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How I rate this game after taking a 2 year break.


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12 hours ago, (PS4)smilebull said:

This is so discouraging for others, I don’t see this as a feedback after talking rubish about warframe arts, I absolutely love their interesting art style. Make them look very individual such as mirage prime, nekros etc. absolutely gorgeous. I doubt you even played many characters and used most weapons. 

there are some truths in your post like gated content plat sink etc. I was very annoyed when they charge 60plat for 3 riven slots , made them look greedy.

But you should play a different game. It’s okay.

I am mastery rank 19 and have beaten all the quest lines, have almost all of the frames as well, normal and prime. I started playing around 2014 noticed some things that really bothered me so I took a break in hopes of them being rectified by now.

2 hours ago, ThousandLights said:

Welp. Decided to try rating it by myself too.

1. Since they removed Archwing from several plot quests I'm fine, almost, It's still really clunky but it is not part of core gameplay anymore and I lived without it freely a lot of months. Yet it still need to be fixed. I would give it -1.

2. Crafting system is 0 since I'm completely neutral to it. I could add as minus that we need to wait but we can do a lot of other activities instead so..bruh.

3. Faction/Focus Caps will be -1 from me because while Faction cap is really way too little, Focus one is necessary. I got a lot of lenses and use them actively during missions. During 10 round Interception 37-41 lvl I got around 50 000 focus, it's with warframe and weapon as I recall. It means that for reaching cap daily I need to do 40 rounds of high Intercept (it's most fruitful on XP and always was) which is not a goal every player can and wants to accomplish. Cap is reasonable, even for 20th rank or around.

4. Focus tree +2 because DE really tried to change operators better way (and I think they did actually, amp adds a lot to their power though) and decreased cost of trees twice or even thrice during time it exists.

5. Warframes artwork is very biased from me since I play on max framerate, good ping and with almost every graphic on ultra + I like overall designs and their uniqueness. I guess I'll just add 2 points for 2 pluses (graphs and design, especially for potato with outdated videocard (and it still could handle high graph) I played for like most of time until I got nice comp)

6. Mods are +1 since I goodly progressed with them and think there is no problem with it.

7. Rivens are +1 since DE balanced core weapons with super-rare drop of rivens and weak weapons got another chance to shine.

8. New warframes are +1, I will persist and won't add more than 1 since my further sympathies will apply to design and amusing how WF still keeps it's uniqueness in this way.

9. Steam skins added so much to Warframe fashion that I will gladly give them +2 points. They gave me masses and masses of joy. Plus it's very inspiring to watch after creators work.

10. Platinum is biased to me asweel since I was lucky to get -75% discount when it was necessary. I didn't add a dime in game until I think rank 12 (I'm 19 rank now) but I enjoyed to add some support to game. In same time I can understand hat OP means since every crafting skip asks plat. So 0.

11. Mastery rank is harsh question for me since I get feel of satisfaction when I rank but I think that current trials are very bugged to actually enjoy them and count like decent challenges. On other hand imo we get way better rewards per login than per rank (we can't skip leveling process even if we buy every weapon in game, that means that person can't just boost and skip lvling at all, they will need to power grind for fast ranking and that will take time too). So I guess in sum it's -2. Login reward is better than rank one and this feels unfair for me as much as bugged trials.

12. More weapons and variations get +1 from me since searching decent or loveable (personally) weapon can be as much amusing (and sooo good looking) as annoying because many weapons shine after long forming and you can simply miss it. Guides from players help but I wish we had more clarity in game how to orient in weapons. So I can't give so much pluses for it. It's good but not glorious. 

13. Third person only is actually +1 from me because I used to hate FPS in first place. I want to see by who I play and how. I want to see body I control in enviroment, it helps me to control overall process way better and I'm ready to forgive way more fast and pacing game process for it. Handling hard game situations through it is very fascinating. I played several FPS shooters since then to fight my bias in order to try new and good games but I prefer TPS way more.

14. Mode slots are complicated question since I managed to handle capacity in them and feel completely fine yet I see that in my builds I barely use augments bc even if they are good, they simply don't fit in complex build. When whole category of mods barely fits in place, this not that good even IF I understand why DE place those limitations on us and even if I'm personally completely fine, It can be bad for other players who really want to use augments. Still big thanks to DE that we can look as we wish without WoW and other MMOs typical troubles I ate enough of this so I'm really glad. It could be + 1 but I think it's 0 for me bc of balancing between - and +.

15. Forma is clearly -1 for repolaring existing slot. I completely understand when we need to put forma in empty slot but repolaring slot we already polared and lvled is clearly too time consuming.

16. Quests get +3 from me since I greatly enjoyed them even if some of plot decisions keep me worried about place which operators will take in future.

17. Bugs are thing I used to but they are annoying, yes. -1

18. Kavats as much as Kubrows are neutral 0 for me.They are fun to interract and usefull as ferocious battle pets but possibility they can die, lose sympathy and lose health makes me sad and worried way too much (I know it can be justified by free stasis but still) + no univac makes them difficult to use on missions with big territories (which are like 90% of game) but I think minus is balanced by fact they are not useless, just niche. Plus they are not mandatory to have.

19. I don't like classic Conclave at all and refuse to go in it again but I enjoyed winter events with snowdown a lot and gained some rep and good cosmetics, so 0.

So in sum it's:8

Game in most of things satisfies me but needs adjustments so it can't allow me to put 9 or 10. Maybe I would consider to rewatch my score later ot even would scrap it but it's the way I think right now about it.





Now this is good feedback and I appreciate this. We gotta know where everyone stands on things and how they view it all to make the game better for everyone.

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Welp I love the game incredibly. Graphics may not be the best but they're good enough not to ruin game play... Archwing is too bad,  gets the job done. 

As far as everything else from the epic abilities, to my huge kubrow,  to my wonderful clan, to the cool quest,  to the constant updates,  to the response DE gives us and so on I mean its just wonderful. Sure the crafting could probably look different but in all honesty that would get old so fast and is honestly would not increase or decrease my liking of the game in any way. 


Rivens are amazing I mean if you like a weapons design, sound, and feel it gives you but don't use the weapon no more because its too weak SURPRISE rivens!! Bust back out my ether reaper like "HECKS Yea! Oh I missed you baby 💙" and its extremely satisfying to get a riven for an already powerful weapon I mean you feel a sense of completion. 

All warframe needs for me is more quest, more mission types, clan wars,  and a small bit of work on pvp and I don't think I'd ever want to play another game again. Especially if they continue working on graphics. Its not like none of this will happen too, looking at poe.

At 60 warframes I'd like them to stop so I can bond with my warframe and they can get on making some cool experiences! Quite ready for these ghouls to come in a near update. 

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7 hours ago, P0Pz said:

Which frame can't get 1 hited without using abilities 😏

Now go out and test at which lvl range all frames can eat at least 2/3 hits without using abilities. That's the overall frame lvl of withstanding in WF. Everything beyond it is not reachable by improvments.

... Zephyr, Rhino, Wukong, Saryn, Inaros, and a few other high HP pool / high armor pool characters. But let me reverse asks you something, why? Why the heck do warframes need to be invulnerable without ability use? That sounds absolutely ridiculous... Okay so let me get this straight, you basically want an easy mode to the game where warframes cannot and WILL NOT ever die? Just stick to earth and don't go past wave 20, sorry the rest of us like a challenge.

7 hours ago, P0Pz said:

You should be able to use all mods from lets say Vit typs. But limited by a lower amount of slots. Which means if you could use 20 different VIT mods but can only use 10 of them. So you have to check which of them work for your gameplay and abilities and/or passives, plus your weapons you want to use (melee/ranged).

Essentially that changes nothing but becomes an extremely simplistic and almost worthless system to have. You take all thought and care, planning, diversity out of warframe and just go... "You're a vitality frame now." Under the current system you can drastically make your own warframe the way you want to while focusing on multiple attributes to raise beyond others. Or you could amp the heck out of 2-3 stats and sacrifice the rest for a specific build. Your system would make decisions and choice worthless and dumbed down... And oddly exactly what Destiny does.

Plus there isn't 20 vitality mods, there's 3, and you could take them all if you really want to, nothing is stopping you from taking them and as they are they are extremely powerful all together on the right frame... But there's the thing, pick and choose the right frame. Making a tank nova is just stup- actually no you can make Nova into a tank with primed flow and quick thinking then using her damage reduction... Okay Nehza, you can't make Ne- actually no you can make Nehza into an effective tank too... Loki? Yeah you can make him a tank too.

Literally, if you want to make any warframe the way you want, you can do it now. But you aren't going to be an all-powerful amped up god who can't die. That's not warframe, you are looking for a single player game with an easy mode mate... Or Destiny.

Your system actually kills the ability to make a frame do whatever you want it to etc.

7 hours ago, P0Pz said:

WF trys to offer this above while not able to do it correct by their failures. 

WF's mechanics are NOT unique. Stances where there before WF. MODs where there before WF. Augs, which try to fake Skillcards where there before WF's. The space ninja theme and it's movment "was" Unique until other games used that sort of movment too.

Dashing is also not unique to only WF. KoA R. for excamble. Maybe some combinations of them are/was unique to WF. But looking at each seperatly was by far not unique to WF exclusive ever. WF copyed a lot of different stuff and made them look modern or different to the standart versions in other games before, which IS nice. But in the end changes not that it is what other games also use for the same reasons by same mechanics.

*Able to combine different mods like other games do with their modding items would be great thought.

Yes, literally everything has been done before on its own etc. Its a fallacy to try and take this point btw. Warframe takes all these things and puts them together in a game that is unlike any other horde shooter out there. It's fun, its unique, other people are even trying to copy their success but failing! Heck they even listen to use players with Damage 2.5! Look at Viver and how quickly they learned from that fiasco, etc.

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vor 9 Stunden schrieb Valaska:

... Zephyr, Rhino, Wukong, Saryn, Inaros, and a few other high HP pool / high armor pool characters. But let me reverse asks you something, why? Why the heck do warframes need to be invulnerable without ability use? That sounds absolutely ridiculous...

For some reason you can't read. 

For some reason you only see what you want to see.

I never talked about "invulnerable" at all. I talked about "at least" 2-3 hits without abilities using before dieing. Sorry but this is far from beeing invulnerable. 

You are making up your own story here.


Okay so let me get this straight, you basically want an easy mode to the game where warframes cannot and WILL NOT ever die? Just stick to earth and don't go past wave 20, sorry the rest of us like a challenge.

Jezz. Again, you can't read and creating your own story. 


Essentially that changes nothing but becomes an extremely simplistic and almost worthless system to have.

Are you (without offense) not normal in head?

This is already EXACTLY in WF handweapons modding area happening. 1:1. 😏


You take all thought and care, planning, diversity out of warframe and just go... "You're a vitality frame now." Under the current system you can drastically make your own warframe the way you want to while focusing on multiple attributes to raise beyond others.

And still die 1 shoted EVEN with abilities on.

Drastically !! 😂

Drastically would be if you could choose out which skills you want to have from a list of different points to choose from.

So that NOT every NOVA is exactly the same but offers different skills to use from let's say "fictive""10 skills, a nova player could choose 4 out of those 10. And then able to choose how to mod each ability seperatly.

Currently we have just 4 abilities *which is eehm an already LOW amount of skills*  with ONLY rwo options: 2 weaker skills and 2 stronger to mod skills. Finish. 

You are a white knight who is blindly talking. Which is showing up: you can't be taken seriously. You are not reading what was told and creating weired storys no one ever  but you, made them up. Realy weired from your side.


Or you could amp the heck out of 2-3 stats and sacrifice the rest for a specific build. Your system would make decisions and choice worthless and dumbed down... And oddly exactly what Destiny does.

This was not the point of talking at all.

Where is your sacrifice on ANY handweapon? Comon. Let me hear it 😏


Plus there isn't 20 vitality mods, there's 3

I said "Lets say we have 'FICTIVE' 20 vit mods." You are not normal buddy.

You know what fictive is? Something not excisting in that form but speculated as IF it would. Realy you make it hard for me to stay neutral.



, and you could take them all if you really want to, nothing is stopping you from taking them and as they are they are extremely powerful all together on the right frame... But there's the thing, pick and choose

Here are you LIEING.

Please quote where i was telling that from the fictive 20 different VIT mods ALL 20 i want to be placed into a frame. Lol 😂

i said from this 20 fictive you could add 10. But then you had 0 Armor mods in nore shield mods on. Which is your trade off then.

It show cased that slot limitation IS NEEDED to make a player choose. .

But you can't even use this balanced way bc FOUR additional different mod typs are also using the same 10 slot box. Which furher reduces you theoretical possible modding slot amount down from 4:3:3 to 1:1:1 <~ heavy limitation with 0 improvment ways to add withstanding paths to your frame. Not even 1 singel path to improve your basic stats. 

It's the same like never switching your rank/tier1 armory for a next better armor with better basic stats so you can improve this higher rank/tier armor with modding options which grands by higher basic stats higher effects So your now able to move into higher level areas and can handle now higher damage. LOGIC.

You are totaly missing the point.


Making a tank nova is just stup- actually no you can make Nova into a tank with primed flow and quick thinking then using her damage reduction... Okay Nehza, you can't make Ne- actually no you can make Nehza into an effective tank too... Loki? Yeah you can make him a tank too

Again missing the point. Fun fact: you can't make ANY real tanks in WF. Not a single frame can even pull Agro by passives/actives or combs. Invalid point.

The ONLY way to make a frame tanky is over abilities by extrem mechanics bc WF basic improvment is broken. 😏

As soon this ability is runing off he is a1 hit victim bc no frame got enough basic withstanding options.

Fun fact: Any tanky frame in WF is just a "fictive tanky frame" ~5> as soon abilities are runing off the reality hits ONCE hard those paperframes.

Stop lieing already.


Your system actually kills the ability to make a frame do whatever you want it to etc.


Actualy it INCREASES it, to mod every single ability seperatly AS YOU LIKE. WITHOUT influencing the 3 other abilities. SO it increases again the possible different ways of modding your frames abilities kit. 

You are once again lieing to make a point.


Edited by P0Pz
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I love the art in Warframe.. its unique and immersing.

I do not like Archwing and wish it would go away or go back to when it did not make me sick.

I do not like the operator influence on focus that I spent time grinding for my Warframes, so focus is a disappointment for me. So are operators.

I do not think they are greedy asking for plats for certain things, it is what makes the world go around after all. Plats come from the few who buy them, not from traders who never do.

I can't agree with any of the changes to how modding works, first person view etc - if you want Warframe to be like some other game, go play some other game would be my advice.


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4 hours ago, P0Pz said:

For some reason you can't read. 

For some reason you only see what you want to see.

I never talked about "invulnerable" at all. I talked about "at least" 2-3 hits without abilities using before dieing. Sorry but this is far from beeing invulnerable. 

You are making up your own story here.

Gonna be pretty blunt with you here. You sidestepped what I said to push your narrative, obviously you are either trolling here or you are so biased you refuse to even listen to what someone says to you. Again, Wukong, Saryn, Zephyr, Rhino all can take muliple hits without dying.


Also there are several abilities and even weapons which cause enemies to focus you over others...

Edited by Valaska
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В 18.01.2018 в 09:18, P0Pz сказал:


Man you sit and throw tantrums AGAIN. Please quit this behavior, you can provoke mods to shut good thread down because they see rude and disrespectful tone. For them one rude player in thread is enough. This overall discuss was nice and passionate but you clearly can to put aside your emotions EVEN if you think your opponent mistaken.

Answering for some questions instead of @Valaska

Warframes never intended to be resistant to two-three hits after certain amount of level. They could resist tons of damage in low and middle lvl ground but DE intended that whole system (including infamous parcour) will allow us (and maybe even expects from us) do dodge fire instead of resisting it. Current tanks soak some amount of damage but they are not free from parcour or active movement like classic dmg soaking tanks in other MMOs. And even with that sometimes it's near impossible to resist consistent fire and that's when invis goes to shine. Invis can save you almost everywhere and if you afraid nulls you just can take weapon which has consistent fire decreasing their globe fast. Or you can jump in void mode by operator and nuke null while your warframe staying behind has rather 100% invul or 95% resistant to any damage if you used any flow ability (DE mentioned it before in operator changes). System you suggest is way closer to slower pacing FPS where you can't orient in enviroment this good or that fast.

Talking about powering every ability. If you will read closely wiki about warframe abilities, it says clearly that almost every ability has it's unique source of empowring, even sometimes confusing "you add range and it gives you power" circle. DE also intended from start that you will need to choose wisely which ability is more important. But they also gave us "exits" like that Loki ult still can disarm enemies even with negative damage. All other his abilities don't ask power at all so it's pointless to shove power mods into him unless you want disarm monster (whose power level will only apply to enemies he actually can't disarm) with very weak invis or decoy time of life. Sure, some abilities need adjustments or really hard choice between one and two or even all abilities (Oberon was for years that magically bad Jack of all trades, he survived 2 reworks and finally got Prime, he still asks effort in modding and needs forming but essentially DE leaded him to state where he can be as good as all others, just need more effort. I can say same about new Mag. To everybody yelling she is useless I suggest to repeat my 1 hour run in T4 with Mag Prime fully modded and as companion my friend's vanilla Mag 10lvl. It was insanely fun, I swear. Anyway, returing back to discuss.

Also adjusting mods separately to every ability causes even more problems since in many times ability is empowered by completely different stats going from different origins but also they all can ask same adjustments, it means that if you will need same mod in every ability, you gonna just put same mod in every slot, copying every action 4 times. Time consuming...what's the point to put same mod 4 times? There too many warframes whose wouldn't benefit from this system because some of their abilities will need absolutely or around same pool of mods. It just means you have to put 4 times same pool and maybe augment. I like how enthusiastically you try to tell how improve system but believe me if DE is going to improve it they will do it on base of already existing system. This is matter of game context, we can't put this aside every time somebody tries to apply or suggest any improvememts. But changing it like you wish IF we are going to avoid "copypaste this mod pool in every ability of X warframe" means scrapping every warframe and reworking them because currently their modding is based in mutual mod pool for all abilities and every ability benefits and loses from this pool something. Calculating and readjusting every ability separately counting individual pool for every ability with completely different needs in stats will lead to problem where you will need to calculate number of polarities for each ability, number of capacity for each ability (some of them will suffer drastically if we'll have all the same pools for each ability bc it's limitations again and while you want to get rid of them, you can make even more limitations during balancing every ability mod pool, current mod system surely has limitations but they are way simplier to handle), it means it will need even more forma, tree of skills won't seem so complicated anymore with this lol).

Going to the mods part and putting many similar mods. Actually you can make your warframe an HP/Shield/Armor sponge, Inaros HP is essential part of his gameplay. Thing is (and it goes to my previous point) Warframe never was about soaking damage or resisting it, it was about avoiding as much damage as possible. Most of the limitations were built on this core. Increasing capacity of mods and so HP. shields and power will lead to even more ridiculous power creeps in enemies due to balancing Warframes. DE seem to provide politic that here should ALWAYS be enemies whose are very hard to players, it doesn't matter if they are starters or veterans. I doubt anybody would want even more ridiculous enemy level progression. To be honest most of the problems DE could avoid is to make enemies level progression consistent and having same temp during every level, 1 or 50+, doesn't matter. It would help players to stop meet sudden situations when they were prepared to 50+ level of enemies and suddenly meet eximus leech 80+ in middle of battle. It's also about trivial game clarity, to let players know they can meet certain enemy whose level 100% will be higher than every else they expect to meet. At least it will give a chance to prepare, we can't count only on rough expierence where ppl just felt this pain by themselves and know what to expect now.

P.S. Atlas Ultimate causes aggro, if I remember correctly. There are weapon melee mods causing aggro. And decoys cause aggro too. Not 100% but still. I agreed about no "real" tanks in game but why "real" tanks are not that necessary - read above.



Edited by ThousandLights
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