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Instead of Killing Ember like that how about:

- Bring Overheat back to ember, make it toggleable like WoF

-Chang Ember's niche Passive to a Free Revive per mission (Like, Ember, phoenix? revive from the ashes?) Since her defences are more less nothing

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19 hours ago, (PS4)Vexx757 said:

Yes, however, Ash`s bladestorm is still bad for the fact that other ppl can take his kills which is a problem.

That was actually an old problem where one damn ash is stuck storming and making the mission takes too much time waiting for the damn ash to stop storming one tough enemy so others can start ganging on it

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22 hours ago, NephalemUnlimited said:

A random question.When will the ners be implemented in to the game?I just wana know when i  can delete the game.

Over this? Guess you can go on and delete the game right now if that's how you feel. I'm guessing a lot of future-favorite frames will get the nerf-hammer in the years to come. Maybe bigger hammer than the one that hit Banshee or your Ember. I also think there should be other games out there that have god-mode and one-shot mechanic that players can employ at will, worry free :D

Some time ago, when this kind of changes were coming, the community was usually going "alrighty! challenge accepted!". Now we're turning into whiners and moaners at the smallest incovenience.

By the way. I just tested today the AoE killers.

- Ember: 30 waves on Venus and Earth (enough to farm low levels, right?) without firing a single bullet AND no energy management issues (definitely the way the game oughta be played). Xini required use of Accelerant, but no issues for the first 2 rounds and still easy mode afterwards. Hydron proved harder to just yolo around the map for more than 10 waves. ~1200 damage on Xini vs ancients with Accelerant. ~300 damage vs the grineer (700ish with Accelerant, over 1000 under Equinox's Provoke) - no energy management issues on any map. Energy upkeep of ~2/sec.

- Equinox: 30 waves on Venus and Earth with very few shots fired (corpus engineers and bombards/heavy gunners weren't willing do bleed to death). 1 Energy pizza every 5 waves, some shots fired on waves 25-30 on Lith. Xini can't be walked through, but with Maim up, holding two points is still a cake. Hydron is hazardous to Equinox even we're talking slash procs. 140-270 slash damage (less on some targets). Both higher level missions are energy intensive when modding for both strength and range (even if the drain is of only 3.75/sec)

- Banshee can't hold a candle to either of them. Without the Resonating Quake, modding for strength and range, she runs out of energy halfway through a wave, deals 70-340 damage per tick on Hydron while still covering the main area. Energy upkeep for Quake is 15 energy, when modded for strength and range.

All three frames 'ere running with basic health/shields/armor. Dropped dead a few times on Hydron with both Equinox and Banshee - being one-shot - when out of energy.

So how come, the one being hurt the most is Ember? Is the new cc role of Quake that much better to offset the whole mechanics change? Looking at the above I'd say that Ember will still be just fine across the star chart for farming purpose while sortie levels mission should not allow breezing through with just one skill being used anyway. I mean, at which point is it okay to expect a warframe to throw in everything it has, both in terms of weapon and abilities? How about team setup for dreadfully long survivals - aimed at using the synergies between various frames (the same way to community does now on Bere)?

Maybe Banshee will find a niche-use for her quake (probably not, relying on silence and sonar after this - to turn the foes into dazzed ripe tomatoes). Maybe people will stop using masochistic tricks to take down the giants from a long gone age. Maybe more people will enjoy running a Zephyr and/or an Atlas. But for sure Embers will play their game the same way they are right now, with the occassional use of covers and walls.

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Things wrong with Ash`s bladestorm

·        He can`t use bs in a team because other players kill the marked targets e.g ember, mirage with simulor, banshee etc.

·        The animation is shown for every enemy marked red. One enemy mark = 1 sec 30 enemies marked = 30 secs which means bs is too long. Before ash`s clones killed with him shortening bs`s animation now 1st mark is him doing it which makes bs way too long.

·        Activating bs is slow because of the two stages.

·        When using bs without a melee weapon is even slower to use before the change.

·        It`s harder to activate bs on a controller than on PC.

·        One enemy mark = 15 energy being invisible = 10 firstly it`s energy consuming and secondly what’s the point of watching the animation if I can`t see myself pulling off sick moves.

·        Weapons can kill better than him e.g syndicate procs (which for a damage dealing warframe is VERY BAD)

·        He can`t kill in a AOE anymore (can`t kill enemies behind walls) like embers 4th ability, banchee`s 4th etc.

·        Because enemy bodies disappear when ash uses bs nekros can`t desecrate the bodies.

The corrected way to fix bladestorm is to keep the old bs but with small changes;

·        Enemies that are red can be killed by players.

·        Make bs able to kill as many enemies that are within the radius of the enemy he`s aiming at.

·        If players don’t want to watch the animation they can press 4 again to jump out of it and the clones will continue killing while Ash kills other enemies. So the animation is still there but you have a choice whether you want to watch the animation or not.

Bs has three stages; 1st stage activates bs, 2nd stage makes you leave the animation and the 3rd stage makes you to be able to cancel bs completely. When you jump out of bs, the number of enemies that are going to be killed by bs are shown where the 4th ability symbol is (like hydroid`s 3rd ability)

·        (SYNERGY) If you use the 2nd ability before you use bs enemy bodies will disappear like the way bs is now.




·        If a teammate needs reviving ash can jump out of bs and revive the downed teammate.

·        For the minority of players that have motion sickness while watching bs, those players never have to watch bs ever again.

·        Ash is an option to use in a defence mission solo because if he doesn`t get all enemies in the bs radius those enemies free from bs are destroying the pod. Now he can jump out of bs and kill them off.

·        3rd stage of bs can be used for situations like ash taking too long to kill high level targets e.g. lvl 100 ancient healer in the sorties

·        Ash WILL NOT be a kill stealer because other player will be able to kill enemies that are red. The only waframe that can spam his ultimate with no downsides.

·        Increasing the amount of kill he can get makes it fare for him to get kills if warframes like spamming saryn, ember and a banshee are in the same mission as he is.

·        It will make ash`s augment mod (Rising Storm) more useful, while the clones are killing his melee weapon will increase its strength plus you can also increase the combat multiplier by attacking enemies yourself.

·        With bs like this you no longer forced to use primed fury in your melee weapon to speed up bs if you don`t want to.

·        The indicator will let you know when you can use bs again by the numbers going down to zero.

·        2nd and 4th ability has synergy because enemies near the enemy that is assassinated by bs won’t be alerted which means it will add to the stealth multiplayer. This makes it to where you can strategize to either kill multiple enemies stealthily or just go full frontal assault which makes ash a true stealth frame.


·        (OPTIONAL) Elemental mods on melee weapons affect his shuriken e.g. toxic mod on melee weapon = toxic shuriken, ice mod on melee weapon = ice shuriken (which will slow enemies down) OR make it scale by melee damage multiplier which will give synergy with his 1st ability and his melee weapon.

·        (OPTIONAL) when holding the 1st ability button ash will throw four shuriken’s which will double in damage and duration of ticks (10 secs to 20 secs) at the cost of 50 energy. 

·        (OPTIONAL) Enemies affected by the stun of smoke screen will reduce their accuracy and make them susceptible to damage by 60% for 10 seconds. (can`t be increased or decreased with mods) Although he won`t benefit from the accuracy reduction due to him being cloaked, he will be team friendly by de-buffing enemies, can be use strategically, it also synergises with his 1st, 3rd and 4th abilities because they will do even more damage due to the enemies being susceptible to damage which makes him an efficient killer.

·        (OPTIONAL) Make ash be able to teleport through windows with his 3rd ability if there is an enemy, ally, MPC or an object with a health bar on the other side of it. (if you understand the concept of teleporting you will get this)

·        (OPTIONAL) Make ash be able to teleport to enemies in the air (annoying ospreys) with an air finisher or 1 second spent in the air.

·        (OPTIONAL) Aiming and holding the 3rd ability indicates the area you want to teleport to similar to nidus 1st ability. This makes it to where you can strategically move around the map sneakily without having to lock on to an enemy and brake the stealth multiplier.

·        (OPTIONAL) If ash uses his 2nd ability first, his 1st and 3rd ability kills will make enemy bodies disappear.

·        (NERF) If player want to skip the animation it will cost you 25 energy, same with stopping bs entirely, doing both will cost you 50 energy, plus no matter how much efficiency you put on ash it will still take 25 or 50 energy.

·        (OPTIONAL NERF) Instead of being invulnerable when in bs ash has an 80% damage reduction.

·        FIX: Make his 3rd ability able to teleport in and out of grates. At the moment he can only teleport in them plus not every grate he can teleport to.

·        FIX: Make ash`s bs apparitions (clones) look the same as ash instead of looking holographic (really the “clones” are meant to represent how fast he is teleporting).

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On 2/2/2018 at 8:03 PM, [DE]Connor said:


Rubble (new mechanic) - Comes from killing petrified enemies. Atlas collects rubble to restore his health, or temporarily increase armor if already at max health.

Landslide - Does bonus damage on petrified enemies. Killing petrified enemies with Landslide generates bonus rubble. We have also increased the contact radius at max rank from 1.5m to 2m.

Petrify - Can use Petrify on Tectonics’ bulwarks to increase rolling velocity and damage. Can also be cast on Rumblers to heal them. Able to cast any ability while Petrify is active - use Landslide to move between enemies or erect rumblers and bulwarks, without Petrify ever turning off! Petrifying speed is also more effective at longer ranges now.

Rumblers - While casting, creates an AoE around Atlas that will petrify any enemy that comes close. Rumblers create rubble when they expire, based on how much health they had.

All these additions are fancy and all that, but in my opinion they don't fix what I would consider are Atlas' core issues.

Landslide for instance is perfectly fine, affected by melee mods and combo counter which makes it really strong overall and a nice CC machine when it stops hitting hard.

His second ability in my opinion could use some tweaking, I think the petrify addition overall is fun and great, but is it effective?
My suggestion would be changing it from health based to time based, and it will absorb incoming damage while still won't let us shoot through it unless punch through (proper balance, get something good at the cost of something relatively bad). Once the timer is over, it will release the absorbed damage in aoe by explosion, or we can push it before like we can at the moment to release it at any time in the direction we desire.

Petrify: Personally I only have one complain about this ability. It is too similar to Frost's Avalanche but at the same time it's also way weaker. Not only does it take longer to petrify than Avalanche, which I guess is fine given the duration of petrify, but it also and just like Avalanche's problem, it prevents status effects from being triggered. How would I fix this? Just grant it armor reduction like Avalanche, that way the ability is not just a CC tool but can be used as a debuff, at the cost of proc'ing status effects when enemies are petrified, but it should at least grant it some scaling. thus making it fun but also effective.

Rumblers: I feel it is fine, but I would also tie their damage output to my melee mods just like Landslide does, specially considering the rather bad AI they have, they only serve as an aggro tool at ''high'' (not really high, just level 80-100) levels.


In a team aspect, Atlas does not really seem to have an actual direction, which is common as a Jack-of-all-trades, but the problem is that he also does not have a solid enough kit to fit a JOAT style, which while not being a master in one aspect, is also not close to decent in all aspects. I really see him as a pre-revisit Oberon, but the only difference is that Oberon in comparison already had a direction, and a partially solid kit, but Atlas lacks this.


I hope this is taken into consideration for futher tweaks to his kit, because it really is a shame overall.

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Can anyone that is in favor of the WoF change give an argument against changing other parts of her kit to add survivability or damage mitigation or armor bypass?

If the damage / drain increase and range decrease is the only thing that is changed, then it is a reduction in effectiveness of her kit.  Obviously.  I wanted to get a taste for how it would function.  So I equip mods like Blind Rage/intensify/transient alongside Narrow minded for reduced range.  This WoF is now at 6.9m range, 1,024 damage, 2.59 drain/sec.  I go into Mot, a mid range corrupted mission.  It was very easy to get killed as the Corrupted Crewman with the shotgun just didn't care about WoF. 

That's the big issue with no other changes to compensate.  Fewer enemies will be distracted by fire fright and will have more leeway during combat to just gun Ember down.  

Also, to the players complaining that "Ember takes all the kills from me and ruins my fun", it's not always about you and trying to ruin your time.  Another perspective is that I need all the enemies around me dead or in fire fright at all times because I don't have any other survivability tools. 

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Hmm... Those changes are peatially good:

1) I love Zephyr changers, she needed those for a long time

2) Atlas changes are nice

3) Ash changes are soewhat nice but they don't solve one problem that appeared after Ash nerf - damage on duration builds is very low and 3 marks are often not enough to kill targets.

3) Gara ult changes are somewhat good but still there is a big spoon of fecal mass - you need to catch enemies inside(and after short time wthey will wake and kill you and teammates). Much better would be to scale it like specters - from enemy levels aroud. 

Now to bad stuff - Ember nerf is really bad. Already that all channeling abilities block energy regeneration is a big problem for most of players(but for those with Arcane Energize it won't be bad) but also range reducing makes Ember much less efficient and much less fun. 

Why less fun?

Beacuse enemies not hit by flames will kill team on higher levels.

And also at low levers it will just slow everything down making easy boring missions(Lith relics and stuff like that) longer for no reason.

Now let's jump to our lightning torm - Volt.

Here comes the nerf for interceptions as no other frame can stunlock annoying crouds that want to take our towers except Banshee(but she needs to sit in ult all the time to do that while Volt was able to run and buff team).

Also duration nerf=damage nerf as damage starts only after 4 sec if mob stands alone. 

I have idea of how to make it good and scalable:

1) For infested it should add health reduction as they have no armor/shields and lighning actually boils their insides.

2) For enemies with shields it should overload shield generators bursting shield power inwards making damage on health equal to shields target has.

3) For enemies with armor it should give massive burns under armor(electric welding) and causing enemies to slow down and lose some % of health and armor while they move for some duration. 

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On 2/2/2018 at 11:03 AM, [DE]Connor said:

Fixed an issue where Chroma would deal no damage with Vex Armor active. While this may sound like a simple fix, if you're a Chroma user please read on!
Solving Vex Armor actually takes as back to Chroma's beginning. On original power creation, we used some less-than-ideal calculation methods to create Scorn and Fury's effects. If you are an avid Chroma user, you probably know the power maximizing this ability brings. At some point in Chroma's future we will need to revisit and use ideal methods for his Abilities; we will inform you well in advance when Chroma is under review.”


Chroma is a complex frame that players usually acquire further on in their Tenno journey. As referenced above, much of that complexity stems from some questionable back-end calculations, which caused Vex Armor to calculate damage boosts AFTER upgrades instead of before. Although the UI may indicate that damage/armor is buffed by a few hundred percent, the actual buff amounts would be much higher. Furthermore, compound elements would effectively be multiplied twice for Fury’s damage boosting, leading to some ludicrous results.

Back in April 2017, extreme damage boosting was not really a problem, so we left the ability as is. However, the Plains of Eidolon update marked a shift in community mindset by introducing Teralysts - featuring multiple large health pools on each weakpoint, damage boosting abilities became an important part of efficient hunting teams. While other damage boosting options require more team coordination, a single self-damaging Chroma could bypass the weakpoint damaging portion of the fight in an instant. At its simplest, we do not want our Eidolons one-shotted.

Chroma’s usage was already somewhat narrow, so we want him to remain a competitive option for Teralyst damage boosting, while also improving other parts of his kit. Although the magnitude of his boost will be lowered, it will still be one of the strongest boosting abilities in the game, and both damage/armor increases will now apply to all teammates in a nearby radius. Furthermore, Spectral Scream without movement restrictions allows players to be the aimgliding, fire-breathing dragon they’ve always dreamed of! We will continue to observe how these changes affect Chroma (and the Teralyst hunting squads) in the coming weeks, and consider further tweaks if needed.

that is great and all....but take chroma or even a shatter shield mesa to a high level invasion against grineer......Napalms AND scorcher's Damage is so damn high at level 45! that it doesnt matter HOW MUCH armor or dmg reduction you have...the bleed from fire is so bad that you WILL die...i turned a corner right into a napalms shot and died instantly, not even knowing what hit me (this was literally 15 minutes ago).

damage boost being nerfed a bit...ok that is fine, but not being able to take a shot to the face.....at such a "low" level is ridiculous.

I think the real reason is the need to take shield damage to gain armor......my shields CANT regen if they are always under fire......meaning I'm gaining the damage boost...but NOT the survival-ability boost i need. even with a sentinel (if IT wasnt one shot at all.....or if it already went thru its max of 3 revives) with Guardian (which is almost always on CD it seems). maybe we should START at 100% power strength on cast and build UP TO what ever our power strength build is at....
preferably with some otherway than self damage or having to purposefully take damage to charge it....

edit: what if, after hitting the damage cap it would start charging the ARMOR cap if its not maxed? and this would be to the ability directly...not an augment

Edited by Kalvorax
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4 minutes ago, Zilotz said:

3) Ash changes are soewhat nice but they don't solve one problem that appeared after Ash nerf - damage on duration builds is very low and 3 marks are often not enough to kill targets.

Are you running negative strength on your duration build? 

A unmodded bladestorm can kill lvl 100 heavy gunners/bombards with three marks


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1 minute ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

Everyone keeps saying"love the Zephyr changes" but not why, which changes they like or any details behind it.

Face is.. They just like the fact that Zephyr got changes at all rather than how they play into her gameplay at all.

Super frustrating for someone who actually plays her consistently and has criticisms.

like what?

I for one LOVE the fact they FINALLY made her 1 and 2 a single 1....her 2, they didnt show much of so cant really comment...her 4, my only gripe was that they tossed enemies AND loot all over the place.

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14 minutes ago, Cytobel said:

1. Improved matchmaking for players, so that someone day 1 doesn't have to deal with someone who's been around for 4+ years, is jaded as hell an geared to the teeth.

2. A system to refund players ALL of the materials put into a dramatically nerfed 'Frame that they may well now find unplayable.

3. More new player content AS WELL AS ways to acquire weapon and warframe slots in game.  Perhaps not many, and not frequently, but some way for a brand new player to get enough space for some seriously varied kit.  -I'm aiming this at the new-player experience as I've seen brand new Clanmates simply up and out after doing a quick spot of math and determining how much money they would HAVE TO SPEND to play the game with a half-respectable Arsenal.

4. Less emphasis on "damage-dealing abilities" in Warframe.  Either that, or more aspects of scaling ability damage.  Enemy health scaling means that abilities based strictly off of damage become WORTHLESS very, very quickly (ESPECIALLY in the suprise buttsex that is a mis-identified Kuva Flood**)

1. Met a lot of newer players than me. Was happy to help'em around during and after the mission. Was doing that in other games too, when I was more than 4 years in. But I guess since DE can't apply a patch to fix the quality of the players, leaving the newbies to fend for themselves would be a good alternative (thus preventing them from overextending past their gear's limits).

2. Nope. Potatoes and formas can be aquired not that difficult through playing. Also, don't tell me people don't "waste" formas or potatoes on gear that they still find unpleasant to play with, only because they saw a vid or got an advice about this or that being awesome. Not to mention that, most of the time, the investment in a frame or weapon usually pays off with prime parts or other desired loot long before a nerf hammer strikes.

3. More player content yes. New player content? No. They're skipping it already since it's the mid game that rewards the biggest affinity chunks and other desired drops (like Axi relics and so on). Not to mention that new players rarely give any attention to the content designed for them. Skipping tutorials, skipping missions, planets, gear progression... all because the "mastery locked" tag on the gear they heard good stuff about rubs them the wrong way.

Also also. Orokin Vaults. A way to aquire weapon and warframe slots. Riven mods and Primes.

4. I agree with the former. More focus on team synergies would make the game more enjoyable, even if the 4+ years veterans, used with a stomp-and-go solo playstyle will rage against the mechanics. It's funny how, in all the cinematics I saw about Warframe's story, there was teamwork. I was lied by them, Warframe is a self-centered game and a shaflt measuring contest. Not really because that's how DE designed it, but because that's how the community treats it. I think that if the requests were more often for warframes synergies, then the whole game (monsters, warframes and encounters) would move more towards that direction.

After all, buffing monsters and frames can only take the game so far. The monsters should be designed to also synergize their skills (not just wear tanks as sweaters at high levels. What I mean is, redesign the loot table for monsters to relate to their weapon of choice so that monster would basically use the mods it can drop, for example:

Drekar Butchers would progressively equip - and have the chance to drop - Pressure Point, True Steel, Organ Shatter, Jagged Edge, Vicious Frost and Condition Overload, in that order. A level 120 Drekar Butcher would have a 5-15% chance to drop CO, 15-25% for Vicious Frost, 25-35% for Jagged, while the others would sport a 10% drop chance each - if the monster drops a mod at all on the roll - while a level 30 would have the drop chances similar to the ones shown on the Wiki. If all monsters would benefit from the mods they could drop, there would be less need to just go nuts on their defensive stats, as the mods would have the potential to level the playing field (and in the later stages turn the tables in the favor of the npcs, while actually rewarding players for staying that long in an endless mission). We'd quickly learn to cooperate.

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2 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Haven’t you noticed that I’m not cheering for the changes? My repeated statement, across multiple threads including this one, is that it won’t be the end of the world, Ember will still work, but will be crippled and stripped of much of her CC.

Then why are you arguing against me pointing out that the changes are stupid?

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21 minutes ago, robbybe01234 said:

Can anyone that is in favor of the WoF change give an argument against changing other parts of her kit to add survivability or damage mitigation or armor bypass?

If the damage / drain increase and range decrease is the only thing that is changed, then it is a reduction in effectiveness of her kit.  Obviously.  I wanted to get a taste for how it would function.  So I equip mods like Blind Rage/intensify/transient alongside Narrow minded for reduced range.  This WoF is now at 6.9m range, 1,024 damage, 2.59 drain/sec.  I go into Mot, a mid range corrupted mission.  It was very easy to get killed as the Corrupted Crewman with the shotgun just didn't care about WoF. 

That's the big issue with no other changes to compensate.  Fewer enemies will be distracted by fire fright and will have more leeway during combat to just gun Ember down.  

Also, to the players complaining that "Ember takes all the kills from me and ruins my fun", it's not always about you and trying to ruin your time.  Another perspective is that I need all the enemies around me dead or in fire fright at all times because I don't have any other survivability tools. 

You did equip and use weapons too, right? not just WoF and bullet-jumps. Day Equinox has half the damage output of Ember and no way to increase it. She's also squishy but she only dies if I try to kill stuff using only Maim.

Also, there were 2 suggestions being passed around here.

I suggested adding a corrosive proc, but now thinking on my post above, things could be a lot better: Ember's WoF could mix with other frames' abilities. Frost's Avalanche, Ice Wave and Freeze would all generate a 100% chance Blast proc on all targets they hit that are being affected by World on Fire. Saryn's Molt expiration or Toxic Lash hitting enemies affected by WoF would proc % Gas (with all its mechanics) and so on. HA! HA! You could run over Hydroid's Undertow and blast all the enemies out of the water :D Some of the combos could also generate positive effects on the warframes, as long as they're in Ember's WoF - from toxin and slash resistance to armor buffs and regen.

Someone else suggested giving Ember an armor buff based on the damage dealt with WoF. Could work - either using a counter like Maim's (but then the energy upkeep should be higher) or by just refreshing every 5 seconds, the same way the melee combo does.

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Ash: rework seems fine, maybe increase smoke screen duration a bit?

Atlas: If the armor boost and its duration are too low, the rubble mechanic will be pointless, also petrify still makes atlas way too slow and vulnerable to actually consider using it.

Banshee augment: don't care, never used her that way, also now I might actually try using soundquake. I mean, locking an already fragile warframe in place, really? Who thought that was a good idea in the first place?

Ember: What's the point? I only ever use her if I want to be done quickly with a low level mission, now she'll be collecting dust because I surely won't be bothering fiddling around with WoF de/activation just to reset range. Also, if I belonged to those people that bought her for 800+ plat I'd be really mad now.

Gara: Let's see, maybe that will be a reason to use her.

Volt: Seems fine if all one wants is damage, I like his cc more, but lets see.

Zephyr: Looks promising but has absolutely nothing to do with her upcoming prime, hm? I'd like to see turbulence being castable on allies and mission objectives, and I'm not sure what her new 2 will do for her, but hey, at least something is happening with her.

Chroma: Sneaky much? Changing the way vex's boosts are calculated not only nerfs his damage, about which I don't care that much as long as he can deal about the same amount as mirage or octavia, but what annoys me greatly is the severe cut to his survivability. If this goes live as stated, he'll no longer be a tank at all, and that's what I liked about him in the first place. And by tanky I don't mean "can take 1 bombard rocket to the face" but instead " 20 lvl. 150 heavy gunners are dealing so low damage to me, it's only tickling". Since you want to rework him anyway, how about this:

Spectral Scream : changes are quite pointless, /bc even though the removal of movement restrictions means it can finally be used without gimping yourself, its damage is still too low, range on every decent chroma build will be a joke and the energy drain just says no. Spectral scream offers not nearly enough to build around it and interferes badly with (at least until now) better powers.

Elemental ward: This needs to be changed to work like Ivara's Quiver, so that Chroma can use all elements in one mission. The different elemental effects should produce seperate buffs, so that Chroma can have all ward effects up simultaneusly. Master of the elements, remember? Also, since this is an aura and you appearantly want him to be a buffer frame, make the aura affinity range and build his ward augment in, as well as the ability recastable. Since the formula change for vex armor makes armor a pointless stat for him, change the ice effect to % damage reduction.

Vex armor: If you have to "fix" the double and triple dipping of it, fine, but give it affinity range as well, let scorn provide %damage reduction instead of armor, as well as the elemental ward augement effect upon leaving range. Recastability, as well.

Effigy: It certainly could use the affinity range treatment as well as vex armor damage scaling, apart from that, maybe give him the ability to teleport to his effigy?

He'll also need an actual passive then, i'd think a small amount of health regen (say 2 per second) should suffice.

Edited by DarkGuard01
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27 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

Then why are you arguing against me pointing out that the changes are stupid?

I'm not. I'm pointing out that Ember is functional now and why. I feel that if WoF has its range reduced, then Ember needs to have some kind of defensive buff in compensation, to help her survivability.


I posted a huge chunk of the evidence which you asked for, by the way, it's lost somewhere in this ridiculous thread after the merging and shuffling. I'm also happy to just play through a full Sortie cycle with you so you can see for yourself.

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Just make it the same as overheat and being toggleable like wof, nobody would care if it was low base dmg with low drain IF we had dmg reduction that scaled with power strgh like overheat. Make it cap'd at like 80% least that at least will make ember survive more than 4m on mot like in the dev workshop :(

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i like atlas as a frame the shree power of his passive is great especially against the sortis where you get the glowing units which just cc you to the point you cant stand up but his rumbles dont scale and they can only attack like one unit at a time pulse they can die really easily i dont think this rubble mechanic will do them much good. i was kinda hopping for alittle more scaling on them with something like when they die they split in to two smaller versions of them selfs like golems do in other games i mean it fits the theme dose it not but thats not to say i dont like the rubble idea his 4 dose need something done to it   

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Ash - Bladestorm
Still useless in my opinion

Seems interesting

Banshee - Resonating Quake
Seems interesting, but why "Has a short duration": WHY?? Test needed. Careful with Banshee rework, people quit the game if nerfed

Seems bad. Will see... Test needed

Ember - World on Fire
WHY?? This is not needed!!!!!!!!!

Gara - Mass Vetrify
Better, but not enough


Volt - Discharge
MMM... Test needed

I think you can do something better...

Edited by JetstreamAlex
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