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Sk8terBoi Nezha Tweaks <3 with his incoming deluxe skin?


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@Dornez I would hardly call Divine Spears one of the best DPS abilities. Maybe one of the best CC abilities, but DPS really? I play a lot a Nezha as I stated in an earlier post. Divine Spears is not for damage even with a good power strength, which I usually use. Just because it can possibly kill some level 30 gineer doesn't say much.  As soon as thing start scaling up you're going to see a huge drop off very soon in terms of damage.  

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This could not be further from the truth...I’m not saying that because I have him. I’m getting him probably today if my internal clock isn’t effed.


Im talking about the things I’ve seen...you ever seen a horde of enemies explode in fire? Ever seen a literal string of fire across the plains? My friend, who shall not be named is capable of breaking any weapon or frame you give him. Nezha is no exception...

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I just finished formaing ne zha today ( i have three forma's on him) and i put strength mods on him and i have to say he's pretty good. using his warding halo makes life so easy on the plains at the highest level, tomorrow ill try void survival and see how long it holds up for i dont think he needs a huge overall but i could see someone's reason for a few tweaks especially to his 2. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/9/2017 at 8:26 PM, BlackCoMerc said:


You literally just reminded me that I have both of these frames. Have had for quite some time. Probably more than a year. I cycle through a wide number of frames each time I play, and not only do I never think to use these two...I literally forgot I even have them.

Says something about either me, or the frames. Or both. But yeah...i dont find either one of them impressive. Nezha is like trying to control a race car on an ice rink. And Wukong is just...in a game with Excalibur and Valkyr...such a pointless also-ran. 

I like the movement of Nezha.  Not for everyone certainly but sliding is useful as movement keeps you safe from being hit. 

Slow activations do not work with such a twitch focused character however.  Nezha needs to do everything at speed.  Having to stop and replace a toilet mid blur is foolish.

I think in general slow animations need to go.  This is not WoW where you sit and watch your character do animations, this is Warframe where parkour makes everything more fun.

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20 hours ago, PikachuMarauder said:

I think in general slow animations need to go.  This is not WoW where you sit and watch your character do animations, this is Warframe where parkour makes everything more fun.

I think making the faster cast speed mod an exilus mod (name slips my mind) would be a good idea. I think 15% power stat vs faster casting is a fair trade. I know there's already one that splits into something else but anyone that wants faster casting probably wants more than a tiny bit. 

My only issues with Nezha is that he's surprisingly stat intensive:

To CC you need Range + Some efficiency + Duration because that second animation will get in the way.

To Tank you need Strength. 

So you essentially need everything and on top of all that, he begs for faster casting mods. And balanced build doesn't let you tank much. I think I tried a max strength build and it was still not very durable. You have to instantly refresh his Halo or basically die since he's also squishy. Most of my deaths are while casting halo and didn't realize that it popped quickly enough. 

I play a balanced build for lower lvl missions (That way 4 still kills anything star chart) and a max range/ decent duration build for high lvl missions. When I stop CCing, I pretty much die. 

With all that said, I would Buff his Warding Halo's shield amount. That's about it.

He could use a blazing chakram buff, as he never needs a heal being so squishy (I'm either full health or dead, no in-between). When a Chakramed enemy dies, heal his Halo and/or give a damage reduction buff that only only applies to his Halo.

He has some flaws and I like that they're there. I wish other warframes were brought down to his lvl as I feel he's in a good balanced spot. I clearly have a different take on how frames should be balanced in this incredibly easy game lol. 

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nezha has the shield ability but unlike rhino hasn't got the 130%+ buff at all... the 1 is really crap and doesn't really do much damage at all while the 4 seems nice but still too limited. You're essentially trying to push STR + Range it seems on the build.

Would totally suggest to increase the firewalk damage, 
Drop the shield debuff when sharing shields to others cause it's not like you're doing a rhino on them.
Spikes seem somewhat fine but trying to balance Str / dur / range without killing the ability to cast it only once is a bit much... Highly suggest dropping it to a spike trap of sorts that enemy walk into and get hit by so you can spam it like vauban.
Chakram could be better used like Zenistar's ability to float and damage enemies... this would make sense as an ability to deny an area but also good for DPS in general

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  • 3 weeks later...

Please DE? He isn't bad but his abilities do need a bit of work, he tends to be rather inconsistent at higher levels and I think that is a problem. Especially with his deluxe skin soon coming. (Liger did SUCH A GOOD JOB OHMYGOODDD YES PLS). Here are tweaks that I think DE should considering granting him. 


1.Firewalker- as well as the reduced drain, have fire width and sprint speed scale with range and strength respectively ( Sometimes when I run around or through enemies to cc with fire walker I sometimes miss an enemy due to how skinny fire walker's radius is. I'd like to see if be affected by range and unfurl..more like a wave of fire behind him, or at least in a cone.)

2. Blazing Chakram: Give Blazing Chakram the "bladestorm treatment". Allow us to mark enemies then the Blazing Chakram will auto target the enemies we mark. If we choose not to target enemies we can still use it to teleport. Also make the teleport a bit more smooth, and make this ability scale with range.

3.warding halo- make it bigger , scale with range mods,change it from an iron skin effect to a self centered area of effect damage mitigater that works on self and allies in the radius while scaling up to 95% with some strength mods

4. Divine spears- scrap the second animation (where he drops enemies to the ground or the ability ends) and instead of keeping that we can make it to where casting it again picks up new enemies that are in the area, similar to Equinox's sleep.

With these tweaks I really think he'd get an increase in player base, as well as become more survivable.


Edited by Trickst3rGawd
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5 hours ago, Trickst3rGawd said:

Blazing Chakram: Give Blazing Chakram the "bladestorm treatment". Allow us to mark enemies then the Blazing Chakram will auto target the enemies we mark. If we choose not to target enemies we can still use it to teleport. Also make the teleport a bit more smooth, and make this ability scale with range.


This is an interesting idea that I haven't considered. If DE could pull it off well it might work. Right now people aren't quite liking it on Ash, so I'm not certain how well it'd be received on Nezha (I don't play Ash, so I can't give feedback based on that)

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Just make his Blazing Chakram (somehow) functional as both teleport and team heal (possibly Halo Heal with a augment) while its teleport explosion with 1 on also tags enemies for heal, make the 1 augments potential damage actually functional (Idk, maybe make the fire trail auto path to enemies or shoot into nearby enemies with fire spears) and please make his 4 GROUND HIS ENEMIES/STAB THEM INTO THE GROUND INSTEAD OF AIR! Whats the bloody point of the ability allowing the use of ground finishers on the CCed enemies if your frame isnt actually allowed to do ground finishers because the enemy is 3m in the air (and yes, 4s second cast needs to at least just be a upper body ability if not even just a one handed one).

P.S. For people arguing that 1s width needs to scale with range, the issue is more that the spread of the AOE zones/circles its actually made off tends to have holes when at "proper" slide speed, thus enemies that by all rights should be put on fire/are walking in its area actually arent since there is a gap there.

Edited by Andele3025
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4 hours ago, EchoesOfRain said:

This is an interesting idea that I haven't considered. If DE could pull it off well it might work. Right now people aren't quite liking it on Ash, so I'm not certain how well it'd be received on Nezha (I don't play Ash, so I can't give feedback based on that)

People would like it on nezha because instead of hitting one target and missing the others , you hit 5 or more targets and then you're able to kill enemies. Basically giving your team a larger a better heal then the current one.

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On 1/8/2018 at 12:43 PM, MuscleBeach said:

I think making the faster cast speed mod an exilus mod (name slips my mind) would be a good idea. I think 15% power stat vs faster casting is a fair trade. I know there's already one that splits into something else but anyone that wants faster casting probably wants more than a tiny bit. 

My only issues with Nezha is that he's surprisingly stat intensive:

To CC you need Range + Some efficiency + Duration because that second animation will get in the way.

To Tank you need Strength. 

So you essentially need everything and on top of all that, he begs for faster casting mods. And balanced build doesn't let you tank much. I think I tried a max strength build and it was still not very durable. You have to instantly refresh his Halo or basically die since he's also squishy. Most of my deaths are while casting halo and didn't realize that it popped quickly enough. 

I play a balanced build for lower lvl missions (That way 4 still kills anything star chart) and a max range/ decent duration build for high lvl missions. When I stop CCing, I pretty much die. 

With all that said, I would Buff his Warding Halo's shield amount. That's about it.

He could use a blazing chakram buff, as he never needs a heal being so squishy (I'm either full health or dead, no in-between). When a Chakramed enemy dies, heal his Halo and/or give a damage reduction buff that only only applies to his Halo.

He has some flaws and I like that they're there. I wish other warframes were brought down to his lvl as I feel he's in a good balanced spot. I clearly have a different take on how frames should be balanced in this incredibly easy game lol. 

I agree. Thank you for always blessing posts with facts 😂💯

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11 minutes ago, D20 said:

I'm mostly here to see the suggestion for the 2nd and 4th power (who really needs the most attention IMO), and I think those ideas are pretty great overall. :)

I'm glad someone else wants to see it too! ( I love you D20). But yeah I think that giving blazing chakram a marker would make it less clunkier and allow greater heals. With Divine spears I'd really like to be able to recast and hold down new enemies on their way to kill me. It would really help with survival and keeping an area on lock down. It would also compensate with Warding Halo's lack luster health.

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I have seen a number of people suggest 95% damage reduction instead of a damage sponge for warding halo. I disagree. We have a large number of frames that already have that but only a few with damage sponges. What I would like is better scaling of the halo and the ability to recast it at will. 


As for firewalker being affected by range mods I would be fine with that as long as the range never shrinks beyond what it is now. I use a negative range build that focuses on firewalker and I would like that to remain viable. 

Edited by (XB1)Grife7
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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Grife7 said:

I'e seen a number of people suggest 95% damage reduction instead of a damage sponge for warding halo. I disagree. We have a large number of frames that already have that but only a few with damage sponges. What I would like is better scaling of the halo and the ability to recast it at will. 


As for firewalker being affected by range mods I would be fine with that as long as the range never shrinks beyond what it is now. I use a negative range build that focuses on firewalker and I would like that to remain viable. 

That's totally fine too my friend. See my intentions are just to make him more survivable. Whether DE gives him a 90% damage reduc OR make Warding Halo scale better I'm all for it. What do you think about my Blazing Chakram and Divine spear ideas?

Edited by Trickst3rGawd
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"Mains destroy there own frame". what i'm referring to is the constant fan boying of certain frames that are holding back said frame and community. i'm talking about the hard fan boys not the people that really care about a frames well being. a long time ago it was oberon mains constantly ranting about how oberon was god tier and everyone else was dumb and lacking in skill when really all they were doing was giving DE a good reason not to buff him. Now a days its nezha and atlas frame which are two very lack luster frames who's powers are greatly over shadowed by other frame. instead of saying nezha's powers could use more synergy and talking about whats wrong with atlas (which would take a separate thread) they need to accept that some frames really are just bad and come up with ways to improve them instead of calling everyone whom talks bad about there frame skill less. i know there are people out there already doing this but i find them to be much smaller compared to the fan boys. think about it, if people didnt see how bad limbo was he would have never been reworked." - To the people who aren't open minded. Nezha does need work. To the people who play nezha a lot thank you for being on board with me.

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3 hours ago, Trickst3rGawd said:

That's totally fine too my friend. See my intentions are just to make him more survivable. Whether DE gives him a 90% damage reduc OR make Warding Halo scale better I'm all for it. What do you think about my Blazing Chakram and Divine spear ideas?

I too would like firewalker to cost a bit less so we can use his divine spears at pretty good range by sacrificing some duration or efficiency without basically making my favorite part of his kit firewalker/pyroclastic flow unusable. I would cry tears of happiness if it got some finisher damage or if they just reviewed armor scaling and changed how ridiculous it gets that would be great too. 

Love the blazing chakram idea. I also feel that the casting animation and flight speed should be faster so that it is actually useful as a mobility tool. With how fast nezha moves the teleport feels mostly useless right now

I like the idea of his cc from halo having a wider range. Generally the further away we are from enemies the safer we are. It would be nice to have a frame that changes that equation entirely. 


Your divine spear idea is great. I wouldn't mind the slam staying at the end of its duration, but without nezha being stuck in an animation for it. It can happen on its own. I also would like it to affect high armor enemies in some way if it doesn't impale them. A slow or stun would be nice. Really the whole armor scaling system needs to be reviewed. 

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54 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Grife7 said:

I too would like firewalker to cost a bit less so we can use his divine spears at pretty good range by sacrificing some duration or efficiency without basically making my favorite part of his kit firewalker/pyroclastic flow unusable. I would cry tears of happiness if it got some finisher damage or if they just reviewed armor scaling and changed how ridiculous it gets that would be great too. 

Love the blazing chakram idea. I also feel that the casting animation and flight speed should be faster so that it is actually useful as a mobility tool. With how fast nezha moves the teleport feels mostly useless right now

I like the idea of his cc from halo having a wider range. Generally the further away we are from enemies the safer we are. It would be nice to have a frame that changes that equation entirely. 


Your divine spear idea is great. I wouldn't mind the slam staying at the end of its duration, but without nezha being stuck in an animation for it. It can happen on its own. I also would like it to affect high armor enemies in some way if it doesn't impale them. A slow or stun would be nice. Really the whole armor scaling system needs to be reviewed. 

Yeah I agree with it all.

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