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Quartakk feels bad to use now


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I agree, I like the new damage buff but man the fire rate reversion is TERRIBLE, it feels so damn bad to use, honestly I don't know why they did that...

I think if they want to keep the fire rate nerf, they should change Quartakk from Semi Auto to Auto fire so that it's not too iinsufferable when it comes to shooting because I hate the feeling that you can't shoot when you hit your mouse button...

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i think it had a unique feel to it, 4 shot fast firing riffle(with fire rate mods) plus it staggered enemies so you could fire multiple shots without them retaliating as easily.

now it's just a slow uninteresting rifle.

Edited by alepap1995
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10 minutes ago, alepap1995 said:

i think it had a unique feel to it, 4 shot fast firing riffle(with fire rate mods) plus it staggered enemies so you could fire multiple shots without them retaliating as easily.

now it's just a slow uninteresting rifle.

pretty much

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2 minutes ago, Valcaron said:

I just started leveling that weapon last week and thought "Hey this is a pretty great gun so i threw a cat in it".......then I started using it today.....now its going back on the shelf....sigh.

it ain't as bad as before all the changes but it just feels terrible...

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I decided I liked the look and feel of the Quartakk and Stubba (its secondary counterpart, ofc) earlier this week, so I stuck 4 and 5 forma in each respectively and got my hands on Rivens to reroll for hybrid builds on each.

The Stubba wrecked this morning's level 100 Sortie Grineer nicely, but the Quartakk was terrible. In fact, it struggled against level 80-ish Kuva Flood Grineer.

After the changes I took the Quartakk into a Kuva Flood without touching ANYTHING about my build. It's significantly slower now, but it hits like a truck and has become just as powerful as the Stubba now. I was just thinking a couple days ago that the Quartakk would be perfect if it had more damage per shot, and that's what we got. The trade-off of fire rate took a little getting used to, but I used to run around with a Tigris Prime all the time so I'm personally fine with having to line up before pulling the trigger in a rhythmic manner.

Overall I'd call the changes a buff rather than a nerf.

Edit: I used the Simulacrum to recreate the level 100 Heavies and Bombards I took on in today's Sorties, then spent half an hour-ish taking turns mowing them down with my Stubba and Quartakk using body shots only (so that the difference in strength would be magnified.) My conclusion is that the Quartakk is definitely on par with my Stubba after today's update.

Edited by Sennera
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51 minutes ago, Sennera said:

I decided I liked the look and feel of the Quartakk and Stubba (its secondary counterpart, ofc) earlier this week, so I stuck 4 and 5 forma in each respectively and got my hands on Rivens to reroll for hybrid builds on each.

The Stubba wrecked this morning's level 100 Sortie Grineer nicely, but the Quartakk was terrible. In fact, it struggled against level 80-ish Kuva Flood Grineer.

After the changes I took the Quartakk into a Kuva Flood without touching ANYTHING about my build. It's significantly slower now, but it hits like a truck and has become just as powerful as the Stubba now. I was just thinking a couple days ago that the Quartakk would be perfect if it had more damage per shot, and that's what we got. The trade-off of fire rate took a little getting used to, but I used to run around with a Tigris Prime all the time so I'm personally fine with having to line up before pulling the trigger in a rhythmic manner.

Overall I'd call the changes a buff rather than a nerf.

Edit: I used the Simulacrum to recreate the level 100 Heavies and Bombards I took on in today's Sorties. The Quartakk is definitely on par with my Stubba now after its changes.

Was it not on par with the Stubba prior? My Quartakk certainly doesn’t struggle against lvl 100 Grineer. 

Edited by (XB1)Godlike13
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54 minutes ago, Sennera said:

I decided I liked the look and feel of the Quartakk and Stubba (its secondary counterpart, ofc) earlier this week, so I stuck 4 and 5 forma in each respectively and got my hands on Rivens to reroll for hybrid builds on each.

The Stubba wrecked this morning's level 100 Sortie Grineer nicely, but the Quartakk was terrible. In fact, it struggled against level 80-ish Kuva Flood Grineer.

After the changes I took the Quartakk into a Kuva Flood without touching ANYTHING about my build. It's significantly slower now, but it hits like a truck and has become just as powerful as the Stubba now. I was just thinking a couple days ago that the Quartakk would be perfect if it had more damage per shot, and that's what we got. The trade-off of fire rate took a little getting used to, but I used to run around with a Tigris Prime all the time so I'm personally fine with having to line up before pulling the trigger in a rhythmic manner.

Overall I'd call the changes a buff rather than a nerf.

It pretty much is like how it originally was, except now the status chance issue is fixed.

I bought it on release and loved it, then it changed and it was rather meh, having to spam the mouse button to get the same results felt horrible, it had ammo issues that no other semi auto with comparably power has, they had just made it boring and generic which only made the alternatives look better for high level content (status is nice but it doesn't matter if you have ammo issues and need bandaid stuff to make it better). I dropped it and didn't use it again.

Then when the update hit and I saw it had got it's high damage back I rushed to pick it up again and I love it. Kuva Flood? It just 1 shots most things. Yes, before you could shoot twice during the same time window (in theory, in practice it wasn't true unless you used macros), but now that it 1 hit shots until much higher levels, by the time the old Quartakk fired the 2nd round the current Quartakk already killed an enemy and already is adjusting the aim for the next and should have a target for the 2nd shot, but the old Quartakk has a lot less time after the 2nd shot to adjust the aim and most likely won't match the current Quartakk when it fires at the next enemy and will lag behind.

Ammo no long is an issue except in extreme cases, because it kills things in half the shots. The timing for the fire rate is a lot easier to match which maximizes fire rate (if you manually bash your mouse button you are most likely losing a lot of DPS in the process).

The weapon got it's uniqueness back which was it's very strong shot at pretty much any range by trading some fire rate. Want fast? Latron Wraith is a monster that has a much higher fire rate, same for the Prime and Argonak now is only slightly behind them. For now I will love my slow Quartakk (until eventually it gets ruined).

Edited by God_is_a_Cat_Girl
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5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Godlike13 said:

Was it not on par with the Stubba prior?

It wasn't on par with my Stubba this morning when I was in the Sorties, before the update. I went down against a group of Grineer with my Quartakk in hand, then mowed them down from the ground when my Stubba came out automatically. It gave me an awkward feeling about the rifle.

2 minutes ago, God_is_a_Cat_Girl said:


Then when the update hit and I saw it had got it's high damage back I rushed to pick it up again and I love it. Kuva Flood? It just 1 shots most things. Yes, before you could shoot twice during the same time window (in theory, in practice it wasn't true unless you used macros), but now that it 1 hit shots until much higher levels, by the time the old Quartakk fired the 2nd round the current Quartakk already killed an enemy and already is adjusting the aim for the next and should have a target for the 2nd shot, but the old Quartakk has a lot less time after the 2nd shot to adjust the aim and most likely won't match the current Quartakk when it fires at the next enemy and will lag behind.


Actually, funny thing. I was messing around in the Simulacrum a few minutes ago and swapped out Heavy Caliber for Shred, curious if my corrosive/slash procing would be good enough to keep my DPS alright.

Turned out that the gun performed equally well with Shred installed thanks to the status procs as I'd suspected. So, people can either do Heavy Caliber for slow fire and raw damage or Shred for faster fire and rapid/stacking status procs.

Edited by Sennera
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14 minutes ago, Sennera said:

Actually, funny thing. I was messing around in the Simulacrum a few minutes ago and swapped out Heavy Caliber for Shred, curious if my corrosive/slash procing would be good enough to keep my DPS alright.

Turned out that the gun performed equally well with Shred installed thanks to the status procs as I'd suspected. So, people can either do Heavy Caliber for slow fire and raw damage or Shred for faster fire and rapid/stacking status procs.

I never really used HC on mine because back when it was first released it had no punch through so I used (Primed) Shred for that. Then when they gave it PT I kept Shred because what they gave wasn't that much and I like to pierce through cover which without additional PT was rather inconsistent (would use the actual PT mod if it wasn't THAT bad).

Even without HC I still get 1 shots up to Kuva Flood level just fine (with the original Quartakk and current, the faster fired rate version would stop doing so at about sortie 1 level) and if the heavies survive yeah, the status will help putting them out quickly (which was the only issue it had on release, status worked like how shotguns do which made it unreliable, but that was fixed by changing it to burst). I also only used the corrosive build, never really got into Hunter Munitions (which should work quite well now), but without HM it did just fine, if anything I find the statement of HM making weapons viable not that great of an argument, usually weapons that make good use of that mod were viable already.

Edited by God_is_a_Cat_Girl
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Just now, (Xbox One)Godlike13 said:

It’s not back to being another hunters munitions gun I hope. 

I tried that in the Simulacrum but since mod slots are tight on my hybrid build, I had to sacrifice corrosive procing for hunters munitions. I got significantly less DPS out without that armor stripping.

That said, I forgot to try with Argon Scope installed. I made a point to use body shots almost exclusively though, to prolong the life of my targets and get a better feel for which gun (Between Quartakk and Stubba) could kill faster. Both could kill with headshots really easily without a Hunters Munitions/Argon Scope build in the first place so I don't know if such a build would be worth bothering with.

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7 minutes ago, Sennera said:

I tried that in the Simulacrum but since mod slots are tight on my hybrid build, I had to sacrifice corrosive procing for hunters munitions. I got significantly less DPS out without that armor stripping.

That said, I forgot to try with Argon Scope installed. I made a point to use body shots almost exclusively though, to prolong the life of my targets and get a better feel for which gun (Between Quartakk and Stubba) could kill faster. Both could kill with headshots really easily without a Hunters Munitions/Argon Scope build in the first place so I don't know if such a build would be worth bothering with.

Before I got a Riven I used Bladed Rounds and it's quite good. Usually Bladed Rounds gives higher DPS than Argon scope which seems to be the same for the Quartakk due to it's 2.3x crit damage, plus since the gun has such high damage it's easy to 1 shot a mob and then quickly dispatch any heavy in sight. I prefer Argon Scope for weapons that have trouble getting the first kill to start bladed rounds, as Argon Scope just needs a hit and not a kill (so I use AS on things like low damage full auto guns).


Hunter Munitions works better with Viral due to how it cuts the HP in half temporarily, so Slash is more prone to reach half way faster than the full way.

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3 minutes ago, God_is_a_Cat_Girl said:

Before I got a Riven I used Bladed Rounds and it's quite good. Usually Bladed Rounds gives higher DPS than Argon scope which seems to be the same for the Quartakk due to it's 2.3x crit damage, plus since the gun has such high damage it's easy to 1 shot a mob and then quickly dispatch any heavy in sight. I prefer Argon Scope for weapons that have trouble getting the first kill to start bladed rounds, as Argon Scope just needs a hit and not a kill (so I use AS on things like low damage full auto guns).


Hunter Munitions works better with Viral due to how it cuts the HP in half temporarily, so Slash is more prone to reach half way faster than the full way.

Oh, derp, you're right. I know that Bladed Rounds is better than Argon Scope when mod slot estate is tight, it's just 1:30AM for me right now and I'm a little too tired to think straight :P

And yeah, I'd give it a go if I had the mod slots for it.

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5 hours ago, alepap1995 said:


  • Mastery Rank increased from 9 to 10
  • Damage increased from 27 to 49
  • Reload speed decreased from 1.7 secs to 1.9 secs
  • Fire rate decreased


this feels bad to use, please DE make it how it was before, i want my spammy rifle that wrecks face back 

they increased the damage back to the original damage?

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I think it is a good compromise we have now, it used to be a shotgun that tried too hard at being rifle with its status calculation and failed although a shot could hit like a truck, then it's got changed into something that feels like just another fast-firing Latron Wraith/Sybaris stat semi auto.

Now it gained its old slow and powerful feel back, almost like a Tigris rifle that I don't have to worry about ammo economy anymore.

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