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UPDATE!! We Are Getting Accessories Only For Unvaulted Packs Starting This Pack. THANK YOU [DE]!


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12 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

DE not selling them separately has nothing to do with Bungie, and they already ARE a good deal. You are already getting bundles and discounts and people still complain because part of the bundle is already something they own. Stop with entitlement and buy it like everyone else or skip out; they are only pixels on a screen. DE does not need to cater to people who only need 1/4th of a bundle. The same thing goes for market bundles for Deluxe Skins.

look who's not being entitled


pixels on a screen? dude, cosmetics are half the game

then why do they cater with PAs and not with PVs? also that's not 1/4, literally the only things that you don't own are the cosmetics, the extractor (which nobody cares about), the profile pics (an ok addition) and plat (which you can easily get ingame) 

they're far from a good deal for those who have/don't need 3/4 of the pack, and those people are the majority here. ofc I'm talking about the separate packs here 

crap, I wanna go personal on this so bad XD 

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Just now, Karthunk said:

Entitlement and catering? Are you dense in the head or are you one of those people who needs to argue every single topic? A consumer should not have to buy an entire house when all they want is a brand new oven.

his entire forum presence is built on these kinda comments, give him a break XD 

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4 minutes ago, shoopypit said:

Had to watch half the video to get his point. It's an annoying video to watch.

Just so others don't have to watch this atrocity here is an explanation.

The uploader is whining because with unvaulting you don't get the option of purchasing the cosmetics separately. So if you already own the frame and weapons but need the cosmetics, you have to purchase the whole thing. He also conveniently leaves out the fact that it's far cheaper than prime access, and still gives you the slots you need for the frame and weapons, while also includes platinum, which accessory packs do not include. So it's actually a very fair deal. 


" far cheaper than prime access,"

That's not the point though is it lol, I recommend you listen to 6:26 and on, where he speaks about what DE said to him and tweeted. That they listen to us, well huge amount of the community have been speaking about this for a long time, Listen I get it, I buy Prime access top package I did the last two packs, Mirage and Hydroid. I have others I have spent a lot of money in this game, because I love it and support the dev's, how ever as someone who has most stuff and would like to complete and say get the Misa Prime Syandana to say I have to spend that much just for s Syandana when for the same cost I could purchase 6 Tenno gens is frankly not right. 

All we want it options we are all happy to pay for what we get, but to pay so much for something which only 1 thing out of the entire pack I want. is't un-reasnable to ask that they give us options just for accessories..


And of course these items are cheaper than Prime Access in prime access EVERY SINGLE ITEM IS BRAND NEW! not old and which by now most already have...

Listen we are all entitle to our own opinion's I appreciate what you are saying, how ever a massive amount of the long term players AND new want options and DE stated themselves they pride them selves over the fact they listen, well this is all we want..

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1 minute ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

So you cannot say for certain that they wouldn’t make more money. 

Also I believe a wise person just quoted all the numerous ways DE make a ton of money already. Making them out to be paupers is not going to work.

The wise person has no internal data on such things. You can list all the numerous ways DE CAN make money already. However what matters is WHICH one EARNS them the most, and that is likely to be the prime access and vaults. 

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1 minute ago, Xantheis said:

Just because they havent made a specific comment on an accessory only unvault doesnt mean they are ignoring the comments and feedback.  As a matter of fact, they have mentioned that they have heard the feedback.  They have stated multiple times recently that they were looking at the unvault process overall and some items (with no specific details on how or what) would be available via Baro and they were looking at other options as well.  

The bottom line is they do listen.  

Also - Just a bit of friendly advice.  If you want to offer feedback that will be taken seriously, resorting to emotional blackmail (I quit if this isnt fixed), name calling, and dev comparisons isnt the way to do it.  Asking a developer to prove anything to one player is obnoxious and easily dismissable.  constructive feedback generally works best. 


Sounds like one of those typical Bungie responses after a Destiny 2 controversy to me. Actions speak louder then words. This same matter has come up after pretty much -every- unvaulting, every single time the feedback is the same: Give us an accessory pack. And every time nothing is done with it.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Bungie ignores player requests for Eververse to be removed.

Digital Extremes ignoring players who are asking politely for them to seperate the vault packs.

A very similar attitude.

Are we going to ignore the fact that the eververse is almost completely integrated into the games design  and randomized on top of it but prime vaults are just a bunch of set goodies?

Like how do those even compare other then the developer saying "no"

Edited by Airwolfen
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Just now, Viyrew said:

The wise person has no internal data on such things.

And neither do you. So you might as well stop saying that DE wouldn’t make as mch money from seperated vault packs.

As a side note I’d also like to say that a company who puts players first before their main income are likely to be succesful. The other way around doesn’t work (Source: Battlefront II EA).

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25 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Every time an Unvaulting happens, people ask for the cosmetics to be sold seperately. Each time we are apparantly ignored. For those of us who have the gear but not the cosmetics, this is a really crappy practice. 

We do not want to have to pay for items we already own, we just want the cosmetics.

This is probably the only microtransaction you guys do that is just a straight up rip off and a middle finger to veterans. Please show us that you’re listening to your community DE, and seperate the gear from the cosmetics instead of just ignoring the request outright, like Bungie with their Eververse rubbish.


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DE did sold those accessories separately, you missed the chance to purchase those said accessories. So either you're at fault or perhaps you joined in late in Warframe to grab those accessories (God knows what if they sell Targis Prime Set separately). DE is good enough to return these things to us for those who have missed it but even so, they gave an opportunity and those players you're referring to who is asking "politely" to give them another opportunity to buy the accessories alone and call them names when they don't.

I don't see the fairness in that. Just because DE didn't do it doesn't mean they don't listen. There's a BIG difference in listening and complying with requests from the community and with every request comes consideration. Saying that DE doesn't listen to its community makes it look like you haven't been in Warframe for too long to notice the things they've done for the community.

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Just now, Airwolfen said:

Are we going to ignore the fact that the eververse is almost completely integrated into the games design  and randomized on top of it but prime vaults are just a bunch of set goodies?

Like how do those even compare other then the developer saying "no"

It's the attitude, not the situation, mehtinks.

WF truly can't compare to that turd, but in this case a similar train of thought can be observed with how you can buy stuff.

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2 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

Are we going to ignore the fact that the eververse is almost completely integrated into the games design

And somehow that means people should excuse it? No. A good deceloper would rework the system so that at the very least becomes less predatory. But no. Old “player-first” Bungie died a while ago.

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11 minutes ago, shoopypit said:

Had to watch half the video to get his point. It's an annoying video to watch.

Just so others don't have to watch this atrocity here is an explanation.

The uploader is whining because with unvaulting you don't get the option of purchasing the cosmetics separately. So if you already own the frame and weapons but need the cosmetics, you have to purchase the whole thing. He also conveniently leaves out the fact that it's far cheaper than prime access, and still gives you the slots you need for the frame and weapons, while also includes platinum, which accessory packs do not include. So it's actually a very fair deal. 


1- in PA, you get new stuff you don't own 

2- for 40, while yes it's cheaper, you only get: 1 prime cosmetic, 2 profile pics and 1 prime extractor (which nobody cares that much about) 

for 50 during the PA, you get 2 prime cosmetics, x2 90 day boosters

3- everything you said can be farmed in game, whether it's slots or the wfs and weps or the plat 

so, what we have is: 

pay 40 for 1 cosmetic and 2 candies or pay 50 for 2 cosmetics and x2 90 day boosters

yea....Imma say the PA is the better deal here 

ofc, me saying it's a better deal, and you saying PV is a fair deal is just subjective, but I've listed down the facts, and it's not as rewarding as you think it is 

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Yes, what's with the whole House slave mentality on this forum. DE are NOT a bunch of mentally challenged children. They will NOT melt every instance they experience negative feedback. Come on, give them more credit than that and nobody likes a suck-up.

This issue comes up every time there is a prime access or un-vaulting. It clearly bothers enough players to warrant attention. I'm always on the side of the consumer, unless they're attempting to get things at unreasonable prices. This does not appear to be an unreasonable request.

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3 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

All of this debate about how to unvault...like the Vaulting is an ok, reasonable thing in the first place...

hey, they first said it was because the void keys are getting too clustered, then why they unclustered it via the relic system they still kept them 

gotta make the moneyzzzzz 

and ofc, don't start quoting me that they need to get money somehow. I just want them to come out and say they kept them because of the good income they provide, not for that halfassed excuse 

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12 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

Meanwhile each total pack is already cheaper then the accessory packs...


18 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

So they'd rather make no money than make some money. Yep, that's a Triple A attitude alright...

Also, Deluxe Skins are nowhere near similar to this. Deluxe Skins are brought with plat, which you can make in game, for free. So, the fact that they're holding back some extras for the bundle... big deal. But not everyone has 60 bucks to drop for a pack that contains stuff that they mostly own, or frankly, would rather spend 15 bucks or something to get the cosmetics alone. That's not entitlement, that's choice, and when it comes to IRL money, choice is an important thing. Cause we're humans, and we don't think all the same way.

So, we should just give out Misa Prime for 10-20 USD because players aren't willing to spend on an already discounted Prime Package? I used Deluxe skins as an example because players also whine about how they bought the skin and now don't want to have to buy the bundle for just 1 cosmetic.

It could be worse, would you like DE to charge Vault Accessories for the same as Prime Access? I bet you would love that deal. Misa Prime + Extractor Prime by themselves for $49.99 USD. You also fail to realize that when Misa Prime was available from Prime Access, it was exclusively confined to the Inferno Pack which was $139.99. DE is giving an amazing deal with Vault Access, and everyone wanting separate accessories is seriously "asking for a mile".

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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This is such an easy fix that it pains me, just do the exact same thing they do with Prime Access Accessories but swap the credit/affinity boosters for the two resource boosters.



1 minute ago, BlackCoMerc said:

All of this debate about how to unvault...like the Vaulting is an ok, reasonable thing in the first place...

The Prime Vault is okay... ish. Having the older Primes be in a rotation is the best solution I can think of (and I have spent more time than I care to admit trying to solve this dilemma). However, the exact implementation is a bit scummy. However putting the vaulted relics in Bounties is a step forward (partially solving the problems of dilution), then of course we were teased of Volt Prime coming in relics from Baro. It needs refinement, and we do need to hold DE accountable for making the system sustainable, but vaulting, at its core concept, is fine.

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5 minutes ago, Key said:

How is paying $40 Just for syandana a good deal, yes I will but is not the best deal

Just because you own everything else doesn't mean it's not part of the bundle. For players who don't have that stuff it's an amazing deal. For those who only are missing 1 item, maybe the pack isn't for you. Or buy it if you really are a desperate completionist, which people like myself are. I mean, why weren't people complaining about other exclusive bundled items? Like the steam Excalibur skin for example. 

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