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Please Stop the Leeching Problem


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6 hours ago, Ragnarok160 said:

I feel like over the 2 years I've played Warframe the leeching problem is getting worse, or at least isn't being addressed at all.

Back in the day (a long time ago), DE changed team affinity, so you could only get radial affinity from your team applied to gear you were actually getting kills with.

The playerbase went mental, saying that it was too hard to level unranked weapons.

Fast forward to not that long ago, and all gear gets a base capacity that scales with MR, and when it was launched Steve commented that a bonus like this would come with a counterweight change at some point.

Hence my prediction: Soon DE will change team affinity to not be split evenly but to apply only to the gear you are using. (there are ways to do this so that you don't all need to race for kills)

Meaning leeching for affinity will be a thing of the past, as will the powerlevelling tactic of letting some mass-kill frame ability do all of the killing.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

If you've completed The Second Dream quest read the spoiler info relevant to this below:

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Operators make you leave your Warframe and can look like you aren't playing. With Cetus and Focus 2.0 bringing a lot of incentive to use them I've seen a lot of players not in the frame itself. I've actually seen several instances where someone was accused of standing around doing nothing because they didn't see that the player was in their operator shooting enemies on the other side of the room.

I'm not saying that is specifically the situation, or that the other suggestions are not issues. Just wanted to make you aware of other likely possibilities that have become more common in recent updates.

I've had this exact situation happen to me. I was leveling my Schwaak in Operator form when I noticed one of the players mark me with a waypoint. I asked him what's his point in waypointing me? Pointed out that I'm doing the most damage/kills as an OPERATOR vs 3 actual frames. He replied he didn't care about damage, he cared about people that are afk. Blew my mind. How am I afk when I'm dealing the most damage, killing the most grineer in a Hydron. I don't think he ever figured it out.

To contribute to the thread though, I had to report a guy who fished in a t5 Bounty. Claimed his "friend" told him he can fish while his friend did his part of the bounties. I had most damage/kills while a 2nd in kills was the one that mentioned he saw a guy fishing when he was dead and the camera view changed to the fishing dude. So his "friend" would be the 3rd in damage, that kept dying and making things difficult. This "friend" never responded to anyone's questions and left after the "gg". Obviously that wasn't his friend or his friend knew it was a mistake. So, guy got reported.

Too bad DE never tells you what happens when you report. You just get a copy/pasta thanking you for reporting.


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Il y a 13 heures, Ragnarok160 a dit :

Akkad/Hiercon- both these maps are very good for quickly power leveling but i'm getting mad when i see everyone on my team getting 300+ kills and theirs 1 person with 2 kill, ik its a bit trust based since everyone needs to be killing to share the team affinity evenly but there are people that heavily abuse that and bring limbo into one of these 2 isnt an excuse for you not to be fighting.

It's not because you did not make a kill that you did not do anything, for example trinity on these maps is very useful to give the energy and thus speed up the speed of the mission however it does not do much similar kill for other frame support.


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Just to give an example

My first Kuva Flood run today and instantly a leecher/AFKer that didnt even bother to move from the starting spot. We only noticed him when we went to the extraction zone. And this was a MR18 player. Just love these kind of people



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Just to point out that at least in Cetus the leeching players are relatively safe at the gate and if you use tricks similar to the rubberband trick, that will negate any AFK penalty that someone might even get. I once had MR 17 Banshee who used a rubberband trick or macro to make the Banshee keep jumping near Cetus gates. It was clearly intenrional because he started actively moving again once we were extracting. Of course you can - and should always report them but times like those makes you wish you could just kick them out. However I understand why DE does not want to have potentially abusive kicking system in the game.

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I expect leeching from any random squad at this point. This is why when I do important missions I recruit from my friends list or the alliance. 

However I realize this is not always an option even for me. So it's an important mission I use chat to provide tips or just leave the squad. Keeping a laid back attitude is how I stay sane when It comes to leechers. 

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12 hours ago, Hokibukisa said:

Whoever said that octavia is leeching after she puts down all her buffs, umm octavia can carry a whole team that way to wave 20

they arnt saying octavia is leeching they are saying that bringing octavia into a match and putting down buffs then not doing anything because "her job is done" is leeching

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3 minutes ago, -Akeva-Banshee- said:

I expect leeching from any random squad at this point. This is why when I do important missions I recruit from my friends list or the alliance. 

However I realize this is not always an option even for me. So it's an important mission I use chat to provide tips or just leave the squad. Keeping a laid back attitude is how I stay sane when It comes to leechers. 

im not a fan of people saying "well if you play public its your fault for inviting leeches" so what people are telling me is if i play the game as intended then its my own fault? im not saying u said that but i'm agreeing with your statement

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i always set party to invite only when doing spies because i have had a lot of pugs fail the mission by messing up their point.   if i forget i left it on public i usually say on mic if you aeent 90% sure you will succeed just stay at start i can solo this.   i hate wasting my time.



with leveling up equipment  i ALWAYS go in on public  or with 3 people i know.   you need a full party tp get max affinity  i dont care if they get 0 kills them juat beinging present gives me more lens focus and makes leveling up equipment faster.




your logic is so terribly flawed.   no one is forcing you to use the public setting.  you can solo  you can invite friends  or you can use the recruitment channel.    public should be last resort for someone with your mindset.

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Il y a 23 heures, Ragnarok160 a dit :

Spy- at least 90% of the time i play spy there are leeches, more so at the lower levels but about 70% of the time during sorties, just today i played a spy sortie as Ivara with 3 Lokis, the mr 12 loki got a point and i took 2 points, the second i did 2 players were at extractions, one was mr 20 the other mr 15. There's no reason i should have to take more then one point as Ivara and im getting sick of the age old excuse "i'm not good at spy". you cant say your bad at spy then burden everyone with carrying you. i was bad at spy at one point and all i did was look at the guides then bam i was a pro at it. its getting to the point where i'm doing sortie spy missions solo or when i get in a room with 3 leeches i purposely trip the last point. usually if someone else at least took one point i don't trip since it wouldn't be fair to him. also please dont bring rhino or frost into a sortie spy because the second u tell me u don't have a stealth frame or your bad at spy ill usually reply with "oh so you qued knowing you weren't going to do anything"

Actually having leeches in a spy mission is more like a relief but it might just be me ^

Edited by Syln
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On 1/5/2018 at 4:48 PM, Yung-Azrael said:

That's not the point. The point is that the other players' conscious choice to leech and not contribute at all makes the mission take longer. So I waste time despite doing all of the work because the other players are lazy. I'm all about efficiency you see.

The point is that you're locking all the mobs to spawn, and opposing spawns are out of affinity range. Do you really think it's fair to ask other players to run from spawn to spawn killing paltry numbers of mobs and losing affinity for doing so just to shave a couple minutes off the mission time?

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I'd be reporting most of the game for "leeching".  Dude.  Just because someone isn't as good as you doesn't mean they're leeching and doesn't make them a horrible blight on your otherwise pristine game.  I do sortie spies solo, not because I mind carrying, but because half the time people actually try to do them and fail.  I'll happily res someone a hundred times if it means they'll stay till 20 min in a survival.

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5 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

I'd be reporting most of the game for "leeching".  Dude.  Just because someone isn't as good as you doesn't mean they're leeching and doesn't make them a horrible blight on your otherwise pristine game.  I do sortie spies solo, not because I mind carrying, but because half the time people actually try to do them and fail.  I'll happily res someone a hundred times if it means they'll stay till 20 min in a survival.

I'm going to say you're probably correct about some being naturally bad at certain aspects. I like to play alone a lot too because too many just rush through the game, only care about stats that mean absolutely nothing etc. 


I love to find all the free stuff , statues/ stars ,mods because it helps with Endo and credits. Considering you can break down mods , spare inventory into either credits or Endo, that's handy to newer and intermediate players. 

I couldn't tell you how many higher MR players in my clan I seen whining about farming for the Razer Back mission because they run through missions like Volt on crack lol . The only thing I had to farm was Alu's, I hate Archwing missions, I don't find the majority of them fun . 

Anyways, back on point 😀. I guess the whole thing depends on your playing style as to whom gets considered a so called "leech" ? Like you I'll help the majority of people in missions if I can , but they're certain aspects of this game that basically join missions for carries. 


On a side note though ,if people read this ,and you're one of the players that suck at spy missions. Message the player's in game or mic up and let us know, instead of blowing points in critical missions. 

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On 1/5/2018 at 3:09 PM, Ragnarok160 said:

I feel like over the 2 years I've played Warframe the leeching problem is getting worse, or at least isn't being addressed at all. My first question is what criteria I use to report leeching, a lot of the times i use harassment since it seems like the closest but i don't want to get strikes against my account if i end up bring wrong. It also doesn't help that when i call out leeches people in the group tell me "its not a big deal" or "stop worrying about it". it is a big deal, i get when i see mr 10 or lower players that really don't know what there doing but when I'm doing max sortie spy missions and mr 20 people aren't doing anything, well that's a problem. Then there are people who go into missions that are 60 and higher bringing trash into the mission so we have to res them every couple of minutes and 90% of the time the person claims they are trying to power level there frame/ weapon. I'm not asking for a kick system or anything (lord knows humanity isn't responsible enough for one) but at the very least let us do something about it. if DE wont address it then at least the community should frown on it.

Typical cases of leeching

Spy- at least 90% of the time i play spy there are leeches, more so at the lower levels but about 70% of the time during sorties, just today i played a spy sortie as Ivara with 3 Lokis, the mr 12 loki got a point and i took 2 points, the second i did 2 players were at extractions, one was mr 20 the other mr 15. There's no reason i should have to take more then one point as Ivara and im getting sick of the age old excuse "i'm not good at spy". you cant say your bad at spy then burden everyone with carrying you. i was bad at spy at one point and all i did was look at the guides then bam i was a pro at it. its getting to the point where i'm doing sortie spy missions solo or when i get in a room with 3 leeches i purposely trip the last point. usually if someone else at least took one point i don't trip since it wouldn't be fair to him. also please dont bring rhino or frost into a sortie spy because the second u tell me u don't have a stealth frame or your bad at spy ill usually reply with "oh so you qued knowing you weren't going to do anything"

Def- i don't see it nearly as much here but usually in def people will place themselves in rafters or on a certain corpus map theirs a low hanging platform below the point that people sit on. The most common case i see is when people go "afk" then when they go down they magically are back, jump around for a minute the go "afk" again. please stop don't this because after the 3rd time i'm not going to res you anymore. usually when people go afk a lot i ask them to leave so they can stop burdening the team. They don't respond well to that and usually tell me "stuff happens" to which i usually reply "if its so important you cant be online for 5 min then leave" course no one does that because they are leeching team affinity.

Cetus- i see many people sitting at the front gate during the whole bounty quest

Farming areas- massive leeching, unless u have an ember or other large CC frame that's stealing ur kills there's no reason you should be running behind the Nekros gobbling up polymer or argon and like i said before STOP BRINGING TRASH INTO HIGH LEVEL MISSIONS. There's a time to farm, a time to lvl, and a time to win and mot(void) isn't one of them.

Akkad/Hiercon- both these maps are very good for quickly power leveling but i'm getting mad when i see everyone on my team getting 300+ kills and theirs 1 person with 2 kill, ik its a bit trust based since everyone needs to be killing to share the team affinity evenly but there are people that heavily abuse that and bring limbo into one of these 2 isnt an excuse for you not to be fighting.

Limbo/loki - the 2 leechest frames i see, i see people going invisible or putting themselves in the rift then going afk in missions for leech team affinity. please stop these are both beautiful frames that get a bad name because of people misusing them

sorry the post is so long and i want everyone to know that yes the first part of the post called our MR, im not saying if your low or high your really better or worse but there is a certain amount of skill that is expected of you. 

happy hunting tenno

Easy Fix .. DON'T PUG.

If your going to PUG accept that you are with 3 other random people.




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On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 2:09 PM, Ragnarok160 said:

Spy- at least 90% of the time i play spy there are leeches, more so at the lower levels but about 70% of the time during sorties, just today i played a spy sortie as Ivara with 3 Lokis, the mr 12 loki got a point and i took 2 points, the second i did 2 players were at extractions, one was mr 20 the other mr 15. There's no reason i should have to take more then one point as Ivara and im getting sick of the age old excuse "i'm not good at spy". you cant say your bad at spy then burden everyone with carrying you. i was bad at spy at one point and all i did was look at the guides then bam i was a pro at it. its getting to the point where i'm doing sortie spy missions solo or when i get in a room with 3 leeches i purposely trip the last point. usually if someone else at least took one point i don't trip since it wouldn't be fair to him. also please dont bring rhino or frost into a sortie spy because the second u tell me u don't have a stealth frame or your bad at spy ill usually reply with "oh so you qued knowing you weren't going to do anything"

I can honestly say that I don't mind this one at all.  But I do have to ask this one important question.  Why in all of Hades are you doing Spy Sorties as Ivara pub anyway?

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On 5.1.2018 at 9:33 PM, Yung-Azrael said:

For example. I tend to take banshee to Hydron and just spam soundquake to kill everything, equipping only one weapon. Within 10 quick waves that weapon is maxed and I've done the most damage. Thing that annoys me is, everyone else just stands there and doesn't do a damn thing. Mission could be over in half the time it takes for me to solo kill everything if people ran around and contributed. I think people just take an opportunity to be lazy whenever they see it and the general consensus while playing now seems to be "if one guy can do the job there's no need for anyone else to contribute." And I see that on the rise tbh. Been here since Hidden Messages update and this has only really been an issue in the last year or so for me.

What magic did you use to accomplish that? If you kill all enemies with Banshee and everyone is just standing around doing nothing as you claim your weapon would have barely gained any affinity at all because enemies killed by warframe abilities give 100% of the affinity to your warframe and 0% to your weapons. So either your teammates killed enough enemies for your weapon to get maxed in 10 waves, which would mean you're lying about them not contributing, or you actually didn't rank up your weapon when you did this.

Going into a mission to kill everything with your warframe in order to rank up a weapon is a pretty dumb idea because of how affinity works.

And yes, if you're actually killing everything, what's the point in trying to kill enemies myself? Considering that Banshee's soundquake, when maxed, has the same range as the affinity share range, you're also running into the problem that you may not get shared affinity any more if you do try to contribute, giving you a big incentive *not* to do so.

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On 1/5/2018 at 2:33 PM, MirageKnight said:

As they say "Your mileage may vary". Some people just have different experiences.


Indeed. Now can we do something about Embers literally sitting on defensive objectives with WoF active and only moving to throw down a pizza or gobble up some orbs?

You can have my pizza snack time when you pry it from my cold dead hands

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4 hours ago, (PS4)BattleCry1791 said:

You can have my pizza snack time when you pry it from my cold dead hands

No worries, you can have your special time....by yourself.

When I see players like you, I leave and look for an instance where everyone in the group actually plays. Watching Embers sit on the objective and lazily acquire kills while robbing everyone else of a chance to do much is about as appealing as watching paint dry.

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