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This game needs an auction house...


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I do not get the argument against an auction house in the slightest,  and it even sounds pretentious.  


Why the devil shouldn't the game have an auction house when it heavily involves trading?   It already has Warframe Market and the horrible trade chat that just seems unusable to me,  so you're forcing people to use a third party site.     

Same exact thing,  just put it in the darn game itself.    Go a little extra mile and *maybe* even let it automatically make the transactions and send stuff to your mail but even that is unnecessary. 

Edited by StrawberryDevil
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My dear initiate strawberry, just because you don't see something doesn't mean it's not there. Go read zillion of arguments people already stated instead of uselessly necroing old threads. How hard it is to correlate connection between efficient trading system, supply /demand/ prices - and ultimately gross platinum sales? 

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1 hour ago, ThorienKELL said:

My dear initiate strawberry, just because you don't see something doesn't mean it's not there. Go read zillion of arguments people already stated instead of uselessly necroing old threads. How hard it is to correlate connection between efficient trading system, supply /demand/ prices - and ultimately gross platinum sales? 

Perhaps you shouldn't belittle someone for making a point. There really isn't a good valid reason why DE hasn't placed a Auction house in the game. Why should we have to use third party sites to try and trade or sell items.

Honestly this game does need a much better system of being able to trade and sell items. Trade chat zooms past you if you don't use the filter. You also have to either be in the dojo or on your orbiter to even see trade chat. So if you want to sell or are looking to buy a specific item a lion share of your time is going to be spent you effectively doing nothing for 5 minutes to an hour or 2 depending on your patience.  Or you could use third party sites to try and look for an item you want or sell it. You really shouldn't have to use a third party site to simply try and buy something in game or trade for it. 

Now as for having an auction house(AH), this game can have an auction house that wouldn't upset the balance too much of how the economy works currently. This is my example of how an auction house could work in this game that would make it easier to buy and sell items and also not have the market to become over saturated with items from potential bots. 

Player A has 10 trades they can do each day. They head to the AH and place 5 items for sale, now these 5 items will deduct 5 of his 10 available trades for the day. Player A logs off and comes back the next day after daily reset, he has mail letting him know an item sold. Player A retrieves his plat from the mail box and then goes to use that plat to buy something from the AH. When player A gets to the AH it will tell him he has 6 trades left for the day. 

You might be asking why does he only have 6 and not 10 since the reset took place. Well each item you have up for sale on the AH takes up one of your trades, the only way for player A to get back to his max trades per day on the next daily reset is by having the 4 items he has on the AH sell or simply cancels the auctions before the next daily reset.

There can be a credit tax to everything that is sold on the AH, like we have one already for trades. The tax can be set for starting at say 3% and monitor to see if it's too much credits being taken each time you buy an item or sell one. If the Dev's feel there isn't enough credits being used for tax then bump it up to 5% and look at the data again. 

Edited by Badgriuel
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The marketeers and DE really don't want to give any power or information to people buying items. I personally think an informed customer is a good one, but sellers want to maximize the amount of platinum they get for their crappy Riven mods and DE wants you wasting as much platinum as possible so you buy more. It'll never happen, but I do sympathize.

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On 12/30/2017 at 12:17 AM, (PS4)patKaetzchen said:

So, after years of playing warframe, I finaly got into trading... and I have to say, its ridicolous how swingy prices for basicly everythinge are. Also, as someone not deep in the trading, its really hard to find good prices - you feel yourself ripped off so often, or get the feeling you rip someone else off equally often.


What warframe needs is, like other mmo's, a auction house, where tenno can just put items up and people will be bidding on those, with the item going to the highest bidder... this would also help to deinflate those ridicolous riven prices.


Sure if 99% of the mods and warframe parts were bind on pick up , then an AH might be something worth considering .

Untill then , just no . It'll just hurt the game economy .

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On 1/27/2018 at 7:30 PM, Badgriuel said:

Perhaps you shouldn't belittle someone for making a point. There really isn't a good valid reason why DE hasn't placed a Auction house in the game. Why should we have to use third party sites to try and trade or sell items.


I made e point as well. But it seems that people are generally unwilling to listen or understand, and way too eager to blabber out what's on their mind. People warned me before that I'm being too candid and unfriendly in my forum posts but I'm really tired of newbies who just refuse to listen or acknowledge simple truths no matter how many times you point them out. I don't even think it's a matter of stupidity, but sheer stubbornness and unfounded self confidence of players who are generally speaking inexperienced and have no clue of how industry, statistics or business works.

 Efficient trading system affect prices which affect developer income. How hard this can be to grasp?

(And no, warframe.market does NOT prove the otherwise, for variety of reasons)

Or, look at it this way: DE refused to integrate AH in their own game, although they added zillion of various shiet (including frikkin song maker! :) and I assure you - those guys are SMARTER then you. 

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On 12/30/2017 at 10:51 AM, PhotriusPyrelus said:

In what reality does that even approach being logical or reasonable?  WoW had an AH since its creation, and I don't know if you know this, but it peaked at 13 million active subs.  Clearly the AH killed it, right?

the difference between WOW and warframe is that the AH in wow was not using a currency that you buy with real world money where in warframe the lat people ask for in trade is bought with cash. i could see the ah working if they only allowedthe credits we used and plat was not a thing but thats not the case here, beside in wow it was possible to crash the market on a resource by gathering enough stacks to undercut all the others sellers by a large margin and still walk out with a large profit,the idea of an AH is a nice idea but since the currency we all ask for in trade is one bought with real world money im more or lss going to side with the people who say scan through warframe market, you can also compare with warframe nexus then find an average price to offer stuff for. probably have a bunch of repitition in my comment but an AH should never be in a game that does trades with a currency we pay real cash for.

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On 1/29/2018 at 3:42 PM, Daskrieg said:

the difference between WOW and warframe is that the AH in wow was not using a currency that you buy with real world money where in warframe the lat people ask for in trade is bought with cash. i could see the ah working if they only allowedthe credits we used and plat was not a thing but thats not the case here, beside in wow it was possible to crash the market on a resource by gathering enough stacks to undercut all the others sellers by a large margin and still walk out with a large profit,the idea of an AH is a nice idea but since the currency we all ask for in trade is one bought with real world money im more or lss going to side with the people who say scan through warframe market, you can also compare with warframe nexus then find an average price to offer stuff for. probably have a bunch of repitition in my comment but an AH should never be in a game that does trades with a currency we pay real cash for.

You can't buy gold with real money?  Really?  Ever hear of WoW Tokens?

EDIT:  EVE also lets people pay real world money for in-game currency used in the market.  And that game is all about the economy.

Edited by PhotriusPyrelus
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Yes this game really does need an auction house.

What's that you are all whining about: "Oh no but it would ruin the current economy." The current economy is a mess, it needs to be ruined. Just one more good reason why we need an auction house.

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4 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Yes this game really does need an auction house.

What's that you are all whining about: "Oh no but it would ruin the current economy." The current economy is a mess, it needs to be ruined. Just one more good reason why we need an auction house.

How about this: you leave, play something you like /you think is better and we we'll be all happy, you, rest of us and the developer. 

I know it's rude and inconsiderate to say something like that but hey, you've started first with rude and inconsiderate statements. "game economy needs be be ruined" - One that hasn't built something has no saying if it should be destroyed. It's other people work, sweat and effort you've contributed nothing to. Zero contributions - zero right to demand. And believe it or not game's economy is flourishing actually. 

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NO no auction house.

1) it will make items going for the lower price possible for selling stuff, making newbies earn less and less and big players (the one who have platinum) more powerful in the economy.

2) If one wealthy player is a twat he could buy every item of a specific type, creating a monopoly. Happened in Tera, Happened in WoW.

3) There is a few consumable in this game making every item near-permanent, so if a player gain a item the next same item is useless for him, making every buyer of said item counted.

4) if u want to make a fuctioning AH it needs DE personnell to manage bugs,exploiter,glitches etc...  . making it a negative decision from a business point of view (remember every item is near-permanent).

5) if u want to make more consumable, u need more types of items, if u need more item u can choose (A) making more places,mobs,systems,maps for consumables to drop, (B) put the consumables in the existing drop table,making the grind longer but because many people want to sell the price for said consumables will hit rock bottom (for 100+ consumables,only 1-5 have real market value, making the grind excruciating).

6) warframe market is open to scammers and lowballers who put prices for items they don't have to lower the overall price of said item. While this problem could be resolve in game it will pave the way for bots and gold-bots.


8)Clans and alliance could easily control the market with coordination, a clan can go up to 1000 people, a alliance can go up to many many clans (don't remember the number). With this numbers of players coordination it needs one bad tree in the forest to ruin everything.

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9 minutes ago, ThorienKELL said:

How about this: you leave, play something you like /you think is better and we we'll be all happy, you, rest of us and the developer. 

I know it's rude and inconsiderate to say something like that but hey, you've started first with rude and inconsiderate statements. "game economy needs be be ruined" - One that hasn't built something has no saying if it should be destroyed. It's other people work, sweat and effort you've contributed nothing to. Zero contributions - zero right to demand. And believe it or not game's economy is flourishing actually. 

How about this: I play whatever game I want to play. Since I like this game, I'll play this, and we'll all be happier, the rest of us and the developers.

None of us here has contributed anything. We are all just posting nonsense about things we have no say over. So you're in the same boat as the rest of us.

Don't worry, nothing you said was rude. If you thought that was rude, you must be very new to the internet.

EDIT: I don't actually care about an auction house, I just want something like warframe market, but built into the game. I post what I want to sell and how much I want to sell it for, someone buys it, the item-to-plat exchange happens automatically. Anything that saves me from hanging around in trade chat, basically.

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I see no reason why trade shouldn't be like the rest of the game. You either put time in or give DE your money to skip.

Want a standard Warframe? Put the time into the game. Can't be bothered? Buy some plat.

Want some plat? Put the time into trade. Can't be bothered? Buy some plat.

DE makes money from all of them can't be bothered people and they ain't gonna make it easier for us to make plat while making it harder for themselves to make a living.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)drpunk-yo said:

I see no reason why trade shouldn't be like the rest of the game. You either put time in or give DE your money to skip.

Want a standard Warframe? Put the time into the game. Can't be bothered? Buy some plat.

Want some plat? Put the time into trade. Can't be bothered? Buy some plat.

DE makes money from all of them can't be bothered people and they ain't gonna make it easier for us to make plat while making it harder for themselves to make a living.

Problem is, currently it is never worth it to put the time in, and you are always better off just buying plat for money. Of course that makes sense for DE, because that's how they make money, but it is a little annoying. I understand what you're saying with that.

But take the time it requires for me to make plat in game, farm the relics, open the relics, hang out in trade chat until someone buys them for a reasonable price. If I spend that time instead working over hours at my job, then spend the extra money I earned from that buying plat, I would make ten times the amount of plat in the same timeframe provided I had a discount.

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30 minutes ago, rune_me said:

But take the time it requires for me to make plat in game, farm the relics, open the relics, hang out in trade chat until someone buys them for a reasonable price.

For me, that's playing the game.

I can't say I ever play with the strict intention of earning plat. I play, I accrue stuff, I watch trade (with a "NOT wts" filter) and may sell some of what I have accrued to the "can't be bothered" crew (and why should I be allowed to make plat from those people while DE aren't allowed to make money off those people? P.S. Not strictly asking you that question because you've already said you understand, just reiterating the point I made earlier).

It's a game. Play it and have fun. Don't treat it like a job.

Edited by (PS4)drpunk-yo
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1 hour ago, rune_me said:

EDIT: I don't actually care about an auction house, I just want something like warframe market, but built into the game. I post what I want to sell and how much I want to sell it for, someone buys it, the item-to-plat exchange happens automatically. Anything that saves me from hanging around in trade chat, basically.

New to the internet? Can't you telly by my tone that I'm a grizzled, nervous veteran? : ) And I can see your point but you cannot see mine. Who wouldn't like AH implemented - but since I am aware of consequences so I am happy with the current status. If you would have to choose between this what we have now good efficient trading system, abundance of cheap goods and all the gear you ever wanted for peanuts price +monthly fee to play warframe, what would you pick?

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1 minute ago, (PS4)drpunk-yo said:

For me, that's playing the game.

I can't say I ever play with the strict intention of earning plat. I play, I accrue stuff, I watch trade (with a "NOT wts" filter) and may sell some of what I have accrued.

It's a game. Play it and have fun. Don't treat it like a job.

Hey, I like my job and have fun there all the time.

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On 29/12/2017 at 10:17 PM, (PS4)patKaetzchen said:

So, after years of playing warframe, I finaly got into trading... and I have to say, its ridicolous how swingy prices for basicly everythinge are. Also, as someone not deep in the trading, its really hard to find good prices - you feel yourself ripped off so often, or get the feeling you rip someone else off equally often.


What warframe needs is, like other mmo's, a auction house, where tenno can just put items up and people will be bidding on those, with the item going to the highest bidder... this would also help to deinflate those ridicolous riven prices.



While not a new suggestion, still an excellent one. The one thing I believe warframe truly needs

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Just now, ThorienKELL said:

New to the internet? Can't you telly by my tone that I'm a grizzled, nervous veteran? : ) And I can see your point but you cannot see mine. Who wouldn't like AH implemented - but since I am aware of consequences so I am happy with the current status. If you would have to choose between this what we have now good efficient trading system, abundance of cheap goods and all the gear you ever wanted for peanuts price +monthly fee to play warframe, what would you pick?

Obviously I like Warframe as it is, otherwise I wouldn't be playing it. But that doesn't mean I don't think there a plenty of room for improvement. The current state of the trade chat is one of those.

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3 hours ago, PhotriusPyrelus said:

Ever hear of WoW Tokens?

WoW Tokens are made inefficient to act as a money sink. For $20 USD, you can only get $15's worth of premium currency from a WoW Token. That means $5 is wasted for each token, whereas trading in Warframe doesn't cause any premium currency to be lost.

3 hours ago, PhotriusPyrelus said:

EVE also lets people pay real world money for in-game currency used in the market.  And that game is all about the economy.

In EVE Online, you can lose everything you've worked for instantly, which is why their economy works the way it is.

Do you want all of your equipped gear and mods to be deleted if you run out of revives? If not, then there's no sense in comparing Warframe to EVE Online.

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The people that don't want an auction house only feel that way so they can continue to scam new players or uninformed players with there over priced stuff.


The path of exile community is exactly the same, trafinf over there is even worse then warframes, they also use a 3rd party site but are against one in game, why ? Because it would be easy for the average person to see what stuff is actually worth.


Different game same selfish mentality 

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