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Can we have DE look at Limbo again instead of harassing players that are "doing it wrong"?


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Seriously this needs to stop. Limbos powers are toxic to other players period. I can't even forma him without players threatening to report me. Don't give me that "your playing him wrong" bull crap. We need to stop harassing other players into stop using his powers and start harassing DE (don't actually do this) to remove the toxic nature of his powers. The only time with very few exceptions Limbo is good is when you play him solo because then you can play his GOOD rework without shutting down other players play styles.

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I get where you're coming from with this but at the same time if you're playing Limbo you HAVE to understand that you can't just keep your The World up the entire time during team play. Like with Ember's World on Fire. Other people do want to contribute and at the first chance they get to get mad at you they will do it

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He's also amazing in rescue missions without being a troll to the team. And it's a good thing I like playing Nidus a lot, because he's one of the few frames that is affected by his kit the least. He doesn't need to be in the same plane as his enemy to kill them with his virulence or maggots.

Honestly, DE just needs to make it so players can attack enemies between dimensions. Enemies can do the same, but at significantly reduced damage (possibly affected by power strength up to a point?). Another, better fix would be to have his stasis not affect teammate's bullets. People hate being forced to go into melee because Limbo decided to use his cataclysm.

This would significantly reduce Limbo's trolling potential and would even give teammates inclination to get banished for some extra damage resistance against enemies.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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I understand the want to compare Limbo with other "troll type"(?) warframe powers but Limbo is so far beyond those. I have played this game for quite a while and I have never seen such toxicity and hatred for the use of warframe powers as I do Limbos. I strongly feel putting the blame on players is the wrong direction when it comes to limbo. There are "trolley" warframe powers but I am saying Limbo is so trolley it is down right toxic instead of just annoying.

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2 hours ago, Chaos.Blades said:

Seriously this needs to stop. Limbos powers are toxic to other players period. I can't even forma him without players threatening to report me. Don't give me that "your playing him wrong" bull crap. We need to stop harassing other players into stop using his powers and start harassing DE (don't actually do this) to remove the toxic nature of his powers. The only time with very few exceptions Limbo is good is when you play him solo because then you can play his GOOD rework without shutting down other players play styles.

If ANYONE ever states they'll report you for playing limbo, just simply report that line of text, i've had many players that i've reported due to saying things like such and it's never caused any issue with my account because they are actually bullying people for playing a frame that is utterly fine as is, a good energy restore frame and also great at protection.

It's not toxic to other players, yes it can effect others with voiding enemies but players not understanding how a frame works and totally misunderstanding how to escape the void or if their powers work at all is just their inexperience with the frame.

Getting out of void simply requires a tap of shift, I find the hate and dislike towards this frame entirely worthless.



2 hours ago, Askell91 said:

Or just delete that abomnation from the game. Problem solved...


This comic SHOWS exactly how players don't understand how to get out of void... Also stomp DOES work within void so yes that person would be doing damage.

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The problem with Limbo is his 2nd ability stasis, I think Limbo's kit is awesome, however stasis has the same issue that people complained about before Ash got his bladestorm rework, the ability prevents teammates from doing any damage to enemies in stasis unless the rift has too many projectiles frozen in place or you use a melee weapon.

Freezing projectiles in place is cool, but not practical and it is a huge annoyance to anyone who isn't using a melee weapon, I would personally prefer stasis to just freeze enemies in place and not projectiles.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)TheRainbowTurt1e said:

The problem with Limbo is his 2nd ability stasis, I think Limbo's kit is awesome, however stasis has the same issue that people complained about before Ash got his bladestorm rework, the ability prevents teammates from doing any damage to enemies in stasis unless the rift has too many projectiles frozen in place or you use a melee weapon.

Freezing projectiles in place is cool, but not practical and it is a huge annoyance to anyone who isn't using a melee weapon, I would personally prefer stasis to just freeze enemies in place and not projectiles.

Stasis is why people hate limbo. Not Cataclysm. Just use stasis when it's actually needed and most of the trolls should leave you alone. If people complain about having to stand in Cataclysm but don't complain about having to stand in a Snow Globe then they're just bitter. DE should still address stasis, though, that'll make headshots while aim gliding rivens annoying to unlock.  

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8 hours ago, Evhel said:

Limbo is good. If you got a troll in your game the problem is the troll, not Limbo. Change the troll, not Limbo.

That's not how it works. You can't change how trolls behave, they'll do whatever they want if they think it's amusing. You can't just tell them to stop this silliness and expect them to comply. If they know they can get a rise out of you, they're going to keep doing it. This is the internet, they're under no moral obligation to do anything so long as it's not against the rules.

At the moment, Limbo is currently their weapon of choice and while he's still able to grief teammates with minimal effort, trolls are going to exploit it. It's far easier to just fix Limbo's troll potential than it is to get the community to not troll in the first place. That's the reality.

19 minutes ago, MuscleBeach said:

If people complain about having to stand in Cataclysm but don't complain about having to stand in a Snow Globe then they're just bitter.

That's only half true. People inside the snowglobe can freely shoot and kill enemies outside of it, but the same can't be said of cataclysm unless you're using warframe powers.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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  1. Let Limbo see the buff timers for allies that use his Rift Walk portal.
  2. Turn Banish into a timed buff on teammates that enables them to Rift Walk at will via roll and backflip. Limbo grants them the buff but doesn't enforce plane change on every Banish (less disruptive and more optional for teammates). Ally Banish duration is reduced to 50% of normal (25 s for enemies, 12.5 s for allies) in exchange for more control.
  3. Stasis for allies gradually slows their projectiles to a halt over 2 seconds once fired from weapon (enables short-med range gunplay in Rift when Stasis is active). If a moving projectile hits an enemy, it no longer counts toward the Stasis projectile limit.
    • If they can make this work with hitscan, that would be great.
    • A projectile limit counter for Limbo at top-right, please!
    • Limbo still has to undo Stasis for his own projectiles to fly off. So he's the only one restricted to melee.
  4. Rift Surge's AoE Banish also grants nearby allies the Banish buff mentioned in point 2 above, allowing allies (the option) to participate in fighting enemies inside the Rift if Limbo performs a Rift Surge combo.
Edited by PsiWarp
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Stasis doesn't stop melee and frame abilities. Maybe use your entire loadout?

12 hours ago, Chaos.Blades said:

I can't even forma him without players threatening to report me.

You get that reports for properly playing the game are meaningless, right? DE files them next to people asking for buffs and nerfs.

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il y a 4 minutes, peterc3 a dit :

Stasis doesn't stop melee and frame abilities. Maybe use your entire loadout?

We can't use our entire loadout since well, we can only use melee and frame abilities. And often casting it isn't the most effective thing to do since it would be faster to just shoot at ennemies using the most effective weapon in our entire loadout in this situation. Bad usage of cataclyms is also painful. Less exp, loot,... 
if you want to use that kind of thing in low level missions, do it in solo please.

And :

Il y a 13 heures, Chaos.Blades a dit :

remove the toxic nature of his powers.


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I'm gonna say it.....you're doing it wrong.

Now before you press that button, hear me out. limbo is very well known for max range builds to freeze the world and stop the game, but have you considered negative range builds? Instead of mass stopping the world and running around ruining your team's gameplay, have a negative range build. What you can do with that is 2 things. You section off the battle field and keep yourself in the rift. Cataclysm pulls you out of the rift when it ends, which is guaranteed death if you're caught naked. What negative range does is guarantee the cataclysm won't touch you is you cast is far enough, so that you don't get pull out. Also, since it pulls a smaller range of enemies out of the rift, you won't be destroying other people's games and they won't be breaking your stasis. You're forgetting his most impressive ability, which is Rift Surge. Rift surge means that anyone who's in the rift at that time will stay there eve when there's no cataclysm there. Here's what you do: Stasis, Cataclysm, Rift Surge, Cataclysm again. You can pull enough enemies into the rift for yourself without disrupting others. That's how you play limbo non-annoyingly.

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I have to disagree also. Powers work though the void, melee weapons n powers work thorough time stop. You can fight outside the globe. You can just not play with any limbo player.


There's been so many times playing as Limbo people have been super grateful or hated me because they didn't understand I was trying to keep rescue targets alive. A lot of people who hate Limbo are ignorant to how he plays and how the rift works.


There are plenty other max range builds in the game that are super annoying. But I just get on with it or talk to the player. If they are toxic after that, it's to do with the player not the frame. Some people play negative range Limbo, some don't use time stop, some use max range... 

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54 minutes ago, Arkandae said:

We can't use our entire loadout since well, we can only use melee and frame abilities. And often casting it isn't the most effective thing to do since it would be faster to just shoot at ennemies using the most effective weapon in our entire loadout in this situation. Bad usage of cataclyms is also painful. Less exp, loot,... 
if you want to use that kind of thing in low level missions, do it in solo please.

And :


When going into a mission, with the exception of weapon restricted Sorties and Events, you bring a frame, a Primary weapon, a Secondary weapon and a Melee weapon. Saying Limbo using Stasis stops players from fighting enemies means you are ignoring Stasis only stop bullets, your frame is free to use powers (even encouraged given energy generation is boosted inside the Rift) and your Melee weapon, a class of weapons widely seen as some of the most damaging parts of the loadout.

You are immune to damage from outside the Rift, anything inside the Rift is frozen and unable to attack, your energy regeneration is quite a bit higher and frame powers affect enemies inside and outside the Rift. You just can't use guns, and if you do, the bullets don't disappear, they're just frozen until Stasis ends/is cancelled.

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15 hours ago, Chaos.Blades said:

Seriously this needs to stop. Limbos powers are toxic to other players period. I can't even forma him without players threatening to report me. Don't give me that "your playing him wrong" bull crap. We need to stop harassing other players into stop using his powers and start harassing DE (don't actually do this) to remove the toxic nature of his powers. The only time with very few exceptions Limbo is good is when you play him solo because then you can play his GOOD rework without shutting down other players play styles.

Bro, most people only encounter a limbo when it’s mobile defense and maybe defense unless you’re skilled with him and know that he makes all spy/rescue/capture/excavation a breeze. Don’t get me wrong, a troll is a troll and a player that’s not skilled with him also sucks for team play but geez. It’s honestly so simple to play with alongside a limbo. If ur in a stasis cataclysm then use ur warframe powers and melee. But that’s because I play with him enough to understand these things as where others do not.  

Ive gotten hate for using limbo in mobile defenses to the point where I just turn off my abilities when they nag only to see them die then leave like it’s all my fault. I just laugh it off now tbh

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this argument is no longer about the quote Toxic nature of limbos ability, it is in fact an argument of the lowest IQ in the room. Everyone who is arguing that they cant fire at enemys outside the bubble, go outside the bubble to kill enemys. I can't fire my bullets at the enemy!!!! The enemy cant fire their bullets at you and it freezes all ticks of damage aura effects, like ancient poison. If your worried about contribution to the mission ... you also need to have World on Fire-ember, Divine Spear-nezah, mallet and resonator-Octavia, and Quake-Banshee nerfed

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there are certainly too many that permanently use Stasis and prevent Players from playing the Mission. that's certainly no bueno - but the mechanics presented here are excellent, when used tactically rather than as a way to go AFK.
these mechanics shouldn't disappear, but as they stand it is very easy to prevent Players from using most of the Equipment they have with them, for sure.

for better or for worse, the only solution to that is adjustments to the Warframe. what adjustments, i don't know. easiest ones are either much shorter Durations or much smaller Ranges, so that it is forced to be used tactically by when you can use it or by making it much more localized. due to the infinite Energy nature of the game though, Range is the more likely candidate since it'll have more effect (RE: any).



what the solution most definitely is NOT, is for Players using Limbo as a method of going AFK to berate other Players that are not interested in going AFK and actively troll them for not wanting to be AFK. Players becoming toxic that they are being trolled is an unnecessary extreme as well, but unsurprising that Players would become unhappy when someone is deliberately misusing a Warframe to the adverse effect of everyones' Gameplay.
really a simple solution could be for Players looking to AFK (i.e. not play the Mission they are in) to not play in Public but expecting people to not force negative situations on others is a lot to ask on the internet so adjusting the Warframe is the only avenue.

nor, is the solution to 'just go AFK too' or 'just Macrospin while AFK the entire Mission because you should be anyways'. those "solutions" are the same problem (in this case being Players that are not intelligent enough to play in Private Sessions when wanting to play a very specific way ahead of time, desiring to dictate how Players in Public play - generally in such a way that is as unintended as possible i.e. idling).

Edited by taiiat
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