed?

* Second Wind could maybe grant minor amounts of HEALTH on melee kills as well? So you get both health and stamina!



* Stealth damage scaling (Stealth as in Loki's Invisibility): Stealth currently increases melee damage by different amounts, depending on the attack used. It increases regular attacks by 50% and charge attacks by 100%. This is why, (on top of everything else) charge-attacks are the only viable method of attacking in melee. I say, change it so stealth increases melee damage (both regular ones and charged) only by 50%. By doing so, melee damage in general can be increased, and can be allowed to scale better in general (Such as the mod changes above etc).

EDIT: So, silly DE did the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I suggested! Yes they made it a consistent multiplier for regular and chargeattacks, but they INCREASED the stealth damage multiplier from 1.5x / 2x up to 4x! WHY?!? This just forces melee basedamages to stay very low (which is bad for most Warframes) otherwise the ones heavily utilizing this multiplier (Loki and Ash) would have outrageous damage outputs! Rehink this one DE!

* Stealthattacks (The prompted sneaky executions): As others have suggested, these should be FAAAR more powerful (Imo, by far the most powerful melee attack of them all). Most people say that it could even be an instant kill. I think I actually agreed! (Although, not on bosses, if it is even possible to stealthattack them?)

* Blade damage type scaling against light infested: Blade and Serrated Blade weapons currently deals 3x damage against the lesser Infested enemies. Reduce this to only 2x damage. With the better scaling and all other suggestions in this thread, it would put back charge-attacks at more or less (slight buff) the same damage against lesser infested, while regular attacks become better against ALL enemies. That sounds good, right?

EDIT: Here DE did the right thing, reducing Slashdamage to only a 1.5x multiplier on Infested.

* Buff damage: Buff all melee weapons' regular attacks by a lot (up to 100% boost, very weapon-dependant. Charge-attacks are less boosted, but more so for the weakest of melee weapons, like longswords, daggers etc). More specific numbers suggested are inside the spoiler (inside another spoiler :P) of the last segment. This is needed due to the whole risk/reward-thing that is part of meleeing. This is STILL necessary even with my above suggestions for the mods etc

* Regular attacks and armor: Make all melee weapons have a special armormodifier, which causes any melee attack that doesn't normally ignore armor to always cause at least 50% or so of its damage to be unhindered by armor values (maybe could be done to ranged weapons as well, but with a lower percentage. Melee needs it the most). I hope Armor2.0 solves this in some way at least! So far it looks to be promising at least!

EDIT: Damage 2.0 solved these issues quite nicely imo!

* Ground executions: Needs a bunch of fixes:

1) Heavy Weapon's ground executions need to be faster

2) Ground executions need to be a lot stronger in general. The mod "Finishing Touch" was yet another bandaid-mod imo.

3) These executions should NOT be able to miss! They are doing that a lot lately! Give that attack back some "homing" to it, that it used to have before.

4) They should be activated with your actionbutton (Default key is X) for better control of what you wanna do in the battlefield.

* Multihitting: Make all weapons capable of hitting multiple targets. If letting weapons hit all targets that the weapon-animation seems to hit (meaning, hitting all targets the weapon clips through) is too strong, then at the very least do something like this:

1) Longswords (and weapons of similar size) should be hitting up to 3 targets (Dakra Prime could have a limit of 4 or 5 to make it more special?)

2) Daggers and Fistweapons should be able to hit at least 2 targets, but should also be made quite a bit faster due to their lower targetlimits, in particular single daggers.

3) Some attacks should have more "explosion"-like effects too, such as Fistweapons' ground finishers (which needs an increase in aoe too, as its aoe is a bit too tiny imo). The Kogake's slidekick (and to slightly lesser degree, the Furax+Ankyros' slideuppercuts) could also have quite a bit bigger hitting area, maybe also given a bit of an aoe-effect (as it is kinda hard to hit with them imo, in particular the Kogake's slidekick).

4) Maybe, due to their slower speeds, all Heavy weapons should be able to hit at least 4 targets?




When it comes to meleeing, you also need to have lots of versatility to not make it so stale. Meleeing in Warframe is quite fun, but have lots of room for variety. Besides making more attacks viable other than charge-attacks, slideattacks (and some weapons that are niched to function as regular spammers and ground finisher-weapons) it could have more stuff added to it, making it even more fun and varied! So here are some more ideas how to make melee more varied and versatile:


* Counterattacks: Besides changing the blocking-mechanics to become more viable (as talked about in the Stamina-mechanic-segment), a further thing to do to improve blocking would be to add the ability to make counterattacks after parrying. They could be performed if you, with good timing (almost at the very instant the attack lands, with a 1-second leeway or so, to help with potential lag etc), block an enemy's melee attack, and then press your melee (or action-button for more control?) quite shortly after that to make a powerful counterattack. This counterattack should be quick, wide and powerful attack to make sure it is a rewarding gamestyle-addition.

EDIT: This would synergize GREATLY with my revamp-suggestion of Parry! An interesting thing too, would be if my revamp of Reflex Guard, now known as Evasion Matrix, allowed you to perform a counter-attack after its evasion-effect is triggered (would require good personal reflexes though)! That would be really cool imo!

Just look at all this now: Blocking is far better to hinder damage done to you, Blocking mods feel more important, and you now could make counterattacks if you are skillful enough... Doesn't this seem like a far more viable playstyle now?!


* Stealth/ground execute controllability: Something i don't really like in this game is that your melee button is the same button you use for doing more special attacks such as stealth attacks and ground executions, which can be exactly what you do NOT wanna do in certain situations. Or in the case of stealth-attacks, that you get JUST out of range to perform the stealth-attack and instead just do a simple slash, ruining your stealthy attempt. A solution i would like to suggest for this is quite simple: Make these actions triggered by the action-button (Default button X) instead of using the melee button!


* More type of attacks! To make this simple, i'll make it in listform (including attacks we already have):

- Tap E = Regular attacks, as now

- Hold E = Charge-attacks, as now

- Jump + Tap E = NEW! Instead of doing the groundslamattack, you do simpler regular attacks in the air. I mean, haven't you ever wanted to just jump up and slash/punch/smash that shield osprey right above you? That is what this attack is for!

- Jump + Hold E = Now this is how you perform the current groundslamattack.

- Slide + Tap E = Do the current dash-attack, with some tweaks for those weapons that do more single-target type attacks such as the Kogake, Ankyros and Furax. Those weapons should also have more "wide" and quick attacks on their basic slide attacks. Could be some spinning kick for the Kogake and some spinning fistattack for Ankyros/Furax. But, their flipkick/uppercut then? Those are awesome! Well, that's the next one...

- Slide + Hold E = NEW! This new attack is a more "single-target-focused" slide attack. For the Kogake/Ankyros/Furax it could be their current flipkick/uppercut attacks. For all other weapons it could be simple things such as thrusts and/or vertical (upwards or downwards, doesn't matter) attacks. This attack should be, due to its relative difficulty to execute, very powerful, at least as strong as a charge-attack imo!


* Kestrel and Glaive recalling idea: When you throw the Glaive/Kestrel, how about if you could press E when they are in midflight to "call them back"? To make sure they don't become TOO good because of this, they need ot have a minimum flighttime before you could call them back. I think that would make them more viable.

Edit: Oh, and they shouldn't ever interrupt weapon reloading when they return. That's just annoying




EDIT: This section is quite obsolete now with Damage 2.0, as weapons have far more variable stats than before. However, changes are still necessary, and in the following linked thread I have my NEW thoughts on how the melee weapons (and a few ranged ones) should be changed in their Impact/Puncture/Slash distributions:



Old stuff is thus put in the below spoiler instead (Note, there are still some points I'd like to get across regardless of the changes that was brought in with Damage 2.0, if you wanna read it)

I bet most people would agreed with me when i say that there are simply to many melee weapons that are too similar. Biggest contributors to this is by far the longswords. The absolute simplest answer to this problem would be to make some of the weapons just skins to other weapons.

Now some immediate issues: What about my precious mastery points? Well, if a weapon you have gained mastery points from turns into a skin, you won't lose those mastery points. They are kept, but with a downside: They are "empty" mastery points that needs to be refilled by new mastery points from other weapon/warframe levelling. Thus you need to re-earn the "kept" points, but at least you might not lose your mastery RANK due to this.

And what about wasted catalysts and formas then? Well, catalysts can just simply be given back. Formas though, well, they could be given an option (for EACH forma used in the weapon that turned into a skin) on the base weapon to either be used as an instant polarization without the need to re-level up, or you could simply keep the forma. For more in-depth explanations read this thead: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/113345-vandals-primes-wraiths-and-helmets-as-skins-and-how-to-solve-some-issues/


Here is an idea how longswords could be grouped together:

(First weapon is the main weapon, the others are its alternate skins)

* Skana - Skana Prime, Jaw Sword (This is the "average"-type longsword)

* Cronus - Pangolin Sword (This is the "much faster but slightly weaker"-type longsword)

* Dark Sword - Plasma Sword (This is the "slightly slower but much stronger"-type longsword).

* Ether Sword, Mire and Heat Sword all have their unique properties (Serrated Blade, Poison and Fire), so they are fine as seperate types i guess?


* Machete and Kama (due to having similar animations) could also be a group of weapons+skins. Maybe they could be more crit-based weaponry? And look at the Kama btw! It has multihit functionality, and guess what? It feels far more viable, in contrast to regular longswords!

* Dakra Prime, i dunno about that one though. It could belong to any of the swordgroups (i think the Cronus-group would be the most fitting?), but it should also provide statboosts, similar to the Manticore Axe and Brokk Hammer (Once again, refer to this thread for how skins can be handled properly: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/113345-vandals-primes-wraiths-and-helmets-as-skins-and-how-to-solve-some-issues/ )


Now for going into more how i see all the weapon categories and how they SHOULD be performing:

(EDIT: Note that I still think this is true, even after Damage 2.0)

- Dual contra single (wether dagger or sword) - Duals' regular attacks are weaker, but faster than singles. Duals' chargeattacks on the other hand are slower, but more powerful than singles. This makes single versions more "averagey" in both attacktypes, while duals are more spammy for regular attacks and more bursty in chargeattacks. Thus (with the multihit-capabilities added for single weapons) single vs dual weapons should be a playstyle/look-difference, not unviability vs viability.

- Daggers - Fast, but weak, short range and mostly single target (unless the animation is a swipe ofc). Due to the many weaknesses they have i cannot stress the importance that they need to be really, REALLY fast. Fang is a perfect example of how daggers generally should perform (probably the only good dagger-weapon in the game).

EDIT: Daggers could also deal some bonus damage if they attack the back of an enemy, wether you are in stealth or not. That would give them a nice and special little niche!

- Fistweapons - Mediumfast yet still quite strong, but short range and basic attacks only hit up to 2 targets (while jumping groundslams and ground-executions on the other hand should be VERY good for aoe).

- Longswords - Mediumfast and mediumstrong with decent range and moderate multitargetting.

- Staves - Mediumslow and mediumstrong but with long range, great multitargetting and great crowd controlling

- Heavy weapons - Slow, strong, long range and great multitargetting.

- Thrown - Veeery slow, but strong, amazing range and decent multitargetting.


^ That would be the GENERAL idea of them, with individual changes in each category (For example: Within the Longsword category you have Cronus as the fast and spammy sword, while the Dark sword is the slower and more powerful sword). I think DE has made a good job overall with all this, but they are straying a bit too far from this formula currently which is a shame, as the thought of having sidegrade weapons is a great one. But as sidegrades they all need to be viable somehow, yet at the same time have distinct styles so they are fun in different ways. Biggest failure in both these things are again the longswords. They are TOO same-ish (hence the skin-suggestions) and at the same time (in their single forms) deemed unviable, just like daggers, while the newer weapons are too powerful to just be considered sidegrades (Like the Orthos, not that i really think it is much too powerful, rather that i think most weapons should be brought up to par with the Orthos)

With this in mind, combined with the stuff mentioned in the first paragraph. Here is a list of how i would rebalance some balance numbers of melee weapons (just examples, not all of them):

Note: Everything in parenthesis is the weapons old current numbers, if there is a change!

Skana (and its swordgroup) - 60 (25) damage, 1.5 (1.0) attacks/sec, 120 (75) chargedamage, 0.7s chargetime

Cronus (and its swordgroup) - 52 (35) damage, 1.85 (1.25) attacks/sec, 110 (80) chargedamage, 0.55s (0,6s) chargetime

Dark Sword (and its swordgroup) - 75 (30) damage, 1.3 (1.0) attacks/sec, 150 (125) chargedamage, 0.8s (0,65s) chargetime


Heat Sword - 55+15fire (35) damage, 1.35 (1.33) attacks/sec, 125+20fire (75) chargedamage, 0.8 (0.65s) chargetime

Dual Heat Swords - 50+13fire (30) damage, 1.5 (1.0) attacks/sec, 150+25fire (150) chargedamage, 1.15s (1.0s) chargetime


Gram - 80 (40) damage, 1.25 attacks/sec, 200 chargedamage, 1.0s (0.7s) chargetime

Scindo - 100 (50) damage, 1.0 attacks/sec, 215 (200) chargedamage, 1.05s (0.7s) chargetime

Galatine - 120 (35) damage, 0.85 (1.4) attacks/sec, 265 (400) chargedamage, 1.2s chargetime

Fragor - 100 (50) damage, 1.0 attacks/sec, 225 (200) chargedamage, 1.1s (0.7s) chargetime


I think you see the point here. Slightly more diversity, and all weapons are viable in some way. Charge dps and regular dps is also more or less the same now (if you ignore armor)!

For example:

Dark Sword regular = 75 * 1,3 = 97,5 DPS

Dark Sword charge = 150 / ((1/1,3)+0,8) = 95,6 DPS


If DE wanted me to, i could give now values to ALL melee weapons if they want more balanced numbers!


* Forcefield damage type. This type is also known as the one that ragdolls enemies (Kestrel charge, Kogake slide and charge). Imo, this attack-type should ignore armor values. Due to the power of ragdolling enemies + ignoring armor their damage-values can then instead be toned down a notch. With that in mind, a few more melee weapons could then implement this forcefield type in their attacks as well. Fitting weapons for this would be the more blunt weapons (Bo, Fragor, Furax etc. but ESPECIALLY for the Bo!). A fitting place to put this effect on them would be in their (my newly suggested) Slide + Hold E attack, the single target focused slide-attack. Why? Because this ragdolling effect is a lot of FUN imo!


More stuff will be added later! Meanwhile, please tell me your thoughts on all this :D

Edited by Azamagon
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@_@ You get a cookie !


And 5 internets!


I like the idea of slimming down the longsword category into skins; too many same-ish weapons there.  Got a set of Pangolin & Jaw Sword BPs that I haven't got enough interest in to use up an inventory slot.  The dagger category seems pretty pointless unless you're dual-wielding.

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I like most of the melee weapon ideas but dumbing down melee mods sorta irks me. but I do understand the point behind it. I how ever do see why since there's that segregation between charge attacks and melee attacks in general. but I think it is needed for charge speed and attack speed to remain separate as is charge damage versus melee damage-not-charge boosts.

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every melee weapon should 1-hit from behind when in stealth. but only daggers, dual daggers and throwing should be absolutely silenced. cause a sword going throug a corpus corpse makes a sword-like noise, and i think that guy will scream alot if he gets executed but dont die instantly, so he will attract other enemies. but dagger is very simple: go behind him, stab his heart. DEAD.

Edited by Jannik2099
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I agree with most of the ideas here especially the melee mods being seperate


every melee weapon should 1-hit from behind when in stealth. but only daggers, dual daggers and throwing should be absolutely silenced. cause a sword going throug a corpus corpse makes a sword-like noise, and i think that guy will scream alot if he gets executed but dont die instantly, so he will attract other enemies. but dagger is very simple: go behind him, stab his heart. DEAD.


^ Kudos to Jannik too, completely agree with this since stealth killing enemies from behind in higher levels doesn't always kill them. 

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