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I think what you're saying makes sense, but i'm not an atlas main (even though I think he's fun AF) so I don't have a lot of experience to comment... other than what you're saying, might hurt some players? Low lvl players, if they don't have flow/enough energy to spam abilities.  Mid players too.. maybe? mostly based on the mods & weps they have available to them, 

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2 minutes ago, Dan_DeathWarrior said:

I played for Nekros aaand... I don't like him. Seriously, he IS NOT good. Without polarising he is kinda bad.

Nekros is awesome... If u wanna know why we can debate it privately.   Whether you think he is a good/bad frame is pretty irrelevant.   My point is he can be used as a troll frame and his 4th ability should be looked at... which is what Devs stated are the goal of the tweaks to these frames.  To make them better squadmates.

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14 hours ago, krc473 said:

Not all of it, no. But all I could find to answer my question was this:

Neither of those really seems to answer it. You talk about how they can in your “fixed” version, then comment that it makes the skill bad. My question was: why should allies not be able to kill marked enemies, seeing how YOU said it was bad? You can just quote me where you explain it, that is sufficient. 


I ask because I think allies being able to kill marked enemies is a positive thing. So I want to know why you think it’s a bad thing.

Read my idea first.

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11 hours ago, kuciol said:

Dude you dont get it at all. For CC build you will have to make strength  a dumpster stat. So remove all you dmg mods from your build, add efficiency and duration, add vitality. You will have to choose between expensive low aoe and high range cheap CC. You wont be able to have both.

Dude this build has the highest possible range obtainable while not having any negative stats. Wof is semi-cheap and the energy drain is manageable.

I say its perfect for lv80+ areas where vitality wont gonna help you anymore.

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32 minutes ago, (PS4)TEAISHENNON said:

thanks for once again pandering to noobs who dont get killsdont mean anything fact is vets wanna speed run missions you wanna fix the crying babays issue make noob only lobbys and stop screwing over vets and our play experience after all we are the ones who were here 2-4 years not 1 or less and get coddeled through for ex. lets move noobcaliber cuz noobs cry hes too hard to get no hes not just farm ploto like every one else for the resorsce needed to vrs ambulas not hard at all its just noobs are lazy and expect the game to be handed to them and every time you sit there and pander you encuredge more destruction of the game we vets like 

Struggled to read your post, with all them punctuation signs being AWOL. What I, as a noob don't get is how is the game fun or appealing, if all I get to do is "collecting resources " at the pace a vet (who can easily solo the said mission) wants.  Also, how are noobs lazy and expecting the game to be handed to them when you, yourself, are saying you want the game easy mode to speed-run it. You're just hurling free insults, basically. That because - as other people said - you can speed run the missions anyway, with any frame. And if you can't speed run a mission it's most probably because it's downright impossible to speed run a 2 hours survival in 20 minutes ;)

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32 minutes ago, (PS4)Dyin-Kyo said:


Wukong is fine... Leave him alone... Lol... Just give Wukong a damage augment on defy snd dont worry about him...


11 minutes ago, Dan_DeathWarrior said:

I didn't play for Wukong but, he ACTUALLY IS FINE, he can kill, he has a escape abillity, so HE IS FINE. I love him, even if I didn't play for him)

I play him and he's... ok. I would like a stagger/blind augment for defy as opposed to a damage one. But more importantly, I'd like a bit more mobility - without a speed mod, he's one of the slowest frames in the game. He's the monkey god, but moves like Rhino's fat cousin.

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1 минуту назад, Kidkilla сказал:


I play him and he's... ok. I would like a stagger/blind augment for defy as opposed to a damage one. But more importantly, I'd like a bit more mobility - without a speed mod, he's one of the slowest frames in the game. He's the monkey god, but moves like Rhino's fat cousin.

Huuuuuh, oh, you make me smile)

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4 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Dude this build has the highest possible range obtainable while not having any negative stats. Wof is semi-cheap and the energy drain is manageable.

I say its perfect for lv80+ areas where vitality wont gonna help you anymore

But if all you want is CC than strength is useless, better go with something that will let you survive or make it cheaper to spam abilities. There are other buttons than 4. 

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Embers kit is fun as is and shouldnt be touched the range is important. Not only can she buff with growing power & accelerant but her Ulti can proc aoe status with cc that boost condition overload weapons and increases squads survivability overall.  

She can already get 1hko very easy and WOF range isnt large enough to stop high level enemy from sniping you. this is more noticeable on open tile sets also by lvl 40ish+ mobs start spawning energy drain enemys and exluxs or w/e that dont get cc easy. 

warframe has a bunch of content that doesnt scale well for players that have catalyst, forma'd, and maxx ranked mods. For example, a majority of alerts, syndicates & lilith/meso/neo relics. mission types like mobile defense, defense, survival, capture, interception; basically, any map that spawns additional waves needs to have increase mob lvl scaling. Most likely 1 person is leaving at 5 mins that game will prob end at 10 mins if the other 3 stay. If all 4 stay maybe you can get a 20 wave. at any rate we are literally just waiting for mobs to become difficult for 35 mins on like 90% of warframes overall content.

I personally like zephyr original kit but i didnt like the fact that the ulti cant be recasted and that her augment to buff squad has like 5m range. not to sure about the other frames except banshee but i didnt really like being stuck in resonating quake used sonar scilence & i wasnt much a fan of the kits for other frames. i do know ash used to be alot better his ulti doesnt work well when a majority of players can clear areas in 1-3seconds.

Edited by Yafilthy
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If I can give my opinion as an Ember main, I think we're going in the right direction but I don't know about the execution. I'm an Ember main who (when I play Ember) tries my best to be spatially aware and considerate of my teammates. I rarely keep WoF running for more than 20-30 seconds and when I do, there are tons of enemies to burn. Also, if I see one of my teammates trying to sprint past me or get kills, I turn it off. I also turn it off when there aren't any enemies around, though I keep it on if more will spawn soon. I really only use WoF when I'm surrounded, overwhelmed or trying to revive someone (though Fire Blast is a great alternative for the last one).

What I'm trying to say is that the WoF rework feels intrusive to me, as an Ember main player who tries their best to not be disruptive. I don't really consider this a 'nerf' because we're getting Strength in exchange for Efficiency, but it does feel forced upon everyone who commonly plays Ember, not just the disruptive ones.

That said, the sprinting WoF kill-dominating Ember is a really big problem that I agree should be fixed. Tbh, I don't mind the change on paper (or... screen?) since it makes sense: The lowered Efficiency should stop people from 'setting and forgetting' and the halved Range should require players to get more up close and personal with enemies before they melt, leaving space for teammates to shoot their guns and get kills, while the doubled Strength gives players what they want. I also like the increased Strength as a buffer for the lowered Efficiency, since it hopefully solves the problem Ember has with lvl60+ enemies.

However, I don't feel great about what will happen to me while I'm playing Ember in-game. First, please keep the 5-second delay to the counter. I use WoF as a kind of panic button, to stun and melt anyone near me, giving me a moment to recover from being shot. The initial explosion of fire (with Firequake) saves me, while keeping WoF active allows me to cleave through hordes of enemies, exactly the way I want to. If that initial delay didn't exist and the range started lowering immediately, I would be screwed.

On paper, I appreciate how the increase in Strength and decrease in Efficiency is a lot like a forced Blind Rage mod, which fits Ember pretty well imo, but I feel as if double the Energy drain is too intense. Even for the players who don't use WoF too often, it might become too expensive compared to Ember's other abilities.

The halved Range also seems like a huge inconvenience for me, since I appreciate the base range Ember has now. It didn't seem that terrible in the Devstream but I'm still skeptical. I'm the kind of person who moves two meters to the left to watch a nearby enemy get lit up like a bonfire. However, I can see what you're trying to do with it, again, and I'm happy to work with it as long as the range doesn't decrease immediately or too drastically. In other words, PLEASE keep the delay and the gradual counter!

Just thought I'd mention, when I first began using Ember years ago, I put a Stretch mod on her. As a result, WoF had a habit of targetting enemies that were farther away and not threatening me as much, while the Heavy Gunner nearby would remain unscathed. Then I'd die because Ember is a squishy glass cannon. That was frustrating, so I took it off. To this day, my Ember's build still has base Range because of this. Granted, it's been at least several updates so I'm not sure if people still have this problem but I never tested it. However, I might have to put on a Stretch to maintain the range I want, if the halved range becomes too much of a problem.

Also, while I'm here, I always thought there could be a better name for Ember's ultimate. World on Fire isn't bad, but it could be more expressive.

I especially like the new synergy between Atlas' abilities and the rubble) and Banshee's new Reso-Quake. I also like Ash's new addition to Blade Storm, but the time between pressing 4 and lining up the reticle for Teleport could mean the difference between life and a very frustrating death. Maybe having Ash join the slaughter by pressing 4 again while it's active would make it more responsive?

Have a good one and thank you all for your hard work.

Edit: I just had an idea, though it is unwieldy. Instead of all this, or at least instead of the range debuff, maybe have the WoF range decrease only while the Ember is Rolling or Bullet-Jumping? It might sound ridiculous but thinking about it, the majority of disruptive rush-kill Embers like to move as quickly as possible, and the quickest way to travel is by rolling or bullet jumping, over and over. If WoF's range decreased by 60% for 1 second every time an Ember rolled or bullet-jumped, it might be intrusive to regular Ember players and it might look strange, but it won't ruin people's experiences playing Ember. The key is that the debuff would only last for 1 second, or only slightly longer than the roll/jump itself. Granted, I have no idea how this would be programmed and it's only a base idea, but I hope it can be useful.

Edited by (PS4)Awakenedwolf4
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17 minutes ago, Himenoinu said:

Thank you so very much for properly depicting some players' style when on Ember! Starting the day with a good laugh. Also, your suggestion could aleviate the concerns of people who act worried of Ember's survivability (although, as you might see in this thread and above, there are more voices going against other aspects). Have Ember toughen up based on the amount of suffering WoF brought to her enemies (and get her in a downed state when she's harming her fellow tennos).

Well, I do my best c.c....it's the best way to describe the way I play her... Fire walker at high rank, I spend more time corkscrewing through the air then I do on the ground.... Atterax completes the illusion... You know... Those harnesses people put their kids in with the leash hanging off.... Might as well just be running around screaming "NOOO! I HATE YOU! NOOO!"

Still.... I feel like "Pinball" would have been a better name for the frame, it spends more time bouncing off things then it does actually fighting... I'm looking forward to getting a valkyr... Preferably a prime.. I like the cat suit deal and the abilities sound really interesting..shame they won't let you adjust down the placement of your "back ornament", some of them would make an interesting "Tail"............. *shrug* anway, they don't so what ever.

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21 minutes ago, kuciol said:

But if all you want is CC than strength is useless, better go with something that will let you survive or make it cheaper to spam abilities. There are other buttons than 4. 

All of her skills benefit from high range, but here you go a semi optional build for spamming:


This build is better for accelerant spamming and constantly turning wof on/off.

The problem with the proposed change is that ember only has 2 useable skills. Accelerant what is a niche if you dont have pure fire weapons and Wof.

Wof in this second build with the proposed change will deal 1000 damage, will have 12m range and cost 1.64 energy per second with 20 energy activation cost. Even less useful for crowd control than it would be with a range build.

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All I can do is laugh at this point. If this S#&$ passes, why not remove ember entirely from the game? Her damage will still be pathetic at high levels and now her cc capabilities will be none existent unless you’re spamming accelerant every 5 seconds. Like F***, her cc is a joke to begin with compared to other frames who can cc 1000x better than her. You really gotta feel sorry for the people who use ember against enemies over level 60. Now all she’ll be left with is 2 useless abilities that still haven’t been buffed or reworked and now she will have a short energy hungry 4 that will be completely useless unless you’re on a mission under level 40.

Lmao, I was actually considering on buying the ember pack when she got unvaulted but nope. Thanks DE for saving me the 40 bucks with this bullS#&$.

Edited by (PS4)sandman3567532
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1 hour ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

I am not sure what you are talking about. You lose more mod space if you try to increase damage when you only want CC. Firequake is 1 mod in comparison to like the 4-5 power strength mods. Firequake by itself ensures you knock the enemy down when they get hit effectively stopping them from shooting at you for a little bit. WoF's eruptions/bursts were never AoE and there is no way to increase the number of eruptions per second (I believe it is locked at 5 targets at a time). So there is no need for Heat procs from power strength because the target will be knocked down with Firequake so it provides nothing but damage (which CC Embers don't care about).

Perhaps, but there are still the problem; World on Fire has not much fire bursts per a second as you know, so you can't knockdown all of them. And for someone that stand up but didn't hit by WOF again, fire proc would be needed too. I doubt that knockdown only satisfies CC part.

A...nd, just for such level of mobile CC pillar, why don't you play Equinox or Banshee? They serves us better, and also do much more.

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4 hours ago, Himenoinu said:
  1. So, I should spec for max range ignis and always carry it with me, just in case I pug with a "press 4 and brain-afk" Ember. Ignis is a broken weapon, btw, when you can scorch the enemy through walls and even solid rock (was laughing at it in a defense map on Venus). I mean, some of the Ember players' behavior is so entrenched on mindlessly using WoF, that I had one wiping the team and the escavators repeatedly on a sortie with radiation hazard.
  2. Now regarding your last paragraph, any warframe that can clear an Io or Akkad map with one ability is overpowered and needs to have that skill - and possibly its synergies within the kit - looked at.
  3. Banshee's resonating quake is currently rendered pretty useless, her unmodded skill has the mechanical and destructive effect of throwing a shoe towards the enemies head, while her kit lacks any viable damaging capabilities and sports no syngergies at all.

    Equinox and Ember are the other two frames that I played that need more attention.
  4. To avoid Ember's WoF negative impact on gameplay (not afkplay), the easiest solution (true to what Banshee got) would've been to make the skill unspammable targeted with an aoe of 25m, with short duration and extra effects (like corrosive ticks) poured in for good measure, to "better control a choke point". But it's not what happened. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but skill synergies do exist in Ember's kit and WoF did receive a damage buff at a now upkeep cost of... 6en/sec - which is easily manageable given she's mobile at all times. 15 meters radius is still big enough to hold any tower (true, not all 4 at once), defend any objective and still annoy any player looking to smash or shoot things in run&gun mission types. WoF is still a very powerfull ability, usable and abusable. It can get better (if, say, the accelerant would synergize with WoF's range and effects).
  5. Lastly, people pointing out Ember's frailty should check the only frame they despise (yeah, the one that had a bigger d...amage area). Stats and skill kit, both pre and especially post-changes, make Banshee the favorite loser in a survival challenge. 

I'll leave Equinox be, even if her Maim had the exact kill-joy mechanic and range as Ember's WoF

  1. No. I'm saying that it's an option to do the same thing with more range than Ember has, against the same papery enemies and without a target limit. See it all the time in relics, something like a Mirage tossing out flames and still lower MR players are left in the dust. So it's really not a 'solved issue' by destroying the WoF range.
  2. Can't most AOE frames do that? Using the same ability over and over is still one ability, as the channeled aspect is totally irrelevant as previously shown. Is using more than one ability any better? See Saryn molt-spores - happily clears out enemies at large distances whether or not the player knows they're even there when used right.
  3. Banshee is more intrusive on any defensive mission type than Ember is on any mission. You don't need to deal damage when the stagger-lock basically removes the gameplay for everyone in the squad just as much. Over a much bigger radius. 15m base range is aggressively average.
  4. If the Ember is afk then they're not progressing through the mission. If it's a defense mission to promote non-movement, then there are better-scaling and more-intrusive alternatives already. Spam is spam, all World on Fire does is save some wear on the 4 key. You can build a Frost to throw cheap, high-damage Avalanches with the same base range as WoF every couple of seconds. Add cast-speed and/or know how to momentum-cast and there's the same outcome.
    Also, 6 energy per second is not sustainable in the slightest, outside of abusing energy restores or Arcane Energise. You, and most others, are probably mistaking this circumvention of energy economy as a reason that other stats need to be changed. But the cost increase -> damage increase that is planned would be acceptable, if they left the range alone. (It'd still be a soft nerf for other reasons, but at least the books would be balanced.)
  5. Banshee has plenty of crowd control even without needing high power strength or augments. And she's getting to keep the absurd Quake range, so she's even better. This line is nonsense.
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9 hours ago, Xantheis said:

I agree but, there is a difference between posting "this is a nerf and horrible and you are a troll" than providing constructive feedback.  When a reply degenerates into "  i have decided you are a troll.  my clan thinks you are a troll" there is nothing else to say.  You provided feedback.  wait and see what is done, play with those changes, and offer feedback.

It also isnt the end of the world (and that isnt directed at you) if a change goes too far away from what the devs have envisioned for the frame, they will adjust it again. Waving the doom and gloom "I already tested it and its horrible" (which has been posted a few times) doesnt help at all.  

Right. Must be why Ember's overheat and how Mag used to be a few years ago got thrown into a trash can and took forever to resurface and fix the problem after countless mentions of how it needed to be fixed or change in a positive way. That's exactly why he thinks you're a troll, because you're shamelessly ignoring facts that are in front of you since you want to have a different opinion. I haven't looked at this thread in 10 hours and I comeback to see your posts and I'm not sure whether to take you serious or not. More than half of the comments here give quite decent explanations of the opposite side of what you are arguing for and to be quite frank you seem obsessively apathetic of what can happen to the state of a game where people want BALANCE, not logic. Your logic tells you "Play it first it will be fine fixed later" yet history says opposite. You have no facts to base your opinion on and plenty of people spent a lot of time discussing their opinions and posts here, but the only thing you have to back up what you say is logic... Not to mention your logic makes me feel like you're playing a different game and not Warframe. I also forgot to mention, you don't need to play a build to know how much double of something works, do the math instead of being a smart guy. Maybe it doesn't affect you because you don't play Ember, so maybe you should because clearly double the cost of energy is too difficult to imagine. I'm sorry maybe it should be in a easier to comprehend fashion. 

I'll write this out for you. The cost energy increases over time to double the amount once reaching the cap. You know how you see that thing in game showing your energy? Wait til about 20seconds after a WoF build that is SPECIFICALLY based on Firequake, where you do 0 damage to bombards endgame. Look at all the damage you do with that. Oh wait let's not stop there, you see that damage text? Double the damage it does (which is basically nothing) to bombards. You come up with very minimal time to kill for an enemy that will 2 shot you. Dang man so not only do you still do Sub-B frame dps to endgame content but now you have energy cost twice as demanding. Never would have thought to see a support version of a dps disposed into a dumpster like it committed taboo for stealing kills from new players, as if that doesn't happen with any decent DPS frame in sub 30 content. Literally the equivalence of straight up bullying a frame that isn't even that good in the first place and keeping all the ones that were better at doing the job left alone. This is the only post I am going to reply to you with because at this point you don't even speak constructive, it's more like simple fallacies laced with incomprehensible logic.

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18 hours ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

This is Feedback for the changes seen in the latest Dev Showcase involving Zephyrs new powers and abilities.


Why does a grounded tailwind move you forward instead of upward? 

  • Tailwind doesn't have an action against enemy units. If I tailwind forward and run into an enemy, I'm locked into the animation and the enemy stands as a wall that can kill you. Ever Tailwind into a wall? Its the same scenario when you tailwind into an enemy.

Why is Tailwind (Grounded) a charged mechanic to go upward?

  • Reb mentioned that tailwinds hover has a static timer based on duration. If the timer is static, then why do I need to charge it? Wouldn't just casting Tailwind while grounded be enough to launch you into hover mode? There's also no disparity in allowing a simple grounded tap to launch Zephyr upwards and always execute hover mode considering that you can easily exit the hover as shown.

For directional movement a simple hop and tailwind easily moves Zephyr from position to position quickly. With these changes Zephyr gains a stagnant "hover" at the expense of her quick verticle launch and escape option. The charge mechanic feels unneeded in this sense. 


Zephyr is a mobile experience.
The beauty of tailwind in taking combat into the skies isn't just hovering above your enemies. Its the fluidity of traversing the skies over taking stationary vantage points. Thats already a perk of her  That's part of the reason why there were so many requests for an increased aim glide duration for her rather than a hover.

Here's an example of what I mean through old gameplay of mine which matches the same Role Rebecca demonstrated. Sorry for the quality.

  Reveal hidden contents



This skill is just not good as is. I don't understand the point of merging the ability if none of the issues with its existence are addressed.

  • The limited directional control of the skill makes it miserable to use. Many players have already compared its existence to a melee slam and they're not wrong. There just are simply too far and few instances where you will want to position yourself directly above the enemy. Perhaps I'm explaining it wrong but players always shoot at enemies in front of us not looking below or above. Do you shoot at Grineer Helions from standing directly below them? Would you stand directly above a Nox and aim straight down? No.
  • Divebombs damage is abysmal.

There's just no point in hording a skill into a moveset if its not going to be utilized. We'll be in the same place months from now with rework threads requesting the same thing. Please allow it to scale with melee or something. If there's a need to have a hold mechanic in Tailwind, surely its to aim Divebomb.

Air Burst: 

Not enough was shown with this to see its effectiveness.

  • I would like to mention however that an ability with the primary function is just ragdoll is weak. Zephyr already synergizes immensely with weapons like sonicor and staticor which can ragdoll respectively. Also, Divebomb ragdolls. Tornadoes ragdoll. I think she's good on the ragdoll front. However this skills effectiveness remains to be seen.


  • Needs to allow recast to cancel the skill. If a teammate has a higher damage output in viral but all the enemies are armored, I cant proc corrosive status on them. Probably a nitpick but I like to be thorough.
  • All the skill needed was predictability which was accomplished. To my understanding the skill doesn't absorb and hold damage but rather distributes damage while its being shot to enemies inside. That's fine. Basically a tool that aims for you. 


That's all I has so far. As I continue pondering the changes I'll go forward with making changes to my feedback.



You can tell Rebecca mains Frost. I know this, not just because she said so in a live stream, but because the Frost rework was actually GOOD. The ability changes clearly came from feedback based on play.

This Zephyr rework is pure theorycrafting. By people who have no idea what playing Zephyr in REAL missions, without god mode, is like. Spend 20+ hours (bare minimum) just playing this frame, across a wide variety of mission types and with all of the enemy factions, in various tile sets. Then revisit this. Because Tailwind moving you forward on the ground, and requiring Charge and Hold to go UPWARD...guarantees only that it will never be used while on the ground. Ever. 

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1 hour ago, Kidkilla said:


I play him and he's... ok. I would like a stagger/blind augment for defy as opposed to a damage one. But more importantly, I'd like a bit more mobility - without a speed mod, he's one of the slowest frames in the game. He's the monkey god, but moves like Rhino's fat cousin.

Primal Fury stance needs more mobility/fluidity, he could use a touch more sprint speed, cloud walker needs to be made fun somehow.

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I am petrified that my favourite frame is going to be nerfed into unplayability with these suggested changes to ember.

I really don't want to be a whiny member if the community but am posting in the hopes that maybe one more voice will help.

Yes at star map level ember is a set and forget frame - however her usefulness in higher level missions is NOT her damage, it's her CC. Reducing her range means that her survivability will decrease at the same rate, as (I) rely on firequakr knocking down enemy gunners before they can kill me. When they are on the ground then they can be finished off by whoever is nearby.

If this build is implemented then she becomes even more of a glass canon and imo even less viable in high missions. I hope it either doesn't happen or she gets a survivability buff, because I'm not sure what I would do if my main isn't viable anymore.

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I am not angry with Chroma getting a nerf.  But I am mad that they say it was a "known issue" and gave no warning that this was coming.  Over the last 2 weeks I have forma'd Chroma 7 times.  Now I won't even be using it because other frames will be better.  Its not just the lost forma its all the lost time.  I've spent 2-3 thousand dollars on platinum not only because I don't have a lot of time to play this game that I love, but because I believe in supporting video games.  But I don't know if I can do this anymore.

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21 minutes ago, MissMcGeek said:

I am petrified that my favourite frame is going to be nerfed into unplayability with these suggested changes to ember.

I really don't want to be a whiny member if the community but am posting in the hopes that maybe one more voice will help.

Yes at star map level ember is a set and forget frame - however her usefulness in higher level missions is NOT her damage, it's her CC. Reducing her range means that her survivability will decrease at the same rate, as (I) rely on firequakr knocking down enemy gunners before they can kill me. When they are on the ground then they can be finished off by whoever is nearby.

If this build is implemented then she becomes even more of a glass canon and imo even less viable in high missions. I hope it either doesn't happen or she gets a survivability buff, because I'm not sure what I would do if my main isn't viable anymore.

Ayy another ember fan. While I can't say I main her myself I do think she's one of my top 4 played, including : Nyx (Augment sortie suvivability build), Sonar Banshee, Firequake Ember, and Nova. I completely agree with what you're saying, this isn't a childish reply post like a lot of what's going on - I'm just giving credit where its due. It's like why change something that was literally fine beforehand when it wasn't even a problem. Most frames already kill everything in Level 30 below instantly and DE is going to tell me that the PROBLEM is specifically Ember as a frame and nothing else... Right. Maybe from now on in pub games instead of killing everything in one shot I should just sit back and watch all the new F2p players do nothing with their gear in these missions or they don't know what they are doing. Now I don't blame them for being new but I think DE is getting a little triggerhappy with these changes lately and I can't say I'm not surprised either. Stuff is going to die instantly no matter what you do, unless all the frames are so far nerfed into oblivion that no one will play the game anymore. (No one is going to play a game where regardless of your build you have does absolutely nothing or it doesnt feel like the game it used to be, maybe I can't speak for the entire playerbase on this but I can definitely say sayonara when that happens) This kinda scheme is repetitive, once something like this gets changed and it gets swept under the rug, they will do it again just like with Ember's overheat. They can't sit here and cherry pick specific frames like this and I'm not honestly gonna idly sit by and watch them do that to a game that has still a lot of potential to grow. I already quit playing the game a few months ago, because of burnout and seeing this stuff really is like a nail in the coffin to me - if this goes through I wanna abandon ship because it's on fire. 

They need to either deal with new players complaining about 'killstealing' (as if it's even a problem in a PVE game), because in a PVE game you are going to get carried hard regardless as long as people have played before you or nerf everything into the ground and let the playerbase die because nothing does damage, guess what you have to do then - All the enemies need to be nerfed and you're back at square one again with things being 'too strong.' I've seen this agenda before with past frames and things, I'm hoping for a wise decision to come out of this.

Edited by Vanillu
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I am not angry with Chroma getting a nerf.  But I am mad that they say it was a "known issue" and gave no warning that this was coming.  Over the last 2 weeks I have forma'd Chroma 7 times.  Now I won't even be using it because other frames will be better.  Its not just the lost forma its all the lost time.  I've spent 2-3 thousand dollars on platinum not only because I don't have a lot of time to play this game that I love, but because I believe in supporting video games.  But I don't know if I can do this anymore.

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