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Laughing Phantom - Ghost Clan - FILLED AT THIS TIME


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Laughing Phantom - Ghost Clan - Recruiting - Solo-ish Clan

So Short version.
State of the clan: Solo players that are doing there own thing. Currently this clan is ideal for those who want a clan for the research and trading perks but don't want to be saddled with regular play times, responsibilities and who are a bit more lone wolfish.
To JOIN leave a message here or message " savinwraith " in game or on steam
If you leave a post here it will take longer for me to see it.
Longer version and loosely enforced rules in the spoiler.
Longer Details:
( Sorry for all of the following rules, but a number of recruits lately had to be removed due to "Issues" . Thus I am presenting an outline of some of our general feelings.)

We are a mature gaming group currently made up mostly of members age 35 to 43.

We also welcome those that are looking for a smaller group setting but are not bothered if no one is interested in grouping or around. 
We also welcome those that want Dojo access with minimal to no socialization but are willing to contribute to research.

The current membership is based in New Mexico U.S. but we play at random hours. 

We do joke, have off colored humor, suggestive comments, innuendo, ect, but we ask that you try to be mindful of others and if you go to far you should apologize.
That being said we don't want any SJW's or Rule Nazi's either.

Rules: (if you want any clarification contact Savinwraith)
NO Racism / Bigotry - Its the 21st century, so just NO!

NO Sexism - This goes for both sexes.

NO Homophobia / NO pride rallying - I think we can all be adults about this.

NO Activism - Please refrain, there are other places for this.

NO SJW's / NO Bronies - If you are either of these, You will not have a good time here. 

NO maliciously insulting other clans, players, and members of this clan.

DO NOT spam in clan chat. Repeat posts, begging, and excessive use of caps and generally being a tool will not be tolerated.

DO NOT spam random invites to clan members who didn't agree with joining your mission. If you want to invite someone, then ask them first.

Lastly, If you are not online for 30+ Days and have not sent a message asking to hold your spot we will remove you so someone else has a opportunity. 

There are various ranks.
To go up the ranks you will need to contact Savinwraith
Ranks only give more dojo access.

-- For those who want to run solo your rank will be Ronin. This rank will allow research access and contribution access. 

--- I assume you glanced at the rules ---

To apply Send a message to steam user: Savinwraith or post below

Future plans - We may expand our size in the future if there is a need.

Edited by Savinwraith
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