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Sentients need to die


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2 hours ago, ACULonSeer said:

Tonkor? I assume you gotta use sticky bombs for that. Also, wouldn't the contact damage of the grenade cause it to go immune?

No if you can aim you will be fine. The grenades staggers sentients and when they stagger they cannot adapt to any damage, that's why tonkor works well against them

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Just now, ShadowExodus said:

You have to do the gara quest then go to the quills in the Plains

But... isn't that locked behind sedna? So until you beat the starchart, sentients are nigh immortal, but after sedna, they're cannon fodder? There's gotta be some kind of balance. Also I'm super pissed that none of this info was stated anywhere regarding amps and whatnot

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Just now, ShadowExodus said:

No if you can aim you will be fine. The grenades staggers sentients and when they stagger they cannot adapt to any damage, that's why tonkor works well against them

Can they be staggered by blast damage? If so, I got a twin basolk with their names on it

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2 hours ago, ACULonSeer said:

But... isn't that locked behind sedna? So until you beat the starchart, sentients are nigh immortal, but after sedna, they're cannon fodder? There's gotta be some kind of balance. Also I'm super pissed that none of this info was stated anywhere regarding amps and whatnot

Ahh yes, you haven't completed the War Within Quest.... Then forget about the amps and just use operator void beam


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I remember grinding sentients for Broken War components with nothing but Necros. 

I could have used my Operator but I didn't feel like it so I just face tanked them. They are hardly impossible tho I do feel they are a bit much for the Octavia quest. As I doubt a ton of people at that general stage have builds that allow them to just glaze their eyes over and facetank sentients.


Also, Shadow stalker totally uses that disco ball too, not just sentients. 

Edited by Oreades
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Heh, I love this... the Sentients and their Learning Damage Reductions were brought in using that because players were picking only one type of weapon and damage type and just running with that all the time.

If you take a Primary modded for one set of elementals and IPS balance, and a Secondary modded with different elementals or IPS balance, the Sentients will first learn one, then when you switch to the other they are still vulnerable to those other types until they learn those. If you time it right, they actually replace their reduction to one set with the reduction to the other set, allowing you to switch back and forth to maintain steady damage output.

The issue isn't that the sentients learn your damage type until you 'refresh' them with an Operator, the issue is that people overly rely on slash weapons and their own single type of preferred elemental, like Gas/Electric or Corrosive/Fire or even just Slash/Viral builds. Nobody builds for diversity these days because the weapons are already powerful enough to one-shot the entire Star Chart with a couple of Forma.

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3 hours ago, ACULonSeer said:

Yep... it never occurred to me that Lua was "endgame" because all the enemies I've seen are lvl 20

Lua isn't endgame.War within just introduces new mechanics.... Oh, wait you haven't completed the war within... Then I understand your frustrations now lol, just use Trin for EV if not use Excalibur with an appropriatley equipped melee weapon


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4 minutes ago, ShadowExodus said:

Lua isn't endgame.War within just introduces new mechanics.... Oh, wait you haven't completed the war within... Then I understand your frustrations now lol, just use Trin for EV if not use Excalibur with an appropriatley equipped melee weapon


Thanks for the advice! So I should rely on a high-crit single fire weapon with CC staggering? Wait... THAT SOUNDS JUST LIKE MY CORINTH :D

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Il y a 16 heures, ACULonSeer a dit :

Oh and i wont even bother replying to any "git gud" comments. this isnt about player skill, its about how player skill means nothing to these abominations. Theres no joy or invigoration when these guys die, just relief that you dont have to start the damn mission over a FOURTH time. Until these guys get a rework (knowing DE itll never happen in a reasonable timeframe) im not doing any more Lua missions. Im done. 

Sadly, the only suggestion that I can make that is different from "Git Gud" would be "Inform yourself".

Naturally the first time you encounter a combat sentient you've already been alerted a couple time about how dangerous they are.
The fight would be a big issue if the game didn't tell you how to fight it, but it does a pretty fair job at telling you : "Use different weapons with different elements because the sentient adapts to it"

So from your very first fight you've figured that sentient aren't to be messed up with, you'll need to go back to your ship and "Prepare", progress towards different weapons and new ways to deal damage.
One weapon isn't enough anymore, one Meta element isn't going to make it neither, your abilities won't insta-kill them so you can't just vaguely swipe past a sentient and kill them as if they were weaklings, you need to take this new enemy more seriously than all those fodder grineers.
( And for the amount of time you fight them as compared to your daily thousand of clones killed I'd say they have a pretty fair survivability )

Player skill and knowledge will help you deal with those "monsters".
The joy comes from learning and adapting to fighting sentients when they spawn, I understand the frustration of getting killed, but there's only so little you can blame on the sentients and so much more that you'll need to blame on yourself for always using the same trick.

If I may also suggest  Make your way to Sedna's junction and finish the quest, Lua will be made much, MUCH more easier for you if you do.

Edited by (PS4)XxDarkyanxX
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

Sadly, the only suggestion that I can make that is different from "Git Gud" would be "Inform yourself".

Naturally the first time you encounter a combat sentient you've already been alerted a couple time about how dangerous they are.
The fight would be a big issue if the game didn't tell you how to fight it, but it does a pretty fair job at telling you : "Use different weapons with different elements because the sentient adapts to it"

So from your very first fight you've figured that sentient aren't to be messed up with, you'll need to go back to your ship and "Prepare", progress towards different weapons and new ways to deal damage.
One weapon isn't enough anymore, one Meta element isn't going to make it neither, your abilities won't insta-kill them so you can't just vaguely swipe past a sentient and kill them as if they were weaklings, you need to take this new enemy more seriously than all those fodder grineers.
( And for the amount of time you fight them as compared to your daily thousand of clones killed I'd say they have a pretty fair survivability )

Player skill and knowledge will help you deal with those "monsters".
The joy comes from learning and adapting to fighting sentients when they spawn, I understand the frustration of getting killed, but there's only so little you can blame on the sentients and so much more that you'll need to blame on yourself for always using the same trick.

If I may also suggest  Make your way to Sedna's junction and finish the quest, Lua will be made much, MUCH more easier for you if you do.

I seem to only recall the warning once I'm like halfway through the mission so I'd have to abort to switch weapons

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il y a 2 minutes, ACULonSeer a dit :

I seem to only recall the warning once I'm like halfway through the mission so I'd have to abort to switch weapons

You're reminded about it every time you start shooting a sentient actually.
Granted you might not see it on the left side of the screen, but she pretty much yells it through your TV stereo or your headphones so it should be crammed deep into your head.

Aborting a quest and coming back when you're prepared is often one of DE's progression model.
Mission itself are very linear so aborting mid-quest or even at the end of it isn't really that bad. A bit on the frustrating side, but there's a bit of self-awareness left in there.
Something along the line of "Oh damn I was so not ready for that, I got ahead of myself, I should probably level some more"

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I used to hate these guys up until the War Within since, yeah, the damage reduction was pretty absurd, but once you get operator they become a lot more manageable. And, if I'm not mistaken, you can now counter Sentients as early as post-Second Dream thanks to Focus 2.0 and the Transendence ability, meaning you pretty much always have the means to fight them effectively, with the exception of the Batalyst encountered in SD. With that said though:

  1. I think the Sentient(s) fought during the Second Dream should have their DR significantly reduced compared to the ones encountered outside the quest, since players will likely be unaware of this mechanic unless they were spoiled prior to entering the mission. The encounter with the Batalyst should introduce them to the mechanic but not to the extent that they're being punished with a frustrating tanky enemy since they likely didn't know they would need multiple damage types beforehand.
  2. I can agree that the damage that their disco ball attack to defense objective should be toned down or prevented entirely.
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Well, are you guys aware that OP was talk about the situation without an operator, right?

Anyway, most weapons with physical damage has at least three damage type. You can mod it to have two more combined elemental damages. Then you have a weapon with five damage types. So if you keep shooting the weapon, then the Sentient will adapt all types of damage of that weapon, Then, switch to your other weapon, that will have the diffrent elemental damage type, and surprise them. Because they have up to five type of immunity, they won't do anything against sixth or following damage types.

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I think they are fun :S

-they are a rare enemy type (its not like youre fighting an army of them at a time)
-they are challenging and one of the rare enemies that dont die immediately when just look at them
-they require build diversity to take them down more efficiently

operator mode is not necessary but it does make fights significantly easier
if you fight without operator then your best bet is to use diversified arsenal
corrosive in primary and viral in secondary is great way to take them down fairly fast

of course excalibur is amazing taking them down too

as for their powerful attacks
um... its not like they have hitscan attacks
your bulletjumps,wallhops, and other means of all things ninja come into play

I personally dont want them gone or nerfed
but I do think new players should be better informed and prepared for them

more than anything I want to fight em more :S

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...Wait people have problems with Sentients? really? I mean maybe I was just weird for liking having my primary and secondary do different things even before Sentients were a thing but I never had a problem with them... didn't even know Operator Void Beam reset them until I read about it in a different thread.

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I used to feel the same but got to learn their attacks. Two things of importance: It is immune to damage when it spins (apparently it keeps going till it hits something) and Avoid the disco ball of lazers at all costs (stalker v2 has this move also). Unless you have a mission to destroy them, just run d00d.

It almost always took at least one death to take down a couple of them before I learned about the operators cleanse. I almost seek them out now but there are some weapon loadouts that hurt them hard enough to take them down to a low hp before resistances come in.

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