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Why is Banshee dead now?


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Dear OP,

Build her with 160% ish range, max strength, max efficiency, very low duration, then enjoy hydron while eating your teamate's salty tears while pressing 4 repeatedly until your finger hurts. Oh, and don't forget natural talent and those zenurik focus stuff

Thank me later.

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10 hours ago, Aethos-Ragnas said:

I very much beg to differ, good sir/ma'am. The old Resonating Quake was extremely useful for locking down the map, something many people disliked because it was used excessively as "channel for the win." When people were more selective in its use (both timing and duration of a channel) it was amazing CC that could help turn a near-wipe around by stunning and (with enough power mod) killing enemies in proximity to the caster and allies. The augment was good, how it was used, not so much.

Of course the augment was good, otherwise people wouldnt have used it. It however doesnt make it less of a plague. There was simply a far greater chance for it to be used in a disruptive way than a beneficial one. The good Banshees wont be touched by the changes, while the 1-hit-wonders will complain about it. Pretty much any AoE frame can do what Banshee did while also avoiding the worries of being poorly played and a bane instead of boon to your team. Banshee just did what others can do at a far greater range, which simply is of no benefit at all. She wasnt spectacularly better at "oh skritt!" situation near the node since every AoE frame (more or less) has that panic button when needed.

Equinox is a great example, Day has a great AoE with a soft CC, this AoE can be stored for the moments when you need a room wide wipe of mobs. Gara and Oberon are two others. Gara with her wall that effectivly dictates where mobs go to die, it is visible for the whole team, you dont need to search for stray Noxes or Bombards. It can also CC if needed. Oberon gives immunity to statuses while also dealing very respectable damage and irradiates mobs at a more acceptable range. He can also heal or CC if needed to save the team from certain death.

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8 hours ago, _Vortus_ said:

Because some of the player base is ignorant.   Not stupid, just ignorant and unwilling to look deeper at the changes. 

I normally don't say this, but get good. Seriously. There is nothing functionally wrong with Banshee, and players clearly weren't able to resist the temptation to cheese their way through defense/interception. If you still want to use her as a CC bot, you can certainly do that; you just can't kill everything under level 50 at the same time anymore without assistance or actually sitting at your computer.

I almost thought you were trolling before, but this has really gone on long enough.

Unwilling to look deeper? There's absolutely nothing to look deeper at. You want 50 meter range on Soundquake? You have to mod for range again; get used to it. If anything the new mod gives you even more immediate range, so feel free to spam away.

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15 minutes ago, Leuca said:

I normally don't say this, but get good. Seriously. There is nothing functionally wrong with Banshee, and players clearly weren't able to resist the temptation to cheese their way through defense/interception. If you still want to use her as a CC bot, you can certainly do that; you just can't kill everything under level 50 at the same time anymore without assistance or actually sitting at your computer.

I almost thought you were trolling before, but this has really gone on long enough.

Unwilling to look deeper? There's absolutely nothing to look deeper at. You want 50 meter range on Soundquake? You have to mod for range again; get used to it. If anything the new mod gives you even more immediate range, so feel free to spam away.

lol you assume I am one that thinks Banshee was nerfed.    Banshee can actually cheese just has badly, if not worse than before.   It's funny, as now the energy cost is even less lol.   Just like how I view Ember, I see this change as a buff.   Those I am saying are ignorant are the ones failing to see Banshee's current state is BETTER than before.  Takes a couple more key strokes, but its better than it was.   How about looking deeper into someones meaning before doing off the deep end.   But seeing as you maybe didn't realize Banshee's current cheese ability, maybe you should look a little deeper into that as well.   It might be changed again once more understand it.

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12 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

lol you assume I am one that thinks Banshee was nerfed.    Banshee can actually cheese just has badly, if not worse than before.   It's funny, as now the energy cost is even less lol.   Just like how I view Ember, I see this change as a buff.   Those I am saying are ignorant are the ones failing to see Banshee's current state is BETTER than before.  Takes a couple more key strokes, but its better than it was.   How about looking deeper into someones meaning before doing off the deep end.   But seeing as you maybe didn't realize Banshee's current cheese ability, maybe you should look a little deeper into that as well.   It might be changed again once more understand it.

Let me quote myself, because apparently you either didn't understand what I said or missed it entirely.

36 minutes ago, Leuca said:

I normally don't say this, but get good. Seriously. There is nothing functionally wrong with Banshee, and players clearly weren't able to resist the temptation to cheese their way through defense/interception. If you still want to use her as a CC bot, you can certainly do that; you just can't kill everything under level 50 at the same time anymore without assistance or actually sitting at your computer.

I almost thought you were trolling before, but this has really gone on long enough.

Unwilling to look deeper? There's absolutely nothing to look deeper at. You want 50 meter range on Soundquake? You have to mod for range again; get used to it. If anything the new mod gives you even more immediate range, so feel free to spam away.

Now let me quote you on the first page.

14 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:


they absolutely kicked banshee into the ground, and its a frame that I will now not use anymore

it was good at two things, mass aoe dps and mass aoe cc

don't listen to these other people who think that you should only be playing this game the way they want you to play it

for other types of missions I use inaros pure tank, for rushing I used Ember, for stationary missions I used banshee (interception, defense etc)

the fact that certain people can't seem to find enjoyment out of pressing a button and watching everything melt away is their shortcoming, not yours

for now I will put banshee in the freezer together with the long list of other frames that got nerfed into the ground because certain people cried about how it was being used

as always, Ill just move on to the next best thing untill everyone starts cheesing with it, people cry about it and it gets nerfed into the ground and the cycle starts over again.

how I've learned to play warframe is this: abuse everything about this game as long as possible, do not share them with others because when too many people abuse it, it will get nerfed

when you are done with said abusing, find a replacement asap and promote the old abusing so that once it gets nerfed, you will be at an advantage again and can make the people who always cry, cry some more over the new thing you abuse

sell stuff while its hot, and once it reaches the depths of hell, buy as much as you can (i.e. Arcane Fury used to go for 350p each, they went for 25-50p before the last update, but they will be going up to 200-300p soon again)



You are either lying or trolling. Make up your mind so we can end this farce of a discussion.

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1 hour ago, Leuca said:

Now let me quote you on the first page.

You should probably learn to read and edit better.  Adding my name to someone else's post, really?   When the post is still there on the first page from them in the first place?   The post you attributed to me was from Blackvortex on the first page.  


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20 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

meanwhile Resonance Banshee and Savage Silence Banshee builds are still as strong as ever... seriously, the next best thing to P4TW is killing everything in one shot with any weapon or using Finishers on everything, both of which you can still do with her.

now wait until these get nerfed because this is how this stuff works.

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