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Players hard quiting Eidolon hunt, causing host resets, and the worst sent to menus


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I decided to do an Eidolon hunt today, it sucked because I ended up raging and quit playing the game today after coming back from the studio. I decided to give the sortie a miss... because it was Vor, and decided to to do Eidolon hunt. Joined a squad at dusk, provided my bait and resources for squad to fish while we waited for Eidolo, so they could catch some rare-ish fish such as murkrays and such. Eidolon appeared, we fought the Eidolon(well I was the one that broke its segements, in other words I did most of the work) All was needed was it's head to be shot... so One dude quit the squad and said "good luck" in the squad... causing a host reset, and the lures spazzed out where they needed recharging, some cases lures bug out completely after host reset. So i continued to charge up the lures, once the lures where charged and reconnected to the Eidolon , another player just decided to quit, causing a host reset again, it made no sense because the Eidolon was almost done.If they had like one life/self revive left... they could sit and wait at a distance for me to down it/capture it, and pick up the loot... but no they quit causing host reset... which failed... and I ended back to menus on my ship..As if they did it deliberately 

I am raging... seriously why do some players suck and do this on the plains ?


Edited by Cosmic_Elf
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People quit for a lot of reasons some are in over their head others dont want to be with people they dont think are up to par. In a game like this it happens a lot. My suggestion for trying to alleviate it sadly means having to suffer through it and friending people from good groups and trying to group with them when you do eidolons. Eidolons have something most of the game has never had which is a harder gear check and with it only being 4 people when one is lacking you notice it straight away. Plus each person typically has a specific role and if that isnt handled you notice that as well. Some people deal poorly with frustration and take off. Host migrations break PoE something fierce .

I have stuck with some terrible groups and turned them into training sessions if possible but most dont want to lose an entire night since its a time crunch.

Edited by Ecliptix
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10 minutes ago, Cosmic_Elf said:

I decided to do an Eidolon hunt today, it sucked because I ended up raging and quit playing the game today after coming back from the studio. I decided to give the sortie a miss... because it was Vor, and decided to to do Eidolon hunt. Joined a squad at dusk, provided my bait and resources for squad to fish while we waited for Eidolo, so they could catch some rare-ish fish such as murkrays and such. Eidolon appeared, we fought the Eidolon(well I was the one that broke its segements, in other words I did most of the work) All was needed was it's head to be shot... so One dude quit the squad and said "good luck" in the squad... causing a host reset, and the lures spazzed out where they needed recharging, some cases lures bug out completely after host reset. So i continued to charge up the lures, once the lures where charged and reconnected to the Eidolon , another player just decided to quit, causing a host reset again, it made no sense because the Eidolon was almost done.If they had like one life/self revive left... they could sit and wait at a distance for me to down it/capture it, and pick up the loot... but no they quit causing host reset... which failed... and I ended back to menus on my ship..As if they did it deliberately 

I am raging... seriously why do some players suck and do this on the plains ?


Maybe going forward if DE wants to have more open world zones like the Plains they should move away from players being hosts and having those instances on an actual server that we connect to. So if a player leaves it doesn't screw over everyone else. 

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Did you join a team via the bounty? I've found that nobody ever comes prepared to fight a trio (seriously, who brings Inaros, Titania, and/or a kubrow?). Most cases you'll wind up lacking a DPS, trinity, or both.

Never use the bounty and never just enter the plains during the night on public, it's a trap. Just stick to LFG.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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Just now, Husla said:

You don't like Vor, lmao.

You can't give others bait or resources to fish.

Seems like you just joined a random squad in PoE and expected them to be able to do eidolon captures/kills..


So much wrong in one thread.

I've been joining randoms to capture eidolons and haven't had a single issue in capturing one yet so far? Not sure what you point is. But to OP's point yes places like PoE which are an open world and have something like and ediolon to hunt and capture that takes some work shouldn't have to go crazy because the host left for some reason. One thing I despise is the host migration that happens, because it can happen at the worst times and mind you if it happens in the middle of mobs you take all that damage during the loading time so GG. DE just needs to move over to dedicated servers like most mmo's have.  

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6 minutes ago, Husla said:

You don't like Vor, lmao.

You can't give others bait or resources to fish.

Seems like you just joined a random squad in PoE and expected them to be able to do eidolon captures/kills..


So much wrong in one thread.

Not that I dont like him , i have over-killed him , like killed him many times i can no longer count over the years including all the sorties. 

You can, when you throw the bait/dye in the water other players can see it.and use it.

Well i dont care if they are skilled or unskilled. They can can try, when things get to much, they can hide and collect the loot when I am done... it is that simple.

Edited by Cosmic_Elf
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PoE matchmaking the same as finding random people to do raids with you, except that raiders didn't have the luxury of dedicated matchmaking - they had to find people for themselves.

PoE matchmaking is obviously very poorly thought out (as evidenced by these complaints) and might eventually meet the same fate as trials. Oh just kidding about the latter. DE will probably keep even though Eidolons don't have the same connection to players that raids did that kept raiders going everyday. Eidolons are a repetitive grind (because you can do them as many times as you can muster) whereas raids only reward players once daily.

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A possible solution for this is for the game to take note of how many eidolon hunts (or even just missions in general) you bail on before they're finished (while you're host) and prefer a host with fewer bails.

And for forgiveness, just decay your bails by half each major patch.

Edited by SuddenMist
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A few things in the starchart break when a host migration occurs...

Most things on PoE break when a host migration occurs.

I never do PoE on public unless it was an accident and I forgot to switch my matchmaking after running a fissure mission.  

I'd rather do JV (if such a thing existed) on public than PoE. Less bugs.


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