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Why after so long Excavation Drills hp still not scale?


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So that the question and the thing is this limit how u play an excavation mission when doing long run or Neo Excavation or even just short duration excavation 

This make me feel like we have to ALWAYS bring a frame to make something to protect the extractor (understandable) from being few-shots? why the extractor hp can be scale with mission? like Plain Extractor in Ghoul i mean if DE do that then when players do short excavation (4-6 then extract) or doing Neo excavation feel to have more frame to choose than have to lock in on 1 frame just mainly protect the extractor?

I get the idea of excavation mission is DEFEND the extractor but with the limited hp of extractor it become too much of a chore to have to protecting it from being 1 shot and make someone in squad have to do that job and the other killing stuffs around (have fun?) that feel kinda unfair for that one person that want to get something from the extractor rather than "+99 cryotic" ( i know how that feel many times )

So i just ask for some scaling hp/shield for extractor but nothing crazy just some small scaling so everyone can have more diversity to choose frame to play . If u play long run ofc u "have to" bring a frame to protect that just reasonable but rather not lock anyone from using they favorite frame from doing short excavation mission

(sorry if i make many grammar mistakes . English is not my city xD)

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that's because of the risk-reward factor. if they scale, then people would start doing 2 at a time (after 1,5/2k) instead of 1, meaning more rewards in shorter amount of time. if they didn't scale, you'll be forced to do 1 at a time, thus less rewards over time 

even if it's small scaling it wouldn't really make a difference, because of the insane dmg scaling from enemies.

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i dont mean to ask for crazy scaling just some hp/shield so not everyone want to do excavation have to bring a defense frame for it , it remove the diversity when u playing ex: Plain extractor is perfect example but the scaling is kinda too crazy 

Edited by zWhiteKz
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3 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

that's because of the risk-reward factor. if they scale, then people would start doing 2 at a time (after 1,5/2k) instead of 1, meaning more rewards in shorter amount of time. if they didn't scale, you'll be forced to do 1 at a time, thus less rewards over time 

even if it's small scaling it wouldn't really make a difference, because of the insane dmg scaling from enemies.

So you mean that is logical to get more reward doing short runs where you can have 2 excav going al the same time?

to me the logical thing is to reward atleast the same, so make people capable to keep 2 at time in longer missions OR triple cryotic rewards after a certain amount of rotations.  (12-16 excavations in high level missions).

atleast once certain endless missions were more rewarding if you could last longer.

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11 minutes ago, JohnKable said:

So you mean that is logical to get more reward doing short runs where you can have 2 excav going al the same time?

to me the logical thing is to reward atleast the same, so make people capable to keep 2 at time in longer missions OR triple cryotic rewards after a certain amount of rotations.  (12-16 excavations in high level missions).

atleast once certain endless missions were more rewarding if you could last longer.

what I mean was in excav. you get a reward every 100s, but that's not really true, since you can have up to 3 'timers' (as in diggers) at a time, which means you get 3 rewards during 100-300s. that rate is too good and totally overshadows the 1 reward per 5m that survival has, and def in higher lvls 

out of all the endless types, excav is the most rewarding one if you look at it from a time pov. you get more rewards in shorter time.

to balance this, the diggers have crap for hp, so there's a lot more risk. so in theory, yes, you can get rewards in short time periods, at least in the low lvls or the start of the mission, but later in the mission, you 'have' to do 1 at a time, meaning 1 reward each 100s, with the risk factor of that if you're not defending it properly, you basically have to redo it and you've lost time

ofc we didn't talk about the rate of power cells, and how it's much harder to get them in the late game 

DE have talked about this before and made changes to counter this. the fact that they split up the digger sites a bit so it won't be 2-3 diggers landing at the same map in a row, just so they can make the mission, thus the rewards you get, longer is a testament to that 

scaling, splinting up the dig sites and lowered power cell drops the more you stay within the mission are all ways to counter the great reward-to-time ratio excav missions have compared to other endless missions 

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I agree with the OP, there needs to be some HP scaling so the enemies can't destroy the pods in seconds. This is especially annoying in sorties in PUB games. The more hp the pods have the more various frames we can bring, instead of the meta only. 

Also OP, try using Limbo next time, he is very affective in excavation, enemies can't dmg the pods and if there are 2 Limbos you can do 2 pods at the time indefinitely.

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2 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

what I mean was in excav. you get a reward every 100s, but that's not really true, since you can have up to 3 'timers' (as in diggers) at a time, which means you get 3 rewards during 100-300s. that rate is too good and totally overshadows the 1 reward per 5m that survival has, and def in higher lvls 

out of all the endless types, excav is the most rewarding one if you look at it from a time pov. you get more rewards in shorter time.

to balance this, the diggers have crap for hp, so there's a lot more risk. so in theory, yes, you can get rewards in short time periods, at least in the low lvls or the start of the mission, but later in the mission, you 'have' to do 1 at a time, meaning 1 reward each 100s, with the risk factor of that if you're not defending it properly, you basically have to redo it and you've lost time

ofc we didn't talk about the rate of power cells, and how it's much harder to get them in the late game 

DE have talked about this before and made changes to counter this. the fact that they split up the digger sites a bit so it won't be 2-3 diggers landing at the same map in a row, just so they can make the mission, thus the rewards you get, longer is a testament to that 

scaling, splinting up the dig sites and lowered power cell drops the more you stay within the mission are all ways to counter the great reward-to-time ratio excav missions have compared to other endless missions 

Im Not comparing it to survival or defense.

im comparing early mission vs late mission. Why does make any sense to you having more rewards in less time doing 15 excav 3 times than 45 in a row?

it doesnt to me. 

That it has the best rewards compared to other endless missions, thats another story. No purpose in doing endless anymore since they got rid of void keys system 

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9 hours ago, (PS4)shmittem said:

Because we want alittle challenge

maybe so, but 2500 health is still way too low. if it were between 5000 and 10,000, that would be fine, but it doesn't take that long on higher nodes like Hieracon for infested to be able to wipe the drills out in a second. (and defense frames can only do so much, unless you run Limbo).

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that the exact problem when ever u do excavation u have to bring some kind of frame to exact defend the extractor which understandable but it just limited the gameplay to those frame only which suck ....

Edit: early on in the game defend pods suffer the same issue but got a scaling system to fix that and why extractor cant? that just doesnt make sense

Edited by zWhiteKz
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Yeah, its very important to have frost in your team when dealing with high level excavations.

Feels extremely limiting since I want to use another frame but the drill goes kaput the moment a pebble hits it. 


Maybe DE overlooked that the drill needs to scale too in this sort of things.

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Excavation is not like defense where the mission automatically fails if objective gets destroyed. On the other hand, seeing it gets oneshotted at some point, it could indeed use some scaling. Maybe not as high as the anti-ghoul gizmo (what was it, 70k HP and a bit of shield on top?), but at least enough (let's say 20k HP at level 50+) to prevent that pebble hitting it at +99 Cryotic scenario.

There's that and there's Limbo.

> In need of a truckload of cryotic for fancy ice mace <Sibear.jpg>
> be lazy, enable easymode, join Hieracon as Limbo
> go alone for the next excavator, because most people hate the mad hatter frame
> repeat, always go alone for the next one, no reason to annoy oversensitive special snowflakes 
> watch the other drill being destroyed every time, 3 players running around it, having a hard time, reviving etc.
> dig 4-5k per run while chilling in stasis and listening to some cool post-bop and ECM jazz

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Well how often you goes to 12k excavation. Thats the amount required for the monster to be lvl 120 and able to 2 shot it.

some of us does reach there but most of them wont.

DE now prefer you goes multiple short mission than long ones.

With all the nerf and so called balance. This is the road they are aiming.

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